In everyday language, talking about the weather is the simplest form of conversation. It’s small talk at its finest, and it is beautiful in its simplicity, its ability to connect people through the joys and tragedies of nature.
But on the Left, discussion about the weather is an excuse to push doom. In the media, it’s a way to gain prestige and collect awards. In academia, it’s a way to score clout and publish articles. In politics, it’s a way to get votes and build power.
On the Left, discussion about the weather is an excuse to push doom.
And in all three, it’s a reliable way to make money. Lots of it. They have turned climate doom into an industry and a religion. And the tool they use is fear.
I began gathering articles that framed climate change as an apocalypse that will happen at any moment. We had to stop because every major mainstream outlet has pushed this tired agenda.
In this month alone, USA Todaytried to shame Republicans into "climatism." Every major outlet including ABC Newsand The Associated Pressreduced this summer’s heat waves to climate change despite pre-Industrial weather patterns, and The Chicago Tribunewarned that the Windy City is slowly sinking from something called “underground climate change” — climate change is underground now, too?!?
Oh, and the Atlantic Ocean’s current system could collapse within a year and a half, according to CNN’s “chief climate reporter,” Bill Weir, a man Forbes described as the “Anthony Bourdain of climate reporting” (notice how the Left deifies the people who sell us doom?).
Senate Democrats held a hearing devoted to climate change... for the ELEVENTH time. During the Senate Budget Committee, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) rebuked them for the hearing, aptly titled "Beyond the Breaking Point: The Fiscal Consequences of Climate Change on Infrastructure."
"Our nation is over $32 trillion in debt, yet this committee is holding the 11th hearing on climate change,” he said. "President Biden is on television bragging about his economic performance when Americans can’t afford groceries and gasoline. Our spending is out of control, and Democrats haven’t written a budget in the past two years."
He continues:
I fought for renewable energy long before climate change became such a politically popular topic. Democrats called this hearing to discuss the fiscal impact of climate change on infrastructure. I imagine we’ll hear some expensive estimates and alarming anecdotes about the impact of severe weather events on infrastructure. But there isn’t a single expert in this room who is qualified as a climate scientist to attribute those estimates and anecdotes explicitly to climate change.
There isn’t a single expert in this room who is qualified as a climate scientist to attribute those estimates and anecdotes explicitly to climate change.
He’s absolutely right.
We need to consider the shady history of climate hysteria, which, unlike climate change, ACTUALLY grows more severe by the day.
In "The Great Reset," Klaus Schwab constantly conflates climate change with medical crises. Covid is connected to the climate, air pollution, and even animals. He talks about climate change as the “environmental virus.”
Just this week, the World Health Organization insisted that climate change will supercharge mosquito-borne diseases.
This is a reliable trick of authoritarians: One of the surest ways to get people to surrender their freedom is to promise them safety and “health.” But, as usual, these doomsayers are the ones who are sick.
One of the surest ways to get people to surrender their freedom is to promise them safety and “health."
They look up at the same sky that you do, they see the same tremendous world. But, to them, a sunset is just another sign of doom. They can’t enjoy anything, not even the glow of nature’s most beautiful moments.
They should listen to the words of David:
When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? (Psalm 8:3-5).