Preparedness guide to the Marxist revolution

If nothing else, 2020 certainly qualifies as an interesting year. As of today, we're officially 50% of the way through, and boy oh boy have we clocked some miles. The president of the united states was impeached by the House. A global pandemic shut down the world's economy (or, more accurately, our governments did that to us) and has killed over 118,000 Americans – thus far. A Minneapolis cop murdered a black man sparking worldwide protests, riots and looting, with hundreds of American businesses being destroyed and millions of Americans taking to the streets in protest of everything from police brutality to systemic cultural racism to income inequality to bronze statues.

Let's be clear, we're facing a purposefully driven Marxist revolution in America right now. Antifa is far better organized, funded and dedicated than the apologists in the mainstream media would have you believe. Antifa members have received combat training in camps in Syria and Iraq, and they are also being supported by anti-American misinformation campaigns by anti-Capitalist support from China and Russia. Their intent is the overthrow of the US Constitution, and they're using the Black Lives Matter protests as cover for their activities.

All this and we still haven't even really kicked off the 2020 election season, which, given our current political and social climate, stands to be one of the most hotly contentious in history.

Let's further realize that the US economy is teetering on nothing short of total collapse. Remember when we were all freaking out that the US Debt was nearing $20 Trillion a couple of years ago? Well it's sitting at $27 Trillion, with over $1 Trillion being added just in May. Estimates are that the US Government will need to borrow another $2-3 Trillion by the end of the year…oh, and by the way, as of last Friday, The Federal Reserve is the sole buyer of US Debt so far in 2020, effectively printing money to lend to the US Government, threatening hyper-inflation by practicing so-called Modern Monetary Theory right before our eyes.

Leaving aside for a moment whether or not you believe COVID-19 was a hoax and whether you believe the recent protests and anti-police riots are justified or not, there's a very practical reality facing each of us: we must survive. We have to provide for our families. Food and water. Shelter. Medical care. And, for the first time for many of us, safety - in a world where we're sadly less confident that there will be a police response if we need one. Whatever side of the aisle you may be on or how you feel about the Marxist-lead social revolution we're in we can debate another time. The point is simply this: America is facing existential crisis on several fronts.

The point is simply this: America is facing existential crisis on several fronts.

For most of us, "preparedness" has taken on a new meaning and sense of urgency. It was something we always knew we should be. The scout motto. Be prepared. If nothing else, the past few months have shown us the truth and value of that concept.

Nobody can predict what the next few months or years will be like, but if the last few months are any sort of guide, you should be ready to take actions to keep your family safe. What follows is a simple guide to get you started.

1. Admit to yourself that this is actually happening.

What you're seeing on the news may seem like surreal and a little like it's happening in another country. Unless you happen to live in Seattle, Minneapolis, New York, Atlanta or one of the other major cities were violence and looting have occurred, it might feel as if COVID-19 and the George Floyd protests against alleged endemic police racism and violence against minorities are isolated incidents and distant from where you live.

But this is one of those times you'll need to force yourself into action. Say this to yourself: Don't freeze, don't freeze, don't freeze. When there is so much chaos around us, it can be easy to let fear of the unknown or the instability of the moment overwhelm your instinct to act.

Don't be the victim of Deer In The Headlights syndrome. This really is occurring, right before our eyes. There has been a cultural-Marxist revolution ongoing in the US for years, and now the one we've been warning about for years, the actual revolution and attempt to overthrow the US Government and Constitution is underway. It's NOT over yet. Indeed, it's just getting started.

So, get your mind right. Root yourself Spirit in the knowledge that God stands with the righteous, that as we as a righteous people have made a covenant with him, so too has he made a covenant with us. We will make a principled stand and save our nation, but we can only do so if our families can eat and sleep safely in their beds. That isn't automatic, it will take conscious, purposeful action to make it so.

