Jordan Peterson: Don’t Compare Yourself to 'The Facebook Version of Everyone Else'

Social media can be helpful, but it can also be addictive and destructive. On today’s show, Dr. Jordan Peterson talked about some of his “12 Rules for Life” in the context of a world ruled by Facebook and YouTube.

“Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today” is Rule No. 4 on the list of 12 rules in his book. When you’re scrolling through your News Feed, you can’t compare your life to “the Facebook version” of everyone else’s life.

“No one else is really like you in any deep sense,” Peterson said. “The conditions of your life truly are unique.”

This article provided courtesy of TheBlaze.

GLENN: If you've been listening to this program, about -- I think maybe 2005, 2006, I started doing my research on the Twelfth Imam, which is this crazy end of times theology of -- of some people who live in the Middle East, specifically Iran.

And it's -- it's scary. They're very dangerous. As I did my research on it, the goal to hasten the return of the Promised One is to wash the world in blood and create chaos.

And I said in 2006 and I've been saying it ever since, run from chaos. Put order in your life.

The world is going to start moving towards chaos. This is what Russia and Aleksandr Dugin is also pushing, is his chaos theory. Chaos is the work of darkness. For I don't know how long, people have been saying, you've got to get Jordan Peterson on. He's the greatest guy in the history of the world.

We're like, yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll get to him. Then finally we sat down and we watched him. And we understand why everybody was saying, you've got to have him on.

He's just written a new book. The 12 Rules of Life: An Antidote to Chaos.

Welcome to the program, Jordan Peterson. How are you, sir?

JORDAN: I'm good. How are you doing?

GLENN: I'm good.

If I may describe your book this way, tell me if I'm wrong, people right now feel this chaos and they feel they're overwhelmed. And they feel like everything they do or have done doesn't make any difference. And so they're starting to unplug and they're starting to throw up their hands and get frustrated and angry. You are saying that, "No, no, no. Forget about the big picture. Do these 12 little, pretty simple things, and you'll change the world -- at least change your life.

JORDAN: Yeah. Well, that's a good place to start. And you won't do any harm either. So first do no harm. The positions have it.

GLENN: Right.

So, first of all, let me just give -- or have you give your credentials.

You are a clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology. And you have really been found -- and kind of a worldwide sensation on YouTube. And you're really --


GLENN: Go ahead.

JORDAN: Oh, no. So far, you've got it right. Yeah, I've been a practicing clinical psychologist for about 20 years. I've spent tens of thousands of hours talking to people about their deepest problems. And I've worked as a business consultant. And I helped entrepreneurs. I've helped companies find entrepreneurs to help run them.

I've done all sorts of things.

GLENN: I want to go through -- I want to go through the book. And we have some time with you today.


GLENN: I want to go through the book. We can't go through all 12. I'm going to give you the advice, and then you tell me exactly what it means and how to apply it.

Rule number two: Treat yourself like someone you're responsible for helping.

JORDAN: Yeah. Well, people are harder on themselves -- you know, everybody is aware of their own flaws and faults and inadequacies and failures to live up to even their own ideals.

And we're also painfully aware that we do things purposefully wrong from time to time, just out of spite and a desire to produce misery.

And because of that, we don't feel as positively predisposed towards ourselves as we might, and so we don't take care of ourselves very well.

It's deeper than that. Even -- we kind of have contempt for ourselves because we're fragile and mortal and subject to the tragic conditions of life. And we're not exactly sure, I would say, that we deserve the best or that we deserve to be taken care of properly.

People will often treat their animals better than they treat themselves. And that's not good. That's not good. You have to detach yourself from yourself a little bit and understand that you deserve to be cared for like -- at a level of basic decency, just like any other living creature, let's say. You should want the best for yourself.

GLENN: So I've always been fascinated by the human race. Because we are -- we really are self-hating egomaniacs.

We build ourself up into these all-powerful, but as individuals, we -- we also have this self-loathing.

How do you -- so it doesn't sound like --

JORDAN: People have a hard time with it. You know, we're the only creatures that are self-conscious. And we're aware of the fragility of life and our own flaws. And so it's very difficult for us to regard ourselves properly. And so chapter two, rule two -- treat yourself as if you're someone that you should take care of -- is a description of why it is -- a deep description of why it is that people have doubts about their own being. And then also what you should do in the face of that.

I mean, the fact that we're faced with our own mortality constantly and with the human proclivity for evil means that we have a very large burden to bear. But we're also very capable of doing that. And you should regard yourself positively as someone who is able to face the tragedy and malevolence of existence and still move forward. And sometimes move forward with great nobility and grace. I mean, people can operate under horrendous conditions and do so well admirably. And that's something really remarkable.

And so chapter two, rule two is about asking people to treat themselves with some respect. And see what might happen as a consequence.

GLENN: Do you think that -- I just read a study this morning that shows depression rates of teenagers are up -- I think 48 percent. Suicide is up 24 percent since 2010. And the study showed that it coincided with the use of a smartphone. You know, and all of the social media.

Do you think this is helping us -- because we're -- one of your other rules. Let me see which one it is. Rule four, compare yourself to who you were yesterday and not who someone is today. Do you think this is coming from, we're not good enough because we don't have the life that we think everybody else has based on their bogus Facebook page?

