Glenn shared exciting news today for fans of Michael Vey, the best-selling book series by author Richard Paul Evans. Evans joined Glenn's show with an important announcement: the eighth installment of Michael Veyis coming soon!
This announcement might come as a surprise for long-time fans of the series as book seven appeared to be the series finale. And according to the author, that was the original plan.
"The thing is, the Michael Vey series never stopped selling. It kept growing in other countries," Evans said. "And every day, I would get scores of letters from kids saying, please, bring it back. Bring it back."
Evans also wanted Glenn's audience to be among the first to see the new book's cover, which had been mysteriously hidden until today.
The newly revealed cover of Michael Vey 8: The Parasite, by Richard Paul Evans
So Michael Vey and the Electroclan are back by popular demand—ready to face a new and even more terrible threat than the Elgen.
"It's like the hydra. You cut off the head, and three other heads pop up," Evans said.
Michael Vey 8: The Parasite is slated to be released on September 27th. You can pre-order now on Amazon.
Listen to the interview starting at 01:25:22 or read the transcript below.
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Richard Paul Evans, my friend, how are you, sir?
RICHARD: I'm doing great. Good morning.
GLENN: So Richard, in case you don't know, is a dear friend of mine, who has sold, I don't know how many millions of books. Do you even know?
RICHARD: It's over 35 million. Kind of stopped counting.
GLENN: Yeah. 35 million books in print and sold. He came up with a series. The Michael Vey series.
Simon & Schuster turned him down years ago. Or it didn't turn him down.
Actually said, we need you to change things in the book. A, it's too smart for kids.
And wanted him to dumb it down. And he sent me a copy. And I said, don't ever dumb this down. This is a brilliant series. I just love it. And so what did we do? Did we do seven books?
RICHARD: We did seven books. And it went global. It's a number one New York Times best-seller. And there are groups around the world that call themselves Babiacs now.
GLENN: It's crazy. And it's a really -- tell the -- tell the story, quickly.
RICHARD: Well, it's got Michael Vey. He's a young man with Tourette's syndrome, who has electrical powers.
He soon learns there's 17 kids. The electricity is a little bit of a science. It won a science award. The way the electricity worsening in the body. They are all superheroes, who are fighting a demon, a villain named Dr. Hatch.
GLENN: Right. And so the whole series was about trying to get to the root of this evil. The series ended in -- in episode seven. Or so we thought.
Do you want to talk to us about book eight?
RICHARD: Yeah. Exciting news. The thing is, the Michael Vey series never stopped selling. It kept growing in other countries. And every day, I would get scores of letters from kids saying, please, bring it back. Bring it back.
Or prepare it, saying you got my kid to read. My child didn't read until Michael Vey. And, you know, after covid, it's like, I miss seeing all these kids. We had 4,000 kids, who came to my last book signing. So it's like, okay.
GLENN: It's crazy.
RICHARD: Yeah. So it's -- I'm happy to announce. And we're revealing the cover here today on Glenn Beck. That Michael Vey eight. The parasite comes out this September 27th. And, Glenn, your listeners may want to preorder because of the paper shortages in America. You -- you saw that with your number one best-seller. Oh, my gosh. You were running out.
GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. We ran out. I have a feeling, it will happen with this book as well.
So preorder now. Where do you preorder? Just go to Amazon, or where?
RICHARD: Yeah. I think we have a link on your sites, Glenn. Go to
It's right there. Saw a discount. Anyway, it's going to reveal a cover today. It's kind of exciting.
GLENN: So -- and that is -- are we showing it now? Can we put it up on TheBlaze TV? And I'm going to go to Because I think the cover -- at least I think the cover is supposed to be at, I think.
And is it? Is it? No. I don't see it. But it should be there. I'll let you know where it is here, in just a second. But the story is, what? Quickly. What's the eighth book?
RICHARD: Well, people have been asking, how can -- and, spoiler alert. In the end of seven, they take down the LJet (phonetic), where do you go from there? It's like the hydra. You cut off the head, and three other heads pop up.
GLENN: Yeah.
RICHARD: I think you'll love it, Glenn. Because it's fascinating, how they see America falling. And that's their place to take over.
GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. I will tell you, you know, I think the book is really inspired, in a lot of ways. A lot of good ways. Teaches a lot of great lessons, without feeling that it's teaching you a bunch of lessons.
I can't tell you how many parents, and I'm one of them, that say, thank you. Finally. Something that is clean and food and exciting.
I mean, my son went from, gosh, how old was he, when we first started reading these? Eight? To -- yeah, to 16. We read these books. Every summer. And he loved them. Loved them. And when I told him, that the eighth is coming out, he said, wait a minute.
They beat the -- I said. Yeah. I know. Richard has another idea.
And so we're going to read it together, when this is out. When does it come out?
RICHARD: It comes out September 27th.
GLENN: Okay. When do I get it?
RICHARD: You can make -- yeah. You get it whenever you want.
GLENN: All right. I want it. I want it. I want it. I'm up at the ranch together, we'll read it together. Richard Paul Evans. Thank you so much.
It's called the parasite. Michael Vey returns. And you can preorder now.
Richard. Did you have something else to say? Because I heard you --
RICHARD: Yeah. I just want to say, thank you so much. Glenn Beck believed in Michael Vey before the rest of the world. Now there's millions of followers. But Glenn is the first one to believe that. And I really appreciate that.
GLENN: Thank you very much. I appreciate it, Richard. Thank you.
The great thing is, I didn't know this when I first met Richard Paul Evans. He has Tourette's. His son has Tourette's.
I think his son -- yeah. I think his son has -- so he knows. And he's showing how these things can be turned, and made into strengths. It's a really, really good book. Especially in a world where you are -- where you're seeing, you know, people use every excuse, you know, to wine and say, they can't do it. I'm being held back. There's no excuse for that. You have to do it.
RICHARD: I can't explain it. But at every signing I have, scores of youth with autisms. Youth with anxiety disorder.
One girl told me, she got out of bed, and went to school for the first time in four months, because if Michael Vey can do it, she can do it.
GLENN: Oh, that's great. Thank you, Richard Paul Evans. Appreciate it. Thanks.