President Biden’s decision to ban Russian oil imports in response to Putin's invasion of Ukraine makes sense ONLY IF the administration agrees to re-open American oil drilling at the same time (which seems highly unlikely). Otherwise, Glenn explains, this decision could hasten our nation’s decline. Americans already are on the edge with sky-high gas prices that now are likely to get worse. AND those prices will affect FAR MORE than travel. But, Glenn theorizes, Biden and his cronies truly don’t care: ‘They DESPISE the United States of America.’
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN:Okay. So we just have a -- a slide here, in front of one of our monitors, that says, we'll begin shortly.
STU: Oh. The drama of a Joe Biden speech.
GLENN: Yeah. It will be good.
STU: Will he be awake for it. Will he see a squirrel that no one else sees run by and distract him? Will he get through a sentence?
GLENN: Will he call Ukrainians, Iranians? We don't know. But he will announce something very, very big and important. Very big.
STU: Very big. This is something that has been demanded by both the left and the right, I would say. This idea of --
GLENN: And I'm -- I'm for it. At the same time, I'm against it. I'm for it, if we do one thing first. And that's open up our own old fields.
Supply our own oil. The energy independence, which we could do overnight.
STU: Right.
And I -- like having a two-parter here, is not a crazy thing to ask for.
STU: Like if you were to say, you know what, I'll get rid of all the junk food in the house.
I don't want anymore. I'll get rid of all the food in the house.
Then you don't replace it with food. Not exactly a good change. Not a healthy choice.
GLENN: Not a good idea.
STU: Right. So what you want to do is maybe replace it with healthier food. And that would be a good improvement.
Just throwing all the food out in your house, not a good idea. That seems to be the path we're on.
GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. And what are Republicans going to do, when the price of a tank of a gas, is what a price of a tank of gas is going to cost here in the next few days. And probably for a very long time.
What are they going to say, when they were the ones pushing for this -- this oil shutoff, with Russia? Without articulating part two.
Actually, it should be part one.
STU: Well --
GLENN: He should say today, this is what the president should come out and say. Look, we all know, we're watching the video from Ukraine. And it's really bad. It's really bad.
And so we're sitting here, between a rock and a hard place.
Especially me. And I think people would actually respect him for this. Especially me. Because as you know, I believe global warming is an existential threat, to the safety of everyone, and the entire world.
And I have taken massive steps, to shut down, the fossil fuel industry.
And we cannot go back on that.
However, this is a short-term problem.
But this short-term problem, is going to cost the American people, too high of a price. So I'm sitting here. And I look at three options.
Do nothing. Continue to fund the war, with Russia. While they're slaughtering people in Ukraine.
That's not acceptable to me.
Cut us off of Russian oil. And make the price of gas, groceries, everything, go sky-high.
That's not acceptable to me. I have to find a way to balance both. And the only way to do it is to reverse all the things that I have done, take the regulations off the oil industry, temporarily.
Understand this is a temporary movement. Because I believe that global warming is going to be the death of all of us.
So I'm removing those restrictions, today.
I am removing anything that hinders the oil industry, from getting oil and gas to the American people.
And, quite honestly, to Europe.
Because if I can promise them gas, they will shut off the gas and oil from Russia. And then we win.
So temporarily, that's what I'm going to do. I would be for that. I would say, there's presidential action. There's presidential action.
STU: Yeah. To give you an illustration of how this is done. Elon Musk yesterday, now, I hate to say it. But we need to increase oil and gas output immediately. Extraordinary times demand extraordinary measures.
Obviously this would negatively affect Tesla. But sustainable energy solutions simply cannot react instantaneously to make up for Russian oil and gas exports.
Now, here is a guy, who is, again, building spaceships shutdowns an electric car company. He really cares about global warming. But he's also being honest and realistic. And not -- and not -- and not wanting to punish the American people, because of his long-term ideology and beliefs.
And that's the opposite of what Joe Biden seems to want to do.
GLENN: See, the global warming thing is a lie. To think that Joe Biden and his people are making this decision based on global warming, is a lie. It's a lie.
Because if you did -- if you did, you wouldn't be buying the dirty oil, from Russia. You wouldn't be buying it from Iran.
It is clearly much better to have it pulled from here, than it is to have it pulled over there.
STU: It's true.
GLENN: It's much better for the environment.
STU: I think what their argument to that would be, if we lock it in here, then we are going to be taking steps in the wrong direction.
Where if we take a temporary purchase from Iran, or Venezuela. It's just a Band-Aid on this issue. We don't want -- they don't want to solve the issue.
GLENN: Right. Correct.
STU: They want to make it difficult for you to buy gas.
GLENN: Correct.
STU: In the long-term.
