3 reasons Americans are FED UP & the 1 way they'll handle it

Salena Zito, National Political Reporter for the Washington Examiner, understands the current sentiments of average, American voters better than most others in the industry. And she tells Glenn ordinary voters are FED UP with the current administration in more ways than one. Thanks to sky-high gas prices, spreading crime, and the never-ending border crisis, Zito tells Glenn that Democrats may have a ‘monstrous’ midterm season…


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Salena Zito is with us. Salena Zito is -- I mean, this -- this is a reporter that actually gets it. Because she doesn't sit around in the capitol and in New York City. She actually goes out and talks to people, regular people. So she has her finger on the pulse, better than I think anybody else in the media. Salena, how are you?

SALENA: Good morning, sunshine. I'm swell. How are you?

GLENN: You are so -- I haven't heard anybody use the word "swell" in quite some time. By the way, Salena, you can find all her work at is where you can go find her work. Salena, I was reading an article you did a couple of days ago. The rhetoric versus realism at the pump. And you just had such a great handle on things. I wanted to talk to you a little bit about that. But also along with January 6th. And this thing that happened last night. Do people care about this?

SALENA: You know, I didn't even know. Part of being a reporter somewhere.

GLENN: Yeah.

SALENA: I didn't even know it was happening.


SALENA: Until -- until one of my colleagues said, hey, watch the hearings tomorrow, that's tonight. And I said, what hearings? And they said, the January 6th hearings. I'm like, why is it on prime time? That literally makes no sense, unless it's going to be a spectacle. And then I concluded, that it's going to be a spectacle. And I'm like --

GLENN: A spectacle. Yeah. Yeah. See, it was produced by a guy who was produced television for ABC. You know, it kind of -- kind of a giveaway. So Salena, what is actually going on in the country, as you go across and talk to individuals? What are they actually thinking about, everything that's going on right now?

SALENA: Well, what is interesting. And, again, people can check out everything I do at Because I have three full-time jobs. But so what -- no matter what your political party is. The same concerns are across-the-board with regular folks. And what do I mean by regular folks? Folks that aren't involved in politics, either for a profession or because they have an illness, that they have to watch it all the time. But, you know, people -- I mean, there isn't a time that I don't pull up to a gas station. Which, by the way, is all the time, because I'm always on a back road, where you don't hear someone cuss at an inanimate object, meaning the gas pump. Because the -- you know, the average cost now, to fill up an average car is about $100. You know, that takes -- that takes --

GLENN: I put -- I put 3 gallons of gas in my car yesterday. 3 gallons. And it cost me over $18. And a -- a word that shouldn't follow the word holy. Was uttered at that pump. But, I mean, you're -- I looked at that, and I thought, this is insanity. Insanity. How are people doing it?

SALENA: It is. Well, they aren't. So what people are doing, to sort of fake pretend, that they're not getting gouged, is that they'll only put 20 gallons. Twenty dollars' worth in their tank. And like, well, this is it, for the week. And if I can't get where I need to go with 30 gallons, I'm not going anywhere. And it's not that they're not trying to face reality. They just have to find a way to manage reality. And that's what it -- what it -- what this comes down to. So the other thing I think that's really important for people to understand, is I think the impact and the cost of diesel. Because diesel is how we get everything we want in our hands every day. Whether it's food. Whether it's our order from Amazon. Or Wayfair. Or the fresh vegetables that we want from a farm. Or any of the energy that we need to heat our house or light our home, all come -- is derived from diesel. So what does that mean? Everything in our lives costs a lot more. Because diesel. If you think gas is insane in the numbers, so is diesel. But the other thing that people are really deeply concerned about is crime. Crime, and not just in New York. Not just in Chicago. Not just in Washington. By the way, if you follow the scanners, for many of the cities, it's just -- it's like a horror movie. But, you know -- you know, scenes across the country. The crime wave is insane. And a lot of it has to do with two years ago, starting to sort of place police officers on a lower tier importance and significance in our lives. And the direct result is that -- that police are literally have their hands tied behind their back, in the things that they pursue. And criminals know that. And they will literally get away with stealing things right from underneath you, knowing that there are no consequences.

GLENN: And here's -- wait. Wait. And here's another point on this. There's a story out today. Michigan County limits in-person response to 911 calls after blowing through their gas budget. So now, here we are in the middle -- are we even in the middle of -- of June. And they've already blown through their gas budget. So now, don't call the cops. Because they can't come. That's astounding.

SALENA: Right. It's like Ghostbusters. So now, not only can't the police departments afford the gas, they can't send the police out to respond. And the other thing, and I think we really missed the significance of this. But the -- you know, when people in the news, in particular, in the news organizations that don't cover the crisis at the border. They think of it as sort of this racist reaction to people of different colors or different places of origin coming in their country. And that's why they don't want them crossing illegally. That is not. We understand -- most Americans understand that innate drive to want to be American and be free. However, what is also coming across the border is crime. And drugs. Fentanyl, meth. And where is fentanyl and meth coming from? It's coming from China. And it goes to South America. And it goes to Mexico.

And it comes not just to cities. But it's coming to suburbs. It's not just a white Appalachian problem anymore. The city of Philadelphia, which is a majority minority, has the highest rate of overdose deaths due to fentanyl and meth, than any other city in the country. That is now just a white Appalachian problem. That is a problem that is affecting everyone.

GLENN: So let me ask you: When will the -- or are they already? I saw some of the poll numbers, with 18 to 24-year-old adults. Biden is at 20 percent. Hispanics, record lows for Democrats. And same with blacks. When do the American people know that this gas price is not because of Vladimir Putin? It is because of ESG and these energy decisions, that the financial sector and the Biden administration and the left have made. When are they going to tie together the food shortages, and the diesel shortages, and the crime? When are they going to say, enough is enough of these crazy policies.

SALENA: They already know that. The press just doesn't think they know that. That's the funny thing. It reminds me so much of 2010, when I was following that midterm election. And the Democrats held power. And -- and John Boehner, God bless him, he said the most simple thing. He said, turned around and said, when someone said, what are -- what are you Republicans all about? And he just turned around and just sort of flippantly said, where are the jobs?

