This is a really important story. The G20 met earlier this month in India. The G20 is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, meeting for global economic superpowers that occurs each year. China’s Xi and Russia’s Putin did not attend, even though they are G20 leaders, so the U.S. and India took an even bigger role than usual.
At this year’s event, the G20 produced a statement called the “G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration.” In it, the G20 published a rough outline of its policy plans and priorities for member nations. Keep in mind that these are the priorities the countries agreed on, so there is a general consensus on the Declaration.
The reason the New Delhi Declaration is important is because it provides an exceptional look into the globalist, Great Reset playbook for the next year and longer. All of this is leading up to an incredibly important United Nations meeting in September 2024 called “Summit for the Future,” where a new international pact will be formally approved. Globalist elites are showing us their cards. All we have to do is look at them.
What’s in the Declaration?
To say the New Delhi Declaration is radical is a major understatement. It’s the Great Reset on steroids. The document is 37 pages long, with each page containing numerous bullet-point agenda items for creating a New World Order.
There are literally hundreds of points in the document, so I couldn’t possibly go through them all now, but here are just some of the highlights:
1. An international commitment to dramatically scale back the use of private and public lands.
The G20 committed to “restoring by 2030 at least 30 percent of all degraded ecosystems and scaling up efforts to achieve land degradation neutrality.”
2. A commitment to “halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030.”
That would effectively mean not only the end of land development, but also the return of land that’s currently occupied by humans to nature. How can we possibly feed the world’s growing population with a commitment like this? (By the way, we warned about this in Dark Future.)
3. A plan for “international governance for AI.”
According to the document, member nations should “ensure” that AI is developed “responsibly,” which means, among other things, designers take “ethics” and “biases” into account. That would be a good thing if elites agreed with our understanding of "ethics" and "biases," but they don't. They want to use AI to promote ESG, DEI, and other social justice ideas.
Further, the nations committed to promoting AI that’s designed to accomplish the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Remember that the SDGs are the foundation for the Great Reset, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and nearly every other significant globalist proposal made over the past three decades. That's not my interpretation—that's what the leaders of all of those plans repeatedly said. (All of this is predicted in Dark Future too.)
4. Expanding the “international tax system” and building publicly regulated, controllable “digital public infrastructure.”
(We discussed this in Dark Future.)
5. Embedding global financial institutions, including banks, with ESG, and using international institutions to ensure that the financial system embraces “sustainable” practices.
(We warned about this in Dark Future as well.)
6. Additional regulations for cryptocurrencies.
(We also warned about this in Dark Future, and explained why elites hate crypto so much.)
7. A goal of increasing “social protection” programs, like universal health care, and implementing policies to make “social security” benefits “portable” between nations.
8. Enhancing the power of the World Health Organization in future pandemics and public health emergencies.
9. Trillions in new climate-related spending programs globally.
10. Additional collaboration and research for the introduction and adoption of central bank digital currencies.
No binding commitments were made guaranteeing CBDCs, though. (We warned about this in Dark Future.)
This is just the beginning of the Dark Future that we’ve been talking about.
As wealth and power continue to become more centralized, and emerging technologies are designed by elites to amplify their influence and control over our lives, freedom will be put into ever greater danger.
The plan for globalists is clear. They are literally writing their goals on paper and posting it all over the internet. All we have to do is inform people that it’s happening, and force our state lawmakers and do-nothing Congress to fight back.
We still have time to stop these plans from going into effect, but it is running out. It’s now or never.