A clip from 2016 has resurfaced and it's shocking. In it, Sen. Lindsey Graham tells Ukrainian soldiers that "2017 will be the year of offense" against Russia. So, was this a lie, or was the plan to start a war thwarted? Glenn questions how odd it is that before Trump took office, American war mongers were talking about a Ukrainian/Russian war and then right after Trump left, the war began. Have American politicians been planning for this war for 7 years? Did Trump's presidency delay it?
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: So people are moving because of people like me.
I think from Washington State. They're fleeing the Pacific northwest.
To California. And then Oregon. And Washington.
And they're going to -- they're going to Idaho.
Now, normally, I don't I don't like it when people move to California.S is
To my state. And I know, you know, people in Idaho are like, no. Californians, please.
However, the state is already one of the most conservative states in the union.
58 percent are G.O.P.
But the people that are moving in, they're moving because of politics.
And they're registering at 65 percent G.O.P.
So they're more conservative than the people of Idaho.
And I say bring it on.
STU: It's already a conservative state.
GLENN: Yeah. Yeah.
STU: Now, there will be no -- every Republican will lose 80 to 20 in Washington and California instead of 16-40. But who cares.
GLENN: Yeah. Sixty-five percent of the people who are moving in, are registered Republicans. 12 percent are Democrats.
PAT: Wow.
GLENN: That's remarkable.
PAT: Wow.
STU: We are sifting ourselves a little bit into --
PAT: Yeah, we are.
PAT: I'm okay with it now. Whatever.
STU: Okay.
GLENN: I feel like -- I feel like that's what I want to do. But it's really bad.
STU: Is it though?
GLENN: Well, it's not bad for us, per se. It's bad for the country.
STU: Is it though? The first one get on the air.
Because I don't know.
I mean, I feel like, you know, look, it's okay to self-select at some level with people who generally see the world.
I mean, I don't need someone who will agree with me on the exact tax cut policy that I want. I would like someone who thinks men are men, and women are women.
It's hard to talk to people who can't address basic reality.
GLENN: People are blaming conservatives for self-sorting.
Theory saying, this is horrible. Well, you know what, this is where I'm torn.
No. It's really pretty horrible. When you are living in a state, that forces your children to learn, that there is no right or wrong.
Male or female.
And white people are bad. I mean, I wouldn't want to live in a state where they're teaching black people are bad. Or Asian people are bad. No race. What do you say about that?
You feel like you have no choice, but to move.
And I think it's bad for the country, long-term.
But I tell you, I'm -- you know, in Texas, I'm here for a reason. I didn't want to live in New York anymore.
STU: Yeah. And like, I don't know. Was that a good choice or bad choice?
Do you like getting pelted by eggs on the way to work every day?
GLENN: No. I don't. No, I really don't. G.O.P. does not solve all the problems.
I want to play something that a friend of mine found. Because he's Bulgarian. And so he watches news from former Iron Curtain countries.
He found something on their news in Ukraine. And it comes from 2016.
It's Lindsey Graham, and John McCain.
Talking to Ukrainian soldiers, that next year, is the year for offense. Offense.
With Russia. Listen to this clip.
VOICE: Your fight is our fight.
VOICE: 2017 will be the year of offense.
All of us will go back to Washington, and we will push the case against Russia.
Enough of our Russian aggression. It is time for them to pay a heavier price.
GLENN: 2016.
STU: Hmm.
VOICE: Our fight is not with the Russian people. But with Putin.
Our promise to you, is to take your calls to Washington.
Inform the American people of your bravery. And make the case against Putin to the world.
STU: Wow. Talk about a warmonger. That guy has never met a war, he wasn't in love with.
GLENN: But hang on just a second.
Isn't it fascinating, that you are standing there in 2016, right after the election.
PAT: Uh-huh.
GLENN: And you're speaking as though the war is going to begin the next year.
PAT: Uh-huh. And it's already -- the decision Sharia law already made.
GLENN: Already made. We will go to war with Russia.
STU: It will make the case. His decisions are certainly made. Not the nation's.
