Hell hath no fury like the left's political correctness and virtue-signaling crusade. And no group has fury quite like the Hollywood left, which is not above retroactively punishing its own for failing to toe the line of 2019-approved morality.
The thing about virtue-signaling and woke culture is that there's always more virtue for you to show off to the world (or at least to your like-minded leftist buds) and there's always additional wokeness you can adopt. Naturally, this field is fraught with slippery slopes and hypocrisy. As we've already seen on TV, YouTube and social media, what is deemed worthy of banning from certain people is perfectly fine for others. Megan Kelly gets bounced for talking about blackface, while fellow Caucasian Jimmy Kimmel used to perform in blackface on The Man Show in the early 2000s and no one gives a rip. In fact, Kimmel is adored. But just because something is insanely illogical never stopped the left before.
Two years ago, a theater in Memphis, Tennessee decided it couldn't go forward with a planned screening of Gone With the Wind. It's just too racially insensitive. Then we had the #MeToo movement, which, following its own logic would have to ban every James Bond movie ever made. And you might remember the outrage last year over a decades-old John Wayne interview. His insensitive comments brought out the usual torches and pitchforks.
The list of classic (and not-so-classic) movies that the left wants to ban is only going to grow. Can you imagine a leftist reassessment of movies like The Producers, Tootsie, or Blazing Saddles? Get ready to see some of your favorite movies “erased from existence" (quick, name that movie!), because if the left really wants to be consistent about its standards, there are problems lurking around almost every cinematic corner.
Here are several movies sure to be coming soon to a banned list near you:
1.Star Wars
#MeToo moments abound. For example, Han Solo repeatedly calls Princess Leia "Princess." The misogyny is strong with that one. Watch
2.It's a Wonderful Life
For its monotheism and blatant use of the insensitive holiday term "Christmas." Watch
3.The Sound of Music
Epitome of white privilege. A family of photogenic white children get to perform whimsical musical numbers, then escape to Switzerland, skipping the horrors of Nazi oppression during World War II. Watch
4.The Ten Commandments
Too pro-Israel. Watch
5.Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Assumes portions of the Bible are true. Female protagonist seeks protection from male hero when trapped in a viper-filled tomb. For that atrocity alone, this movie is doomed. Watch
6.The Matrix
For its wildly irresponsible lack of gun control. Watch
Animal cruelty. The "heroes" of this story literally blow up the shark at the end. It doesn't get much crueler than that. Watch
A white male pummels a black man wearing American flag trunks in the ring. Could it be any more overt in its white supremacist fantasy? Watch
9.Schindler's List
This film is offensive to Holocaust deniers and to those who are convinced President Trump's immigration detention centers are identical to concentration camps. It's also offensive to Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar because it makes a strong case against Jewish persecution. Watch
10.Driving Miss Daisy
The hired driver, a black man, must drive around a well-to-do white lady as if he's an enslaved Uber driver. Enough said. Watch
11.Back to the Future
The entire plot hinges on stereotypes of Middle Eastern terrorists. Watch
12.The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Troublesome for the title alone because of its lack of moral relativism. And you can't say "Ugly." Maybe if you re-titled it: "The Privileged, the Disadvantaged and the Facially Unique." Watch