And it is as simple as that. You know, there is a midterm election, of historic proportions that have been saying it's 1892 or '94. I can't remember. I did a great analysis of that midterm election, where Democrats lost 130 seats. 130 seats.

GLENN: Holy cow.

SALENA: Now, I'm not -- y'all can go check it out at But the similarities between what was happening in America then. And what is happening in America now. They're extraordinarily similar. So I think that all of these charts, all of these guesses. All of these -- you know, new -- this leans right. This leans left. All of them are not going to capture the amount -- the breadth of the wave that the Democrats are going to feel in November. They're just not. They don't understand. And part of the problem is, if you -- go ahead.

GLENN: No. I'm sorry. I'm on a delay. So please, just keep going. If you try to interrupt, just keep going. Well, finish your thought. Finish the thought.

SALENA: Well, I think that the largest problem is reporters and Democrats, and even Republicans don't understand how big this is. Because oftentimes they're not having conversations with people, in realtime, in their real lives. And people are not always completely honest with the politician or a reporter, especially one that's from New York or DC. Because they don't want their name in print because they don't want people coming after them on social media. So they say nothing. Or -- or they just shrug. But if you really know people and understand people, which is what I do. Not because I'm spectacular. But because I live in the middle of that, right? People have a sort of trust in someone that shares their values. And it's going to be monstrous.

GLENN: Wow. All right. Salena. We need to talk again, probably next week. Because I learn so much from you. And I just love your articles. You're just very insightful. And you use history to -- to show the parallels. And I'm going to go back and read that, about the election of -- what was it? 1890. Which one was it?

SALENA: 1894. The second term -- that midterm election.

GLENN: Was it the -- was it the silver election?

The one that was about --

SALENA: Yes. Silver was part of that. It was 1894. 1894. That's right. Because it was right before the year that William Jennings Bryant ran for president in '96.

GLENN: Yep. Okay.

Thank you so much, Salena. I appreciate it. You can find all her work at If you really want a handle on what people are actually thinking, that you're not seeing in mainstream media. Read Salena Zito. Back in just a minute.


The BIGGEST Discoveries from the JFK Files So Far

Yesterday, the Trump administration dropped THOUSANDS of declassified documents related to the JFK assassination. It will take a while to sift through every document, but Glenn's team was hard at work getting a jump start. Glenn's chief researcher and security expert, Jason Buttrill, joined to explain what he found so far: Lee Harvey Oswald had been on the CIA's radar, but was described as quote, 'a poor shot.' A guy detained in London warned that Oswald planned to kill JFK and defect to Russia. Was out government just complicit or incompetent? While nothing has contradicted the Warren Commission thus far, everything is providing context so we can finally see the full picture.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I've got a busy day today.

Because I'm going out to a shooting range. Because we have the only gun that we know of. That is an exact copy of the gun Oswald used, to kill President Kennedy. Because it's a real weird hodgepodge of guns. It was -- the one that killed Kennedy, has a different scope on it.

Very rare. Very hard to find. I think it's -- it might even be a Russian scope.

I can't remember. The scope is from someplace. There's parts of this gun, that are from someplace else.

And so, you know, we wanted to get -- because we don't have the real gun.

We wanted to get one just like it. It took two years to assemble this gun and be to find all of the parts. So it's an exact copy of it. I'm going out to a shooting range today. And we will do our first test.

Just, I have some sharpshooters with me. And we will -- we will post some of this on X, as we do it live today. But then you'll be able to see all of it. We're going to another shooting range, hopefully next week, to get moving targets, to see if they can make these shots.

But it should be interesting. Today, you can watch for it on X, and then that will be next week, as we go through everything that has been released on the JFK files. Because it will take a while. Anybody who -- they don't have any idea. 80,000 documents are being released.

So you know, there will -- Jason is here. He's our chief researcher for the TV show. 80,000 documents. How long would that have taken us to go through, for staff, what do we have? Eight people on it, right now?

How long, without Grok or AI assist. How long would that take us?

JASON: We would still be basically taping our eyelids open and still staring at it. We wouldn't even be close to like a quarter of the way through it.

GLENN: Okay. So yesterday, describe the process, what happened?

JASON: So they started releasing the documents. Well, I thought they were going to be delayed. But they finally came through at 5:00 or 6:00 Central. Something like that.

So we immediately went to work. Initially, there was 113 pages of these documents, but on each different page, there was about 10 PDFs per page.

And those PDFs had multiple pages within the PDFs. So all in all, it was probably around 12 to 1300 pages of stuff. It was insane. To go through this now, and, you know, the modern age, all we have to do is go through, download each little different PDF. And start feeding that into what whatever artificial intelligence program you want to use.

If you know the right prompts.

You can start looking for things that are relevant. Things that are new. Things that contradict old disclosures.

It was actually pretty amazing.

GLENN: So you know. One of the things that is very important to me, is the ethics of using AI.

And I don't know if a lot of people even care about it. But I do. And my staff does, deeply.

I mean, we've had really heartfelt, you know, round after round of, what's ethical. What's noteth can ally?

So you know, we're not AI powered.

Our research team is not AI-powered. It is powered by people, who use AI.

And there is a big difference in that. As you will start to see, as days go by. And more and more people use AI to do all their thinking.

We use it as a tool, to go through, to be able to do things that we couldn't before.

80,000 documents. As you said, 1200 documents last night. 80,000 will take us forever. Just the 1200 that we went through, that was the first batch would have taken us weeks to go through.

So it's a very big help. But we also then go back and check everything. So let me go through some of the things that I know, that were found yesterday.

You tell me also, anything that I'm missing here. On -- on what was found.

But there's a couple of things.

One document is a memo. On the release passage from a political magazine. Ramparts from 1967 about an intelligence agency, a CIA informant and former US Army Captain John Garrett Underhill. And he wrote, the day after the assassination, I'm sorry.

The -- the story wrote. The day after the assassination, Gary Underhill left Washington in a hurry. Late in the evening, he showed up at the home of a friend in New Jersey. He was very agitated. The passage starts, a small click within the US was responsible for the assassination. He confided to his friend.