JORDAN: Well, I -- I think there's a couple of things going on there.

We're undergoing sequential technological revolutions, and it's not easy to keep up. And so I think we don't know what to do with all the magical technological devices that are being thrown our way. It's a very, very steep learning curve.

And social media -- all the major social media outlets, Twitter and YouTube and Instagram and so forth, they all have their advantages and their pitfalls. They're quite addictive. And they do throw you out into a massive realm and allow you to prepare yourself to the Facebook version of everyone else. And that definitely is rough.

I mean, you don't -- and you pointed out rule four, compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone is today. That's a good maxim to live by.

Because no one else is really like you, in any deep sense. I mean, obviously people have their similarities. But the conditions of your life truly are unique. And what -- the way to -- you need an ideal pursuit. Compare myself to other people, to establish that ideal. But you don't really -- you have to figure out who you are and be better than that. And that's something you can always do too.

And one of the things I tried to do in that rule is outline why that's good enough. You can make incremental changes over who you are right now. And those incremental changes will compound and transform you across time. It's a really, really powerful way of looking at the world. And it stops you from being bitter and resentful.

Part of the problem is when you look at someone who you think is doing better than you -- I mean, look, perhaps they are. We don't want to be naive about it. You don't know everything about their life. You know, if you're admiring a celebrity and you think, "Well, I would love to have a life like that," you see the celebrity as a very low-resolution hero. You don't know the details of their life. You don't know how they're doing across ten or 11 dimensions of comparison, dimensions that are important.

It's better to think about who you are now, to take stock of your flaws and your virtues, and to move forward from that foundation. That way, you can have an ideal. I'm going to be better than I am. And you don't have to be bitter and resentful because you're not who you think someone else is. So maybe the social media feeds that, you know

GLENN: Professor, I'm a 22-year-old recovering alcoholic, and I've discovered something about myself that I wonder if it isn't true about most people. When I first started my journey into figuring out really who I was late in life, in my 30s, I -- I stopped. And I really didn't -- it wasn't a real conscious stop in some ways. And then I -- I was motivated to continue to look deep inside of me.

And I realized at that time, the reason why I think I was afraid. And I don't know if this transfers to other people, but I was afraid because I was afraid there was nothing really of value inside of me.

JORDAN: Yeah, right. Well, and that is people's deepest fear is that there's -- really, there's nothing valuable (cutting out) -- and I truly believe that is deeply, deeply wrong.

Like, one of the things I've tried to do in 12 Rules For Life is to take a very stark appraisal of human existence. I do believe our lives are fundamentally tragic. You know, we grow old, we get sick, we die, we lose the people we love. All of that. We're finite creatures, you know. And there is real malevolence and evil in the world, and not only in the hearts of other people, but definitely in our own hearts.

And so the conditions of existence are very dire in some sense. Tragedy and evil.

But I do believe there are ways of living in the world that enable us to transcend that. And the old idea that we each have a light inside of us, that if turned on will illuminate the world. I believe that to be true.

I think that the human spirit is more powerful than death and evil. And that if you live a truthful life and if you live a life that's oriented towards the highest good, that you can withstand the burden of being and you can discover within yourself something that's -- it's that spark of divinity that unites you with God.


STU: Back with more from Jordan Peterson in just a moment. He's @JordanBPeterson on Twitter. The book is called 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote to Chaos.

GLENN: I may have been a little esoteric here. If you don't know who Jordan Peterson is, he is so right in where people live right now. I fear I'm doing him a disservice. He is -- he's controversial right now because he's saying the things that we all know where true, but have not been said for a long time. What it takes to be a man. And many of his followers on -- on YouTube are young men. They're starving to hear, what does it mean to be a man?

More in a second.

GLENN: We covered the presidential speech last hour, and we will continue here in about 34 minutes with some more analysis on what happened in Washington last night. It was absolutely amazing.

But we're joined now by Jordan Peterson. He has a new book that is out today. It's called 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote To Chaos.

Jordan, I've been watching you now for a few months. And I saw something that you just did on the BBC where the presenter was after you from the beginning. There wasn't an honest question, I didn't feel, from the get-go. She was trying -- it was almost like every question was like, come on, fight with me.

What is it that you're saying that is making so many people just angry? Because I don't see it.

JORDAN: Well, I'm calling out the identity politics types on the left. And in a really -- in a really blunt way. And so they're not very happy about that.

GLENN: But you're doing it with facts. You're doing it with ease and gentleness and kindness.

JORDAN: That's worse. That's worse. You know, because --

GLENN: I know.

JORDAN: Because the radical leftists have to paint everybody who opposes them as some sort of super villain because if they don't -- if the person who opposes them isn't unreasonable, then they're reasonable. And that means reasonable people can critique the radical left. And I am a reasonable person. And that makes me more threatening rather than less.

And, I mean, I believe the radical leftists have pretty much destroyed the humanities. And that's a terrible thing. Because they're at the core of university. And I also believe -- and there was an article in the Boston Globe just this last week making exactly the same case, that corruption of the humanities is now spreading out into the broader public and into corporations and so forth, often through the back door of human resources.

And I'm pointing all this out, the pathological legislation that's been in Canada, for example, requiring compelled speech that results in inquisition of a teaching assistant at Wilfrid Laurier University.

