Blueprint to Booker T. Washington's Life

Glenn talks about a speech that Booker T. Washington gave in 1895 that was a blueprint to his life.


The Secret Hack to Understanding Women | Alex Clark | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 247

“MAHA will transcend MAGA,” says ‪@RealAlexClark‬ wellness influencer and host of "Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark." After Big Pharma “zombified” an entire generation and put Americans on a “never-ending treadmill of pharmaceutical interventions,” Americans are waking up to the fact that “hundreds of millions of people are dying from chronic disease,” “fertility rates are dropping 1% to 2% every year,” and “we have medicalized the human experience” with SSRIs and antidepressants. Alex says we are “edging towards a society” where it will be “nearly impossible” to marry someone without autism and explains why Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move: America” campaign was a failure. “Millennials are guinea pigs in an experiment we never consented to,” Alex says, exposing how Big Food and Big Pharma have wreaked havoc on the rising generations and why she is excited about RFK Jr. leading the HHS. She shocks Glenn by telling him that hormonal birth control affects who women choose to date, why the keto diet can be “lifesaving” for brain cancer patients, and what the heck a “seed oil” is and why everyone is talking about it. In the end, they agree that “food that can’t expire isn't food,” and maybe it's not necessary to give our dogs Prozac.


2017 Las Vegas Shooting COVER-UP? FBI Whistleblower Suggests Feds Know the Truth

Did the government lie about the 2017 Las Vegas massacre? FBI whistleblower Steve Friend tells Glenn his theory which, if true, is infuriating: “I think that Stephen Paddock was probably working with some government agency, was selling weapons to a t*rrorist organization, laundering it through the casino...and then, he happened to sell to the wrong people who perpetuated the attack at that moment.” Steve Friend also weighs in on the Epstein files and the other major cases that he wants the Trump administration to reveal in full: Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, James Comey’s honeypot scheme against Trump’s 2016 campaign, and the assassination attempt against Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Steve Friend. FBI whistle-blower. And a guy who honestly should be reinstated at the FBI, and be running a few things I think. Along with all the other whistle-blowers, that were ushered out by the last administration.

Steve, welcome to the program!

STEVE: Great to be here, thanks, man.

GLENN: Thanks. Do you have any comments on what's happening with -- or what we should expect from the client list from Epstein today?

STEVE: Well, I mean, I've just -- there's no expectation of privacy. Because Jeffrey Epstein is no longer alive. So I've always kind of scratched my head at the fact that it was kept back. And if there's any sort of continuation, wealth, that could compromise and jeopardize ongoing investigations. I think we're at a level, in this country, that we need to have the transparency, and it should have been good out there. You know, I -- I was looking -- listening to your numbers, Glenn. One, four, five, six. I will put it at a 6.66. I think that's probably --

GLENN: So to a expect that there's information in there that we don't know? That's meaningful?

STEVE: I do. I think it will be meaningful. It's -- it went through the lengths that they did. And if memory serves. I mean, I've always been. This is an unpopular opinion.

Jeffrey Epstein was charged in violation of double jeopardy.

And so, I mean, I'm not crying for the guy. Because he was fundamentally an evil person. Who is probably burning eternally in hell right now.

GLENN: Right.

STEVE: But the fact that this has been used to charge jizz lane Maxwell for trafficking. But we don't know to who.

The way it was handled. It never passed the smell test. This is one of those big filler type of moments. Where they can throw over a new leaf. And push forward that transparency is a new rule a day.

Keeping in line with what we see with DOGE.

GLENN: Right. And it doesn't mean anything if it's released and there's no action. I think that's why Kash passed it to Bondi. Because if there are, you know, pretty significant names in there, I would imagine the prosecution has to follow pretty quickly. Or it will just look like a nothing burger. Because nobody expects anything.

Any bad guy to ever go to jail in the government.

STEVE: It does. And he's keeping in with what James Comey did. That is when James Comey stood up and said, no reasonable prosecution was ever changed against Hillary Clinton. But that was never his call to make. That goes to the Department of Justice.