He would be afraid -- he was afraid of -- for his life. And probably would have to leave the country.

Less than six months later, he was found shot to death in his Washington apartment. Coroner ruled it a suicide. The note was known -- was said, in -- on intimate terms. With the number of high-ranking CIA officials.

The passage has been shared last night, over and over again.

That's probably one of the bigger passages that came out. That was shared on X and everything else. But as they -- you know, the people were like, it's already been released. Yeah. But we didn't actually have the document. Another document that was making the rounds.

One line in the document stated that the KJB watched Oswald closely, while he was in the USSR. But files indicated that Oswald was a poor shot when he tried target practice in the Soviet Union. Another detail released was a letter sent by a man in 1978. He was a Soviet.

And he made this comment to the British embassy. He claimed that he was detained in London on July 18th, 1963, and questioned by authorities. He said that he told them about Lee Harvey Oswald, saying he planned to kill the president. He added that he warned American vice council HEP Tom Blacksheer of the plans of Oswald, who was trying to defect to Russia. Okay. So that's kind of a big deal. But what does that say to you?

So far, that just says -- hang on, if you're driving. I will give you time to pull over. Because this will be a shock to you. You pull over. Okay?

What it says is that our government is incompetent. I know.

Could have had a car wreck, if I didn't tell you before I pulled over.

I mean, that's what this is so far saying to me.

What are some of the other things that we found, Jason?

JASON: We talked yesterday, about four different things. This is really about the what. Not the who. And I think that's pretty much spot-on doctor what I'm seeing so far.

Right now, there's no who.

There's no, okay. This is the person that pulled the trigger. There's no grassy knoll. There's no deflection from the official warrant commission report so far.

But I will say, that people who have been looking into this for a long time. Have identified like 10 to 15, or 20 documents that they really want to see, that have been heavily redacted if the past.

GLENN: Or not released yet.

JASON: Some of them have not been released. Some of the stuff from last night, have provided more context.

Now, let me tell you, it you're a fan of the Cold War, or even just spy thrillers. You're going to like to read some of this stuff. And I will put together some stuff for our special next week, some stuff that you can just read on, or something.

If anything, this stuff is Cold War, you know, stuff. Like, for instance, I'll throw out, I've never heard about this before.

But there was a surveillance program in Havana, Cuba, before the assassination that was a complete failure. Something that happened where they were found out. There were people arrested. Never heard about this before. The CIA definitely did not want to get this out.

GLENN: And so that had nothing to do with the JFK files. But it was filed in that.

JASON: I believe it was filed in that. They're kind of building this case. These are the things that may have agitated Cuba.

Neighbor you're searching for a lead. Maybe Cuba, through the Soviet Union was involved in the assassination.

These things might have tipped them off.

But, I mean, there's a lot of that stuff. That links back.

You can tell the CIA is doing their due diligence. And anything that would point out.

So John Greenwald of the black valuate, which says, they are the largest privately run reposetory of declassified documents. Says, the organization of these files. I mean, it's just -- it's crazy.

You know, nothing is searchable.

No bulk download, like previous releases.

No spreadsheet.

Nothing. It's just firehose!

So you've got to give everybody who is looking into this, some time before, you know, we really understand what everything is.

But what else did we find?

GLENN: If you're looking at like, What is the CIA involved with? Are they incompetent?

Are they even operating legally? Now, here's where the JFK files get interesting. I wrote down a few notes.

And we will have more next week on the show.

GLENN: Yeah. Right. Next week, we were -- the first idea, hey, they will come out. Maybe we should do a show. Wait. Let's -- let's take our time, and take a breath.

And do the show the following week. Because that way, we will have actually the information.

So we're just giving you bits and pieces now. But next Wednesday night say full show on what's come out on JFK.

JASON: Now, how about this? To get your interest. The description in full tail can of CIA covert domestic operations ran out of multiple cities within the United States. To include wiretap operations, domestically. As well as media manipulation, with them pushing out narratives the CIA specifically wants the media to push out.

And all of their contacts, at other media organizations.

You can read that right now, tell me that doesn't happen today.

STU: It does!

JASON: This is why this is important, Glenn. To know.

This establishes a pattern of behavior.

I'm not even done yet.

It talks about CIA partnerships with private companies. Private companies.

GLENN: Huh, public/private partnerships?

JASON: It sounds like that, actually. They talk about a vast CIA network. This is before the assassination that they were heavily invested in, in Mexico City, which I thought was fascinating.

You can read about high value KGB assets that are getting stationed in Mexico City, for some random reason. Big time CIA operation going down in Mexico City, and that's how they were actually able to catch Oswald before the assassination when he went down to Mexico City to get a Cuba or a Soviet visa.


Trump Must Reveal These Cover-Ups After the JFK Files

The Trump administration is releasing the JFK Files. But it can’t stop there! Glenn reviews the other government secrets that must be revealed. Of course, we’re still waiting on the DOJ to release the Epstein List. There’s also the information on Diddy’s alleged clients. How could these 2 men have been jailed, but none of their clients have been looked into?! Who were they working for? What about Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi scandal or the Sandy Berger scandal? Who tried to cover up the Hunter Biden laptop scandal? Who placed the pipe bombs at the Capitol on January 6th? Who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines? Are UFOs real? What is the Pentagon hiding? The American people have demanded an era of radical transparency. So, Glenn asks Donald Trump to make it happen!


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So I'm -- you know, the JFK files are coming out today. I would love to hear your opinion. 888-727-BECK.

What are we going to find there?

I don't think we're going to find a who. We're going to find a system. If we find anything. And if we don't find anything. It was a big mistake to start with this. For the Trump administration. I mean,, you know, you should start with something that we have something on. Or people are just -- it's just going to make the conspiracy theory even bigger. See, I told you, they didn't release everything.

But we were talking about the other things that need to be released. Like Sandy Berger. Apparently, we do know what the documents were. We do know why what happened afterwards, happened. Right?

STU: Again, if you believe these stories. My understanding of this. Is copies of the report, of the Clinton administration's handling of -- you know -- remember the millennium bomb. Was it LAX, firm it right?