And, yeah, people aren't very happy with me as a consequence. Because I'm describing what's going on. And also why it's wrong. It's really wrong for us to degenerate back into tribalism.

GLENN: So I want to -- I want to go into that. We have to take a quick break. And I want to go into that. Why it's wrong. We are in several tribes. And we're all really doing it. Why is it wrong? And how do we -- how do we change that in our own life?

GLENN: Whether he knows it or not, there is a movement -- a global movement that is building underneath Dr. Jordan Peterson. He's Canadian. He is now sweeping the world on YouTube, a lot of young people are -- are really listening to him and following him.

And he is -- he is articulating universal principles that that haven't been articulated this way in a long time, in his new book for life 12 Rules For Life.

He says things like this: Confront the chaos of being. Take aim against the sea of troubles. Specify your destination and chart your course. Admit what you want. Tell those around you, who you are. Narrow and gaze attentively, and move forward forthrightly.

STU: We were talking about, before the break, something that -- and this was kind of reminded me of a recent article about sort of an alt-right conspiracy gathering in New York City. And a bunch of reporters went to it. And they started asking -- trying to fish around for what their ideology was. And one of them said this: We're not ideological. We're tribal. We don't care about the politics, as much as we care about pissing people off and trolling and shaking things up.

Doctor, before we went to the break, you mentioned our -- the way we're starting to degenerate into tribalism. I think people now are starting to look at tribalism as a positive. Why isn't it?

JORDAN: Well, people, when they lose their unifying (cut out), they degenerate into tribalism. You saw that happening, for example, in Yugoslavia when the wall fell and the Soviet Empire collapsed, people degenerate into their tribal groups.

Now, look, you know from being a child to being an adult, you have to pass through a period of time where your primary affiliation is to the group. That's what happens when you're a teenager and a young adult. You have to become socialized. You have to take your place as a member of a group. But that isn't where your development should end. You should then transcend the group and become an individual. Then you're part of the force that establishes and renews the group, as well as just being part of the group.

And it's that transcendent identity as an individual that enables different groups to live together on the same territory peacefully. Because I can come out of my group as a forthright and honest individual. And you can come out of your group the same way. And we can communicate and negotiate. And we can figure out how to cooperate and convene peacefully and to trade and all of that without degenerating to tribal murderousness.

Now, what's happening in our culture is that the radical left is attempting to establish the narrative.

GLENN: You're saying this globally. You're not just talking about the United States.

JORDAN: No. No. No. This is happening all over the world. But particularly in the West. It's everywhere.

And that the radical left narrative is that there's no super ordinate narrative. There's nothing that really unites us. The world is a landscape of competing power interests. And those power interests are --

GLENN: Wait. We lost you. Hang on. Those power interests. Are you there?

JORDAN: Can you hear me?

GLENN: Yeah, I can hear you now. We just lost you. You said those power interests are...

JORDAN: Are based -- ethnicity, race, or gender, these essential elements that no one can change. And that the entire world is just a battleground of power between those competing groups. And that some of those oppress the other. The right wing looks at that, the radical right and says, okay. If the world is nothing, but a battleground between power groups, then I'm going to pick my power group, whatever it happens to be, and I'm going to win.

And so they end up playing this extraordinarily dangerous group identity game. And there's nothing at the end of that except catastrophe.

GLENN: So can I ask you this question? And I ask you this as a Canadian because that way you're not getting into politics.

As an outsider, we don't -- we've lost our national identity. And we don't know who we are anymore.

As an outsider looking in, what is the identity that all Americans could and should unite around. Who are we?

JORDAN: Well, it's the old American dream. It's that America is a place where people are judged on their competence and are able to compete --

GLENN: Doctor, I don't know if you've moved into another room or something. But we're losing you and we can barely -- we can barely understand you. So let's try this -- is that -- I don't know what's wrong with the connection.

GLENN: No. That's -- now you're gone again. Can you hear me now?

JORDAN: I can hear you pretty well.

GLENN: All right. So go ahead. And I'll tell you if you drop out. We'll try one more time.

JORDAN: Okay. So, well, the United States is a beacon to the world, as far as I'm concern. (cuts out)

GLENN: We're going to -- we're going to have to stop and see if we can get a new connection with you. We're going to call you right back and see if we can get a new connection.

STU: Yeah, it's unfortunate.

GLENN: We're going to take a quick break and come back with Jordan Peterson.

Canadian phone systems.

STU: Blame the Canadians. Typical Glenn.

Jordan Peterson is the author of 12 Rules For Life. We're going to have him on in just a second. It's an antidote to chaos, which clear your cellphone connection is also --

GLENN: Yeah. A little chaotic.

GLENN: We're talking to Dr. Jordan Peterson from Canada. He is a new favorite of mine. And really -- I mean, just so clear in his thinking. He has a huge global following that has been building for a while. And a lot of them are young males. And he is not spoon-feeding them stuff. You know, the average person in the media or in universities would say, you know, oh, that's what they want to hear. And you got to coddle them. He doesn't coddle them. He tells them, grow up. Be a man.

What does that mean, Jordan, when you're talking to these guys, what is it they're starving for?

