Glenn CANNOT TAKE the lies being spewed from the Biden administration about our ‘booming’ economy. So, in this clip, he breaks down some of those lies. First, low unemployment numbers do NOT necessarily indicate a strong job market and second, Putin is NOT to blame for today’s high gas prices. The Biden administration is to blame, and a graph Glenn and Stu show in this clip PROVES it...
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: I'm going to play cut three here. This is over the weekend. This is the commerce secretary, on Joe Biden, and gas prices. Listen to this.
VOICE: Am I comfortable? I mean, I certainly support the president, and his national security team. No one knows more about, you know, national affairs, and President Biden. And I would say, that he is very serious, when the president when he says, he's going to use every arrow in his quiver, in order to bring down gas prices for Americans.
>> That makes no sense whatsoever. Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Do you remember when Barack Obama was talking about coal prices? Because he wanted a cap and trade system. And he at least admitted what would happen. If you start to implement cap and trade. If you start to go after these industries and say, that we're not going to make this anymore. You're going to have to change your companies. And change the way you -- you burn coal. What did he say exactly? Listen.
VOICE: Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Even --
VOICE: Regardless of what I say, about whether coal is good or bad. Because I'm capping greenhouse gases, coal-powered plants --
VOICE: Natural gas. You name it. Whatever the plants were. Whatever the industry was, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers.
GLENN: Oh. Remember the good old takes with Barack Obama. Because all he said, is it would skyrocket. Because they would have to make their plants more clean. This is Joe Biden shutting things down. And he has bragged about it on the campaign trail. He said, that was his goal. We are going to get away from fossil fuels. We are going toggle towards electric. All of these things. And now suddenly, they're trying to say, that he's fighting for the little guy. No. You do what Biden has done. You do what ESG has done. And the gas price. Your electricity price. Your -- your LP price will necessarily skyrocket.
STU: It's been fascinating to watch him try to take both sides of this. He ran -- Joe Biden ran a campaign to his environmentalist supporters that said, we're going to do everything we can, to transform the economy. Away from fossil fuels. Completely. By 2030. He has been talking about this, constantly, since he started running in the Democratic primary, about all of the actions, he would take, to make sure that we no longer had fossil fuels has an essential part of our economy. And then when gas prices go up, and people say, hey. Look at all the stuff you're doing to restrict fossil fuels from our economy. He has said, we have done nothing to restrict fossil fuels from our economy.
GLENN: Exactly right. And he went on over the weekend, to say this, or his officials said this. Cut nine.
VOICE: You really isolate what's going on outgoing here. It's because Vlad Putin decided to take on this irresponsible war. And we've created all of these perturbations in the global energy markets.
So, yes, we have to deal with that. And, yes, we have to stand with Ukraine, and we need to fight his aggression. And, yes, that creates serious global challenges in our energy market. But I don't think we should confuse that with the transition that the market is driving. And that we can accelerate, while actually lowering cost for consumers. I mean, the thing that people often miss out, is that if we provided technology neutral, long-term incentives, to produce lower cost, cleaner energy in the United States, American utility companies, would go out and lower people's utility bills. If Congress passed that legislation, American utility companies, would actually lower utility bills.
So there's actually a pathway here to reduce the cost of energy, just --
GLENN: Stop. Stop.
Just like Obamacare reduced your health care costs. Remember that promise? So they just need another piece of legislation. But did you notice what he said? The market is driving the green transition?
No. It is no longer a free market. You don't want a free market. You want the American free market gone, in the Great Reset. ESG standards are not a free market. I can't tell you the number of executives. And I ask every single one of them. Please come on the air with me. Please come on the air with me. I can't -- I can't right now. But here's what we can do.
And when you start getting some momentum, I will come out. I mean, large banking people. Large companies, that are -- they know this is wrong. But they're afraid to come out, because they'll be destroyed. And this is what is driving up your gas price. This is what is driving up -- remember, USAID, Samantha Powers, she's the head of the USAID. She said that the food crisis she hopes will teach farmers that they have to start farming green. This is all about government control through agencies. And pressures. Through those who are in on it. With the -- the financial institutions. And it is extraordinarily dangerous. Here's what he said, Friday, go Biden about inflation. Now, listen to this. Cut eight.
BIDEN: Today, I would like to speak with my top economic priority. Fighting inflation. I understand Americans are anxious. And they're anxious for good reason. I was raised in a household when the price of gasoline rose precipitously. It was a discussion at the table. It made a difference. When food prices went up. But we've never seen anything like Putin's tax on both food and gas. America should also understand our economy has unique strengths. That we can build on. The job market is the strongest it's been since World War II. Notwithstanding --
GLENN: I can't take it. Stop. I cannot take it. I can't take it. The job market is as strong as it's ever been. Well, I guess if you just look at the numbers. And fail to recognize how many people aren't working. What, did we come up with all these new jobs at McDonald's, at restaurants -- at stores where they can barely keep their doors open, because no one will work there!
