Why do we have the government that we have? Why do we have representatives who represent us, rather than rule over us? Why don't we just have a king or a dictator? Why is the American experiment so different?
This is what makes us so different: we were the first people on earth who believed that man can rule himself and constructed a government accordingly. We don't believe a legitimate form of government has the power to tell you how to live your life, where to live your life, or what to do with your life. We were bold enough to assert that man can rule himself, something we too often take for granted.
We were the first people on earth who believed that man can rule himself.
Other governments believe they have the authority to dictate how youmust live yourlife. You belong to them, and if you disagree with them, they can end your life, your liberty, your freedom. You're just a cog in the machine. That's the way it has been since the beginning of time.
Until America.
We dared to institute our government with a new set of principles: we, the people, are in charge. The individual is the one that makes the final decision for their life—the individual, not the collective; the smallest, not the biggest. That's why we have always been for underdogs.
But we don't have underdogs anymore.
We dared to institute our government with a new set of principles.
What happened to the underdog? Who is rooting for an underdog today? We have half the nation rooting for large, giant, out-of-control corporations that are in bed with global governments. Where is the American ideal in all of this? We believe that governments are instituted among men, to secure an individual his right—not corporations, not global elitists.
Over and over and over, throughout the history of time, men have been prone to ignore the personality of the individual and to disregard man's rights by governing against them and their opportunity to develop. What are we doing right now? What is the sickness that is infecting our minds and souls?
Men have been prone to ignore the personality of the individual.
On one side, there are those who believe in the dignity and worth of the individual, who proclaim the right to be free and achieve one's fullest destiny—spiritually, intellectually, and materially. On the other side, there are those who deny and disdain the worth of the individual. They will subject people to the will of the authoritarian state, the dictates of a rigid ideology, the ruthless disciplines of a party apparatus. We're in danger now of actually surrendering our personal and property rights.
I still hold these truths to be self-evident—I'm just looking for the government that will secure those rights, the eternal and everlasting rights.
The principles of tyranny maintain that human beings are incurably selfish. They can't govern themselves. They're too stupid. They're too selfish. Dictatorships are the way to go. However, dictators argue that people should be governed by a clique, like that high school clique that was so very popular and would rub everybody else's face in the dirt. They'll seize power through subversion, or outright bloodshed. Then you will be left without any guarantees or rights, and the regime will be beholden only to the plans and whims of the ruling tyrants.
The regime will be beholden only to the plans and whims of the ruling tyrants.
Today, freedom is being destroyed in the name of freedom. Political, economic, and individual freedom is in the course of being destroyed all across the globe. The struggle for truth is being distorted by those who don't have the slightest regard for truth. All the words which mean so much to us—liberty, freedom, democracy—are being spoiled and prostituted by the enemies of liberty and freedom and democracy.
Today, freedom is being destroyed in the name of freedom.
A ruthless battle is going on, and it is not a battle of flesh and bone. It is a battle for and against the Christian way of life. When I say Christian way of life, I don't mean Gregorian chants. I don't mean your doctrine vs. my doctrine. I mean the eternal truths that we hold dear: love one another, serve one another, and treat others the way you wish to be treated. That kind of Christian way of life.
This war is being waged in the name of freedom, even in the name of God. According to their God, black becomes white, tyranny becomes freedom, and the forced labor camp will set you free! The slave state is represented as a democracy. They put their emphasis on man as an "economic being," explaining man in terms of mere scientific and chemical facts, an accident of circumstance. They regard "human beings" as just a pile of bodies, denying man's individual, spiritual existence. Each of them aids and hastens the destruction of the political institutions in which our free society rests.
They regard "human beings" as just a pile of bodies, denying man's individual, spiritual existence.
Our founders put something together to further the welfare of man. The end—the telos—of man is happiness, and the internal value of every child of God ought to be secured the right to pursue happiness. We in the West are losing our independence to do this. Men becoming more and more defeated. Hopeless.
Know this: force and compulsion will never establish the ideal society. Anyone who has to enforce their truth by the barrel of a gun, anyone who has to have 80,000 new IRS agents to frighten you into silence, they are the ones on the losing side. They are the defenders of deceit and lies. They will lose in the end. There is great hope in this.
Freedom does not come through a barrel of a gun or through a work camp or through a number. It comes from the transformation within the individual soul, a life redeemed, a life brought into harmony with the divine.
Freedom comes from the transformation within the individual soul, a life redeemed.
We live in a world now that doesn't believe in redemption. We live in a world that doesn't believe in the individual, but in dictators, who think they can control the "selfish, awful masses" into heaven. Those are the words of Satan.
I believe the natural man is the enemy of God. If I just let myself go and have no regulators or governors to keep me in-check, I got news for you: I'm going to do all kinds of awful things because it's all about me, me, me. However, the minute I surrender my will to God, I wish to serve my fellow man. Why? It's the only way I can repay my debt for the forgiveness of everything else I've done in my life.
We live in a world now that doesn't believe in redemption.
The Judeo-Christian way of life is not a cartoon! If you're describing it as a cartoon or living it as a cartoon, you're part of the problem. Once we find what is eternally true instead of selfishness, we dedicate our ability our possessions, our lives if necessary, our fortunes, and our sacred honor for the alleviation of the ills of mankind.
I am only asking God: What do you want me to say? What do you want me to say to the people who are listening to me? He wants me to say, "It doesn't have to be this way." He wants me to say, "Please, recognize what you're about to lose, and turn back to me." He wants me to say, "I love the people who are currently persecuting this country." He loves Donald Trump and everybody else across the political spectrum. He loves the people that we relish in hating today. He loves them, just like he loves you.
In him, there is complete forgiveness. Hate must be supplanted by sympathy and forbearance. Peace and true prosperity can only come from conforming our lives to the law of love. The law of principles that are found only in the gospel of Jesus Christ can change man's heart and soul.
Hate must be supplanted by sympathy and forbearance.
Nothing will change until the hearts of the men and women of this nation are changed. God does not want us to have to suffer, but until we bend our knee to him, we will.