Editor's note: This article was originally published on TheBlaze.com.
Comparing Donald Trump's trial to Hunter Biden's trial isn't like comparing apples to oranges--it's like comparing apples to eggs. They are completely different. They don't even share the same source. The Donald Trump trial comes from a really rotten tree. The other one comes from the butt of a chicken.
First of all, the Hunter Biden trial only happened after the FBI did everything they could to make his crimes go away. When they realized that Hunter would have to pay for some crime, they made sure it was the least important one: lying about his cocaine addiction on a federal gun background check.
I am all for the rule of law--obviously. I am a responsible gun owner. You don't lie on your form when you're doing a background check. I would go to jail. You would go to jail. Hunter Biden should go to jail. But this is just one of 170 crimes Hunter Biden has been implicated in. Will he pay for those crimes? Here is just a few.
When he was in Arizona on his way to rehab, Hunter dropped off his car at a rental facility near the airport where he accidentally left his his ID, a crack pipe, and a bag of cocaine in the car. Nothing was done about it. Isn't that kind of a big deal?
A woman who is currently in jail in Connecticut for other crimes arranged a meeting with Hunter to bring him crack cocaine later that month. Isn't that also kind of a big deal?
Later that month when he was in Connecticut, the texts on his laptop showed that he was not only consuming drugs--he was trafficking them--as well as arranging sex with women. The sex crimes in Connecticut alone--let's just say discretion is advised when looking into this.
He would solicit prostitutes one after another. As they would leave his room, he solicited more. The next day, he solicited a third prostitute. But he didn't stop there. He continued to solstice prostitutes throughout his time in Connecticut, even recording a video of him having sex with a prostitute and smoking crack. The money transfers revealed he paid thousands of dollars to these prostitutes. Is prostitution legal in Connecticut? If you live in Connecticut, are you cool with this?
He then took his crimes to Delaware where he was doing drug deals, one with a registered sex offender. He even smoked crack with them. Hunter made sure that his crack use was on camera. Again, he was caught naked doing drugs at a public spa. It was only after all of this that he bought the gun, lied about his drug use, and continued to have more "fun "with prostitutes.
In Florida, when Hunter sent money to a Ukrainian escort, JPMorgan flagged the transfer as possible human trafficking. That's just 1 out of 170 times banks sent out a yellow flag to the federal government, saying, "There's something wrong here. This is human trafficking. This is money laundering." But the federal government turned a blind eye--170 times. That's the real crime here.
When the House Oversight Committee turned its sights to Hunter Biden's illicit international business deals with his dad, they couldn't turn a blind eye anymore. They only prosecuted when they had no other choice, and they chose the smallest and least embarrassing of the crimes.
I think justice was served--for his one crime. We'll see what the sentencing is. But this is not the thing to prosecute him on.
The left will use Hunter's conviction for their campaign against Donald Trump. They will say, "The President's son is a convicted felon. A former President is a convicted felon. The health of our republic has never been stronger." This is not good for the health of a republic regardless of the trials' outcomes.
If both are guilty of their crimes, it shows we have a real problem with the people in leadership. But both of them aren't true--again, apples and eggs. Hunter was prosecuted only when the federal government couldn't get away with sweeping everything that he and his dad under the rug. So then they prosecuted him, and he was convicted by a jury of his peers.
In Trump's trial in New York, they did every possible dirty trick, every twist of the law--even to the point of making up a law--to convict him. Their case was so baseless that even federal government said, "No, Trump did not violate the law." But then they took it to a state court, and the judge coached the jury that they didn't even have to agree on the crime to convict Trump. Then they declared that Trump was guilty of a federal crime, even though state courts don't have federal jurisdiction.
They did things that have never been done in our justice system before. They made a mockery of justice. I think Alan Dershowitz was right when he said the best thing that could happen is to find Hunter Biden "not guilty" and set him free because people would start to realize that we are the laughingstock of the world.
Our justice system, which used to be the most admired, is now the world's laughingstock.