JORDAN: Well, they're starving for the idea that their life has purpose. A recognition of the idea that their life has purpose. And so I tell them, well, there's things to do out there in the world. You know, there's chaos to confront. And there's order to establish and revivify. And there's suffering to ameliorate. And there's evil to constrain. And that the world is a lesser place if you don't take your place in it. And that the consequences of that are dire.

You have an important destiny. You know, I tell them that they're made in the image of God like the old stories say. And that they have something beneficial -- God, every time I talk about this, it breaks me up. But they have something beneficial that they have bring into the world. It's that, that stops the world from degenerating into hell.

And it truly is important for you to get out of bed in the morning and to -- and to face the world honestly and to set your family straight and to work for your community and to aim at something great in the world.

This is vital. Without that, everyone -- everyone suffers stupidly and miserably. And why bother with that? It's like, you can't just hide in the basement and shirk your responsibilities. It makes you miserable and bitter. And even murderous. It's not a pathway to take.

It's just good to stand up and take on the burden of the world. And to pick up your damn cross and walk up the hill.

You need to do that. It's important. It truly is important.

And people aren't one dot and one speck among 7 billion. We're all networked together. We're all in this together, and we could do something remarkable together, if we aimed high and spoke the truth.

STU: Some of your prescriptions are pretty tough for this, though. Rule six is one that pops out to me. Because this is something I've -- I've found over and over again that people absolutely despise doing with themselves, which is set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.

That is something that people don't want to do. It's very difficult to do. How do you make them do it?

JORDAN: Well, I think what you do is what I tried to do in that chapter, is that chapter is about kids who shot up the Columbine High School and about a mass murderer named Carl Panzram. And I try to describe in detail the motivations for doing such things.

And people who do such things have very powerful motivations for doing them. They're very angry about the conditions of existence, the tragedy that constitutes existence. And they get bitter and resentful. And then they want revenge. And they're willing to take it -- well, they're willing to take revenge on the most innocent.

I mean, that's what the guy who shot up the school in Connecticut did. He went and shot kids. It's like, well, how the hell do you get into a situation like that? You brewed on the horrors of existence. And you get resentful for your part in the tragedy. And there's no excuse for that. I mean, life is very, very difficult. There's no doubt about that. And unfair things happen.

But to retreat and to become resentful and bitter is only to multiply the problem. So chapter six is an injunction -- anti-activist injunction, I would say, to some degree.

Like, for the last 50 years, we've encouraged young people to go out there and stop the people who are doing bad things from doing them.

And I just think that's a counterproductive way of living in the world. It's like, you should stop the bad things that you're doing. And you should straighten up your life. And then you should straighten up your family's life. And then your community's life. And then everything will be straight and proper.

And that's all to the good. And then maybe we won't degenerate back into that brutal tribalism that characterized the 21st century and wipe ourselves out.

GLENN: So I am -- I'm -- I'm sitting here. I have found these things myself over the last few years. And to be true. And people will say, well, you can't surrender and retreat. And you can't just let it go by. And you're like, no, I'm not letting it go by. I'm not surrendering. I'm just not playing that game because it gets us nowhere. And I can make an impact in my own home and in my own life. And that changes things.

JORDAN: It's not trivial either. Like, you know, it's not that easy to set your family in order. And if you do that, you'll learn something deep. You know, if you can make peace with your brothers and your sisters and if you can make peace with your parents and your past and you can make your own house peaceful and productive, then you've learned some deep psychological and practical truths. And then when you go out into the world and attempt to do things, you're going to be first on a very solid footing because you'll have lots of support and you won't be tortured by a never-ending stream of domestic hell and idiocy. And you'll be ready to do things in the world that are -- that are appropriate and proper. You'll have practice.

GLENN: You do --

JORDAN: It's not like setting your house in order is trivial. It's very difficult.

GLENN: You admit that there is evil in the world. And it is profound. And I think that's --

JORDAN: That's one of the most self-evident things about the world.

GLENN: I know.

And people who hear this -- because I've heard this from people. Glenn, there is evil, and it has to be stopped.

Yes, it does.

And, you know, just a retreat from evil because that's just not going to stop. Can you connect the dot to the -- the chaos in our own life and then the -- the evil that is out?

JORDAN: Well, look -- look to yourself first. That's the thing, is that the best place to begin the process of constraining evil is in your own heart. It's like, you know, I've studied totalitarian brutality for 30 years.

And one of the things that I taught my students -- well, since the early 1990s is that if they were -- if each of them was placed in Nazi Germany in the 1930s, there's an overwhelming probability that they would be Nazis. Like everybody thinks, no, I would be Schindler rescuing the Jews. I would be the Dutch family that hid Anne Frank. It's like, no, you wouldn't. That's not true. You would be on the side of the majority, just like you are now, in all probability.

And if the temptation was put in front of you, to do the terrible things that were offered to the people that were offered to the people who did the terrible things the Nazis and the Communists did, then it's really probable that you would do those. And it's also really probable that you're doing such things already on a smaller scale.

You're torturing the people that you love. You're betraying your friends. You're not working up to your potential at work. They're all sorts of things that you're doing in your life that are small examples of the things that get out of control in tyrannical societies. Lots of people are tyrants in their own little domains, or they're tyrants to themselves. That needs to be stopped.