GLENN: Oh. The millennium bombing.

STU: That's what I'm remembering.

GLENN: I was thinking about the Atlanta bombing.

STU: That was '90s. Yeah. I think -- by the way, came across the Canadian border. I'm looking for -- to blow up the LAK. They responded.

It was their response. How they handle it had. How seriously they took the threat of al-Qaeda at the time. And the theory is that, they were trying to avoid embarrassment for how badly they handled that and the aftermath before 9/11, because he was about to testify in front of the 9/11 commission.

I guess that's possible. I mean, the other thing is, they were copies of this document. So there is an original.

Like, so why would -- why would you risk this incriminating.

GLENN: That's a good example of, I -- so if that's all true about Sandy Berger. I want to know why he got three years.

STU: Three years.

GLENN: One year without his -- no wait. Three years of suspended.

STU: Two years probation. 50,000-dollar fine.

GLENN: Right. If you would have done that. I would have done that, we would have gone to prison for a very, very long time.

STU: I would think so.

GLENN: So I would like to know, again, the thing on that one, if there's nothing with the papers. Who made that happen?

And why didn't that person get prosecuted.

I think some of the these things, they're not going to be so shocking, with what they come out with.

I think what's going to be interesting is -- and important, is who covered this up?

Who covered up somebody doing something item, illegal, but not necessarily wholly nefarious.

You know what I mean?

And then, you know, somebody stepped up, and said, let's make this go away. That can't happen.

That's what's causing so many of our problems.

People are like, I would have gone to jail for that. Why didn't he?

And even if it's just something simple, because he had a good friend up above that could make that go away for him. And that's the only nefarious thing is just connections.

That's enough.

And those people need to go to jail. Let me give you some other stuff. Okay. So you have Sandy Berger.

The Hillary Clinton/Benghazi stuff. You know, it does matter, Hillary. It does!

What the hell was happening in Benghazi?

You know, the ambassador, Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods. Glen Doherty. What happened to those guys? Why were they even in Benghazi?

My theory, they were running guns. Or the ambassador was trying to stop the gunrunning, or continue the gunrunning. To, you know, Lindsey Graham's favorite, and John McCain's favorite group, which is now in charge of Syria and killing all the Christians. By the way, I just want you to know that.

The House spent $7 million. Found no smoking gun. Of course, Clinton, you know -- what's weird is all of her, you know, hard drives just kind of disappeared.

Why -- why was she saying immediately that this was a 9/11 video, when it wasn't?

30,000 deleted messages. That's a sideshow.

I mean, just -- what happened there?

We need to know.

Why where the state department's logs. Clubbed. Cables scrubbed.

Realtime decisions scrubbed. Why wouldn't you let the Navy fly the ship? First, they said, we didn't have any planes there. And then the Naval officers were like, I can't take it anymore. Yes, we could have done something. They told us not to.

Then you have the Biden family corruption.
Hunter's laptop. You know, I want to know. So you don't go after Hunter Biden.

I want to know who in the FBI was in charge of that laptop, making sure that nobody knew about that laptop. I want to know all of the people that were involved in saying, oh, you know what, that's just a conspiracy theory.

I want those people to go to jail.


$83,000 a month, for Hunter. No energy experience.

What happened to that?

How come there were -- I know that there were people in the State Department, if I'm not mistaken, that came and said to the White House and Joe Biden, this is a problem.

This is a problem. Well, if it's a problem then, it's a problem now. And are we ever going to correct it?

And it's not about going after Biden or whatever. It's about making sure this system works.

Because if you can't trust it, I mean, all of that stuff, Jeffrey Epstein.

He hangs himself with a paper sheet. Okay.

Conveniently when one camera goes down, and it's the one camera on his cell. Oh. And what were they sleeping?

Oh, was it -- the two guards that were supposed -- all of a sudden, they fell asleep.

Okay. Could be. Could be.

Or, is it because, I mean, the flight logs, from the Lolita Express show Bill Clinton 26 times on that plane. Twenty -- Trump, once.

Prince Andrew, dozens.

The -- the lawsuit against Maxwell, unsealed bits of it in 2024. But they don't detail anything.

Why is this still being held?

Now, I'm fine. But I haven't heard Pam Bondi say, we're not discussing this. Because there's an investigation going. And charges are pending.

That would make me happy. But that's not what they're saying. Why?

See, this is -- this is why I think the most likely thing is, it's just going to show us today, these JFK files. It's just going to show us, just a failed system.

That's what it's going to show us. A failed system.

And there's nothing that they really -- were hiding, except their mass incompetence.

Because, I mean, you could look at all of these things and say, it was mass incompetence.

I don't believe it was. I know something happened with Benghazi.

I don't know about 9/11, you know, Sandy Berger stuff.

I don't know about that. And that involved Clinton. And I believe George H.W. Bush.

Maybe it was just. I heard at the time. It was just Bush and Clinton.

I don't know. But who made that go away?

Where are the tapes and the photos and all the names from Epstein? Who was Epstein really collecting all of this stuff?

Who was he doing it for?

P. Diddy.

What's happening with Diddy.

Arrested September 2024. Sex trafficking.

Racketeering. Freakoffs. Coerced women.

Drugs. Recordings.

Children. It's pretty ugly.

Why -- why didn't we know about that know. Why is nothing happening. Isn't he in Yale?

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: So how is it that Epstein and see Diddy can go to jail. But no one else can go to jail.

There's no one else involved in that. What about the people who were buying the children. Or were part of the -- what happened?

STU: I mean, Ghislaine Maxwell. She did.

GLENN: But she was just recruiting the kids.

STU: She was very heavily involved.

GLENN: I know. She was recruiting the kids. But where are the buyers?

It's like slavery is wrong. And we will get all those slave traders. But nobody looks at the buyers. The ones actually that bought all the slaves. And were whipping the slaves the whole time.

You're like, you know, the there's one party we're missing here.

Why aren't we doing that?

I don't know. You know, the seized footage. That should be out.

Who is holding?

Who is holding those things back?

And it could be a very good reason. Because charges are pending.

But do you believe that?

