It started with a sucker punch at a liberal haven in California. The so-called home of radical leftists for decades now, US Berkeley.
Conservative activist Hayden Williams was doing what a growing number of young conservatives on campuses are doing: He was peacefully recruiting for Turning Point USA at his campus when another student began shoving him, then swung, then grabbed him by the shirt and thrashed him around, then swung again.
Hayden Williams acted with the restraint that Turning Point USA instructs. They tell students who set up Turning Point tables or displays that they will be discriminated against. Academia has become a cesspool of toxic rhetoric, after all.
The real irony here is that the left, especially on college campuses, has categorically vilified Turning Point for violent rhetoric—and, remember, the left considers "violent" rhetoric actual violence. Also remember that disagreement or even holding different opinions, views that don't adhere to rigorous, far-left ideology, is considered hate speech.
Not anymore.
There's a lot of news from Conservative Political Action Conference, CPAC, which took place last week into this weekend, but one of the best is Trump's announcement that he plans to sign an executive order that requires free speech on campus.
Onstage with him when he made the announcement was Hayden Williams:
Trump invites assaulted conservative activist to speak at
That's right, schools that violate free speech will lose their funding. After all, why should taxpayer money go to institutions that openly and flagrantly discriminate against conservative voices, because, it's not very tolerant of them, is it?