Glenn has warned you that AI will become the societal norm, and you MUST learn to master it before its too late and it begins to master YOU. But, how can you do that? Here is a step-by-step tutorial guide on how you can learn how to use AI for what it should be used for: a TOOL, that can streamline your workflow and make you BETTER at your job, no matter what job you have! If you want to keep your job and keep up with the times, AI is something you HAVE to be able to work into your daily routine, and there is a way to do that ETHICALLY.
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: If you want to prepare yourself and make sure that you are in the driver's seat and you are going to survive the next 18 to 36 months of business or life, honestly, you know how the Trump administration has just sped things up so much, you can barely keep ahead of it. You're like, wait. Wait. I need an update on that. That is partly because of Elon Musk and Grok.
Partly because Elon Musk is overwhelming the system.
Just move. Move. Move. Move.
And partly because he has four years. Or really a year, or less than that. To make these changes or have an effect.
Our country in a meaningful way.
That is what life will be like here, very, very soon.
And I -- I -- I've been urging you to understand AI.
But now I've been talking to so many people who have said, have you tried unhinged on Grok.
Yeah. Don't do that. Don't do that happen.
It might be fun. But don't do that.
Did you see the app where, you can go on Grok three. And it will talk dirty to you. Definitely don't do that. You have to have some ethics with this. And don't get sucked into the sexy things.
So how do you begin?
I urge you to try this, this weekend. You will have a blast this weekend. Keep the guardrails.
But have a blast this weekend.
You don't have to be a tech genius to do this. You know, I can't figure out my remote control. I swear to God. Something happens, and my television says, you know, Wi-Fi network is down.
I just look at it, turn the TV off, turn it back on, if it stills says that. And I'm like, well, maybe it will come back sometime.
And then I walk away. My teenagers have left the House. So I have no idea. That's because, I mean, try. If you've always used Apple, try to use Microsoft. Not a priority. You've always used Microsoft, try to use Apple. It will drive you out of your mind because we calcify.
That's not this. You've never seen this kind of technology before, and it's totally intuitive.
No matter how old you are, this is not hard. What's hard is to keep the car on the right road.
Okay? So you don't have to be a tech genius. All you have to have is curiosity, discipline. And the ability to learn how to prompt it.
How to ask it questions.
So this weekend, I want you to start with something like Grok three. Okay? Or any tool like it. But ask it questions, that matter to you, that you don't think it could answer.
If you're a CEO of a company, ask it to analyze your competitor's strategies. Based on public data.
Or forecast market trends with the latest numbers. And how your company can survive that!
Do it!
Your mind will be blown.
I have talked to people in every industry, and I said, hey. Go in, and find the hardest question you have, as a CEO. And ask it. And every time, my friends come back and say, good God, it knows everything.
Uh-huh. If you're an artist, have it critique your work. Okay.
It's amazing, what it will say. Have it generate ideas for your next project. And I'm not saying, you have to do it. But here's what I mean on this.
Because a lot of creative people are like, I'm not going to do that. No. No. No.
Use it this way. You will never, ever have writer's block again.
You know how sometimes they say, just start writing. Okay?
Just Grok. Give me a target point.
And believe me, it will give you a starting point. And you may look at that, I don't want to do anything like that.
But I know where to start now.
There's no reason to have writers black. And I'm not creative.
Okay. In any field.
So let's begin at the prompting. And let it prompt. You prompt it. Then let it show you something. Then you do you, boo.
That's just the way it is. If you're a stay at home mom, my wife asked me a couple of nights ago, how is this going to affect me? Okay. A couple of ways. Just if you're in charge of the budget. Just have it optimize your budget. See what it comes back with. Ask it to plan a month of meals. And then give it the shopping list, based on what we think MAHA will approve.
You know how hard that is, just to go look at you all the ingredients. This is what I want to make. And I've always used, you know, tough that's they're saying now is bad for me. You can say it now just like that. And I really kind of want to be a part of this MAHA thing. But I don't know what -- could you make meatloaf that would be MAHA friendly. What ingredients. It would do it.
Just that, would -- you'll have the recipe, and exactly what to make it with. In about ten seconds.
You can say, I need a week worth of meals. We like these kinds of things.
I only have this amount to prepare every day. I want it to be healthy, like MAHA. Have you give me breakfast or dinner. Or just dinner every day for the next week.
It will generate that. And then you will go, I don't like that one. Try something else. Try it with chicken. What can you do with chicken? Then you narrow it down. Then say, produce the grocery list.
Then you can say, which -- which bot could I get. And how do I do this?
I want to just put it out online and have it delivered on my schedule.
And it will.
It's crazy! You ever been educating your kids. You're sitting down. They have homework.
And you're pissed, because you're like, I did this once already!
Now I've got homework too!
And you're sitting there, like, I have no idea. I have no idea what they're even talking about. Because I forgot all of that crap. Or math used to be a lot different.
You can take anything that your kids are struggling with and say, go into the other room. Grok, my kids are learning this. Here's the problem they're working on. Can you explain this to me, like you're talking to a 7-year-old.
And it will!
