My heart is full yet heavy tonight.
Not to compare to what you have going on in your life because I know many Americans have it much, MUCH worse, but a ton has gone wrong this weekend for us. Two cars broke down, including the transmission on a new (used) truck, we lost our water heater and the heat in our house. We went tree hunting and our truck got stuck in the mid and had to be pulled out. When we finally did get out, a rock spit it self out of my tires and cracked the wind shield of our friends car behind us. We had a skunk hit us and the house after falling into a basement window well. The bedrooms downstairs still reek of skunk. I don't know how long or what it will cost to get the smell out. Those were the highlights, but despite all of this my family has been laughing and singing, reading playing and praying together all weekend.
My heart is full. Full of truth and joy. The joy that comes from the truth, that no matter what happens everything will work out as The Lord intends it to work out.
It isn't what happens to you in life, it is how you respond to what life deals you.
At the same time, my heart is heavy because I did something I shouldn't have. I checked the news.
What is wrong with us? We are fighting over TVs, toys and panties?
Read the next series of stories: Protestors on the streets and in the malls marching, beating people up, looting business' and for what? A protest based on a lie? A protest based in anger? Free stuff? Right next to those pushing and shoving for a discount on meaningless crap that we will never remember by this time next year.
More Americans are foregoing medical care due to costs than ever before. Why? Insurance companies and the government got rich on a back door deal.
The Caliphate is growing in intensity and out of control with no answer in sight. In fact, no one I would trust is even looking for one. Mock those who warn. Mock those who see. We have seen this story play out over and over again. It is the basis of what we used to call the greatest story ever told.
Our president is becoming more of a king everyday, lecturing us on how to behave while praising the protestors and remaining silent while his treasury and fed issue another trillion in debt to pay off the loan of the last trillion.
Charles Ponzi is alive and well, the people have gone insane and the republic is swooning.
Why is this happening? What is wrong with us? Read the news and the despair of Longfellow becomes an echo of our present..
"And in despair I bowed my head:
"There is no peace on earth," I said,
"For hate is strong and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men."
We have fallen so far and so fast that most have forgotten what it even feels like to be treated or to treat others with dignity, compassion, humility, love and respect.
Hannah, my daughter, and I were in a local store today in the mountains. It was one of those old fashioned family owned stores that carries anything from paint to toys. The kind I grew up with in my home town of mount Vernon Washington.
There at the front door by the cash register there was a "secret Santa tree". It broke our hearts seeing how crowded the tree was with children who needed clothes, shoes, a book. ... Hope.
With so many in need, so many lost, so many angry, filled with fear, sickness, hopelessness or hate what can we do?
We wanted to take every name off that tree and help them. But we couldn't.
Why try when even if we could do the entire tree we wouldn't make even a small dent in the universe of despair.
"There are too many names on this tree. So many names in such a small town". I whispered to my daughter or maybe just myself.
We are the miracle others seek.
We are His hands. No matter how bad you have it, someone else within ear shot has it worse.
18 months ago, my wife and I agreed that if my health didn't change for the better, this would be my last public year. You know the story. But since I announced my troubles, I have met so many who have it far worse health wise than I do. In fact, as I was hurting in the cold, waiting for a tow truck the other night off the side of the road, a neighbor stopped his car and stood out in the cold and waited with me.
He has many health problems. His pain is profound, he may lose a limb and I am sure there have been times that he may have welcomed death, even if merely for a fleeting moment.
Without flinching or complaining he stood with me, he asked about my pain. He was there to ease my burden.
This is who I want to be. This is who we must inspire others to be. We need to reach down deep within ourselves and find the best man or woman we can find. Your past doesn't matter, nor does your pain, financial status or race.
What matters is what you do with your life.
Let us stand with others. Stop looking at what we don't have, how our life is so tough, how no one notices us and see what we do have, the blessings that we fail to notice every day and begin to notice those around us.
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
"God is not dead, nor doth he sleep;
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail,
With peace on earth, good will to men."
Till, ringing singing, on its way,
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime, a chant sublime,
Of peace on earth, good will to men!
This last line is a mistranslation and I have always felt it was important to correct it.
It should read:
Of peace on earth, to men of good will.
Let's us be men of good will and our hearts will be full as we find the peace The Lord has promised each and every one of us.
From our simple little home nestled in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by farmers who have never made the Forbes list, but are far wealthier than I have ever been --- Good night America.
Maybe tomorrow, we will begin to wake up.