A whale in a raincoat turns to a starfish.
“Why do you need a raincoat when we're surrounded by water?" asks the starfish.
The whale laughs, “Water? I don't see any water."
We are the starfish in this situation. There's something suspicious happening. We can sense it. But it's often hard to prove. The media tells us that we're delusional. That all this Ukraine business is a conspiracy theory.
Only it's not.
And we have proof.
Something wasn't right. Something smelled fishy.
I was talking about Biden's shady connection to Ukraine months before anyone else. (Perhaps you watched our candidate profile on Joe Biden from April of this year.)
My team and I knew, even then, that something wasn't right. Something smelled fishy.
Then we discovered the truth. We couldn't believe it. The evidence kept piling on. And, thanks to cavalier journalists like John Solomon at the
Hill, many of the documents and recordings and videos rose to the surface.
Yet, for the most part, the media ignored this glaring story, a story full of shady dealings and deep corruption, corruption that went all the way to the Oval Office. So why weren't the media leaping to cover it? Why were journalists so focused on Biden's creepy issues with personal space, and not the unexplained loss of $1.3 billion? That's roughly the GDP of Gambia.
We made it our mission to expose the truth.
When the news broke about the Trump impeachment, we were ready. Here I am in September, explaining the Ukraine scandal:
The misdeeds that took place with Ukraine are far more serious than one of Trump's phone calls. This runs deep.
If there's any semblance of justice left, this scandal will go down as the Watergate of our time. Sort of. Because, despite what the media insists, the guilty parties are all attached to the Obama Administration.
We refuse to stand by and remain silent.
We've spent many days and nights working on this, on bringing you the truth. And we've tried to make it as approachable as possible. Because it's enough to make your head spin.
Our months of grueling research paid off. People loved our special, Ukraine: The Democrats' Russia.
It exploded. Went viral. For that week, it was all over social media. People were talking about it.
"We punish a man for his ignorance if he is thought to be responsible for his ignorance."
The special is there for you. But, as I said in the special, the important part of this whole debacle is education. In the words of Aristotle, “We punish a man for his ignorance if he is thought to be responsible for his ignorance."
We are all responsible for our ignorance. Anymore, with all the information in the world available to us at all times, there is no excuse.
I get it. All of this Ukraine business is daunting and complex. All the more reason to understand its intricacies.
We want to make it as easy as possible for you to see the sequence of events that led up to Trump's phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. What better way than to give you an interactive chalkboard?
Explore the timeline at your own pace. The truth is in your hands. You have all the power now.
FEB 2014
New President in Ukraine
It all began with the appointment of a new President in Ukraine. Petro Porochenko.
The pro-Russian regime in Ukraine officially collapsed as President Yanukovych was forced to flee to Russia. After three months of demonstrations, the protesters seized control of Kiev, and new elections for the brand new government were set up for just a few months later.
This would lay the foundation for systematic corruption by the Democrats.
Within a couple years, the Obama Administration will become the biggest advocate for the new regime in Ukraine, and high-level Democrat political influencers will take root in Ukraine. This is just a few of the many:
- Greg Craig: former Obama White House counsel
- Tad Devine: Chief Strategist for Bernie Sanders
- Tony Podesta: Brother to John Podesta
- Mark Penn: Chief Strategist for Hillary Clinton
- John Alazone: Obama campaign pollster
- Joel Benenson: the Obama campaign LEAD pollster
An overwhelming show of force in a country with crucial ties to one of our enemies. But it evolved into so much more than that.
Here's Obama meeting with Porochenko later that year:
MAR 2014
Obama Makes Biden Point-man in Ukraine
Then-President Obama wanted to prove his devotion to Ukraine. So he appointed then-Vice President Joe Biden to be the new point-man in the country.
Here's what author Peter Schweizer had to say about this decision:
APR 2014
Biden Flies to Ukraine, Hunter Tags Along
As I pointed out in our Candidate profile on Biden, April 2014 was a crucial moment in the Ukraine scandal.