And then you go in and go, you know what, son, let Dad explain this to you. And, I mean, you will look like a genius. And it will do it!
Research the best educational tools for your kids. You ever wondered what to say, if your kid would come home and say, I think I'm born in the wrong body?
Now, I know what jumps to mind.
But then the second thing that jumps to mind is, don't say that. Because every expert says, they will kill themselves.
Okay. So then you're like, well, I don't know what to do.
Do this, this weekend.
Even if you don't have kids. Do this, this weekend.
Say, my kid, if my kid comes home. And says, they're born in the wrong body.
Can you give me the strongest, unbiased opinions on both sides?
And can you give me the argument both ways, unbiased, strongest. No straw man arguments.
That would show that my kid might kill themselves.
Can you produce credible data, that shows that that is not something that they just made up.
But that they might actually kill themselves. Because here's what the data tells. It will show it all. All of it. Okay?
Run all the data. Get all the data. Then show me the footnotes. Then read it. Ask for it to debate both sides of that. Read that. Ask your strongest questions. Ask it for the best arguments. From the smartest and strongest advocates on both sides.
It will give it to you without bias, if you ask, without bias. And then just keep asking questions.
But here's a really important thing. That shouldn't make up your mind for you.
Don't ever use this. And say, you know, what do I say?
Because it will give it to you. And it may not be the right thing to do.
You have to ask it for deep information, and research and footnotes, so you know it's not just making it up!
The problem with AI is, it cannot memorize every data point, on the entire -- man's -- all of man's knowledge. It cannot memorize it all.
It can search it. And it's really good at remembering the beginning of something. And the end of something.
And then, it will hallucinate at times. Because it will say, well, here's the beginning. Here's the end.
This will probably happen. Okay?
So you have to say, show me the work! Show me the footnotes.
Show me the sources. So you can go back and look it up yourself, to make sure. This is why, if you don't do these things. And these are a lot of the things, that a lot of your friends and coworkers and everything else. These are the things that they will never do.
They will see AI and say, I can write my report. Instead of taking all weekend, I can write it in five minutes. And I'm off to the golf course, and I don't have to work. Here's what I'm going to do. I will do all my work. I will have AI do it for me, and I will just kick back and collect money. Worst thing you can do.
It's a tool, to help you have the best information possible. Think of this as having a team of 20 people!
And you're the boss! Okay.
Ask it -- ask it, what's the most efficient way to streamline my workday? What am I missing at work, that would change everything for me?
How can I improve my skills in insert whatever field or question you want.
What's the future look like for my job!
If -- if I want my job, to continue in three to five years, and you just show me, my future is not bright. What do I do right now, that would help improve my chances of my job remaining?
I like this one. Because I know somebody who says, you have to learn something new, every single day.
And that's kind of -- that's hard. That's hard.
You get home by the end of the day. Oh, jeez.
I have to learn something. Before I go to bed. I have to learn something new. And I don't do it.
I don't do it. I mean, I do it. But it's not intentional. Go on Grok three, this weekend, and say, I want to learn something new, every day.
I want to learn something and grow in knowledge and wisdom and ethics, on this subject.
Can you create an unbiased curriculum, that gives me the truth with the sources. Both sides if it needs to be, and present a five-minute lesson to me, every day?
Uh-huh. And you'll have a month of them, in about ten seconds. And it will blow your mind!
Now, you can just let that sit there.
Or you can actually apply it. And then you become stronger.
Again, it -- this is just the start of these things!
We're going to see, coming very, very soon, systems that will incident great with your life seamlessly.
It will predict your needs before you even voice them.
It will automate all your tasks, that you didn't even know were draining you.
But the power comes from you.
Really important.
The power comes from you. It takes the drudgery and the grunt work out of hours of research. Or data crumbling.
Or repetitive tasks. And it leaves you then free to think and to lead.
That's you!
If you use it right!
And it will change everything for the better for a while.
You'll have more time. More insight. More time for your path. The minute you go off that trail. You will find yourself in trouble.
You will be a small business that competes with corporations. You can be a student that will rival a professor.
Later, we'll see the downsides. The jobs vanishing, the dependence growing. Maybe much, much worse.
I've warned you about that stuff for years. It's not a smartphone. It's not social media.
We've stumbled blindly into that. You can be an early adaptor this time. Which I really, really urge you to do.
Because you will help define the ethics and the boundaries of this.
If you don't, it will all go to, have you seen on Hinge? And it can talk sexy to me. And we're screwed.
If you let others. I mean, we've seen the experts from the government and science.
Oh, yeah. Their advice always works out. I mean, what mistake has happened by having us just say, scientists and the best minds of the world say this.
Anyway, it's here, and we're at the crossroads.
Use AI to amplify your mind, not replace it. Lead with it. Don't follow! In 18 months, the world is going to see, what you will grasp today.
Act now, or you're going to be playing catchup, and you will not catch up. When transhumanism and that line comes, you will know where you stand. Human, flawed. Perfect as you are. Or I will join the bourg.
I hope we're all going to be strong enough to say, eh. No bourg for me.
But we're not there yet.
Learn how to master it. And begin this weekend!