Glenn has referenced a sobering poll from the Wall Street Journal that shows the state of the average American. Most Americans are worried about the future and believe their children will be worse off than they are. Other studies shed light on the mental health crisis plaguing our nation. Glenn discussed the heartbreaking statistic that suicide rates skyrocketed 30 percent in 2022. Moreover, the CDC declared mental health and suicidal thoughts, especially amongst teenage girls, a countrywide crisis. Glenn hit the nail on the head: there is "something rotten at the core" infecting our country.
If these statistics are right, you have probably been affected by one of these factors, if not more. If there is one word to describe the sentiment of the average American right now, it would be "hopeless." If you are feeling hopeless, you wouldn't be alone. In fact, you would be in the majority.
If you are feeling hopeless, you wouldn't be alone.
It is evident that our nation needs hope in something that transcends the political battles of the day. We cannot put our faith in politics, because doing so would be putting our faith in mankind—and we all know its poor track record.
Glenn is inviting you to remember the darkest and most hopeless day in human history: Good Friday. On that day, Christ, the source of life, truth, and goodness itself died, and it seemed like any hope of redemption died with him.
But the story didn't end on Good Friday.
Good Friday was followed by Easter Sunday, when Christ rose again and laid death itself in his grave. Not in spite of, but through the darkest and most hopeless day, Christ conquered evil and gave mankind a source of enduring hope. Even in the deepest darkness of Good Friday, there was the hope of Easter. Even in the depths of our current darkness, there is the hope of Christ.
Good Friday was followed by Easter Sunday, when Christ rose again and laid death itself in his grave.
On this Good Friday, would you join Glenn on his "Good Friday Fast," as we turn to the resurrected Christ, our true hope? While you fast, would you pray that God would bring about his redemption through our present darkness, for both our souls and our nation?
To stay up-to-date about Glenn's "Good Friday Fast," enter your email below to pledge that you would will join him in praying for hope for our nation.
Watch Glenn's discussion about the fast on the Glenn Beck Program: