We've heard the catchphrase "follow the money" so often that it's nearly a joke. It gained added attention in the 1976 movie
All the President's Men, which follows the story of the two journalists who uncovered Watergate. "Follow the money," their source told them, "and you'll find corruption."
Problem is, corrupters hide their bad behavior remarkably well. They are masters of disguise. But if you look closely enough, you can spot the seams splitting in their choreographed routine.
WATCH: Glenn Beck Presents: The Democrats' Hydra
One technique that magicians use for psychological misdirection is called the false solution. The goal is to distract the audience, to make them believe that they know what's really happening. All the while, the machinations of the actual trick are happening right in front of them, because "implanting an unlikely and unfamiliar idea in the mind can prevent participants from finding a more obvious one."
Billions of dollars. Lost. Gone.
I want to tell you a story of tremendous corruption, masked cleverly, using many of the same techniques that magicians have used for centuries. Only it's not a rabbit disappearing into a hat or a coin vanishing behind an ear. It's billions of dollars. Lost. Gone.
And the people responsible are the same people who have been so monstrously worked up about Trump's impeachment. The same people screaming about Trump's malfeasance with Ukraine are actually the ones misbehaving in Ukraine.
It's essentially an elevated, highly organized form of projection. Only instead of one person lashing out at the world, it's an entire political party, right up to the top. The very top. Barack Obama. It's right there on video.
Or how about the audio recording we uncovered, with Artem Sytnyk, Director of the National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine, openly admitting a connection between the DNC and Ukraine?
So far, the story told by the Democrats and the media has been about Trump and Ukraine. Every so often, you hear mention of Joe Biden's dubious history with the war-torn country.
We were the first to talk about Joe Biden's connections to Ukraine back in April, with our candidate profile on Biden.
It turns out, the whole debacle was much worse than we thought. It stretched further than Uncle Joe. What we found out is that the DNC was working with the Ukrainian government.
This isn't a conspiracy theory. And we have the documents to prove it.
Read on to discover everything you need for a 30-second elevator pitch that you can give to your friend and say, "Look, here's what you need to know. Here's what's really going on."
If anyone is guilty, they should go to jail.
Last night, in Ukraine: The Democrats' Russia I revealed the elaborate misdirection taking place.
I said it last night and I'll say it again: If Trump is guilty, he should go to jail. If anyone is guilty, they should go to jail. Because this is too important to the Republic.
Watch the hands, follow the money.
Here are the documents, video, and audio that we found in our reporting. This is the hard evidence that will help you explain this unbelievable situation to other people.
- Letter from Senator Chuck Grassley to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
- All of the documents collected by John Solomon.
- National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine — signed Memorandum of Understanding.
- FEC 2016 Expenditure connected to Ali Chalupa.
- Statement of Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko to The Hill.
- Viktor Shokin Statement — Sworn statement of former Ukraine Prosecutor General.
- June 2016 State Department memos detailing contacts between George Soros' office and Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland.
- President Obama offering assistance to the President of Ukraine.
- Email from Ali Chalupa to DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda.
- Audio of Deputy Spokesman Sarah Huckabee Sanders' off-camera briefing with reporters at the White House.
- Recording of Artem Sytnyk, Director of the National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine.
As you can see, we did a lot of research on this, and we've done our best to condense it for you. It still requires you to do your own homework, but there's a tremendous freedom to that.
You are seeking the truth.
You are bucking the mainstream media. You are rejecting them. And you are seeking truth. Because they abandoned truth a long time ago and they certainly aren't interested in recovering it now.