2. Follow The 6P Rule: (Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance)

You do need a plan. The plan will vary for each of you, depending where you may live. If you're in a small town in a Western state your plan will be fairly different from the plan needed by someone living in West Hollywood or even Dallas, Texas. We are almost certain facing very regionalized and localized supply disruptions, social unrest/riots through the end of this year, and depending on what happens with the November 3 rd elections even longer.

Antifa is definitely most active in bigger cities, but there are cells in many cities in Western states, including places like Provo, Utah, Boulder, Colorado, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Much of that is because College Campuses are prime recruiting and breeding grounds for Marxists in the US, where new recruits can be found, trained, programmed and sent out into the community armed with rocks, bricks, billy clubs, knives, guns and explosives. So, even if you're not in one of America's larger cities with a large minority population, if you have a college nearby, you may have an Antifa-type community closer than you think.

But wherever you are located and whatever your situation, your plan should involve some version of the following:

a. Ensure you have sufficient food, water and household supplies on hand for at least 30 days (remember the COVID-19 recommendations from Uncle Sam was 2 weeks). As much as possible, ensure the food supply is portable in case you're forced to Get Out Of Dodge.

b. Speaking of GOOD (get out of dodge), you'll need a plan for that as well. If you are forced to leave your home/apartment for some reason, you need a preplanned place to go, pre-arranged resources at that location, and a pre-planned route/means to get there. You should prep a plan to get your car packed and family on the road in 30 minutes or less. Speaking of which: from today forward, ½ tank of gas is 'empty' and you need to refill it. Always at least 50% full or better.

c. Prepper's Mantra: Be early and wrong. Late and right is useless. Don't be the last one to leave your neighborhood or town. You don't know what roads will end up blocked off by protestors or by the police/national guard, and you don't want to end up on CNN accused of being a white-fascist who drove through a crowd of "peaceful" protestors who blocked your path to keep your family safe. So set the triggers with your household and get everyone prepared for the possibility that you're going to leave if those thresholds are tripped, and then go. Call it a mini-vacation. If you end up being wrong, come on back home. Better early and wrong than right but late.

d. Rule of 3s: Three is two. Two is one. One is None. You need a redundant back up for EVERYTHING. 3 sources of income/money. 3 Sources of food/water/shelter. 3 sources of light, heat, fuel, medicine. 3 forms of self-defense. Everything needs a back up, and every back up needs a back up. House lights, flashlights, candles. There, done and done. Now, apply that to transportation. Car, bike, feet. 3 plans for every need.

e. From food to water to medical care, aim for becoming self-sufficient. If your local supply chain or power grid is down for weeks at a time, do you have your own means to provide food to your table and power for your radio or grandma's oxygen tank battery?

3. What to Expect

One of the common things that seem overwhelming when 'prepping' is to think through all of the various scenarios that you're actually preparing for. That can seem daunting, since these days even alien-invasion can't be ruled out thanks to the Navy's release of UFO videos a couple of months ago.

Luckily, we're really talking about a few main threat issues here, whatever the "cause" ends up being. Your family needs food & water, safe shelter, medicine, hygiene & first aid, and household supplies.

What you can and should be prepared for are things like:

a. Supply chain disruptions — regionally at least, if not nationally. What if Antifa-lead revolutionaries burn down and loot Amazon or Walmart warehouses (as unconfirmed internet rumors suggest they are planning)? As we saw the severe shortages on toilet-paper and some foods during the early COVID-19 shut downs, the supply chain in the US can be made fairly fragile quickly. Food is at greatest risk, and while it might seem challenging to actually have 30 days of food on hand, that should be your minimum threshold.