So I think Kash over to the attorney general, Bondi over here. Let her make that assessment. It's probably the right way to go.

GLENN: So they were apparently, another whistle blower was saying, that the FBI, you know, as Kash was getting ready to come in. And coming in. I mean, they were -- they were shredding documents like they were, you know, going to do a ticker tape parade for the astronauts over in New York City.

And I'm wondering how much may have been lost. And can we get the FBI back on track? Are there -- are there enough good guys in there? And are there enough good guys that know where to look, and know who the bad guys are?

STEVE: The level of subterfuge that went on during the time transition, even during the Trump administration. Before Kash Patel was elevated to become the director, was enormous.

I mean, it wasn't just limited to document shredding, as Garrett O'Boyle brought forth.

I mean, when it comes to the ICE deportation raids, the FBI at first was letting people opt out. They still are.

They are saying the moral objection to going after -- you don't to have participate in it.

They're openly --

GLENN: Who the hell has a moral -- who has a moral case against arresting those guys?

STEVE: I think you just have to look no further than the hiring practices over the last ten to 12 years, when they really elevated and prioritize diversity. I mean, that's the core values of the FBI. Obedience to the Constitution used to be it. They put that last behind diversity. And they just fundamentally changed the personnel who was in there. So the subterfuge is enormous. But I think it is going to be contingent on how guys like Garrett O'Boyle and Kyle Seraphin, myself and others who are handled now.

Because if we set the precedent that if you come forward for the right reasons, the right time, and the right way.

GLENN: They're rewarded.

STEVE: Not even just rewarded. Just you aren't having your life completely crushed. I mean, Garrett and I are both one week apart on our suspensions indefinitely. We hit 29 months this week. So, I mean, there needs to be some movement on that.

And if it does happen, then people will know that the bureau now is going to have the back of people who come forward for the right reasons.

And I think there will be more people coming forward because they know where the bodies are buried. They will not have to launder it to us. Just a few of us out here, in the Twitter space, or the content creation space, so hopefully, we can bring it out.

GLENN: Have you been contacted by carb or anybody at the FBI?

I mean, because I think -- one thing I like about Kash is, he knows, first hand what the FBI is capable of.

Because they did it to him.

And the same thing with you guys. Has anybody reached out about the possibility of guys not only coming back, but leading some of this House cleaning?

STEVE: We haven't had any of those conversations, no, not at this point. And I don't think any of us are aspiring to do that. Fundamentally, we're in sort of an Isaiah 6:8 moment. Where, whom shall I send? Send me.

It's recognition of I'm on the hill. And if called to serve, I will. We certainly have a lot of information. We have a lot of thoughts. And if they want that, that would be great. Fantastic.

But I live in Florida. And I wear shorts every day. I don't know how I feel about going out --

GLENN: Right. Right. By the way, I so agree that I heard the other day, that it's an insult to swamps. To call it -- it's more of a sewer. A swamp is -- is not bad enough.

The -- the -- what do you think we need to see, from Kash Patel, that would say to us, this is -- we're serious.

We're correcting that?

We're -- we're cleaning this thing out.

What -- go ahead.

JEFF: I think a very public firings of some of the worst actors, who we do know names of.

We brought forward. Would be great.

I think a very public announcement that the FBI is going away and completely ending its intelligence collection apparatus on the American people. Doing away with the quota system that they have for the last 11 years.

Called Integrated Program Management that's driving it forward. Reinstating how they're going to bring in people of merit, and no longer going to prioritize diversity. And use the FBI Academy as some sort of washout program. Just make it a competent law enforcement shading program that makes meritorious people capable. Those are the sorts of changes that you can have. And I think as long as we're on the top of it. Like an Epstein list.

If I can have my choice of any of those stories that you have. And there's a lot of them. I want to see the Butler, Pennsylvania case, completely opened up. Again, that individual has no expectation of privacy. He's no longer alive.