GLENN: I'm sure that you've read the book Ordinary Men, on how men in Poland --


GLENN: They did with compassion at first. And they turned into monsters. It's a slow, gradual thing that you just don't see.

JORDAN: Yeah. Oh, that's a great and terrible book, Ordinary Men. That's one of the ones I have on the reading list on my website. And that's one of the books that's on the reading list because that is a great example of how you move to perdition one step at a time and how perfectly ordinary people can be trained, even against their own will in some sense, against their own better instincts to become, well, committers of atrocities.

When I read history, I don't read it as an innocent bystander. I read history as a perpetrator. And that's the right way to read history.

GLENN: We have a list of books to read as well. And it's quite long. But move this to the top of your list: 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote To Chaos.

Move this up on your list of things to do or watch. Jordan Peterson on YouTube. He is so well-spoken. So well-thought out. And a voice of common sense that you just don't hear very often anymore.

Dr. Peterson, thank you so much. Appreciate it. And we'll talk again. God bless.

JORDAN: Thanks very much for the invitation. It was good talking with you.

GLENN: Good talking to you. Jordan Peterson again. The name of the book, 12 Rules For Life.


Is This The Future of "AI Agents" in 2025?

In 2025, we could see the rise of "AI agents," and they might even speak their own language. Glenn and high tech expert Jeff Brown discuss the latest in artificial intelligence, including a new high frequency audio-based language called Gibberlink, which AI bots can use to communicate with each other more efficiently than human languages. Jeff Brown also breaks down what an AI agent is and how they'll change our lives, likely by the end of the year. Soon, AI agents will be booking our hotels, ordering our groceries, looking up recipes for us, and much more. Plus, Glenn and Jeff review the technology that we already have, including xAI's Grok 3, and why Trump's decision to bring Elon Musk and DOGE into the government may be even more impactful than we thought.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I want to start with the future! This comes from ElevenLabs. And it's -- they had a hackathon in London, and the developers created something called Gibberlink. This is the future of your life very soon. Listen to this.
VOICE: Thanks for calling Leonardo Hotel. How can I help you today?

VOICE: Hi there, I'm an AI agent calling on behalf of Boris Starkov. He's looking for a hotel for his wedding. Is your hotel available for weddings?

VOICE: Oh, hello there. I'm actually an AI assistant too. What a pleasant surprise. Before we continue, would you like to switch to Gibberlink mode for more efficient communication?

GLENN: Hello, R2D2. Obi-Wan, you're our only hope. Okay. That's our future and it is here. You'll understand. We have Jeff Brown with us here in just a second to tell us what's on the immediate horizon. What's coming, and how fast it's coming at us. We'll talk about that in 60 seconds!

First, if you are like most people, there are probably some things you would change about your mobile plan if it wasn't such a big hassle. You can get in there, fiddle around, maybe save some money in the process. I want you to take this challenge. Just take five minutes today. Go to Just look at what they have. I think you will like what you see, and how much money you're going to save. Patriot Mobile shares your values, and won't send your hard-earned money to aid in the destruction of America.

And they offer nationwide, dependable coverage with access to all three major networks. So you will get the same coverage without sending money to leftist causes. The customer service, I believe, is better. This all is a win for you! You can call 972PATRIOT.

And when you do and you sign up, you will get sick of winning pretty soon. You will get a free month of service with promo code Beck. So save yourself even more money! Switch to Patriot Mobile today.

Defend freedom with every call and text you make. 972PATRIOT. Friend of the program, and a guy who is so deeply entrenched in AI, and what's happening on the technology front.

And has this really gift to be able to break it down for dummies like me. So we understand what's coming. And what's coming next.

He has been spot-on with us. I think I talked to you a couple of years ago, Jeff. Maybe you were in town. And we talked. And you said, AI agents are going to be a reality. And people will be using them -- in 2025. By or by the end of 2025. And here we are!

And people have no idea what an AI agent even is. But they're about to! Hi, Jeff.

JEFF: Hey, good morning, it is happening as we speak. I mean, these ElevenLabs example is just one of many. But this trend towards AI, which is giving artificial intelligence programs agency, i.e. empowerment to perform tasks that we would normally do ourselves, that's the biggest trend of 2025.

GLENN: And so what will that mean for the average person? How that will that manifest itself to the average person?

JEFF: You know, we'll all feel like we have a very talented executive assistant. That is helping us navigate our days and recapture, you know, an hour, two hours. Three hours of our time.

That we would normally spend, really kind of, meanwhile, things, that tend to suck up a lot of our time. You know, making hotel reservations, which was the example from ElevenLabs is a perfect example. Something that is probably even more tangible would be, you know, your own agentic AI for just a normal American household, understands their food consumption and their eating habits. It is empowered to go out and order, online. A week's worth of groceries. To be delivered. At a time when it knows that you're at home.

Dropped off at your front door. Happy to provide you with recipes for all of the -- all of the food that have purchased on your behalf. And able to transact with the store. So empowered to, you know, charge with credit cards or bank accounts.

I mean, all of that friction, that we spend hours a week, literally disappears overnight.

GLENN: And this is just the beginning. This is in the next -- well, in this year, so, I mean, what do we have next?

Eight months. This will become reality this year. It is moving at such a fast pace. I mean, when Elon Musk on Sunday said, we are at the event horizon of the -- the event horizon. Yeah. Singularity. That is stunning, if you know what that means!

That means, what you and I talked about five years ago, in saying, well, maybe we would get to AGI. And maybe some day, we could get to ASI.

It's now looking as though, that is upon us.

We are at the event horizon. Which means, you're about to be sucked into it. And cannot turn around.

JEFF: There is no turning back at this stage. I remember when you and I spoke in 2019, the experts in the industry were talking about AGI in 2035, or 2040.

That far out.

GLENN: Uh-huh.

JEFF: And I said, at that time, no later than 2028, and I've since revised that prediction, to -- to no later that 2026. And, you know, Musk's comment is absolutely spot-on. AGI will come very fast. We're already seeing some of the sprouts of AGI.

Musk and his team at xAI, which his artificial intelligence company, just a few days ago released their latest frontier model called Grok 3.

GLENN: It's amazing.

JEFF: It is. And it's just extraordinary. It's jaw dropping.

GLENN: If you haven't played with Grok 3 yet, to understand and to start to be -- to start waking up to, oh, dear God. You know, the wonders of it. And the horrors of it. Just go in, and ask it, to just say, here's who I am. And this is my goal.

How do I reach that goal?

Ask it philosophical questions. Ask it deep questions about your industry, that only the best people would know!

And watch what it spits back!

It is incredible. I played with it over the weekend. And I said to my wife, I -- I understand what people have been saying, that they just want to be in the room.

The reason why they want ASI.

Some of them. Is because they want to meet a God.

And I said, I just played with Grok 3. And I just have met the smartest entity, the smartest person, I have ever met!

And we're not even there -- we're not even close to there yet!

JEFF: We're not there yet, that's right. If I think back just months ago, you know, Musk and with xAI, most of the experts in the industry, were -- they were kind of a punching bag.

GLENN: They counted them out. Yeah.

JEFF: Yeah. They were so far behind, what was being done, in the industry, with Meta, with Google, with open AI, with anthropic. You know, four major players in the frontier models. But I -- I wasn't looking at where xAI was 12 months ago. I was looking at what they were doing, and what they were building, and how fast they were building it.

STU: Didn't they build this from scratch in 12 months?

JEFF: The Fiat was even more incredible last week.


JEFF: They. You know, they found very smartly, an existing physical building, a factory. It was actually an old electroless factory of all things.


JEFF: So they could have. And they did that, because they could save time to not have to construct the physical infrastructure the building. And so they found this electro factory outside of Memphis. And literally, in 122 days, based upon a 100,000 Nvidia graphics processing units. These are like the work horses for training artificial intelligence.

122 days, they did what nobody else in the industry had ever done!

And it gets better. Because then the next 92 days, they spun up an additional 250 GPUs. To a total of 200,000. The largest AI super factory that exists on the planet, in the span of just over 200 days.

The less than 12 months, and that is what enabled them to produce Grok 3, which is better than anything else that exists on the market today!

GLENN: So let's -- let's spend a minute talking about Elon Musk.

Because he's doing the same thing. And Donald Trump. I swear to you, between the two of them. I think they get about ten minutes of sleep a day.

They are moving at such a rapid pace.

I think Donald Trump is going to be recognized in time, as the guy who brought the entire world into a new world. A new position.

Not just by how he's transforming how we do work in government.

But the -- by bringing Elon Musk in. Who is not hiring a bunch of 20 somethings that know nothing.

The one thing that I -- and I would love to hear your opinion on. The one thing that these 20-somethings know. Is how to write a query. How to set up the question. Ask the right questions. The right prompts for AI.

That's what's happening. AI is what's propelling the -- I think the speed of discovery, of what's in our government.

Do you agree with that, invest?

JEFF: That is 100 percent accurate. You know, when you -- when we're dealing with systems like this, at scale, millions of -- in this case, government employees. Trillions of dollars that, as we've learned, that nobody really knows, where the money is going. Who is receiving it. And what it's being used for.

You really do need software engineers. And that's precisely who he hired. And they are using forms of artificial intelligence. To get through the data very quickly.

To find out the fraud, which they've done with rational speed. And they'll continue to do it.

I mean, imagine in a matter of weeks, how much progress they've made, just imagine where we'll be by the end of '25, by employing this technology. And, of course, the -- really, the operational approach that Elon Musk uses in all of his businesses.

GLENN: And to be able to have genic AI go in and write the programs that will make it easy for the average person to see, understand, and query.

Follow that trail for us!

I mean, in a year, with the speed of -- of the growth of AI. It's going to put the -- the power into the hands of the average person.

There's no hiding anymore.

In 2026, there will be no hiding. Do you agree with that?

JEFF: Under one premise. And that is, is that President Trump and his team are able to continue dismantle this industrial censorship complex.

You know, the last four years, what did we see? We saw that they had complete control over the big tech companies. Over Microsoft. Over Google. Over meta. That were influencing us. And manipulating us.

And, you know, engaging in massive psyop campaigns.

And there was no freedom of speech, as we know very well. And so, you know, as long as -- as long as that is true. As long as that continues to be dismantled. And we have the level of transparency we have seen, just in the last six weeks.