Because I don't. I don't. I hope. But I don't believe that.

I want to believe that. The Nord Stream pipeline. You had the president of the United States come out and say, it will be no more.

You know what will stop this? The Nord Stream pipeline will be no more. Mr. President, what do you mean by that? Trust me, we have our ways. There won't be a Nord Stream pipeline.

Then it's blown up underwater in an operation, that really everyone -- every expert in the world says only the United States could have done that.

And we're -- we're expected to believe that it was, what?

A husband and wife on a rented yacht, that got on their scuba gear and set up this elaborate explosion and got away with it. Come on!

Please. You know, and another thing that needs to be exposed, because these things have consequences.

January 6th. The pipe bomber. The FBI, that was on the grounds of January 6th.

Why -- how was that coordinated?

And if it was, you know, if it was the -- if it was the Trump campaign, and Glenn Beck was the president of it. Then that should be known.

And I should have a trial. A fair trial to make my case. But that should be known. I don't care who it is, that needs to be known.

How come none of that is -- how come none of that is -- how come no one is asking.

If Joe Biden was so incompetent, he couldn't run for president, he could run the White House. Oh. And, by the way, then we find out, that none of the signatures are his! All of these bills that he signed. Like, one of them.

One of them.

And you know which one it was?

The one saying, I am not going to run again.

I won't run for a second term. That's the only one that was his.

Why? Why was that the only one that was his?

Is that because that's the only one he was really involved in.

I don't know. But who was hiding his actual condition?

Isn't that important to know?

You know, you have the Butler, Pennsylvania, shooter. Thomas Crooks.

You now have people saying in the Secret Service and other places, you know, USAID.

Those kinds of people that have been overthrowing governments. That's -- that's trained.

We recognize that.


How about the shooter, in Vegas?

Why the hell don't we know anything about that know. Are you kidding me? Nothing?

The COVID stuff. Why is nobody going to jail on that.

They perjured themselves in front of Congress.

Millions of people died. What?

By the way, we have the MLK tapes. The RFK.

Those are still sealed. Why, again?

And are those the ones that are important to us now?

I guess, if you have to take it in order.

But those aren't the ones. What happened to RFK, JFK, MLK? I would like to know. But those aren't the ones like, we've got to know right now!

Why is there a Congressional slush fund? $17 million paid out since 1997 for harassment claims, and we don't know who those harassment claims were about in Congress.

That's my tax money.

$17 million, went to cover-up, you know, sexual harassment claims.

Settled. With my money. Your money. No names. No dates. No amounts. Should all be opened up.

The Pentagon and the UFO. The chemical trails.

I don't know. Is that true. I don't know!

But none of this can be believed until we are completely transparent.

And then you'll reduce the population down to about six to 8 percent that just never believe anything.

And you can live as a society like that.

You cannot live with 20, 40, 50 percent saying, I don't trust anything that comes from the government.

That's what has to be corrected.

And it has to start today.


JFK Files: 4 Big Revelations

President Trump is releasing the JFK Files after decades of secrecy. But Glenn warns: it’s important that we don’t chase the “who.” The question that really matters is, WHAT were they protecting? Was the government hiding the illusion of competence? Do these documents reveal the Deep State of the 60s? Did Lee Harvey Oswald have help? Did elements of our government look the other way? Or were they trying to stop the domino effect? Glenn predicts that the Kennedy Files aren’t about Oswald. They’re about us. If we can stare down 1963, we can demand 2024’s truth too. The “what” they’ve protected has kept us blind. Trump is betting we can handle it.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. I want to talk to you about the JFK files. Which were three hours -- two hours away from being released now.

If you're listening to us live.

Two hours away. And I'm interested to see what's in it.

Tulsi Gabbard is the one who is overseeing it. Representative Anna Paulina Luna. She has been relentlessly pushing for this since February. Trump has seen all the files.

He calls them, quote, very interesting, but he's leaving the judgment up to us.

Now, very interesting is different than when he said, he was talked into making sure, they don't go out. By others.

He didn't name the others.

But here we are, 62 years after Kennedy was killed here in Dallas.

And we're finally getting the vault cracked open?

I think it's important, and I could be wrong on this. I think it's important for us to not look and chase the Who. But there was somebody else in the grassy knoll.

There might have been. I don't know. I don't think that's what we were looking at though. I think we're looking at the "what." Not who they have been protecting, but what have they been protecting?
Why has it taken so long?

And not for names, but for the principles, the systems. The intangibles, that have been buried with these papers.

The steaks are pretty high here. You know, what happens if we get 80,000 pages and there's, meh. I mean, that's a possibility.

That's going to be really bad for the conspiracy theorists.

Because they're going to say, see. They didn't release it all. 80,000 pages, and they didn't release it all.

The question that has to be answered is, why did it take this long?

Let's go back.

Look at the steaks. November 22nd. 1963. Kennedy is shot.

And America changes at that moment.

I mean, our innocence goes away.

We have a president that is killed. And our innocence takes a bullet as well.

And the Warren commission pins it on Oswald.

But the doubts fester. Witnesses. Ballistics. Missing pieces.

The note from Evelyn Lincoln, the secretary of Kennedy.

Who said, I -- my husband, was in a restaurant, two days before President Kennedy was going to Dallas.

And overheard two people in the booth saying, well, he will be dead. He won't come back from Dallas.

Her husband listened to it, called the White House. And said, Evelyn, you've got to tell him not to go. She went in. And told President Kennedy, my husband just overheard a plot.

He said, if -- Evelyn, they're going to kill me in Dallas. They're going to kill me, going to my churchgoing on Sunday.

They will kill me one way or thorough. So I'm not changing my life.

Two days later, he was dead. Now, the witnesses, the ballistics, the missing pieces, tomorrow I am going out. I will do some live thing out, with just -- on, I don't know, X. We have the exact copy of the gun. I don't know if there is another one like it. Because it -- it took -- a friend of ours, Paul Vienes (phonetic). He is from the World War II museum, the Museum of the American soldier down in College Station. And it's this great museum.