The fact that the FBI purposefully said it was potentially domestic terrorism. And they to justify that said, it was because of the Congressional baseball shooting, because they have erred in that decision to call that not an assassination attempt.

They said that the Bernie Sanders support will arrive on the baseball field and ask for the Republicans. And then try to murder them all.

It wasn't an assassin. It was suicide by cop. They labeled Butler domestic terrorism. And that was a classic. And they can't comment on that. I'm sorry, Senator and Congressman.

It's an ongoing investigation. Well, the victim is at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. He's entitled to that, as are the people who are on there.

GLENN: Let's just come up with a quick list here, if you don't mind, Steve.

Okay. Butler. What else -- what else should be opened up?

Butler, I think the --

STEVE: The J6 pipe bomber. The weapons of mass destruction. The sole act of possible terrorism on January 6th, 2021. Who never struck again for the last four years mysteriously. And the FBI claimed the increasingly data was corrupted.

Then the cell phone data said, no. It wasn't. They're still lying about that. I think we can go to Vegas. The Vegas shooting, one of the worst mass shootings in the country, which they memory holed pretty quickly after that after they got the bump stock.

GLENN: What do you think that was? What are your thoughts on that, Steve?

STEVE: If I had to put off theorizing past speculation. I think there was a de-confliction agencies there where multiple agencies were involved. I think Steven Paddock, who interestingly his father was on the FBI top ten most wanted list. That paddock was probably working with some government agency. Was selling weapons to a terrorist organization. Laundering it through the casino, to justify having it.

And then he happened to sell to the wrong people. That said, there would be an attack at that moment. And they said, oh. We may have just supported terrorism ourselves.

GLENN: Good heavens!

I hadn't even thought -- oh, I don't want to live in your brain. That is -- that is a frightening thought!

STEVE: This is what happens when you're at home for 29 months, Glenn.

GLENN: The Clinton -- the Clinton case, with her email servers. I -- I would like to see that. What else?

STEVE: Also, I think it's worth getting into the fact. We have the exposé. It just didn't get the public awareness, was the honey pot scheme that James Comey ran on Donald Trump's campaign in 2015.

GLENN: Yeah. Explain that. That just came out a couple of days ago.

STEVE: Well, it actually came back October of last year. That James Comey ran off the books. So nothing was officially opened up. He had two female agents infiltrate Donald Trump's campaign to put themselves out as sexually available, to try to elicit information that they could then open up criminal investigations on members of the Trump campaign.

And when it came to light, because media actually took a photograph of one of the agents. They pulled the plug, promoted one to a high level senior executive position. And moved the other one over to CIA. So that they wouldn't have to be called to testify.

And this is James Comey, acting -- calling the shots on this, as the director of the FBI, trying to impact the Presidential Election.

GLENN: You know, one of the things I thought of, if we go back to the Epstein case.

If you look at the Epstein file, we all know that one way or another. Prince Andrew's name will be on there.

And I believe, today, the Prime Minister of England, is visiting the White House.

How unbelievably awkward would it be, if our Department of Justice has released information, showing that Prince Andrew was involved in something this horrendous.

I mean, we all know he was.

But, I mean, for the government to make it very clear. That yep!

Here's how many times. Here's where he was. Here was in the room. Here was on the plane with him.

On the day the Prime Minister of England comes, wow. That will be an awkward meeting.

STEVE: It will be fun. But I think if anybody can handle that in front of media, it will be Donald Trump.

GLENN: Donald Trump.

STEVE: And conduct of Prince Andrew, I'm sorry. That's on you.

GLENN: No. I know that.

STEVE: I'm just revealing that.

GLENN: I'm just saying, I -- I don't like conflict so much. I would be the guy who is like. I will leave you guys here for a minute.

I'm going to go -- which guys like a Diet Coke, while you guys just chitchat here for a moment.
It will be awkward.

Really awkward.

STEVE: It's extinguishing the Tiki torch.

