Here's a little science fiction for you. Imagine a world where Hillary Clinton was elected President. Longtime Clinton friend Harvey Weinstein enjoys his career as a powerful Hollywood producer. After all, there is no #MeToo movement. In fact, Malia Obama still works as an intern for Weinstein. There is no Women's March. No Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. The Left goes about each day just as smug and self-righteous, badgering the subhuman scum that voted for Donald Trump.
RELATED: The Clinton (double) standard
President Hillary Clinton is a domineering President. She continues her rhetoric about deplorables, further alienating large swathes of the country, people who had hoped for a different future, but whose lives have now become the object of ridicule. There are none of the weekly protests, no riots, nothing like the circus we've seen, and, slowly, America rots at its core, and women everywhere have to take orders from a woman who repeatedly defends a husband who, well, you know.
Thankfully, that's not the way things went.
In fact, they've gone much differently. Vox recently posted an article titled "Hillary Clinton's defense of Bill Clinton is why women don't come forward." Things are bad for Hillary when Vox is turning its back on her. I mean, everyone is turning their backs on her, really. She's like a plague, a curse that nobody wants to associate with.
The Vox article opens with a very telling line:
The rise of the #MeToo movement has prompted many politicians and public figures to reexamine President Bill Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky.
It's a reference to recent backlash that Hillary has faced after unequivocally saying that her husband was right to not resign during the Lewinsky scandal. She then took it further, claiming that the relationship between then-President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky was not an abuse of power. I thought we were supposed to #BelieveAllWomen? Isn't that what the protest signs say?
Everyone is turning their backs on her, really. She's like a plague, a curse that nobody wants to associate with.
In the #MeToo era, it's slowly coming out that one of the greatest villains is the woman who was very nearly the President of this country. She typifies everything that feminism decries.
As the Vox article concludes:
Hillary Clinton will always have a place in feminist history. But when the history of #MeToo is written, she may be remembered as someone who supported women — until their words hit too close to home.
Just remember, it could have been much, much worse.