Antifa's & BLM protestors have explicitly targeted grocery and drug stores, as well as engaging in transportation disruptions by blocking freeways. Those techniques seem to work and to get them attention and supplies, so it's prudent to expect more of that type of activity in the future.

b. Power, Water, Telecommunication grid disruptions. COVID-19 was an interesting crisis in that much of the country was in crisis-shut-down mode, but we never lost power, water or Internet. Our cell phones still worked. But with the height of summer kicking in, The Sun beginning to wake up in Solar Cycle 25 (combined with the earth's severely weakened magnetic field) and social unrest due to protests/riots, you should have a definite plan for grid-down going forward. It's key to plan for not having Intern/Cell phones in the least, and that means ensuring that everyone in your household knows the plan ahead of time, since direct communication in an emergency might be impossible. So, everyone knows the meet up point (probably home), the GOOD plan (where you're going, the planned route to get there), and whom you're communicating with on the outside if local communications go down (usually a friend or relative out of state acting as a hub to leave messages with).

c. Banking holidays or failures may be coming. One of the telling events in the very early stages of COVID-19 was an emergency message by the head of the FDIC imploring US citizens to leave their money in the bank.

If you can afford it, you should have 1 month's worth of household expenses set aside in cash/liquid form. If you do decide it's safer for you to keep your cash in a bank, then select a local/regional savings bank, with an AA or better rating, one that does NOT engage in or offer Investment Banking. If you walk into a Branch and they have an Investment-Banking or Money Management desk, walk out and find another bank. Investment banks that take depositors cash and put it into the stock market automatically put your $ at risk, since what money you have deposited there is the Bank's money, you're legally lending it to them.

A local bank that lends money to local business owners or home-buyers and does NOT offer equities investment services is your best bet to ensure any money you have in the bank will still be there should stocks crash.

What's important to consider from a cash perspective is: what if ATMs didn't work or were offline…due to a power grid failure, official bank holiday is declared, or social unrest, etc? So imagine that scenario. Tomorrow, the plastic in your wallet or purse doesn't work. How will you pay for things?

d. Self-defense/Lack of Police Response. Wherever you are and whatever the scenario, you need to be prepared to defend yourself, your family and your property. Due to Antifa & Black Lives Matter driven Defund The Police movements, Police are under attack as never before, and are busier than ever before. There are parts of the country right now, such as Seattle and now parts of Atlanta and Minneapolis that are effectively no-go zones for Police. 911 calls for robbery, assault, even rape are going unanswered in Seattle and the city has formally turned over several square blocks to Marxist thugs. In Minneapolis, sections of the city that are heavily Somali-Muslim aren't being patrolled by cops (but instead by anti-American Islamic gangs). This isn't hyperbole, this is actually occurring on US streets. So you need to be prepared to be your family's form of self-defense and security, rather than relying on the police. Our boys in blue have a lot going on just now, so don't be a burden to them if you don't have to be.

Self-defense doesn't always mean guns. In fact, if your household isn't already armed and trained, it may be too late, as numerous gun stores are either sold out or in very short supply. If you do decide to arm yourself, please seek and gain firearms safety training and know your local laws.

Also recall that a good deal of self-defense has to do with Operational Security anyway: do your best to maintain a quiet, fairly anonymous and innocuous persona in your neighborhood. Don't make yourself or your home a target for looters, rioters or thugs. That means you don't need to brag to your neighbors that you have an underground bunker filled with a year's supply of food and ammo. If you have that, more power to you, but keep in on the down-low.

4. Observe Situational Awareness

The combat pyramid preaches an escalation process, not dissimilar to the white-house's COVID-19 response plan. Condition RED means you're actually in combat in real time. A gunfight, for example. Condition Orange is a heightened state of awareness that comes when the threat of combat is real or imminent. Condition Yellow is a state of mental and physical readiness, but not seeing any specific immediate or apparent threat. Condition white is 'safety', and really should only occur when you're asleep or dead.

Right now, most of us in big cities should be somewhere between Condition Yellow and Orange. In smaller cities or suburbs, probably Yellow is sufficient. You are prepared physically and mentally, and you are watching and listening. But you are ready to escalate into Orange if conditions worsen. Have your local news station on your car radio and on your mobile phone (most have apps you can use to access them, so get that checked off). Also there are numerous smart-phone apps that let you tap into local police/fire/emergency radio chatter, and are perfectly legal, so check out one or more of those as well. Be the first to know, so you can be the first to act. Better early and wrong, remember?