And he is -- I mean, you put him on something, and he is like a dog with a bone. He's not going to stop. And it took him like two years to re-create this rifle. And to get exactly the rifle, it's very -- kind of a rare rifle in itself.

It's impossible to find the scope that he used.

And it was augmented in different ways. And so Paul has put this whole rifle together.

He brought it up. Gave it to our museum. And I will take the rifle out. We've had to go order, because it takes special shells as well.

So we will -- we will go out to the range tomorrow or the next day. And we will try to do the shots.

And I am bringing a couple of sharpshooters as well. I know I won't be able to do it. I might be able to hit the shot, but I don't know if I'll be able to hit the time. Maybe a couple of sharpshooters can do it. I don't know!

But it's not an easy shot. It's not an easy shot. But it could be done.

Here's the problem: In 1992, Congress passed a law saying, release everything by 2017, that isn't a national security risk.

Well, that deadline passed over and over and over again. And we got it in dribs and drabs. Now Trump is saying, release all of it.

80,000 pages, unfiltered.

On what's the -- what?

They have been guarded. I don't think it's a who. It's a what.

What have they been guarding?

It's got to be something kind of big, right? So what could it be?

Let's go through some of the options. Maybe what they've been covering or hiding, is the illusion of competence.

What if they've been protecting the myth that the government knows what its doing. We're totally competent.

No, you're really not. Don't ever show any of this stuff.

Because it will show how bad you really were. You had Oswald in your sites, so to speak.

And you did nothing. You just dropped the ball.

That could very well be it.

Just the hiding the illusion of competence.

I suspect we'll find that. 1963 was absolutely chaotic.

Cold War paranoia. CIA plots against Castro. FBI fumbling domestic threats.

Maybe the files just show Keystone Cops. Missed signals. Botched surveillance.

Agencies tripping over. Like the Keystone cops. Or Charlie chaplain follies. You know, okay. George.

Releasing that in the '60s, maybe even in the '90s, could have tanked public faith when we needed it. But we don't have any faith left, does anybody think our government is competent?

Really? Honestly?

Any? Bueller. Vietnam was heating up at the time.

The Soviets were watching.

If the files prove Kennedy died, just because of screwups, not masterminds. They're not hiding the villain.

They're hiding fragility. I think that's the most likely what, that we're going to find. That we are just the Keystone cops!

Okay. Option two. And feel free, Stu, to though an option here.

Option two. I am so sick and tired of carrying this whole show on my back. I carry you every day.

Option two. The architecture of power. This one is structural. What if those 80,000 pages map how decisions got made? How intelligence, military, and politics intertwined in ways that we're not supposed to see? Not a who shot him, but how did we operate? Think about this.

Kennedy was pushing back on the CIA. After the Bay of Pigs.

He was telling the pentagon follow-up, no.

On Cuba.

He was telling the pentagon. I'm going to get rid of all our nuclear programs.

I will negotiate with Russia. I will stop these never-ending wars.

Maybe it's the files revealing a machine that doesn't bend. And a network of influence, that outlasts any president.

Maybe it is go that reveals the Deep State that was happening back then. And they haven't held it back, because they're protecting a guilty party. But to shield the blueprint, you expose that, and you don't just rewrite 1963. You question every power play ever since.

The what, is the skeleton of authority, itself.

That's a pretty good option. Right?


As I see it, option number three. The ghost of democracy!

What if they've been protecting the story that we tell ourselves about who we are. Kennedy's death wasn't just a tragedy, it was a mirror.

If those files say Oswald had help. Foreign or domestic. And I think this is the least likely.

If Oswald had help, foreign or domestic, or that elements of our own government looked the other way. That's possible.

It's not just history. It's an indictment. I don't know in 1963, if we could have handled that. Riots were coming. MLK. RFK would fall next. You know, maybe they locked it away, to preserve the what, of American exceptionalism. The belief that we're the good guys.

I shouldn't say that. Because I think we're the good guys. That our government and the&its many, many agencies are the good guy. So the delays about keeping that narrative alive, even if it's a lie! Fourth option.

And this one is pragmatic, but a little profound. What if the what, is the precedent of exposure?

The JFK files, and you can't stop there. We release the JFK files, we're going to say, now release Butler, Pennsylvania. Trump's brush with a bullet. Secret Service whistleblowers are already saying, the shooter wasn't a lone wolf. He was modeled. A product of a tactic that we've used abroad. And the product of a tactic that they say, we're not only using currently. But I say we were using at the time of JFK as well.

And I'm not saying that we did it. But that's what whistle-blowers in the service, is they're now saying, that that's what Butler, Pennsylvania, was all about. So if those 80,000 pages spill secrets, methods, failures, cover-ups.

It's a road map for the next demand.

Butler's files. The 9/11 loose ends.

Every classified corner.

They held it to not hide the Kennedy truth, but to protect the dam from breaking!

The what is the containment of accountability itself!

Keep everything secret.

And, you know, that's -- that's what our government does.

Thee keep, they're overclassifying everything.



Why is the left freaking out so much about DOGE?

Because there's a lot to hide there. And that's just in comparison to this kind of stuff.

That's just corruption, or waste, or incompetence.

One of the options. Maybe we're just not competent. We weren't in 1963. We know we're not now. Maybe that's what they're hiding.

Or was it -- was there more going on? Kennedy's era because of the Cold War, it was just nothing, but proxies and shadows.

And what we were doing then, became doctrine. It's why we were still at NATO. Why the hell are we still at NATO?

What is it that we're keeping at bay from NATO?

Why at least are we not demanding that the other countries start defending themselves a little bit more?

Because it's just -- it's the way it's done now.

I -- I have to tell you, the worst thing that will happen, is there's nothing in this. That the average person goes, I don't know what they were hiding.

Because if that happens, conspiracy theories go through the roof.

I mean, remember, this is from the guy who told you in what, 2005.

Or '6. You will see the time. If the government doesn't correct what they're doing right now. This was under George Bush. If they don't correct this kind of secrecy and everything right now. You will see a time where many Americans. 20 percent of Americans. It was at 6 or 7 percent at the time. Will say, we never went to the moon! We never went to the moon! Look at where we are! Look how many people are saying, we never went to the moon. We never went to the moon.