In April 2014, roughly a month after the Russian invasion, Devon Archer visited Joe Biden at the White House. Remember, Archer is one of Hunter Biden's two partners in Rosemont Seneca. We don't know what the meeting was about — maybe they were just exchanging cookie recipes. But five days later, Joe Biden landed in Kiev for high-level meetings with Ukrainian government officials.
He brought with him specific plans for a program to assist the Ukrainian natural gas industry, as well as details of over $1 billion in U.S. assistance and loans. Part of the energy portion of the program reads:
U.S. technical experts will ... help Ukraine develop a public-private investment initiative to increase conventional gas production from existing fields to boost domestic energy supply.
MAY 2014
Hunter Biden, Devon Archer Become Burisma Board Members
The day after Biden arrived in Ukraine, Devon Archer was named to the board of Burisma, the gas company run by Kolomoisky, the oligarch who was banned from entering the U.S.
In 2016, Foreign Policy magazine reported:
No one in the U.S. government has wielded more influence over Ukraine than Vice President Joe Biden.
Three weeks later, Hunter Biden also joined Burisma's board.
And he's still on the board. Burisma announced these appointments publicly. U.S. media reported on it. Check out these headlines:
- Biden's Son, Kerry Family Friend Join Ukrainian Gas Producer's Board (The Wall Street Journal)
- Ukraine gas producer appoints Biden's son to board (CNBC)
This wasn't a secret. But no one really noticed or cared, because hey — this was the Obama White House.
This was a pattern with Biden. Whether it was meetings with foreign leaders in Washington, or traveling to foreign capitals, business opportunities and deals magically materialized for Hunter Biden's company. Need proof? Just take a glance at this interview with Joe and Hunter Biden in Popular Mechanics.
NOV 2014
U.S. Aid to Ukraine Increases
The Obama Administration ratcheted up their monetary support of Ukraine. U.S. aid to Ukraine included:
- $1 billion sovereign loan guarantee
- $320 million in general assistance
- $118 million in equipment and training for their security forces
- $20 million for law enforcement reform
- And a fleet of advisors in banking, politics, energy, media, and human rights.
APR 2015
Obama Admin. Mandates Setup of NACB
In April 2015, the Obama Administration helped set up — actually they mandated it through the IMF — the establishment of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, whose purpose was to seek out and eradicate government corruption.
A man named Artem Sytnyk was tapped to be the first Director of the Bureau.
The following month, George Soros released the following strategy memo for dealing with Ukraine.
A year later, the Anti-Corruption Bureau signed an official Memorandum of Understanding with the FBI, giving the Obama Administration a direct line into whatever dark secrets the Ukrainians might dig up.
??? 2015
Owner of Burisma Loses $1.8 Billion from the U.S.
What's the most money you ever lost? And I mean lost. Not misplaced. Or spent. Or were swindled out of. Or had picket-pocketed. I mean lost. You had the money and it vanished.
For most of us, the answer is probably under $100. Maybe you lost a $20 bill at the State Fair.
I'm going to take a guess and say that absolutely none of you have lost a billion dollars.
A billion. The number one followed by 9 zeros. 1,000,000,000. The total value of Apple, the most valuable brand in the world.
It seems that putting a Ukrainian oligarch in charge of $1.8 billion isn't a great idea.
Well, in March 2016, this is exactly what happened. Oh, and it wasn't one billion dollars. Actually, it was $1.8 billion. I forgot about that extra $800 million.
Lesson of the story: It seems that putting a Ukrainian oligarch in charge of $1.8 billion isn't a great idea. An oligarch named Ihor Kolomoisky, head of Burisma — the largest private natural gas company in Ukraine.
As pointed out in an article for Ukranian newspaper Kyiv Post:
Court filings reveal that Kolomoisky was divvying up and fighting over the rusting U.S. steel mills with other Ukrainian oligarchs — in the same way that they fought over Ukraine's Soviet-built industrial plants in the 1990s and 2000s. One deal, involving Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, bled into the sale of a Warren, Ohio steel mill.