Another key factor related to situational awareness is a communication plan for your family. Develop a parallel plan, one that works via the smartphones you all carry around, and one that is back up in case cellular service experiences disruption. Even if/when local cell services goes down, the Internet in general tends to be up, so Facebook (or CODIAS if you want a Conservative alternative) can be used as a back up communication platform. And walkie-talkies at 5 Watts tend to give you several miles of range in most cities.

5. Know Your Enemy

We're in a very real fight for the heart and soul of America. If you realize that yet, at least know that is what your enemies believe, even if you don't. The movement behind Black Lives Matter is a pro-Marxist/Socialist movement, even if most of the protestors aren't aware of that (classic useful idiots paradigm) however well-intentioned they may be. The Antifa-agitators are out and out Communists, or just general anarchists. Both groups are anti-Capitalist (read: Anti-American) who wish to tear down the Constitution as is and rewrite a new one in the form of a Marxist utopian society complete with reeducation camps, no allowance for free speech or freedom of religion.

There are many who find that either difficult to accept or, like most in the Mainstream Media (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NY Times, etc) who support those goals and so are simply lying on air and obfuscating the truth. And misinformation campaigns are being waged on Social media by Russia, China and other anti-American, pro-statist groups, just as they did in 2016 during the election.

Even the COVID-19 response by our own governments and by the UN/EU/WHO leadership should be viewed through a skeptical and anti-American-agenda lens. The UN has called for a global 10% 'tax' on all incomes to be paid to the UN, supposedly to fight the COVID-19 crisis and related supply chain disruptions, effectively a wealth transfer from the G-20 to poorer countries. The WHO has kowtowed to Beijing and the Chinese Communist Party at every turn during the crisis. And state governments have used the Pandemic as an excuse to implement cell-phone tracking, use of drones to monitor our personal behavior, and to monitor online purchases to ensure we aren't 'hoarding' food or other essential goods.

We will have to play the dual role of self-sufficient, productive Americans as well as battling statists and Marxists to save our country. But you don't get to pick one or the other. You have to be self-sufficient in order to offer America your services as a protector.

So that is where to start. Prepare yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually first. Get your heart right with God. Mend fences with your family members, especially those who may live out of state in smaller, rural towns. Arrange to be able to go there and stay, and prep some goods there is at all possible.

6. Start a Victory Garden

Let's kill two birds with one stone here: let's plan on victory and help take care of our family's food needs in one go. Every American, yes, even those of you who may life in an apartment in a big city, should start a Victory Garden. Lots of vegetables are very easy to grow, even indoors, including beans, tomatoes, squash, dandelions (very nutritious and grows everywhere), etc. Your kids are home from school, you may be working from home some or all of the time, so there aren't many excuses. If you've never grown food before, start small and easy. A planter box or even a few window-based pots with beans and tomatoes is a good place to begin. But there are hundreds of YouTube channels, books and online tutorials that have removed all excuses save for your own laziness. So get going on this one. Make it a fun event for the family, especially if you have younger kids.

Above all, know that we are going to get through this. As Americans, we have been through hard times before, from 1776 through the Civil War, Great Depression, 60s race riots and 9/11. We can take whatever the Marxists dish out and more. All that is required is that we renew our covenant with God, and adhere to our original principles: Liberty and Justice for all. If we do that, we shall prevail and ensure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, and that the first nation of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.

15 MLK quotes the far-left does NOT want you to read

Hulton Archive / Stringer, Michael Ochs Archives / Stringer | Getty Images

While members of the far-left often herald Martin Luther King Jr. as an emblem of their movement, it is ironic that many of MLK's core values and teachings are at odds with their values. On this day when we honor Martin Luther King Jr., one of America's most articulate and transformational leaders, it is important that we remember his teachings as they truly were, and not what the modern-left would like them to be. Here are 15 of MLK's most impactful quotes the far-left would like you to forget.