GLENN: I know. I know. Steve, thank you so much. Thanks for all your service in the past, and thanks for keeping us up to speed.

FBI whistle-blower Steve Friend.


5 Theories to Explain the Epstein Files “Bindergate”

What really happened with the “Epstein Files Phase 1” binder controversy at the White House? Glenn lays out 5 theories that could explain why the full files weren’t released: Was Trump or someone in the administration protecting friends who were on the list? Did Deep State agents in the FBI and SDNY actively withhold the documents, as Attorney General Pam Bond claimed? Is the Trump administration using this controversy to gather support for mass firings at the FBI and SDNY? Was it just a combination of incompetence and people promising too much on Fox News? Or is the Epstein List conspiracy theory just that: a conspiracy theory that we already have the answers to? Glenn, Stu, and Jason Buttrill discuss …


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Jason Buttrill, head of research is in here. Stu Burguiere, our -- our executive producer with the radio program. And we've -- I mean, I talked until I was blue in the face today. Outlining treason. Because I think, if what is being told is happening in the southern district of New York, with the FBI. That is treason! And it should be treated as that. Constitutionally, listen to that case.

You can hear it, if you missed it. Grab the podcast. Wherever you get your podcasts today. So we are talking about the options.

The different options.

STU: What could explain this?

GLENN: That could explain what happened yesterday. So let's start -- the first one was...

STU: The first of three were, there -- Trump is just protecting friends on his list, or someone --

GLENN: I will put a zero on that one.

STU: Then you have the FBI is withholding documents, essentially the Pam Bondi story here is true. Okay?

They're withholding documents. There is really crazy stuff out there. The FBI is withholding it. That's why you don't have it.

Three would be your -- I mean, this is maybe the most -- you're speculative on this one.

That this is sort of a -- a -- a plan.

GLENN: A useful.


A useful -- what was it? Never let a tragedy or crisis go to waste.

STU: Crisis go to waste. Right?

GLENN: This is a crisis that is useful.

STU: Yeah. And they're saying, what we're going to do with that information. Is use it a way we could clean out that office, in way that we couldn't necessarily get away with, if they weren't hiding Epstein documents.

GLENN: Correct.

JAMES: Just a blanket, the FBI is withholding documents, doesn't make sense with Kash Patel as the director. Because he's already seen. If he's gone off these statements. He already has seen it. He knows it. And he's vowed to release it. That has to be knocked off.

GLENN: But if they hold it, they may have moved his access to the information. They may have quartered it in New York.

JAMES: Yeah. And I think that kind of goes towards point three. Because if they know how New York is going to respond on this, that field office. They're just pushing them into the corner to react. How they know they are going to react.

GLENN: Correct. Correct. Correct.

STU: Let me give you a couple of others. And these may be uncomfortable for our side. But I think they should be considered here. Okay? A common, if -- possibility number four, a combination of incompetence, and a bunch of people in really high-profile roles, who say a lot of things on podcasts and Fox news, that sound good on podcasts and Fox news. But don't necessarily have the backing of the facts.

GLENN: Okay. First of all, incompetence. I've not seen this administration act incompetently. So it would be the first act of incompetence that I have seen, I think of any note, in the first, you know, whatever. Forty days.

STU: There's bits and pieces. Generally speaking.

GLENN: There's nothing.

This is a major problem, if -- if that was true.

STU: But -- go ahead.

GLENN: However, on that.

I -- I don't know anybody in this administration, that is part of this. That would be Kash Patel. J.D. Vance.

STU: Pam Bondi.

GLENN: President. And Pam Bondi. The only one that I can't vouch for, that would write -- would write checks with their mouth.

STU: Oh.

GLENN: You know what I mean? Can't be cashed.

Is Pam Bondi. Only because I don't know her. Doesn't mean she's not like that. I just don't know her.

STU: I'm not saying I necessarily think this is the end of the story. Let me just push back on that gently. Kash Patel also said on day one, he was going to close the FBI office and turn it into a museum for the Deep State. As far as I know, it's not occurred. That's a Donald Trump thing.

