Want to know the real reason the mainstream media jumped on the chances to vilify some teenagers in MAGA hats? They are scared. Their time is near its end. They see an entire generation just like Nick Sandmann. Kids who are sick of the trickery. Who are tired of being called racist. They have watched their older siblings return from college brain-washed. Some of their parents have lost their mind.
There's a great aside in an article by Red State:
As an aside, I find it amusing and revealing that the people making the 'toxic masculinity' argument apparently never considered the aggressive action by Phillips as being anything other than manly behavior which sort of shows that toxic masculinity, in SJW-speak, is the exclusive province of white men.
Phillips has come and blamed Nick Sandmann for "stealing his narrative." He literally said the words "stole my narrative."
CNN political analyst and USA Today columnist Kirsten Powers has come out and accused the boys of using hand signals that are actually references to the "n-word."
Never mind the fact that the Black Hebrews literally used the word, insulting one of the students from Covington. What we have is thought-crime based on a facial expression. Well, and his skin color and his red hat.
Twitter is doing the same thing. Their Terms of Service seemed to be put on pause for all of this. For some reason they're more concerned with the mis-gendering of transgender people (which is a bannable offense) than with the doxxing and violence and death threats that were leveled against students from Covington.
It's getting hard to keep track of all the blue-check marks who called for the death of these kids. And all of them are still on Twitter. No bans. No suspensions.
The Atlantic ran a stirring, honest piece titled "I Failed the Covington Catholic Test."
Next time a story like this surfaces, I'll try to sit it out until more facts have emerged. I'll remind myself that the truth is sometimes unknowable, and I'll stick to discussing the news with people I know in real life, instead of with strangers whom I've never met. I'll get my news from legitimate journalists instead of from an online mob for whom Saturday-morning indignation is just another form of entertainment. And above all, I'll try to take the advice I give my kids daily: Put the phone down and go do something productive.
Still others, have doubled down. Slate, in particular, to the surprise of no one. And Deadspin, which is supposedly a sports news website. One particularly egregious article sticks out. The title is "don't doubt what you saw with your eyes" then it proceeds to detail absolute thought crimes.
What we have is a continued assault against these boys, without a single bit of evidence.
What we have is a continued assault against these boys, without a single bit of evidence. At the same time the media has purposely ignored the massive amount of evidence in their favor, and the massive amount of evidence against the Native American activists and the Black Hebrews.
It's straight out of Orwell's 1984:
In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offence. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called.