MLK was a firm believer in non-violent demonstration, unlike ANTIFA and many of the modern-left movements today. He also taught the motivation behind these non-violent movements should be love, not hate.

1. I have earnestly worked and preached against violent tension, but there is a type of constructive nonviolent tension that is necessary for growth. Just as Socrates felt that it was necessary to create a tension in the mind so that individuals could rise from the bondage of myths and half-truths to the unfettered realm of creative analysis and objective appraisal, we must see the need of having nonviolent gadflies to create the kind of tension in society that will help men to rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood. So, the purpose of direct action is to create a situation so crisis-packed that it will inevitably open the door to negotiation.—Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1963
2. After contemplation, I conclude that this award which I receive on behalf of that movement is a profound recognition that nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral question of our time – the need for man to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to violence and oppression. Civilization and violence are antithetical concepts.—Nobel Prize acceptance speech, 1964
3. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence.—"I Have a Dream" speech, 1963
4. Sooner or later all the people of the world will have to discover a way to live together in peace, and thereby transform this pending cosmic elegy into a creative psalm of brotherhood. If this is to be achieved, man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.—Nobel Prize acceptance speech, 1964
5. I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right temporarily defeated is stronger than evil triumphant.—Nobel Prize acceptance speech, 1964
6. I still believe that one day mankind will bow before the altars of God and be crowned triumphant over war and bloodshed, and nonviolent redemptive good will proclaim the rule of the land. “And the lion and the lamb shall lie down together and every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree and none shall be afraid.”—Nobel Prize acceptance speech, 1964

MLK believed just laws are derived from God's law alone. He defined unjust laws as those that do not treat all men equally in dignity, as God's law requires. Civil disobedience is only justified when it involves breaking an unjust law in pursuit of moral law, he taught.

7. How does one determine when a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law, or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas, an unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal and natural law.—Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1963
8. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust. All segregation statutes are unjust because segregation distorts the soul and damages the personality. It gives the segregator a false sense of superiority and the segregated a false sense of inferiority. To use the words of Martin Buber, the great Jewish philosopher, segregation substitutes an "I - it" relationship for the "I - thou" relationship and ends up relegating persons to the status of things.—Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1963
9. We can never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was "legal" and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was "illegal." It was "illegal" to aid and comfort a Jew in Hitler's Germany. But I am sure that if I had lived in Germany during that time, I would have aided and comforted my Jewish brothers even though it was illegal. If I lived in a Communist country today where certain principles dear to the Christian faith are suppressed, I believe I would openly advocate disobeying these anti-religious laws—Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1963

MLK did NOT hate America. On the contrary, he loved America's founding principles and fought for the equal application rights of principles and America's Judeo-Christian heritage. He was hopeful rather than hateful of the future of America and mankind.

10. So even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."I Have a Dream" speech, 1963
11. One day the South will know that when these disinherited children of God sat down at lunch counters they were in reality standing up for the best in the American dream and the most sacred values in our Judeo-Christian heritage.—Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1963
12. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men — yes, Black men as well as white men — would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.—"I Have a Dream" speech, 1963
13. I accept this award today with an abiding faith in America and an audacious faith in the future of mankind. I refuse to accept despair as the final response to the ambiguities of history. I refuse to accept the idea that the “isness” of man’s present nature makes him morally incapable of reaching up for the eternal “oughtness” that forever confronts him.—Nobel Prize acceptance speech, 1964

Unlike Critical Race Theory and modern leftist movement, MLK fought against applying special privileges to a particular race. Instead, MLK dreamed of both black and white people living together in love and brotherhood as equals.

14. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.—"I Have a Dream" speech, 1963
15. When this happens, and when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, Black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last. Free at last. Thank God almighty, we are free at last.—"I Have a Dream" speech, 1963

Join Glenn and Stu this Monday, January 20th, starting at 11 a.m. Eastern, for an unforgettable livestream of Donald Trump’s second inauguration. Broadcasting live from the heart of the nation’s capital, Glenn will bring you unparalleled coverage during the last hour of his radio program of this historic moment as the United States ushers in what Glenn describes as a "golden era" under Trump’s leadership. After his radio program, join Glenn for BlazeTV's live stream of the inauguration with special guests, live commentary, and the energy of being right on-site at this historic event for coverage you don’t want to miss.

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4 ways Biden is SABOTAGING Trump on his way out of office

ROBERTO SCHMIDT / Contributor | Getty Images

President Biden has less than a week left in the White House, but that doesn't mean he's down for the count quite yet.

Next Monday, January 20th, President-elect Trump will be officially sworn into office, marking the beginning of his second term. But after such a bitter and contentious election, the Democrats aren't ready to roll over. Instead, they have been working around the clock to ensure that Trump will face as many obstacles and challenges as possible the minute he is sworn in. These political landmines are designed to sabotage his presidency—at the cost of the well-being of the American people.

Biden's job approval rating currently sits around 38.7 percent, one of the lowest approval ratings of any president, he has nothing to lose from these reckless ploys. Here are four ways Biden and the Left are trying to sabotage Trump:

Pardoning criminals

Andrew Harnik / Staff | Getty Images

In November, President Biden customarily pardoned the Thanksgiving turkey ... along with his son Hunter and dozens of other controversial criminals, including 37 felons on death row. Hunter's 11-year-long blanket immunity sets a dangerous precedent for future presidents, and we may never know the full extent of the Biden family's crimes and corruption.

Destroying U.S. energy

J. David Ake / Contributor | Getty Images

Biden has made several moves that have damaged America's ability to produce its energy independently, including canceling the Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office. Earlier this month, Biden signed another order that has dire consequences for the energy sector, effectively blocking any new drilling off the U.S. coast indefinitely. This not only further kneecaps the U.S. oil industry during a time when gas and energy prices are on the rise, but moreover, the way the executive order was written means Trump will have a much harder time undoing it. Thanks, Biden.

Escalating overseas wars

Global Images Ukraine / Contributor | Getty Images

America's involvement with the ongoing war in Ukraine has been tenuous from the beginning, but under Biden, it has escalated to a Cold War-like proxy war. Neither pleas from Americans in need nor threats from Russia have deterred Biden. He has approved countless aid packages sent to Ukraine, totaling billions of dollars. Recently, Biden has decided to up the ante by supplying Ukraine with long-range missiles, despite Putin's warnings that Russia would consider this an act of war. It's almost like Biden wants to start WWIII before handing the reigns over to Trump.

Installing a "shadow cabinet"

For years Glenn has warned of the dangers of the deep state, and its very existence has been denied ... until recently. Shortly after the election Democratic Rep. Wiley Nickel made a disturbing speech on the House floor where he proposed the creation of a "Shadow Cabinet" designed to hamper the Trump administration and to step in if Trump were removed from office. This "Shadow Cabinet" would be composed of Democrat counter-picks to Trump presidential cabinet members, and they would scrutinize every act made by the Trump administration and propose alternative actions. This just proves that the deep state will do anything to stop President Trump.

How California leadership is to blame for HORRIFIC wildfires

PATRICK T. FALLON / Contributor | Getty Images

California's progressive policies emphasize ideology over lifesaving solutions. The destruction will persist until voters hold their elected officials accountable.

America is no stranger to natural disasters. But it’s not the fires, floods, or earthquakes that are the most devastating — it’s the repeated failures to learn from them, prevent them, and take responsibility for the damage.

My heart goes out to the families who have lost homes, cherished memories, and livelihoods. But if we’re going to help California rebuild and prevent future disasters, we need to confront some uncomfortable truths about leadership, responsibility, and priorities.