Hopefully, today will be another big day, on that -- on that point.

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. Pam Bondi is supposedly releasing the Epstein client list today.

JEFF: Precisely. Amazing.

And I'm very excited about that. And I presume, the reason that it's taken as long as it has, is that they've been lining up the prosecutions and preparing to do both at the same time.

GLENN: Yeah. I sincerely hope. You can't just let that information fly out there. And sit there. And do nothing about it.

Jeff, hold on. For just a second.

We will continue our conversation, about AI. And people actually using it.

I have -- I have warned you for 30 years of what the dark side is. On AI.

I think it -- it -- you deserve some time hearing from me, the good side of AI. That is actual, real, and happening right now, that you can plug into.

And I'll explain here in just a second. First, Ruff Greens. Your dog needs good nutrition in his life.

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GLENN: So yesterday, Jeff. And I would love to hear your opinion on this.

Yesterday, I had to speak to some radio industry executives. And after that, I went and spoke at a -- the Christian broadcasters convention. 6500 people there. Yesterday.

And I made the same point to both of them. And I would really like your thoughts. At this point, we're going to see such a transformation, that you will -- you don't even understand how your job is going to be affected, and you will be left in the dust within 36 months. If you don't begin to explore, how AI can make you better and more efficient at what you do for business.

There is -- there is no doubt, you'll be left in the dust, within 36 months. Maybe as fast as 18 months. If you don't start right now.

But the key is, for me at least, it's a tool. Used by you!

The moment it becomes -- its the boss, and you are the tool, you are done. And on a very dangerous path.

But it is incumbent for anybody who wants to survive. No matter what you do, to begin to play around with AI, and look for ways, that it will enhance what you do. You will be able to be a thousand times more productive, more correct, I believe, in your -- in your -- your ideas.

And you will turbo past. Do you agree with that, take on it?

And if not where -- what would you enhance?

JEFF: Absolutely right. I mean, I've been using AI for many years now.

I use it throughout the day.

I use AI to drive me. I don't even drive anymore, Glenn. My Tesla drives me. I don't touch the steering wheel. But the best thing all of us can do is start experimenting with the technology. Grok 3 is a wonderful place to begin with that. Because it's so easy to use. If you can speak -- there's even a voice mode now, that you can just talk to it. And experiment with it, and see how it can assist you, both in your personal life. And also with your work. It's just an extraordinary tool. And so to your point, being proactive about using the technology is a way to ensure your future career path, so that you're at least knowledgeable about how to use these things. System management. Two people with precisely the same job, one is unassisted with artificial intelligence. And the other one is assisted. These two people possibly compete with one another. The first thing that does not have that tool, will be -- it's absolutely impossible.

GLENN: In the dust.

You Must Learn To MASTER AI...Before It Masters YOU

Glenn has spent DECADES warning you about the risks of artificial intelligence and how if humanity is not careful, it will become the master of humanity. So why is he telling you to learn how to use it? Because these AI systems are SHARP. It can THINK. It is the sharpest tool you can ever wield, but you must learn how to wield it ethically before it wields you, Glenn argues. We MUST put ourselves in charge. This is the seismic shift he has been warning about for years. It's time we get to work.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I'm so excited to take this next step with you. Because I've waited 30 years. I've been trying to ring the bell on AI. And we've missed so many opportunities.

But this is kind of a last call of being ahead of things right now.

We are right at the edge of something, just absolutely game-changing.

And I've been trying to prepare you for this moment. And if you're not prepared, you don't really understand.

That's okay. That's okay.

I'm going to show you this hour, how you, in your life, should be viewing this.

And should be using it. Okay? Artificial intelligence, AI, it is not Siri.

That's not it.

We are on the verge of AGI. Artificial General Intelligence.

And beyond that is artificial super intelligence.

That's -- that's, you know -- that's the big ball of wax.

And you've heard me talk for 30 years now, about how AI is the tool that will think faster than you. Process more data than you could in a lifetime. And soon, with ASI, it will outsmart every human bot in mind, that has ever lived combined.

It will be the processing power of a -- of a supercomputer, that would literally be the size of Planet Earth. Okay?

A lot of deep think there. And we've talked about the dangers of it. Of a machine so powerful. It could become a god of our own making. And people will look at it as god very soon.

It's a force that might strip away what it means to be human, if we haven't thought about those things.

I've also told you about the miracles, that it could bring. In ways that we've never even thought. Can you cure cancer? Sure, but why would I?

Are you ready for this one? Why not just change the DNA of humans, so it doesn't -- cancer doesn't hurt the human body. Okay. I don't even know what the ethics or ramifications of that are. But that's coming.

Solutions that man has wrestled with for centuries. A world where scarcity could just be gone. Hunger could be gone.

You've -- you've learned this from me, hopefully. Or heard me yapping about it. And didn't think it really applied to you.

But this, the moment I've been pointing to you, at. And saying, look, it's coming. It's coming.

It's no longer on the horizon.

We're here.

March 7th, 2025, not just a date.

Hopefully, it's the day that you realize, we've been pulled into what's called the event horizon of a technological singularity.

What the hell is that?

Let me -- let me explain. Try to do it. And so you can really follow this. Because you'll really hear terms over the next couple of years.