JUN 2015
Trump Announces Presidential Run
I can picture it so clearly. Trump descending the golden escalator as “Keep Rockin' in the Free World" played loudly in the background.
At the time, most people shrugged Trump off and focused on other candidates. He would prove to be a far more formidable opponent than anyone expected.
LATE 2015
Research: Alexandra Chalupa
Donald Trump was already surging in the polls. Still not a word about the Russia meddling. There was nothing out on Manafort yet. There was no Steele Dossier. George Papadapolous wasn't on the campaign yet. There was no FISA request for Carter Page.
Yet, an American lawyer named Alexandra Chalupa — the daughter of Ukrainian immigrants — began doing opposition research on Trump. And her employer had a lot of influence in Ukraine. Her employer? None other than the Democrat National Committee.
The DNC paid her over
seventy-one thousand dollars for her work during the 2016 election alone, but her work with the DNC goes all the way back to 2004.
In January 2016, Chalupa approached an official at the DNC and told them, regarding Trump's campaign:
I felt there was a Russia connection.
Chalupa concentrated most of her research on Paul Manafort and his work with the — now exiled — President of Ukraine (Yanukovich). Interestingly enough, all of her energy was focused on Manafort and NOT on his partners in helping get the Russian backed Yanukovych re-elected. Those partners were Tony Podesta and Tad Devine. I guess the fact that both Podesta and Devine were Democrats made everything ok ... just not for Manafort.
The same month Chalupa was telling the DNC that there was a Russia connection between Manafort and Trump, the Obama White House summoned Ukrainian prosecutors to the White House.
Here's a hacked DNC email, that was released on Wikileaks, between Chalupa and the former DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda. In that email, Chalupa checks in, reporting that she will speak at the Library of Congress specifically about Manafort.
Source: WikiLeaks
Source: WikiLeaks
MAR 2016
Biden Replaces Shokin with Lutsenko
During a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations, Vice President Joe Biden made his now infamous statement about his role in getting Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin fired, bragging that he had withheld $1 billion in loan guarantees for Ukraine.
"I looked at them and said: 'I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time," he said.
At the time, Shokin was investigating a Ukrainian company that Biden's son was involved with. Biden has claimed that what he did was based purely on Shokin's corrupt conduct, and nothing to do with his son's business dealings.
Here's a sworn statement of from Shokin:
This intimidation by the Obama administration was also used against Shokin's succesor, Yuriy Lutsenko. Here's his statement to the Hill detailing corruption from Obama-appointed Marie Yovanovitch to U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine:
Here's the kicker:
The truth is that I was forced out because I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm active in Ukraine, and Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, was a member of the Board of Directors. I assume Burisma, which was connected with gas extraction, had the support of the Vice President Joe Biden because his son was on the Board of Directors.
Shokin detailed Obama's systematic control of Ukraine, noting that Obama was “telling the heads of the Ukraine law-enforcement system how to investigate and whom to investigate."
Shokin had another unforgivable sin on his record. He had launched an investigation on the actions of an NGO called the Anti Corruption Action Centre.
Shokin alleged that the NGO might have improperly diverted, or even embezzled, millions of dollars. So why would this be an unforgivable sin to Obama and Biden?
See for yourself (scroll down to the finances section of their website and mouse over 2016 to see the funders).
Source: Screenshot from Anti Corruption Action Centre website
If you look at the top two financiers for that year, the top two are the International Renaissance Foundation and the U.S. Government. The International Renaissance Foundation is yet another group headed by ... George Soros.
MAR 2016
Bank Loses $2.2M and $1.8B in IMF Loans
James Stafford, a journalist who covers the energy industry wrote:
Burisma fails to pass the most basic due diligence check. Its registration documents are impossible to run down. It publishes no asset information or financial records, nor does it release any audited financial statements. The complete lack of transparency means that anyone interested — including potential investors — must rely solely on press releases about Burisma's future plans and intentions.
Here's part one of my chalkboard exposé on the underhanded deals that took place in Ukraine.