GLENN: But they also -- if you truly represented people. And you saw -- look, we see the suffering of the Ukrainian people. Do you know, Americans are on the edge right now.
They're on the edge.
Average Americans can't afford this kind of gasoline. So they're having to make tough choices. What do they do?
Well, if you see the suffering in Ukraine, you also have 350 million people, here in America.
You could cause all kinds of problems, including food shortages next year. Because we can't get natural gas to make fertilizer. Where are all the electric trackers?
Do we have a bunch of electric trackers? Anybody doing that?
STU: Not yet.
GLENN: Yeah. So we'll have food shortages. And we know we're having food shortages already. We know that today, that they're coming.
Why would you make it worse?
You don't care about people. If you really, truly believe that you can't do this. You have to -- you have to punish America. And reward Russia, or Iran, or Saudi Arabia, or Venezuela. You're, A, an idiot.
B, you don't care about people. I don't care what you say.
You don't care about people. And you certainly don't care about the United States of America.
And that's what I think is really driving this policy.
They don't care -- no. It's beyond that.
They despise the United States of America.
And this will only hasten our end.
Gas went up 10 cents last night.
STU: Highest rise in a week, in history.
GLENN: Right. We find out today, that we're cutting off, how much oil, from Russia?
STU: 5 percent of the global -- 5 percent of the global supply. 7 percent of the global supply.
Again, that doesn't seem like a ton. When you need to replace it. It can make things very difficult.
GLENN: Well, you know what it is like. Your inflation is 10 percent right now. They say 7.5.
That's your inflation rate. I don't know. How are things going for you? Do you notice that 10 percent missing?
STU: So you know you're not going to get the oil out of the ground, from the Democrats. You know they're not going to do that. So do you take this step anyway?
Do you do -- do you cut off Russian oil, because punishing Russia is something that should be done? Based on what they are doing --
GLENN: No. At the expense of the United States of America, no. No.
I don't. Look, here's the thing. I really feel for the Ukrainian people. But this might be the -- this might be the death of us. This really, truly might be the death of us.
It's coming. And it's coming quicker and quicker. I think it will come before the election. I could be wrong. And if it doesn't happen before the election, I can guarantee you today, the Democrats are going to scream fraud.
That it's a stolen election, if Republicans win.
They will do everything times ten, that they accused Donald Trump of doing.
And there will be riots in the streets.
They will riot in the streets.
And nothing will happen to them.
And that's just going to push us over the brink, even more.
I just -- I'm sorry. You cannot print money like we have printed. And then cut off the oil supply.
Look, oil is -- is everything.
We literally don't get the vegetables to the table, without oil. In like 100 different ways. So saying that we're going to -- we're going to just cut back. And we're all going to have wear a sweater.
This is beyond wearing a sweater. This have this is way beyond wearing a sweater, like Jimmy Carter said in the 1970s.
This is the crippling of the economy.
You cannot make things, if you don't have oil.
Gee, and who does that benefit?
Let's see, if you can't make things. Then and people can't drive around. Then the demand is less.
Then they won't be have things to buy. We'll have plenty of money. But nothing our money can buy.
STU: Do you think -- we know they're not going to do what we want them to do. They're not going to open up -- show the power of the United States.
We're going to we're going to much of our own resources.
Is there any chance, you think Biden comes out and says, and throws a bone at that argument. And says, you know what. We did shut down drilling in this area and area. We'll open it up for the time being.
GLENN: No. No.
STU: No chance?
GLENN: He will say, he will open up the strategic oil reserves.
STU: Which is a terrible idea. Legitimately terrible.
GLENN: You're on the eve of possible World War III. That's not what I'm saying. That's what pundits are saying.
STU: It's obviously true. Right?
GLENN: Yes. Yes.
STU: They are one country away from a NATO --
GLENN: Correct.
STU: Attack.
GLENN: Anything could happen.
STU: Anything could happen.
It doesn't mean it's likely.
GLENN: It's correct.
STU: Very much more possible, now, than a month ago.
GLENN: So that's really exciting to know.
STU: You don't get rid of your oil.
GLENN: You don't. The strategic oil reserve, is for a situation, just like this.
That if you have to go to war, and you don't have the oil. And it's going to cripple everything at home.
Imagine trying to fill the tanks of the fleet. Okay?
Aircraft. Tanks. Everything else.
Independently, having to fill those tanks, for a war.
And, the price of gasoline, here in America.
Gee, how long would we last? How long would we be making new airplanes?
New tanks, new ships.
This is -- this is the road to destruction.
But we'll see what he has to say. He's now, what? Forty-five minutes late. For his --
STU: He's never on time for these things. Why do they even announce them? Why not let him stumble down on his PJs wherever he gets ready?