by Sara J.
Last night on Real News, the panel started with a topic that has been making waves in the news lately: Todd Akin’s ridiculously inaccurate comments on rape, pregnancy and abortion. GBTV's Will Cain took this moment to have the honest debate about the issue and discussed the disservice the media is doing to the American people by the way it’s being framed.
"What are the appropriate exceptions when someone is pro-life?"
That was the question Will Cain addressed to the Real News panel last night.
"When someone says they are opposed to abortion are exceptions for rape and incest or life of the mother - how do those exceptions play into the abortion debate? And, can we please separate that debate from the nonsense that Todd Akin sputtered?"
Right now, the left and the media are using Rep. Todd Akin's ridiculous comments about "legitimate abortion," to frame the debate of exceptions for abortion crazy and unworthy of discussion.
An issue as important and emotionally charged as abortion is worthy of a public debate. Unfortunately, Rep. Todd Akin's comments have given the left an opportunity to completely shift the focus of that debate, and once again make those who are pro-life, especially those who believe the life of an unborn child is valuable, that no matter how it is conceived.
S.E. noted that she doesn't take issue with Akin's stance on abortion. However, the thought of Akin making policy decisions with 'junk science,' is a problem.
"The abortion issue is completely separate. And that has been the most offensive part of this, that the media has decided that this is about abortion and this is about all Republicans." she commented.
Amy Holmes added that this is a pattern seen over and over by the media, and then, of course, by the Democratic Party: guilt by association. If you simply look at the politics of the last year, it's easy to see not only that Amy is 100% right, but that these instances have shaped most of the more important debates across the country.
For example, look at the Sandra Fluke controversy that took place just a few months ago. A radio host, not even a politician, used one foul word about Ms. Fluke following her public statement on free contraception and women's health, and the entire Republican base had to condemn the comments. This led to policy debates on everything from women's healthcare to religious freedoms defined by our First Amendment rights. People are still debating this issue and the Democrats are now using Sandra Fluke in the Obama re-election campaign.
Sandra Fluke has become Barack Obama's version of "Joe the Plumber".
It's no mystery that media loves social issues. They can use them to evoke an passionate response from their viewers and sway public discourse through personal stories that hit on peoples emotions. That's exactly what is being done with Todd Akin's comments. A pretty much unknown congressman has helped the left make abortion a key issue in an election that should be about rising unemployment, the national debt, and a struggling economy.
Because Mitt Romney's running mate, Paul Ryan, shares the stance that there shouldn't be exceptions in the case of abortion, unless the life of the mother is at risk, he is now being tied to Akin's comment.
"Ryan's stance on abortion is somehow being tied to Todd Akins, not stance, but statement on abortion," Will Cain said.
The stance is what deserves an honest debate, and that is what Will Cain proposed they have last night on Real News.
"I am pro-life. I'm opposed to abortion. I'm opposed to abortion in all instances except to save the life of the mother," Cain explained. "My position is that life begins at conception. I arrive at this position not from a religious orientation, but from a logical one. I don't see how you can distinguish, essentially, a one minute old child from an eight month old child, and then on down the line. Conception is the only bright line in the process."
Will also pointed out that this puts him in the minority. However, if you are a pro-life person, you believe life begins at conception. It's hard to comprehend how one can value one child's life over another, regardless of the circumstances.
Life is the first thing mentioned in the freedoms America will protect in the Declaration of Independence: Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
According to recent Gallup polls, the country is moving towards being more pro-life.
An honestly shocking poll considering the way the left and the media views and covers abortion.
However, when you take Will's position, the stats change.
While Will's is a controversial stance, it's not crazy. But Akin's comments have allowed the left and the media to take this controversial stance and turn it into a crazy one.
Amy, who is pro-choice, agreed with Will. The left already paints pro-lifers as "neanderthals." Now, Todd Akin's apparently neanderthal view of conception has been assigned to them as well.
Buck Sexton pointed out that is the the President who has an extremist view on abortion. Like Will pointed out, pro-lifers are the majority, not that the left would ever allow you to believe that. But Barack Obama voted against a measure to allowed doctors to save babies that survive abortions.
"When it came up, it was 98 to 0 in the Senate," Buck noted.
Barack Obama ended up voting against that piece of legislation - something that most Americans aren't even aware of.
Will pointed out that there are two reason for that. One, the entire debate has been shifted to one of women's health and reproductive rights. Two, it's never conducted from the position of "is this a life."
The extremes on this position define the current law on abortion. This is one example of why this issue needs to be sent back to the states. Allow the American people to define the exceptions and have an honest debate on the issue at hand, not the extremes or a ridiculous statement made by a Congressman.