After Hunter Biden joined the Burisma board, the company's owner, Kolomoisky was suddenly taken off the U.S.' entry-ban list. Kolomoisky's ban wasn't the only thing that disappeared. Remember that $1.8 billion loan the U.S. promised to Ukraine?
Most of that money flowed through PrivatBank, Ukraine's largest bank, owned by who else? Kolomoisky. $1.8 billion simply vanished.
Where did it go? A Ukrainian watchdog group traced the money by researching a series of court decisions. Basically, the billion dollars from the U.S. was laundered through Kolomoisky's network of offshore entities.
Ultimately, the Ukrainian government took control of Kolomoisky's bank, but the $1.8 billion was never recovered.
MAR 2016
Chalupa Begins to Work Directly with Ukraine Embassy
Around the time Manafort joined the Trump campaign, Chalupa began working with embassy staff to raise the alarm bells regarding Manafort to the Ukrainian president. She said the embassy "worked directly with reporters researching Trump, Manafort and Russia to point them in the right directions."
In other words, the Ukrainian Embassy, right here in the United States, was working directly with a DNC operative to damage a Republican candidate for president to influence the U.S. election.
Chalupa and the DNC deny this, but a Ukrainian Embassy political officer who worked there at the time, stated that the Ukrainians were working with Chalupa.
They were coordinating an investigation with the Hillary team on Paul Manafort with Alexandra Chalupa.
At the end of March, 2016, the Ukranian Head of a Department of the Prosecutor General's Office met with representatives of the BlueStar Strategies. Here's a translated memo of that meeting:
APR 2016
Pillow Talk with the Ohrs
Bruce Ohr led a double life. He worked for the Department of Justice associate deputy attorney general, but he also played a part in starting the Russian meddling accusations against Trump.
As I mentioned earlier, the DNC and the Clinton Campaign hired Fusion GPS to write the Steele Dossier, which was supposed to crush Trump. Then Fusion GPS hired Bruce Ohr's wife Nellie Ohr, a Russian specialist, to “research" Donald Trump.
(Check out these reports from the FBI's investigation into Ohr.)
Trump has been pretty open about his opinion of Ohr.
MAY 2016
Isikoff Memo: Chalupa Embassy Press
Investigative journalist Michael Isikoff has been probing around this whole time, and in 2018, he compiled all his findings in his book, Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin's War on America and the Election of Donald Trump.
Within a few months, Federal authorities would use this article by Isikoff for a FISA warrant application in order to justify surveillance of Carter Page.
In late May, these State Department memos were sent, revealing contacts between George Soros' firm and Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland.
JUN 2016
FBI & National Anti-Corruption Bureau
Remember the Ukranian National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NACB)? The supposed anti-corruption agency created with the help of Obama and the DNC. It hadn't even been in operation for a year when the FBI instituted a “Memorandum of Understanding" between the FBI and the NACB.
As noted on the NABU website:
This document establishes the parties' joint work on crimes related to international money laundering, international asset recovery, and Ukrainian high-level officials' bribery and corruption.
In the words of then the FBI Acting Deputy Assistant Director Mathew S. Moon:
If, for instance, your criminal proceeding has the accordant proceedings in the US, you [NABU] can give us the numbers of the bank accounts and it will be the reason for us to issue a notice of suspicion for a person and receive the necessary information much faster.
Another important legal proceeding that will receive very little attention is Citizens United v. The U.S. Department of State. Here is an FBI agent's affidavit in Citizens United FOIA lawsuit, including the declaration of Michael Seidel:
The FBI will play a crucial role in this whole thing. As recently as July of 2019, members of Congress were sounding the alarm about questionable activity:
JUN 2016
Obama Appoints New Ambassador
Without much ado, then-President Barack Obama appointed Marie Yovanovitch to U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine. Yovanovitch is a big supporter of Artyom Sytnik, head of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau.
The following State Department memos reveal that, a few weeks before Obama appointed Yovanovitch, George Soros and Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland discussed Ukraine:
JUN 2016
Manafort Sentenced
In June of 2016, with the election just months away, Donald Trump fired campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and promoted Manafort to the position. Suddenly, Manafort was in charge of Trump's entire campaign.
Around that same time, Former United States Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power sent this email reacting to Donald Trump UN plan:
Half-a-year later, Power gave this speech about Russia:
And here she is discussion the Russia Trump speech in an email:
LATE 2016
No Visas for Ukrainian Prosecutors
The Deputy Director for Ukraine's Prosecutor General's International Cooperation Department stated that she didn't grant his delegation visas to travel to the United States. They wanted to come to deliver information to the U.S. Attorney General evidence of Ukraine's misdeeds during the 2016 election.
This evidence included:
- Sworn statements from Ukrainian officials admitting that their agency tried to influence the 2016 election. (This must be whistleblowers inside the Anti-Corruption Bureau regarding the Manafort “Ledger.")
- Contacts between Democrat figures in Washington and Ukrainian officials involved in gathering dirt on Donald Trump. (This is probably the DNC, Chalupa and the Ukraine Embassy.)
- Financial records showing a Ukrainian natural gas company routed more than $3 million to Hunter Biden.
- Records showing Joe Biden pressured Ukrainian officials to fire Shokin.
- Correspondence that proves the State Department and U.S. Embassy in Ukraine interfered in criminal cases on Ukrainain soil.
- Disbursements of as much as $7 billion that may have been misappropriated and taken out of the country.
Two other important events happened in late 2016. Obama appointed a new Ambassador in Ukraine, and the Manafort “Black Ledger" was released by Ukraine's Anti-Corruption Bureau.
But the Presidential election was in full swing. It took up all the time and space in the news. So these two crucial moments passed by mostly unseen.
A member of the Ukrainian Parliament named Leshchenko and the Anti-Corruption Bureau Director, Sytnik — who had just signed a memorandum of understanding with the FBI just a month prior — jointly released pages in the Ledger that showed illegal payments given to Paul Manafort.
Were the Ukrainians trying to influence the election? Check out this article from the Financial Times.
(If you're unable to access the article, the headline is a good summary of it: “Ukraine's leaders campaign against 'pro-Putin' Trump")
The article actually states direct quotes from the Member of Parliament (Leshchenko) that disclosed Manafort's name in the ledger:
A Trump presidency would change the pro-Ukrainian agenda in American foreign policy. For me it was important to show not only the corruption aspect, but that he is a pro-Russian candidate who can break the geopolitical balance in the world.
In other words, the Ukrainian government actively tried to sink Donald Trump's campaign for President.
NOV 2016
Trump Wins the Election
November 8, 2016. The day everything changed.
The day that shattered so many news anchors and Hillary supporters. It wasn't supposed to happen. According to the media, Trump wasn't supposed to win. But he did.
Hillary was so upset that she refused to concede.
From that moment, Democrats made up their mind. They decided that they were going to get Trump out of office however they could. No rules. Anything goes.
Within hours of Trump's win, journalists were calling for his impeachment.
He was still months away from being sworn in, barely into his first day in his Presidential legacy, and the left wanted him
A Change.org petition to Congress titled “ Impeach Donald J. Trump" raised nearly $500,000.
Down the line, a former British intelligence Officer will compile a dossier — a 35-page compilation of 16 reports supposedly offering evidence of conspiracy between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government — an accusation that will haunt Trump for years. But it ultimately proved to be a dud.
Most importantly, it was the DNC and the Clinton Campaign that contracted Steele to write the dossier.
Steele leaked the dossier to journalist Michael Isikoff, who had been working with DNC-operative Alexandra Chalupa. Isikoff wrote an article for Yahoo News detailing parts of the Steele Dossier.
Note that the email was sent in May 2016, exactly one month after the DNC hired Fusion GPS to work on the dossier.
The last line of this email is significant:
... there is a big Trump component you and Lauren need to be aware of that will hit in next few weeks and something I'm working on you should be aware of.
The FBI used the leak as corroborating evidence to justify a FISA warrant for Carter Page.
