An Easter message from Glenn:
I think Holy Week is the most important week of the year, both religiously speaking and as a human being. The problems that we face in America today, and quite honestly, in the entire Western world, are due to a lack of forgiveness, a lack of grace, and a lack of an understanding of the atonement.
Suicide rates are up. People think there's no need to live anymore, that nothing is real. They don't realize that they're not a human having a spiritual experience. They're a spirit having a human experience. They don't realize that you are here, at this time, for a reason. No matter what you've done, it doesn't matter. You are here for a reason, and the atonement is for you.
It took me a while to believe that. I used to believe in those lies, and it's what made me drink and become an alcoholic. I couldn't live in the world that I had created with so many things that I was ashamed of. Everything just piled on, and the mountain I created seemed insurmountable.
It wasn't until I stopped drinking and went to AA that I began to find hope again, but I still couldn't let go of the past—not until I was baptized. When I was baptized, I remember calling out to God in my head while I was in the water, saying, "You promise! You cease to be God if you don't live up to your promise, and that promise is to live the way you ask me to live and to do the things you ask me to do to the best of my ability, and you will take all the things from my past away from me."
I'm telling you, my life changed overnight. It's real.
A lot of people who even profess that it's real don't act like it is. It's something that you have to put into practice every single day and be grateful for. It is the greatest gift ever given. And that's what we're supposed to celebrate on Easter: the resurrection.

Our world is always on the razor's edge between the beautiful and the broken. As Glenn so powerfully said, people are struggling to find the will to live, to find ultimate purpose and hope in a world that repeatedly shouts that there are none. We are considered material beings who have pseudo-spiritual experiences rather than spiritual beings who are enfleshed in human bodies. If we are no more than flesh and bones, what ultimate hope do we have?
This is exactly where Glenn was before he found God. That's why he turned to things like alcohol—to blunt the pain of not having ultimate hope and purpose. Don't we all do the same? We all have our ways of alleviating the nearly unlivable burden of life without God or coping with the fear that this world is all there is, that we have no ultimate hope beyond our temporal successes and failures.
Thankfully, that wasn't the end of Glenn's story, and it doesn't have to be the end of yours either. On Easter, we celebrate the atonement of our sins given to us through the life and death of Jesus. His atonement means that our lives become his, and the shame and guilt of our past are washed clean.
Glenn has been inspired by the life and work of Jesus in his art. Here are six of Glenn's paintings inspired by Christ and the work He continues to do through His followers. If you consider purchasing any one of Glenn's prints or giclees, all proceeds go to the American Journey Experience.
Shroud of Turin
This is Glenn's rendition of the “Shroud of Turin,” the burial cloth that many believe to have been wrapped around Jesus in those sorrowful days in the tomb following the cross, miraculously imprinting our Savior’s face into the fabric. Glenn literally sanded down his painted rendition of Jesus' face to create the same effect that you would see on the shroud.
Glenn had Oxford Ph.D. and pastor Jeremiah Johnson on his show to discuss the historicity of the Shroud of Turin, and the evidence for it is nothing short but breathtaking. Johnson mentioned how C.S. Lewis had a painting of the Shroud in his home to always remind him that "my God has a face." Glenn's painting could be the same reminder of hope in your home.
A message from Glenn:
While painting the Shroud [of Turin], it made me wonder, “What did Jesus’ face look like at the very moment of His resurrection? What if we had a shroud capturing the very moment when Jesus arose from death to life?”
The painting of the Shroud captures the tired countenance of Jesus, having endured the suffering of the cross and peacefully awaiting His glorious resurrection. In contrast, the resurrected face of Jesus in this painting is happy now that the pain and suffering of the cross is over. His mouth is firm with determination to see His Father’s mission complete, yet His eyes compassionately gaze into those of the viewers, beckoning them to accept the joy and peace that He offers. His overall countenance is peaceful and relieved, that by His suffering, others can be saved and redeemed. That is what inspired this painting.
Praise In All Things
This painting shows Corrie Ten Boom and her sister Betsie in the Ravensbruck Concentration Camp. The Ten Booms, a devout Christian family from Amsterdam, were caught by the SS protecting Jews in their home, and they were all sentenced to concentration camps.
There was a lice infestation in their bunker, and Betsie asked her sister of what good God could possibly bring out of such a situation. Corrie encouraged her sister to have faith—and God worked. Due to the lice infestation, Corrie and Betsie's bunker was quarantined, and they were able to host nightly Bible studies with the inmates.
Glenn purposefully depicted each of the inmates' faces to convey a particular emotion we may feel on our journey toward God. Some inmates express anger and resentment. Others express disillusionment and hollowness. Others show signs of curiosity yet trepidation. Some are down right tired and weary. Chances are, you've experienced some or even many of these emotions throughout your journey to God. But God is present, even in the deepest of affliction, and it is there that His atonement is offered to us.
Chinese Jesus
This painting was inspired when Glenn heard about the atrocities in Maoist China, especially one is particular. The Chinese Communist Party would make individuals stand up in the public square and denounce every affiliation except their loyalty to the state. If they refused, they would be beaten, tortured, or even worse. Glenn's painting depicts Jesus standing in the public square, accused, beaten, tortured, but he refuses to denounce who He is and who His father is. The sign written in Mandarin hanging around Jesus' neck says, "Son of a King."
Holocaust Jesus
A message from Glenn:
This painting is very personal for me. I painted this one because the Lord scolded me one day. I was complaining to Him about my job. I was complaining, “Please Lord, I can’t look at this stuff anymore. There’s so much suffering and evil in the world. Give me an answer on how to turn it around. Anything.”
The Lord has made it very clear to me over the years, “You’re supposed to warn. That is your job.” But in that moment, I was so weary, and I asked Him, “What else can I look at? What else can I report on? Is there anything else?”
This is how the Lord answered me: “You can look in a lot of places. But I am always in the center of every place you do not want to look. I am always in the center of the darkest places, because I am always comforting those in those places. I am with them. You can turn your face away from suffering, but you won’t find me there. You will find me in the suffering.”
I tried to bring what the Lord told me to life on the canvas. This painting pictures Christ if he had lived in Nazi Germany. He would likely have been in a concentration camp—as He would have wanted to. He delights in comforting those in the deepest suffering.
His prison uniform features the letters, “TCXC,” which are the Greek letters for “Jesus Christ.”
I’m not good enough to paint the face of Christ, but I wanted to remember the scolding that He gave me, reminding me that leading and encouraging people through suffering and darkness is where the heart of Christ dwells.
This is a portrait of Johnny Cash’s mug shot when he was arrested on charges of cocaine possession. Many say this was Johnny Cash’s lowest point, but in reality, it was the beginning of the rest of his life, his new life in Christ.
By God’s grace, Cash found Christ and continued to follow Him faithfully the rest of his life. He even took his band to Israel to have them walk the grounds that Jesus walked. Cash’s faith demonstrates that God can redeem even our lowest moments in life, transforming what we thought was utter failure into the beginning of our great story of faith.