Last weekend, Ulta Beauty hosted a transgender TikTok star on an episode of the company’s podcast. That TikTok star, Dylan Mulvaney, also recently expressed excitement about carrying around tampons. Meanwhile, President Biden STILL can’t properly read a teleprompter, a disgraced FBI agent just said that ‘9/11 is nothing compared to January 6th,’ AND scientists have developed a new COVID strain that’s FAR more fatal than the 2020 pandemic. So, Glenn wants to know: What is GOING ON?! When did society become THIS insane? It’s time to STOP ACCEPTING all the lies.
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: So I would like to ask you when did this become normal? When did we all go insane? When are we going to stand up and go no, this isn't threw? Ulta is an American makeup company >> STU: 42 percent of my salary goes to it.
GLENN: Ulta highlighted a podcast with two grown min makeup and wigs chatting about what it's like to be a girl. Here it is. Here it, here it is. >> Now I know I can find love, I know I can still be a performer, I know that can have a family.
GLENN: The dude has a beard. >> When I was greeting boy Dylan I didn't know those things were accessible to me.
GLENN: Okay. Two men in drag, this is the marketing material for a cosmetic company 90 percent of their customers are women. It's not going well for the makeup company. And maybe, maybe women are going to start standing up against this madness. Maybe somebody is going to go they're two dudes. They're not women. He goes on to talk about how I can have; I'm excited because I get I am going to be palm. No, you're not. No, you're not. This is biological. It's not a feeling. You can't be a mother and it's not cool to pretend it's okay anymore. Show your friends. This video. When did you decide this was okay? How dare you being a hater. I don't hate them. I don't hate them. This is just a lie. It's a lie. How about this video, 75 days of girlhood. This one is great. Watch this one. 75 days of Girlhood, it is, uh, I don't know, I don't know, you just played it for me.
STU: Basically what we were about to hear was two guys saying they were girls.
GLENN: No, no, this one is different. This is one guy.
STU: Okay.
GLENN: Saying cut 14. Here he is.
STU: Okay.
Day 75 of being a girl and I've been carrying around tampon and pads for the past two months but I've never actually opened one up. I thought the letter stood for small, medium and large based on the size of your Barbie pouch, but after Google I found out it's the level of your flow.
GLENN: He's carrying these around, he's carrying these around because he's excited about his period. Do you know single woman that gets excited about her period? Not one. I've never met one. You're a dude. Because no woman reacts that way, period. When did we say this was okay? The North Carolina Museum of Art is hosting a drag queen story hour for children as young as two. The museum promises to promote the gender fluidity of childhood and unleash a maelstrom of passion. It's called Artful Storytime. It's a family friendly show for all ages. Done in conjunction with the North Carolina muse Museum of Art and the house of I'm going to spell it COXX. Sure sounds family friendly to me. Why; why are we, why are we asking questions about transgender community? Seriously. Why are we saying how dare the story time no. This is the North Carolina Museum of Art. They're the ones doing it. They are the ones corrupting your children. No child needs to go to a drag show. None. When did we accept that? When did we begin to say let's tolerate. I cannot believe that the polls are as close as they are. By the way, there's been like a 30 point swing democrats in the polls I saw one from the from I think the New York times with women, I think it was, with women it's gone from 16 percent advantage to 18 percent advantage for the Republicans. Even with that kind of swing, I cannot believe it's this close. What is wrong with America? How about this one, a trans-Australian I'm going to read it as printed. A trans-Australian woman has been convicted for filming herself masturbating her penis next to a young child. I don't know if you know this, women don't have penises. That's not a woman. When will someone stop the madness? Here's the story: A dude who wants to be considered a woman but hasn't mutilated himself yet in Australia, was just performing an unseen at next to a young child and sitting next to him were dozens of child sex abuse content. The judge called the content deprived because the victims included toddlers and babies. Who are you to judge? Maybe those toddlers are gender fluid. After all, they went to a Trans show at two. These teachers, the teachers who are teaching and spoon-feeding this crap, they are dangerous to our children. We are not just dealing with people we disagree with now, we have people who are teaching dangerous doctrine. Let me ask you this, when did we say could you please play well, play cut 10. Try this one. No, cut 10, please. I'm sorry, it got sorry, we switched this. Please play cut 8 on Pat's. >> Violent crime is surge
GLENN: We've changed all our slot sheets today this morning our sound is a little screwed up. Try cut 1, please. If you get any questionable calls please tell us by going to report fraud, Report Fraud,
GLENN: Okay. When, when, when in what world is it reasonable for a president of the United States not to understand a web address 30 years ago I was saying dot com, that's dot, that's a period, not DOT. Thirty years ago.
STU: When I heard it I thought it was department of transportation, some government website. He was reading DOT?
GLENN: He was reading dot com.
STU: No.
GLENN: Yes. When are a technologically advanced society that is dealing with Trans humanism on the future we're there and this guy doesn't even know how to read a web address. Did you see the latest video where he was wandering around? They asked him a question and he's just standing there completely lost? How about Fetterman yesterday. Fetterman cannot speak. He cannot speak. Do you expect this man to be able to do the business of the world's most powerful country and it is in trouble. When did that become okay? How about this one? Is this true? Is this true? And if not, why are people just accepting it? Former FBI agent Peter struck, you remember him? He's the central figure in propagating the TrumpRussian collusion probe. He was the one that was having an affair with another FBI agent as they plotted the president's demise. He's fine. He's on legacy media still. He's somebody we should really listen to. He said that September 11 is nothing compared to January 6. If you look at the scale of terms of threat to democracy 9/11 was a tragedy, we still mourn them to this day. When you look at something that's an attack on democracy that can actually bring about fundamental change to American governance, 9/11 is nothing compared to January Let me just remind you what 9/11 sounded like. >> Oh, my god. >> People are jumping out the windows. They're jumping out the windows. >> Get down. >> What's happening? >> Let's go, let's go. I've never seen anything like this.
GLENN: Can we please put this into perspective for just a second? Can we please stop the lies. You know what? You know what you have to do? What do we do, it's out of control. Just stop accepting the lies. That's it. When you hear it, when you see a video I'm going to be a mom. No y he's not. It's a dude. I think the beard and the mustache gave him away on that one but he's a dude. I watch this stuff and I think how sick is our society. Not because this stuff happens. We all know that stuff has happened; but we are all accepting it like it's okay to make that choice and just say I'm a woman or a woman saying I'm a man. There's something called truth and there's something called science. Speaking of science, did you see, it's what all the kids want for Christmas, a more deadly COVID19. If you didn't see this, this is wonderful. Remember Fauci? Remember Fauci, he was all over everything saying gosh, I didn't, I didn't gain a function, we wouldn't do that. Cut 13. >> Center Paul, with all due respect, you entirely and completely incorrect that the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain of function research
GLENN: Okay, let's just stop with the lies. Researchers, this came out yesterday, why this is not the headline, researchers at Boston university's national emerge infectious disease laboratory have, emphasis on this word, created a new strain of the COVID virus. Echoing experiments which many believe lead to the COVID-19 pandemic. The variant is a hybrid of the omicron variant which spread over the winter and the original virus that was discovered in Wuhan. With this hybrid killing 80 percent of the mice researchers infected. This has an 80 percent kill rate. Well, why the hell are we doing that? Why the hell are we doing that? You are not out of control in this country. Your government is out of control. Fauci's people paid for this. They paid for this. You had mild symptoms with the omicron variant but when they said what would happen if we put these two bad things together, 80 percent kill rate. Great. Great.