Here is the FBI Human Source Validation Report on Christopher Steele:
JUL 2017
First Mention of Ukraine by White House
Then-Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders first mentioned Democrat corruption in Ukraine during an off-camera briefing on July 12, 2017, alleging that the DNC had colluded with the Ukrainian Government and targeted people within the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.
Sanders said:
I think if there's been any evidence of collusion in 2016 that's come out at all or been discussed that's actually happened, it would be between the DNC and the Ukrainian government. I don't often quote the New York Times, but even one of their reporters tweeted earlier today that — why this example provides evidence of collusion: "Cooperation was between DNC officials and officials from the Ukrainian government, not just some associate."
Ukrainian actions to coordinate with the DNC was actually successful, unlike anything shown by Don Jr.'s emails. Information passed to the DNC from the Ukrainian government directly targeted members of the Trump campaign in an attempt to undermine it. And that was just Ukraine. The other big news was the foreign intelligence dossier that the President's political opponents funded and disseminated widely, and was based on discredited opposition research from foreign intelligence sources. The only collusion I've seen, and that's certainly been proven, would be between those people.
Then, President Trump mentioned Ukraine on Twitter:
Later that month, Senator Chuck Grassley wrote a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, outlining shady activity among the Ukrainians, the DNC, and Alexandra Chalupa.
Nothing ever came of it.
OCT 2017
Two Ukrainians Found Guilty, Secret Audio Released
Ukraninan People's Deputy Borislav Rosenblatt filed a claim charging both Leshchenko and Sytnik with interfering in the U.S. election by publicly disclosing the information on Manafort. The Ukrainian court agreed. After Leshchenko appealed the decision, Rosenblatt leaked the audio recording.
In April of 2019, former Prosecutor General Lutsenko gave an interview with the Ukrainian media. In that interview he makes a stunning comment:
I don't know how, but the Americans got an audio recording of Mr. Sytnik's conversation: he is resting with his family and friends and discussing how he would like to help Hillary.
Sytnik is the Director of the Bureau that the Obama Administration mandated they set up. He then made public information directly to influence the U.S. election.
Here's that audio:
We'd rushed around looking for a Ukrainian translator. It was pure chaos here at the studios. But we knew it was important. Eventually, we got it. And we were absolutely floored. We had our smoking gun.
Mercury Radio Arts Inc | October 02, 2019 | Transcript by TransPerfect
KOLYA: Did they … those Russians … help him? Your people?
ARTYOM SYTNYK: I think they did.
KOLYA: Oh, did they?
ARTYOM SYTNYK: Yep. I helped him, too. Not him, but Hilary. I helped her.
KOLYA: Yeah, right. Then her position tottered, right.
ARTYOM SYTNYK: Well, this is how they write about it. Right.
IVAN: Hilary's humanitarian aid [INDISCERNIBLE] America?
KOLYA: Well, I am about … the commentaries. At that time, we were not in [INDISCERNIBLE].
IVAN: No, there it was …
ARTYOM SYTNYK: Trump … His purely inner problem … issue… They dominate over the external matters. While Hilary … she is – how shall I put it? She belongs to the cohort of politicians who comprise the hegemony in the US. Both in the US and in the entire world. Right. For us, it is …sort of … better. For the Americans … what Trump is doing is better for them.
KOLYA: Well, we have lots of those American experts here now... [INDISCERNIBLE].
ARTYOM SYTNYK: A woman. Masha.
KOLYA: How do you find her?
ARTYOM SYTNYK: They don't keep any different people.
KOLYA: They - who?
ARTYOM SYTNYK: As our Ambassador in Germany once told me… He said: in order to get to the Ambassador's post to a foreign country in Germany – it seems easier to win the Noble Prize, than to get the position of Ambassador.
ARTYOM SYTNYK: There is a very tough selection process there. Unlike in our country. See, we sent Lytvyn to … so to say… Now the entire borer is open. We sent him to the position of the Ambassador. And then he disappeared there.
KOLYA: Well, not quite so… It was done via the system, of course…
IVAN: Come on, what are you talking about?