GLENN: Sure. But isn't it weird, after Donald Trump. We didn't really hear anything about Ukraine. We heard Russia, Russia, Russia. But we didn't hear anything about Ukraine.
Then as soon as Donald Trump is out. The first thing that happens is Ukraine.
STU: Yeah. But caused by a Russian invasion, yes.
Russian invasion.
GLENN: Was that Russian invasion not only wouldn't have happened with Donald Trump, because of who Donald Trump was.
STU: I think that's true.
GLENN: But is it also because the Russians knew exactly what the warmongers were going to do, under the Biden administration.
STU: Maybe.
Who knows. It's possible.
I will say, this is 2016.
This is after Crimea.
This had heated up quite a bit, already.
There's some reason for them to be talking about it.
PAT: It's two years later.
It's two years after Crimea. So...
GLENN: And why is 2017. I'm convinced it's because they thought Hillary Clinton was going to get a win.
STU: Win. Yeah.
GLENN: Then when she didn't, the train has already left the station. And we're just going to do it anyway.
And had no idea that perhaps -- I would love to play this clip for Donald Trump.
And get his point of view.
Was there a movement, to go in to Ukraine, by the left and the right, when you first got in?
Because somebody in his administration would know if that was -- if that was trying to be wielded against.
But, you know, that was -- remember one of the problems that they had was they said, that Donald Trump was too pro-Russian. And I mean before -- there was a computer sending signals to his bank.
No. There's not. That was a complete fabrication. However, he was sending the message, we're not going to be hostile.
We're not hostile. We just want to be friends with everybody.
PAT: Well, and that was our -- that was our position, that we were not going to allow Ukraine into NATO.
And that position went away.
They just went back on that, completely.
So I thought it was kind of reasonable, for Russia not to want Ukraine, to be part of NATO.
STU: And angry when we failed a promise.
There was a promise to them. That was part of the agreement back in the day.
PAT: It was.
STU: So, I mean, look, there's been lots of problems on both sides for a very long time.
It does seem like there was an agenda in place, people wanted to execute. And Trump certainly got in the way of that.
I mean, that clip there is a great example of it. They 100 percent at that moment believed Hillary Clinton was going to be the next president of the United States.
GLENN: No. That was December.
It was after the election. It was December.
STU: It was December.
So, yeah. So that's interesting. They already knew.
GLENN: Right. But I think they thought that the train was already -- had already left the station.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: Deep State. Everything was happening.
You know, the State Department. And they just didn't think that I think, that they thought, it couldn't be stopped.
STU: At that time, you remember the early versions of the Trump administration.
Would be maybe more -- have more -- have more affinity for that type of thing. Right?
They had a lot of generals in control.
Remember, that was the early version of the Trump administration, had maybe more -- more likelihood, to take that seriously.
GLENN: And it also --
STU: But it didn't work. Obviously, Trump did not go along with McCain.
GLENN: Right. But the Deep State started pushing Russia, Russia, Russia. That Russia interfered.
Putin was behind it.
That the presidential election had been hijacked by Russia.
I mean, they immediately went and made Russia, the bad guy.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: Even though, I'm not saying, they are the bad guy. They are the bad guy.
But they immediately made -- they pinned all stuff that wasn't true, on Russia.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: I mean, they've had it out for Russia.
And it's amazing to me. How, does it seem that anybody is actually representing you?
PAT: Not really.
GLENN: Yeah.
PAT: Not really.
GLENN: Right?
And so people buy into conspiracy theories.
Because you have to try to explain it.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: Why is no one else standing up for America?
And how much have things changed since that presidential debate between Obama and Romney.
Where Obama told Romney, that the 1980s called and they wanted their Russian policy back.
That you shouldn't be considering Russia even an enemy at that point. It was al-Qaeda, that was the enemy. Not Russia.
Well, that's interesting, how much that has changed over the last few years.
GLENN: Well, I think the Russia thing, came from the Clinton and Biden camp.
I really -- I mean, think they've been making money with Russia and Ukraine on the side. Dirty money for a long time.
And I think this was part of their plan. The whole time, quite honestly.
But I could be wrong.