California — ironically, in the name of environmentalism — continues to ignore solutions that would protect both the environment and its residents.

While Californians continue to face heart-wrenching losses, those who have the power to enact change are mired in bureaucracy, regulation, and ideologies that do nothing to protect lives or preserve the land. The result? A state that keeps burning, year after year.

Where did all the water go?

We all know that water is essential to life. When NASA searches for signs of life on other planets, it looks for water. Yet, California has spent decades neglecting its water infrastructure. The state hasn’t built a new major reservoir since 1979 — over 40 years ago. Back then, California’s population was roughly half what it is today. Despite massive population growth, the state’s water storage capacity has remained frozen in time, woefully inadequate for current needs.

Moreover, billions of gallons of rainwater flow straight into the ocean every year because no infrastructure exists to capture and store it. Imagine how different things could be if California had built reservoirs, aqueducts, and desalination plants to secure water for its dry seasons.

Water is life, but the state’s failure to prioritize this essential resource has put lives and ecosystems at risk.

Misplaced priorities and critical leadership failure

This neglect of critical infrastructure is part of a larger failure of vision, and in California, the consequences of that failure are on full display.

Consider the progressive leadership in Los Angeles, where the mayor cut the fire department’s budget to fund programs for the homeless, funneling money to NGOs with little oversight. While helping the homeless is a worthy cause, it cannot come at the expense of protecting lives and property from catastrophic fires. Leadership must put safety and well-being over political agendas, and that’s not happening in Los Angeles.

The same misplaced priorities extend to environmental policies. Progressive leaders have blocked sensible forest management practices, prioritizing dead trees over living creatures. They reject controlled burns, forest thinning, and other commonsense measures, bowing to the demands of activists rather than considering real solutions that would protect those they govern.

California’s wildfire crisis is, in many ways, a man-made disaster. Yes, factors like Southern California’s dry climate, strong Santa Ana winds, and little rain play a role, but the biggest contributing factor is poor land management.

The forests are choked with dry brush, dead trees, and vegetation that turn every spark into a potential inferno. The crisis could have been mitigated — if only the state had made forest management and fire prevention a higher priority.

Finland and Sweden, for example, understand the importance of maintaining healthy forests. These countries have perfected the art of clearing underbrush and thinning trees sustainably, turning potential fire fuel into biomass energy. This approach not only reduces the risk of wildfires, but it also creates jobs, boosts the economy, and improves the ecosystem. And yet, California — ironically, in the name of environmentalism — continues to ignore these solutions that would protect both the environment and its residents.

We need to stop pretending that something as devastating as the Palisades and Eaton fires are just “part of life” and hold leaders accountable.

Insurance rules put California residents at risk

California faces another major and often overlooked liability when it comes to natural disasters: insurance.

California’s ongoing disasters make the state an uninsurable risk. Insurance companies are pulling out because the odds of widespread devastation are just too high. This creates a vicious cycle: With private insurers gone, the government steps in to subsidize high-risk areas. This enables people to rebuild in fire-prone zones, perpetuating the destruction. The solution isn’t more government intervention; it’s better decision-making.

This doesn’t mean abandoning people to their fate, but we must address the root of the problem: California’s inadequate disaster preparedness and poor land management. If the state continues to resist commonsense solutions like forest thinning, controlled burns, and better zoning laws, no amount of insurance or government assistance will ever be enough to mitigate the losses. The cycle will repeat until the costs — financial and human — become unbearable. It’s time to stop pretending the risk isn’t real and start making decisions that reflect the reality of California’s landscape.

What’s the solution? California’s government needs to put its people over harmful political agendas that put its residents at risk. Start by managing your forests. Implement controlled burns, remove dead trees, and clear underbrush.

But how you vote matters. California’s progressive policies have focused on political correctness and ideology instead of practical, lifesaving solutions. Until voters hold leaders accountable, the cycle of destruction will persist.

Editor's Note: This article was originally published on