To prove that women are powerless, 5,000 feminists created the world's first major music festival for women, non-binary and transgender people, in Sweden, a country that prides itself for having a feminist government, and by the end of it men were being forced into "man pens," and somehow it's not discrimination. Well, it turns out that it is discrimination, legally. I'll break it down more here in a minute...
From the start, the festival discriminated against men, on purpose, even the name confirms this. "STATEMENT Festival." You know, it's not about music, it's about making "a statement" something about how men use the patriarchy to discriminate against women.
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These were the rules: No men allowed. Well, trans-men were okay, because they were born a woman even though they identify as men. Oh and biological men who were men but who now consider themselves women were allowed too. But no cis-gender men. Because cisgender men discriminate against women, trans women, and transmen. It's mind-numbing, I know.
At the festival, any cis-gender men who showed up, including staff and performers, were restricted to certain areas called "man pens," like "pig pens." What we have here is an actual slippery slope. It starts with identity politics in feminism and things get more and more slippery until men are literally being thrown in cages like animals.
Here's a dilemma: What stopped men at the festival from saying, "I'm a woman." If gender really is as fluid as they're portraying it, how are they able to determine whether the "men" they put in cages weren't actually women?
How are they able to determine whether the "men" they put in cages weren't actually women?
When news first broke about the "no man" festival everyone just assumed it would be yet another example of the left enjoying double standards. They throw a fit, then they get what they want. They pull stunts that conservatives would never be allowed to so much as mention and get away with it. Especially in Sweden, where there's an entire government agency called Discrimination Ombudsman which is "tasked with supervising the laws relating to discrimination on sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation or age."
The feminists behind "STATEMENT" "no-man" festival were so confident that they would get their way that they had next year's lineup ready to go. So it's a little ironic that the Discrimination Ombudsman, a feminist government agency has determined that the "STATEMENT festival" violated the exact discrimination laws that they have always used to their benefit. STATEMENT 2019 was cancelled.
It's a dilemma that feminists have no answer for, just like Marxists don't have an answer, because it's a Marxist idea. What happens when postmodern feminists take all the power away from "the patriarchy"? Once they redistribute that power, where will it go? They take it. Then, they get authoritarian. Which is how you get a "feminist" music festival that actually is anti-feminism because it's so anti-equality. They literally had rules about who could attend, and they were based on gender. How many times do we have to prove that this system doesn't work?