STU: And because you're saying it's a Donald Trump thing, I must also bring up that Donald Trump also says a lot of things. And he says things that sound great on podcast, and sometimes they're negotiation tactics or whatever. But he often does that.

There's a lot of overpromising, from some of the people he has put in these positions. That is, I think inarguable.

GLENN: That would leave me to believe that it's option three. That there is a method behind the madness. When Donald Trump says those crazy things, usually because it's negotiating or positioning something you don't understand.

And that's what number three is.

This is a well-executed op, that is made for people to think one thing, but it's actually setting up -- it's like his negotiation for trade barriers.

STU: Yeah. Yeah. That's possible. Right?

What's interesting, I think. And you point out the incompetence. To pause on that for a second.

With the exception of number three, which to remind people, is this sort of idea.

Using this as a precursor to go into the Deep State.

GLENN: A useful crisis.

STU: Yes. Every other option has to have incompetence included in it because of the way they sold it.

She was on TV the night before, saying it was going to be this dramatic thing. And then the next day, she said, they didn't send me the documents. That's a terrible way to talk about that publicly.

At the very least it's bad messaging. And bad --

GLENN: Correct. And that is why I hesitate on any of this.

STU: Uh-huh.

GLENN: Because -- and I specifically say, I would think the weak link here would be Pam. A, because I don't know her. But, B, I saw that live.

I saw her say that live. And it felt weird. I'm like, that's weird.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: You know what I mean?

STU: She didn't seem all that comfortable saying it. To me, looking at her. She didn't feel like, I know exactly what's coming here.

It felt like it was a big promise.

It was the opposite of what you have told me, seven million times. Never overpromise and underdeliver. You always underpromise and overdeliver.

GLENN: You never do what she just did.

STU: Right! Because it gets people pissed off. So, again, I don't know if that's true. But that needs to be at least the discussion here.

JAMES: She immediately deflected. They immediately deflected because they knew there was going to be outrage on this, because it's one of our main issues on the base is the Epstein files.


JAMES: She immediately directed all that rage towards one specific point, New York.

STU: Benefit.

JAMES: There's only two reasons to do that. One, to deflect.

STU: To deflect. Which would work with the one that I described.

JAMES: Two, to set off point three.

STU: True.

GLENN: And I think, I'm hoping, because I don't know Pam. But I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. I mean, she was the attorney general with Florida, with Ron DeSantis. I mean, he's not an idiot when it comes to law.

He won't have an idiot attorney general. But I -- can I -- I tend to think it's number three.

STU: Anyway, can I give you one more. I have one more here.

What if

GLENN: What if.

STU: Just throwing this out here.

GLENN: All right.

STU: What if the truth is, that not every famous person we know has sex with children.

I'm just throwing it out there as a possibility.

What if the Jeffrey Epstein story is a wide-ranging conspiracy of Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Prince Andrew, several others. Doing all sorts of terrible things. But maybe we kind of know all of it already. Maybe there isn't that much left for us to uncover. And they're not -- we're not going to find.

GLENN: Not with 250 victims.

STU: I --

JAMES: Not with the CIA director going to meet him twice. I think that's kind of a big thing as well.

GLENN: I just --

STU: It's possible. So you don't think there's any -- because we knew about what?

70 victims, or so?

That just in the initial 2018 reporting.

So 250 is a high number. But it's not absolutely absurd. That that --

GLENN: All we heard is what he did.

We have not necessarily heard what others have done.

And we --

STU: But we have heard a lot of that. We have heard a lot --

GLENN: Why haven't they been prosecuted then?

STU: For example. Some people have been accused. And they've withdrawn their accusations. Think of how central, to bring up a friend of the program.

Who was on here, often.

Alan Dershowitz was on this case.

He was one of these guys who did all these things according to the accusations.

Then the girl. The woman now, who came out -- who accused him all this time. Said, maybe it wasn't him.

