‘I think we’re reliving the Cuban Missile Crisis,’ Glenn says, and hopefully — like last time — Russia will back down. But the situation in Ukraine continues to escalate, especially now with U.S. troops just miles away. In this clip, Glenn gives several updates on the Ukraine war, on Putin, and on America’s involvement in it all. Glenn makes the case that Biden and Putin may be playing a game of CHICKEN, putting our nation in a ‘very dangerous situation.’
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Let me just give you an update on something I am very concerned about. And I'm not concerned, as if -- I'm not saying this is coming. I'm not wishing this is coming.
I just think there are some things on the table, that we should be aware of. Yesterday, I told you about the 101st airborne, going into the border of Ukraine. They're in Romania. Some dominoes fell because of that, yesterday, that you should be aware of.
I think -- I hope that this is all that it is.
We are playing a giant game of chicken, with a guy who may be on his deathbed soon. Vladimir Putin.
I think, I hope, that's what it is. I think we are reliving right now, the Cuban Missile Crisis. Where Russia, backed down in the end.
This, I think -- I think is what the White House is trying to do. But I don't know.
But we should at least be having a conversation about it. So let me just tell you what has happened here in the last few days. USA, Japan, Australia, the UK, and now China have all recommended that their citizens leave Ukraine.
So with -- with the war so far, Chinese citizens could stay and work there. But as of yesterday, China is calling all citizens home. The U.S. and Canada have -- and the UK have also recommended all citizens flee Russia, immediately.
Russia seems to have declared also, a full evacuation, of one of the four breakaway regions. It just claimed we're now part of Russia. Now, two weeks later, they're telling both citizens and their military to fully evacuate that region.
Biden, we told you over the weekend, deployed the 101st Airborne Division of the U.S. Army to Romania. Right on the Ukrainian border. That's another ten-plus combat personnel on top of the 120,000 U.S. military personnel already stationed in Europe.
As we discussed on yesterday's show, that division hasn't been deployed to Europe, since World War II. It is also worth noting this. You can find it on Wikipedia. But I have something better than Wikipedia in a second. The 101st Airborne Division aerosol screaming eagles is a light infantry division of the United States Army, that specializes in air assault operations.
It can plan, coordinate, and execute multiple battalion-sized aerosol operations to seize terrain. These operations can be conducted by mobile teams, covering large distances, fighting well behind enemy lines. And working in austere environments, with limited or degraded infrastructure. So it is worth noting, and reporting, nowhere in the U.S. Nowhere, but just yesterday. The Romanian defense minister. Who has a been a vocal opponent, of having non-defensive NATO forces, deployed in his country.
Non-defensive NATO forces deployed in his country suddenly resigned. He said, that it was a disagreement with the Romanian president. Could it be that these are non-defensive troops?
It's not a defensive. It is an offensive. It's not there to defend every inch of NATO's soil. It's there as possibly an invasion of Ukraine or Russia and to drop behind enemy lines.
Now, Brigadier General John Loobis (phonetic), the division's deputy commander just said, this is not a training deployment, but rather a combat deployment. And that his troops needed to be ready to fight tonight, tomorrow, depending on how the situation escalates, across the border. His troops are now three miles from the Ukrainian border in Romania.
What is all of this caused by? Apparently, both sides now, we and the Russians are accusing each other and Ukraine for a couple of things. A dirty bomb. False flag. And the possibility of flowing up the Ukrainian equivalent of the Hoover Dam. It's the largest hydroelectric dam in all of Europe.
As many as a hundred thousand people live along the river, downstream. We don't know who started this rumor. But both sides now are going, they're going to do it. No, you're going to do it. No, you're going to do it. Also, in something that has made me question my very existence on the planet. There's a sudden about-face of 50 congressional Democrats that just sent a letter to the White House, demanding Biden should seek peace with Russia. They say, the reporting is, even if a free state of Ukraine has to be sacrificed as a concept, to get a peace deal done, specifically citing the dangerous signs, we are escalating now towards nuclear war with Russia.
I say -- I question my very existence, because I've read the letter. And for the very first time in my life, something coming from progressives, seems reasonable.
Maybe I'm missing something there. But what they're saying is, we support the Ukrainian people. We support Ukraine having its own right to exist. And its own property.
But everything, everything has to be done, to negotiate and try to find peace. Remember, it was just last week, that the US Department of Health and Human Services. Not the Department of Defense.
But the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, acquired hundreds of millions of dollars, of acute radiation poisoning medication. That only has a two-year shelf life.
It's not in Europe with our troops. It's here in the US. We've never done anything like that before. Oh, and the New York Post. Reported yesterday, that Putin has been seen, with what appears to be IV track marks on the back of his hand.
Reigniting the rumors, that he's getting cancer treatment. So what does all this mean?
Nothing. Other than, we are moving giant chess pieces on the beard.
We are, I think, playing a game of chicken. At a time when the world has never been closer to the edge of, really, global destruction.
We haven't seen this kind of escalation and talk of nuclear war, since probably 1983.
We've got a guy in Russia, that we all know is crazy, and will do whatever the hell he wants. Who is possibly dying.
Wants to leave a legacy behind.
The other guy, on the other side of the table, I don't even know if he has all of his marbles. I don't know what this guy is thinking. We're in a dangerous situation.
Oh, and, by the way, no constitutionally required declaration of war yet. Don't listen to people who tell you, you're pro-Ukraine or anti-Ukraine. Pro-Russia or anti-Russia.
I don't really care. I'm pro-America. I'm pro-life. I'm pro-the western world.
I just like to have a discussion on all these things that are happening in our world, that are affecting each of us, deeply.
The idea that we could be in a war, that -- that Biden could just say, tonight, you know what, go across the border. Now, I would assume we would need Russia to do something, to do that.
But, I mean, that's what would make sense. But does anything make sense? Especially when Glenn Beck just said the progressive letter, I agree with. I mean, nothing makes sense in today's world. But traditionally speaking, Russia would need to do something.
But are you comfortable with us being there, ready just to throw in the 101st airborne and begin to engage?
Because I'm not. The ramifications of this, are incredible.