STU: And this is the thing, with like most conspiracy theories, there's no way to disprove them.

GLENN: No, I know. I know.

STU: If what comes out of this, eh, actually, we know most of the story. And it was a major failure.

But there's no -- no big conspiracy behind it. The people who have believed this, this whole time, will do exactly what you said. They'll say, well, they must be hiding all of the real stuff. Somewhere I know. I know.

There's no win.

STU: There's no live forever.

GLENN: That's why you should just release stuff going forward.

Just release it. You hold it back like this. You're not helping. You're just making things much, much worse.

Here's why it matters. Secrets have to be outed. Not for gospel. Not for revenge.

But when you bury the what, competence, power, identity, whatever.

You bury the ability to fix it. The Kennedy files, I'm guessing, not about him. They're not about Oswald.

They're about us. If we can stare down 1963, we can then demand 2024's truth as well. The what they've protected has kept us blind! Tomorrow, maybe we see!

And when we do, we don't just read it. We rebuild!

That's what's at stake today.


Can Trump Void Biden’s Autopen Pardons?

President Trump is now insisting that the preemptive pardons that President Biden issued in his last days in office - like those given to Hunter Biden, Dr. Fauci, and members of the January 6 Committee, should be null and void. Trump argued that if they were signed using an autopen, without Biden’s knowledge, a court should disqualify them. But will this happen? How prevalent was Biden’s use of an autopen? Did he even know he signed many of these documents? Glenn, Pat, and Jason discuss. The guys also review Conor McGregor’s recent appearance at the White House and a terrifying story out of Mexico.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: There's a couple of really disturbing things. We will start getting into them tomorrow. So working towards tomorrow's show. We will spend a lot of time on the auto-pen thing. That thing is a mess. I mean, the president didn't -- I mean, we have the audio. Let's see if we can get that for tomorrow.

We have the audio with the President. And who was it? With Tapper? And he's like, I didn't do that. Yes, you did, sir. You just signed a bill two days ago.

No, I didn't.

Yes, you did.

Oh, well, I guess I did. That shows he was either absolutely incompetent, which is very, very vile.

And/or somebody else is just using the auto-pen, and he didn't know what he was signing.

That is -- I mean, everyone involved in that, should, quite honestly, be tried for treason.

You are -- you are a traitor to the Constitution of the United States.

You are taking on the power of the presidency, yourself.

You don't have the right to do it.

And I don't think Kamala Harris wasn't the, you one doing it.

It wasn't like it was in the chain of command.

Do we have any idea who was doing it. Susan rice comes to mind.

Ron Klain comes to mind. Right? Who else?

VOICE: Neera Tanden. So she was the center for America Progress president. She came in as an adviser. I think she's an OMB, I think, Stu, for a while.

I think she took -- yeah. Then she was -- she took Susan Rice's position, as the head of interior policy or something like that, after Susan Rice left.

All these were Obama people, that we were like, why in the hell are some of these people getting so close to the president, and sticking with him, that were from the Obama administration.

GLENN: Because, I mean, the reason they were all sticking with, is because they held the power. They held the power.

I'm convinced of it. Where does the auto-pen live, do we know? Is that out of his desk kind of like a printer?

JASON: I don't know.

GLENN: Honestly, where is that? That should be under lock and key. But who has access to that? Because that's important.

It the secretary of the president need to give people permission.

That has to be chain of command for the auto-pen.

JASON: We should be looking now specifically for that question.

Heritage foundation did a deeper dive on it.

They found, the president was on vacation golfing, while some of these pardons are being signed.

GLENN: Which president.

JASON: Biden.

GLENN: Wait.

He was golfing?

What? Did he have an auto club that just like hit the ball for him?

He could swing a golf club? No way. I'm having a hard time believing that. There's no way. I just see a ball on a tee just kind of falling -- yes. On his first hole, he only had 1,747 strokes. And an actual stroke or two. But that's a different story.

JASON: We should look more into that. There's probably an auto walkup to the stairs of Air Force One. Let's open this investigation even more.

STU: Well, then they did auto president, kind of --

GLENN: This is bad. This is really bad.

JASON: Yeah.

STU: And I guess it's been used since the Bush administration.

GLENN: No, I think it was used. First order to be signed was Barack Obama had to sign a big order. And he was on I think vacation.

STU: That's legislation. That was the first legislation.

I think it went all the way back to 2005, I believe, during Bush.

And the Department of Justice issued a -- an okay, basically to use it.

But it's never been challenged in the Supreme Court.

GLENN: I think it should be.

STU: Kind of odd.

You kind of have to. I don't know, maybe actually sign the bills.

GLENN: Well, I wouldn't have a problem with an auto-pen in a way that, it needs to get to the president.

Has to have his signature. If it was like the nuclear football.

You know what I mean?

Where it's with the president at all times. And it could feed go B something.

And improve it.

Why not have him sign it?

GLENN: I think we may not -- back in 2004, 2008, we may not have realized what they would use this for.

Because we used to think people had some integrity. But obviously not.

I mean, this is really, really bad.

Again, where is Pam Bondi?

SPENCER: If you're thinking about it though, if you're a second term president, that wants a third term. But you just want to be the guy behind the guy in the shadows. The auto-pen is the perfect thing for you. You have a puppet like Joe in there.

STU: Trump did use it a few times as well.

GLENN: I'm not saying it's bad.

STU: I'm not saying -- it should be challenged. And like, look, the proper way to do this. Is to send the documents to him. And let him sign it in person. And not send a signature across the -- like some machine that replicates his signature back in Washington, while he's on vacation.

GLENN: And I don't know if you know this, but we're past the age of the fax machine. And even the fax machine would have been okay.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: You know what I mean?

Fax it to me, and I'll sign it. The signature is the important part of that.

JASON: Well, this is going to be a huge conversation. Because President Trump this morning was tweeting out that a lot of pardons were giving J6 committee people, those preemptive pardons. He's now saying, those should be null and void. And there's nothing in the Constitution, that even comes close to addressing this.