Like, maybe it -- maybe a lot of these people that were tied into this. Had connections with him.

But really, we don't have videos of them having sex with 14-year-olds. Maybe that's not the reality.

GLENN: You know what? I find that more implausible, and this is saying something!

STU: Yeah. Yeah.

GLENN: Because this is one that really just bothers me like crazy.

I find that more implausible, than we just didn't go to the moon.

JAMES: What! Wow!

GLENN: I think we just didn't go to the moon is more likely than that one.

STU: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Come on! We have a ton of people are known. We know. With incredible, line by line detail.

What that man did, in multiple different areas. We know a lot about this case.

And the fact that we have not uncovered that Bill Gates did it.

You know --

GLENN: Where is anyone that went to jail, other than those two?

STU: I mean, I would have to go back and look at it. I don't think there's been many. Not a lot of high profile people. That's what I'm saying.

Maybe -- maybe just maybe. I know --

GLENN: We staged the moon landing.

STU: I know. Maybe.

Like, I -- and this is, by the way, the best option for all of us. I will point out. The best option for all of us.

GLENN: I did. When you said it, I said, immediately, moon landing.

And then I thought to myself, wow. Am I that jaded. That I dismissed the happy option?

As no way!

JAMES: Okay.

STU: Hold on. Let me finish my point, real quick. Real quick. Maybe it's possible that, you know, wanting to -- the desire to have sex with underage children is a little bit more rare than we believed.

And that would be great information.

Maybe not every rich and powerful person is doing this.

And I know there's a lot invested in that theory.

But to just go off of this for just a second.

We have had multiple politicians.

GLENN: Go ahead. Go ahead.

STU: Multiple sides.

By the way, as we've been told. And talked about, many of our people believe.

That Donald Trump, the ultimate truth teller on this stuff. Right?

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

STU: And he's been president twice through this period. And every time we're promised it. They can't come up with it. So it could be that there's some mass conspiracy hiding it. Or maybe. Just maybe. It's not there in the way that we believe it is. Maybe just maybe. It's a little bit less sexy, and that's a weird word to use there.

Salacious, I suppose.

GLENN: Yeah, that would be great.

STU: It would be.

GLENN: It would be great.

STU: Again, I think it should be discussed. I'm not saying this, necessarily.

GLENN: Well, let's -- let's. You know what, let's get on to the moon landing set, and we can talk about it.

JAMES: I've not seen it floated around a lot, and especially yesterday on X. I spent years doing intelligence. Actual intelligence operations. I'm going to go on full-on conspiracy theory here. I've seen how misinformation. Disinformation works.

I was warning people, that once information started coming out. Listing random names. Like, oh, my God.

Let's tie every single name to Epstein. That was a big op.

She was not involved. Oh, look.

Rihanna was at a party. She was on the list. Well, no. She's not. She could be eventually. I don't know. She's not on the list. Just because she was there. Some random person was there.

STU: Right.

GLENN: And just because you were invited there. Just because you flew on his plane.

Does not mean that you were part of that.

STU: Right.

GLENN: However, the way he made that kind of into his bread and butter, leads me to believe there are many more people involved.

JAMES: It might have been nap that is a big distraction. That is to blow it up to make it look like it's a vast right-wing conspiracy. To hide the fact what was going on. What was going on?

I don't know. But we know that members of the royal family were involved. We know. I'll say this again. That the CIA director!

At least twice! Went to meet with Jeffrey Epstein. He does not do that on some random dude that they have charged for a crime that didn't exist. Why would the CIA director meet with Jeffrey Epstein?

STU: I don't know. I mean --

GLENN: That doesn't happen!

STU: Yeah. I would agree. It could be very well, they were looking at something. And there could be more.

Let's say. Prince Andrew, would be a pretty big thing for them to look at. We know, at least allegedly, he denies this. He was involved in some of this stuff. Right.

So, but -- and there could be five -- ten other names. Saudi Arabian kings.

GLENN: Right. Right.