ARTYOM SYTNYK: Well, there, you see. Why Hilary lost the elections? I was in charge of investigation of their “black accounting" records.
ARTYOM SYTNYK: We made the Manafort's data available to general public.
KOLYA: So what?
ARTYOM SYTNYK: He was imprisoned. Manafort then was the head of the Supreme Headquarter of Trump. Right. Then he was dismissed, too. Including due to the “black accounting". After that, he was sentenced to 80 years of imprisonment term. How about Trump? He did not give a shit. They have their system working there, and it works smoothly.
KOLYA: Everybody works smoothly there.
ARTYOM SYTNYK: And when they carried out the elections. A week before the elections, FBI reopened the investigation in respect of Hilary. So her rating dropped for 7%, and that is why Trump managed to win the elections at a pinch. I am still unable to understand why he is fighting with FBI? They try to catch him on the hand. If it were not the FBI, he would not have won the elections. They torpedoed Hilary's rating for 7 %.
KOLYA: I say... Is FBI - ФБР?
ARTYOM SYTNYK: Yes. Of course, it is a solid structure there.
KOLYA: The solid one, right?
ARTYOM SYTNYK: You bet! A real stronghold!
APR 2018
Mueller Report Finds Nothing
The Mueller Report. I'm sure you remember exactly where you were the day it was released.
In December of 2016, exactly a month after Trump was elected President, academic Joseph Mifsud, with links to Trump advisor George Papadopoulos, sent this:
Here's an email from Mifsud to Papadopoulos:
And another, from February 2017, to the FBI:
Mifsud regularly attended meetings of the Valdai Discussion Club, which often included Russian President Vladimir Putin. Here's Mifsud's deposition testimony on Vladimir Putin:
Several months later, in June, Mueller charged Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian-Ukrainian political operative, with alleged ties to Russian Intelligence and a Manafort business partner, with witness tampering. Kilimnik was once described as “Manafort's Manafort," his contact in Kiev.
MAY 2018
Trump Boots U.S. Ambassador
President Trump recalled Obama-appointed Marie Yovanovitch from her post as U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine.
In October of 2019, Yovanovitch will give a closed-door testimony before the House Committees on Oversight and Reform, Foreign Affairs and Intelligence. Here is her opening statement.
She wrote:
Understanding Ukraine's recent history, including the significant tension between those who seek to transform the country and those who wish to continue profiting from the old ways, is of critical importance to understanding the events you asked me here today to describe. Many of those events — and the false narratives that emerged from them — resulted from an unfortunate alliance between Ukrainians who continue to operate within a corrupt system, and Americans who either did not understand that corrupt system, or who may have chosen, for their own purposes, to ignore it.
JUL 2019
Donald Trump Makes Phone Call to Volodymyr Zelenskiy
Then, the fateful phone call. If you haven't heard or read the call transcript yet, here's my reenactment of it:
President Donald J. Trump has released a declassified, un-redacted transcript of his telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy from July 25th, 2019.
The media swiftly and uniformly sided with the unknown whistleblower.
Even when Trump responded, they
stuck to their guns.
After months of resisting calls for impeachment, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced her
support for an impeachment inquiry.
Here's a notice of suspicion signed by the Ukraine general prosecutor on March 28, 2019, announcing the opening of a new investigation against Burisma Holdings Founder Zolchevsky:
Here's Ambassador Kurt Volker, Former U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations, giving testimony before the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs on October 3, 2019:
In yet another bizarre twist, the man who beat Poroshenko in the Ukraine Presidential election this year was Volodymyr Zelensky, a comedian.
OCT 2019
What's Next?
Which brings us to now. What's next, you ask?
Well, you've seen all the evidence. What do you think? Do we have a case or what?
Without a doubt.
But that's not enough. It's not enough to know the truth. Not anymore.
So now, we've got to get the facts out there, in the open, so that everyone can see them, and decide for themselves. It's imperative that we reveal the truth. To shrug this off would be a disservice to our nation.
Good luck and godspeed.