Don't tell me the job market is the strongest it's ever been. You're only quoting the unemployment numbers.
And those in connection with come from the number of people who say, I'm looking for a job, and I can't find one. There are more Americans, that are choosing to be unemployed, more than ever before. So don't tell me. I mean, I could handle it. If our economy was roaring right now. And everybody was doing well, okay. The job market, the reason why McDonald's can't get a cashier. Is because that cashier can make more money at a different job. That cashier is not there, because it's chosen not to work. And the gas price thing, Stu. I saw your chart last Friday. Can you take us through the chart?
STU: Yeah. There was a chart that the Democrats actually released on their own. Which was, average gas prices around the country, in late November, and it showed a decline in prices. And the -- and that's not. That's not -- yeah. Okay.
So if you see the price we're showing now, you see a big increase, and this little tiny area is what they highlighted. To describe it, to the -- to the radio listeners. It's this little tiny decrease over a two-week period in November 2021. And the Democrats tweeted this chart out. And said, thanks Joe Biden. Well, we decided to update the chart. And show you where it went after that. And it's just incredible increases. We can tweet it out from @StuDoesAmerica here in a second, if you haven't seen it yet. But it just goes straight, straight up. And another thing you noticed in the chart, was what they called the Putin price hike. There was one. That's not a ridiculous thing. You see the chart, right as they invade, go straight up. But what they don't talk about, is it comes back to earth. And falls right on the line that was increasing before. So, yes. There was about a month of probably increases that you can probably determine, was toward Putin in the invasion's fault. Right? You can actually blame that. But it's come to exactly the line where it was. And it's continued to increase since.
GLENN: May I just show -- I mean, you need to make another chart. And tweet it out. Where you just put a dotted line from -- that deletes the war. That deletes Putin. Because it is exactly on the same line. The same axis.
STU: Yeah.
GLENN: You'll see it -- do you have that?
STU: It's on the screen right now.
GLENN: There you did it, okay. Shut up, Glenn. I didn't see that one. But it is exactly -- you got to tweet that out too. And tweet it out on my Twitter and Instagram as well, will you, Stu?
STU: Sure.
GLENN: It is a straight line. So it would have been here, anyway. Without the war. This is ESG. This is the fact that companies -- gas, oil, coal companies, cannot get anyone to invest, because not the market. But because of this global reset. The Great Reset. The World Economic Forum. All of these crazy people, that are prioritizing humans, over the earth. Look, I am all for -- I'm going to -- I'm going to tweet something out. I'm going to tweet a link out. On something I did. Gosh, how long was it, Stu?
Fifteen years ago. When GM let me drive their hydrogen car, and there was no hydrogen station. There was nothing. If I ran out of gas. They would have to come and bring hydrogen fuel and recharge the car. But they were so excited about it. And after I drove it, I was too. It was fantastic. Fantastic.
And it is the way to -- to get rid of CO2. If you want to reduce it, then it should be hydrogen. We keep looking. I don't know if you saw this tweet of the -- the politicians that were talking about this glorious new GM. Electric car. And they can't wait. It's out on the market now. And it's wonderful. And one reporter says, where do you get the electricity to charge it? And the politician says, well, right here at it dealership. We just plug it in. Yeah, yeah. But where does the dealership get the electricity to charge it?
GLENN: Well, from the power grid. Okay. My God. Where does the power grid get the electricity?
Well, from the power plant. Where does the power plant get the energy to make the electricity? Well, it's coal, of course. But we're going to get off that. So what you're saying to me right now, buying an electric car does nothing for the environment. Because it's all going to a coal-fired power plant. Or a gas-fired power plant. Yes. But we're going to have solar really soon.
As a guy, who is sitting currently in a studio, that is run by solar power. There's many things, I cannot do here. Because I don't have enough electricity. I'm sitting here.
The sun has just broken out. My solar panels are getting energy. And collecting energy from the sun, for the first time, in two days. Seattle, good luck. Good luck. In the winter, the bulk. With all of that energy. This makes no sense. They are not only driving the price up, so they can have a wonderful economy in the future. Which is not going to happen, if you do it this way. Not only doing that. But they are destroying America. They are destroying everything we are. Every hope that we have. And they will be responsible for the deaths of millions of people. Just like they are right now. By the way, everything that Joe Biden did. Said, we're going to choke them off on oil. Because that's how they'll make their money. We'll collapse the ruble. The ruble is up. The ruble is higher than it was before the war. Putin is now selling more oil, at a higher cost, than he was during the war. So he's not paying a Putin price hike. Only we are. Except, we were the ones, that were inflicting it on ourself. These people either are completely clueless, which I do not believe. Because I've read too many of their words. They know impala what they're doing. Joe may not. Because he's worried about pooping in his own pants, I'm sure. But the people around him, know exactly what they're doing. And what they're doing, is destroying this country. Back in just a second.