STU: Who knows. I'm just saying, maybe it's not where we -- where the biggest version of it is.

GLENN: I think that would be great. Here's the only thing that I think we can walk away, we know to be true.

STU: Yeah, you're a jerk. I know what's coming. I'm going to say, I was involved in the list.

I'm not going to let you get away with it.

GLENN: You Stu was on the list.

JAMES: We see what's going on, Stu.


“THIS IS TREASON.” Glenn Blasts Feds Who May be Involved in Epstein Coverup

Glenn has always been hesitant to use the word “treason” because he knows that the punishment is death. But when it comes to the evidence on Jeffrey Epstein and his clients, he has no choice but to say something he has never said before: If FBI, DOJ, or other government officials hid the truth to protect the powerful, they should be tried for treason. Glenn makes the case: “The Constitution itself requires it. And I think We the People deserve it.”


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I'm making a case on treason, that I've never made before. That I can remember.

STU: Yeah. Kind of a big deal. You usually very much stay away from this sort of thing. I'm interested to see where this goes.

GLENN: Yeah. So let me pick up on what we have seen. Because we have watched those in power, twist the rule of law, into a weapon against the innocent, while shield the guilty, over and over and over again.

The Biden laptop. Innocent whistle-blowers, who just told the truth, destroyed by our FBI and DOJ. Only to find out later, that those whistle-blowers were correct. That the FBI and the DOJ had known those things. Were true for years. But it didn't matter, to them.

It protected their power. We've seen medical professionals now, not just run what I believe is the largest medical experiment on -- at scale. And a scale that Mengele would have never imagined, and forced the twisted cures after creating the curse of COVID, all in the name of their God, money and power.

But those same trusted medical professionals, then committed treason, I believe against the most sacred and the precious among us, our children!

They began to butcher and mutilate children under the banner of progress. Prosecutors have targeted parents who dare protect their children.

And bureaucrats amass wealth and from you by selling you out!

Now, when it comes to the Epstein files, the tapes, the documents, the proof of evil, locked away, not to protect justice. But to protect the powerful. That's not incompetence. That's not negligence. This is a calculated assault on everything that we hold dear!

I have always said, when you negotiate, or when you are serious about something, never, ever threaten.

Make promises. So this is a promise, not a threat. This is a certainty. Those in the Deep State should understand, things have changed. The American people are waking up, and every day, more eyes are opened. More voices will rise and join the voices of those who are awake. More hearts burn with the realization that this cannot stand!

And this administration, this clear-eyed, resolute administration, is unlike anything I have, and I think most people have seen in their lifetime!

They will not and must not play the games of the past. They will not and cannot negotiate with those who barter our future for their own gain!

They will and must not look away from the crimes of people, the powerful people that are protected by a corrupt division or agents of the FBI.

They will and they must end the game that this country has been playing for the powerful and the elites, not on some levels. But on every single level, it must come to an end.

So I believe, based on -- well, if I were president, based on what we've seen, with the FBI, just on this. Let alone all the other things we've seen, just in the last week, that today, because there was an 8:00 a.m. deadline, or perhaps this weekend, you should see the first steps, the arrests at the highest echelons of the FBI and DOJ. Not out of spite, but out of duty.

These people should be perp walked, if this is true. Handcuffs, on those who think that they are untouchable, not as vengeance. But as justice.

The rule of law and the Constitution demands it! The Constitution itself requires it!

And I think we, the people, deserve it!

And if it doesn't happen, when our FBI is in open rebellion, then come next week, we need to demand why. Why isn't this happening?

If they're in open rebellion? Why haven't you shut that office down?

And listen, if you are one of those people who have chosen the path of defiance, hear my promise to you, clearly.

You continue down this road, at your own peril. Times have changed. You are not the rulers of this country! You are its servants. The country doesn't belong to you. It belongs to us.

All of us, both Republican, tell me, and, yes. Even those smart enough to lead the way, away from those two imposters. And become independent. Beholden to the truth and to the Constitution, and to her people.

