First France and now Germany… the Europeans are finally starting to get it. Last week the French President mentioned the idea of creating a European army, and yesterday German Chancellor Angela Merkel backed him up saying quote, "we have to work on the vision of one day creating a real European army."
Really? One day?! Has it not been over 70 years since the end of World War Two, and they're just getting around to this NOW? President Trump called their remarks "insulting" and told them to instead agree to meet their NATO commitments. I'm sorry, but I'm tired of subsidizing half the planet's defense budgets. World War Two ended 73 years ago. The Cold War ended over two decades ago. The U.S. military doesn't have to hold Western Europe's hand anymore. At some point, the kids have to put on their big boy britches and leave mommy and daddy's house.
And can we have an intellectually honest conversation about NATO for a second? NATO did an outstanding job. Without it, people in France would probably be speaking Russian right now. NATO was established to combat ONE ENEMY. All of its members had ONE GOAL. To protect themselves from the Soviet Union. Guess what doesn't exist anymore? NATO's entire reason for being - the Soviet Union - is a twenty-six-year-old long lost memory. IT'S GONE. So why does it continue to ignore that fact, AND why are NATO members pretending that they still have unifying interests. We clearly don't anymore.
As far as policy goes, there really hasn't been much to criticize President Trump on - well except for tariffs - but I just don't understand what he's doing here. First he rocked the world by criticizing NATO during the first year of his administration, but now it looks like he's perpetuating the continued use of the U.S. military as a European security blanket. Our global helicopter parenting has got to stop. Is there any reason why Japan STILL hasn't rebuilt their military and relies on us for security? Enough is enough. Yes, China's a problem, but why not let Japan take their natural place and take the brunt of containing China? Let THEM foot the bill.
We can't continue to hold their hands anymore.
How much of the deficit and national debt could we cut by empowering Europe and Japan to finally take responsibility for themselves? It's time to re-examine and think outside of the box, because our debt situation is unsustainable. We can't continue to hold their hands anymore. Europe and Japan… it's time to leave mommy and daddy's basement. I know it'll be scary, but growing up usually is. Don't worry, don't worry, when you screw it up we'll be here to bail you out... again. We might even give you a limited funds credit card to help wean you off. But the free ride... IS OVER.