GLENN: Come on. I've never seen a president doing that many pardons. How did that system work, you know what I mean? Six thousand.

JASON: That's a lot of batteries on the auto-pen.

GLENN: And a lot of batteries on the president, just to understand 6,000 names and cases. So we will get into that tomorrow.

Also, what's his -- what's-his-face was with Donald Trump this morning.

STU: Connor McGregor. Yeah, yeah. Do we have a clip of that.

Go ahead and play this.

VOICE: It's a travesty. Our government with zero action and zero accountability. You know, our money is being spent on overseas issues that has nothing to do with the Irish people. It's overrunning, running ravage on the culture. There are rural (inaudible), that have become a minority in one swoop. So issues need to be addressed. And Americans, as I understand, need to hear this. Because if not, there will be no place to come on and visit.

GLENN: What a clever way to get him into the White House on St. Patrick's Day.

I mean, I think this guy is -- I mean, I don't know about him personally. I just know that he wants to run, I think for Prime Minister.

STU: President.

GLENN: For president in Ireland. And Ireland is in trouble. I mean, they all are. They're in trouble.

Ireland, you know, it's not the sweet little -- I mean, first of all, it's now the home of Rosie O'Donnell. It's not the sweet little place it used to be. But, Rosie, I don't know -- you should peek outside your window from time to time. The Islamic Brotherhood are setting up shop there. And I don't think they like gay people. They like them even less than the people you think hate them here.

STU: I can personally guarantee you, though, wherever Rosie O'Donnell is living. These problems probably don't exist. It's probably very beautiful and lots of grass and hills. That's probably where she is.

GLENN: Ireland is in deep trouble. I mean, they're losing their churches. They're just being made into mosques all over. And I'm telling you, I think -- I think by 2030, you could see Great Britain become an Islamic state.

SPENCER: Yeah. To your point, Stu. That's a really good point. Connor McGregor is an shutdowns on Netflix or something. I can't remember. But it shows his entire background. He's talking about rural communities and like harder communities are being affected by this. That's where he comes from. Like, he was their champion. Like he grew up very tough streets. Worked his way up. Like a lot of solid blue collar neighborhoods.

GLENN: Deep State will do everything. Do everything they can to kill that guy. Not ours, theirs.

JASON: Oh, gosh.

GLENN: Liz Truss said to me, the interview I did with her, coming out next week, we talked about, where are these people, that could be like a Donald Trump for all these countries. And she said, they're coming. They're coming. And I think he's one of them. That will be very good.

JASON: I do too. Absolutely. Did you ask Liz about the annoying use of vowels within their language? Because that's what I want to know.

GLENN: No, if you look at -- it's so funny you would say that.

If you watch the video, I tried right at the beginning. I couldn't get it in. She just kept going.

You know, you have U's in words that shouldn't have U's. Like there's no U in colour. Anyway.

I don't know if she would have thought that was funny. She would be accused by you Americans. I have a feeling.

There's another story that I want to get on to tomorrow. That I couldn't believe.

I spent a couple of hours just trying to verify this. And reading all the stories from the Washington Post. And from the New York Times and everything else. So it's not some sort of crazy conspiracy theory. Because it's everywhere.

And it's about these concentration camps in Mexico.

Did you hear about this? Did you hear about this, Stu? This should be on everyone's front page.

This should be a very big thing.

You know, we've been saying all the time. People just go down, they disappear in Mexico. Where did they go? Well, outside of the town of Guadalajara, they have found this abandoned torture camp, with underground crematories, underground ovens.

Okay? They're finding teeth and bones.
And they found remnants of at least 700 people. And what they were doing was kidnapping people. Kidnapping their families. And then saying, you're going to do work for us. Or we're going to kill your whole family.

And they would torture these people. And torture the families.

And then just burn the bows.

And some of it was apparently was done to just -- not to recruit new people. Just to learn how to torture people.

I mean, I'm a telling you, I don't know how we don't send in the Special Forces, pretty soon.

JASON: They're talking about the cartels doing this?

GLENN: Yeah. Well, also in the -- what is it? The Cente Muarte (phonetic).

JASON: The Cente Muarte.

GLENN: What is that? A religion, a gang?

JASON: Yeah. It's kind of like an offshoot of Christianity. Something like that. My wife --

GLENN: Meaning that Christianity believes in Satan?

JASON: It's hard. Yeah. It's really hard. I know they have witches and things like that. That can cast spells. And all that.

You can walk through Mexico City. Like a really public square. That looks really normal.

You've been to Mexico City. And then all of a sudden, you'll see, one of their statues, it's like a woman, but a skeleton. She's a grim reaper outfit.

GLENN: That's a symbol of it.

JASON: They'll come up to it, and pray to it. And it's very formal.

GLENN: Is it a twisted offshoot of -- it seemed. As I was reading about it this weekend. Is this something like the Lady of Guadalupe gone wrong?

What is this?

GLENN: Don't quote me. Somebody will be listening and smacking me in the head.

It seemed like a saint that looks after bad people, or something like that.

So cartels are heavily in that. They've gone way off the deepened.

This is not surprising that this is happening. Have you ever seen narcos Mexico on Netflix?


JASON: So you watch through that, and it's based on real events, and things that happened, as the cartel spread through Mexico.

They'll just kind of randomly throw in the attorney general is on board, or getting paid off by some of these cartels.

GLENN: Oh, Donald Trump is not going to -- the people of Mexico.

If we go in with Special Forces. And we kill all these groups. People in Mexico, are going to love Americans.

They are going to love them.

Because nothing will happen. Because all of their -- you know, all of the -- you can't get elected. Unless you either just turn a blind eye, or with the cartels. You can't. They kill you.

And they kill everybody around you. And everybody who wants to replace you.

So, I mean, you know, it's got to stop! It's got to end.

JASON: I don't know how you separate the Mexican government. Dirty Mexican officials that are on the take, and part of this whole thing.

We did a story probably last year. There was like a general signed to crack down on this one cartel in one region. They found out a couple months later that he's on the take and getting paid off.

GLENN: I have to tell you, I think Mexico is a drug state. I don't think it's a failed state.

I think it's a drug state at this point.