This people, we, the people, the first in human history, created a Constitution, that you swore to uphold.

Not to subvert.

You have mistaken your positions for power. Your influence for -- for invincibility.

But the tide has turned. The American spirit, no matter what you did to it, battered.

Beaten up. It's not unbroken.

In fact, it is rising to meet you! And this time, because it knows exactly the evil it's dealing with, especially if you are covering the crimes of sex with minors. We understand that is evil.

This administration backed by the will of the majority of those who voted. Will not flinch!

You think Donald Trump will flinch!

You think Donald Trump is afraid of you?

Donald Trump will act legally, constitutionally, but decisively.

To restore what you seek to dismantle.

Imagine this. Evidence goes missing all of a sudden. Tapes vanish. Files are shredded.

What happens? What happens? You think this president does nothing?

If that happens, this president has every right and, in fact, the duty to demand accountability. And then put those people up for trial.

But I believe for the first time in my life, I believe that trial should be a trial of treason!

If it is proven that you aided and abetted the worst of humanity.

That you shielded those who prayed on the defenseless.

Betrayed your oath for either your personal gain, or for someone else's elite privileges.

Then treason isn't just a word. Treason is a charge.

And the courts, not the mobs. Not the machines. Will weigh the evidence.

Two witnesses, an overt act.

That's the bar. Cross it, and the consequences are yours!

And yours alone!

No one should interpret anything I've said as trying to create fear. Uh-uh.

I've been very careful on what I've said. Because this is about clarity. Evil must be stopped. And you don't stop it with chaos or mobs. You stop it with constitutional order.

You don't do it with vigilantes. You do it with the law. The Bill of Rights. The Constitutions. The principles of liberty.

They're not suggestions. They're the bedrock of our nation!

And for those people who wage private wars, split off from the chain of command. Think that your little office in New York, can get away with defying the president, the DOJ, and the head office of the FBI. You are mistaken.

You can't defy the president and attorney general.

And if you do, you have made yourself a domestic enemy of that constitutional order!

To those who understand their oaths, soldiers, lawmen, citizens, our duty is clear!

Act within the law, uphold the Constitution, and let justice flow like a river!

If it's an lawful, unconstitutional order in America, you are encouraged. In fact, you are charged with the duty to stand against it.

But hiding or God forbid, destroying evidence much crimes, this heinous, is not just unconstitutional.

It is a crime against nature and nature's God.

The safety of our children is not your bargaining chip. Where the rule of law isn't a privilege, for the connected. Where the government answers to the people!

Not the other way around. That was an idea, that was an experiment. That was a dream.

It's not a dream. It's a reality. And we're never there perfectly. But the Mora wake we become, the better we get!

To the statist, to the revolutionaries. To the criminals, who have forgotten their place!

You will feel the full weight of your actions because this administration is not about social justice. This administration is about equal justice.

And it's not because we seek your -- your destruction or because we disagree with you politically. It's because we demand our country's survival.

You had your turn. You had your time to run the country. As if it were yours. But it never was yours.

It is ours to protect and ours to reclaim!

So here's the promise that I think the president has already made. But I'm hoping that we're going to see it in action, in very bold ways here in the next few days.

This ends now!

The game is over.

The American people guided by a resolute administration will constitutionally see justice done.

Not with malice. With resolve. Not with excess.

But with precision.

If arrests believe, if charges follow, if treason is named. It's not going to be a spectacle. It is going to be a reckoning.

A reminder that liberty isn't free, oaths are not optional. That betrayal has a price!

For those of you who are thinking about, I'm going to stand -- just know this. You should turn back now, or face what's coming!

The choice is yours. The outcome is inevitable.

This ship will right itself.

We will protect our children. We will restore the republic.

And we're going to do it together, both Republicans, independents, and Democrats. We will do it constitutionally. We will do it legally.

We will do it unflinchingly. The dawn has come. It is a new day for America. Those who oppose the Constitution, or -- or violate their oath. Your day is coming soon.