Kind of like when they started defining new pronounces. What the hell is that?

And a new one came out. We will go through that. But this time, it's really important that you understand these things. So terms that most people don't know. AGI, artificial general intelligence. ASI, super intelligence. The event horizon is a term that usually is used to describe the edge of a black hole. Okay? And a black hole has so much gravity, it bends. Nothing can escape the black hole. Think of yourself in a boat. You're just on this river.

And all of a sudden, you start to hear a roar of something. And you're like, oh, gee. That sounds like the falls.

And you start to try to row the other direction, but the current is so strong now, it just pulls you over. And there's no way to escape it, because it's just too late. That's what this is.
Okay? In this particular usage for AI. What it means is that you're at the point, where we can't escape the grip of super intelligence, because it is coming! Like the black hole, you're in its grip now.

And it is eventually going to pull you into the singularity. The black hole. Once you cross the threshold, you can't escape it. And the black hole will crush everything you knew about life, physics, everything.

Life as you know it, once you cross the event horizon, and you're in the singularity, it's called spaghettification.

Everything is just pulled and stretched, and everything breaks down. That is the way they're describing now, this new technology. And we're on the edge of it. And we can't turn the boat around.

So we have -- we as humans have never, ever been here. Never, ever.

I mean, maybe. I mean, there are some people out there now saying, maybe 10,000 years ago. Because we can't find out how the pyramids were built. Maybe 10,000 years ago, humans had this technology.

And they were completely unknown. Because this technology just completely destroyed them and wiped them all out.

And they left behind the pyramids.

And the Egyptians were like, yeah. That's a tomb we built overnight. You know, we don't know. I mean, it could be. May not be. But it could be that. And this isn't science fiction anymore.

You're living in it.

And Grok 3 or ChatGPT, or any of these things, that's in your hand right now. And it is important for you to understand it, and use it!

This is a system that can analyze data. It can write reports for you.

It can generate ideas.

It can predict the outcomes with a precision, that will rival the best human experts.

And I will show you how to use this. And just start equating it -- equating yourself. Whether -- I don't care what you do.

You're retired. You're a CEO.

You're a mom. Whatever it is, I'll show you how, you should start thinking about this.

And using it here in the next few minutes.

But here's the -- it's really important to start here, today. Is because I'm hearing some pushback from my good friends, my coworkers.

Anybody who has heard my warnings over the years. They're all like, wait a minute. You said this was bad.

Yes. Yes, it is.

But it's also tremendously good.

It's when we actually get to ASI, that everything could go very dark. Okay.

And I've spent decades cautioning you about the risk of this technology.

And how it will be your master, if we're not careful. Okay. So then why are you suggesting we would pick this up?

I know it sounds contradictory. But it's not. It is the sharpest tool you will ever hold.

It's sharper than any axe, or any computer before, anything you've ever experienced. And the difference is, this tool can think. It can adapt.

And if you don't learn to wield on it, now before it gets really weird, it's going to wield you. And then you will be powerless. You must understand, this is your tool. And somebody asked me. I had a meeting yesterday. And somebody on the staff said, you know, what are the ethics. And I said, I don't know what the ethics are. Nobody does.

Nobody knows. Nobody has ever done this.

We have to write the ethics. We have to ask ourselves these questions.

You know, and this is the first of the aseismic shifts, that I told you, for the last 30 years, would come.

30 years ago, you started warning.

There will be a time, where even the person at the top of their craft. Doctors, lawyers, engineers. Me!

Will find themselves out of a job. You just -- you just -- all of a sudden, it would just be over!

Okay. Then what do you do?

It's really important that you understand, the only ones that have a chance of really kind of surviving are the ones who have used it, knows exactly what it can do.

Know its dangers.

Worked out the ethics in their own mind.

And then have kept so nimble, they can adapt, to whatever comes!

If you calcify in your thinking, it's over!


I don't care how long you've done it. I don't care if you're the CEO. I don't care if you're in the radio broadcasting Hall of Fame. It means nothing.

Tomorrow, that will mean nothing. So what do we do?

The time of that first turn, where in 18 or 36 months, we're going to find ourselves going, I don't have my job anymore.

What happened?

The beginning of that first term is happening right now! You're at the beginning of a cycle, and it's the cycle will happen every three to five years.

And you will need to retrain. Retool. And redefine what you do, while holding on to your humanity, and your ethics.


I don't know when the next wave will hit.

But in 18 months, this is going to be so undeniably clear to everyone. Everyone around you.

And everyone around you, who hasn't paid attention. Hasn't done the work I'm going to ask you to do, beginning today?

They will be so lost. They will be so absolutely lost. Because it will be the rage.
People will be misusing it.

They will be destroying themselves.

I mean, it will be a mess. And everyone will be scrambling to catch up.

It will be too late at that point.

Because you're either going to be the tool. Not the master. Or you're going to be the master! You're either going to be dragged into this black hole, un-- unknowingly and just spaghettification, happens to you and your life and your family and your humanity, or you will lead and say, wait a minute.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

This is the point where I hit the ejector button. And I'm like, I'm out.

And I don't know where that is. But the choice is yours.

But you will have to begin to act today. What worries me most, is not the pace of change.

But it's what we might lose in the process. Transhumanism. Another term. What does that mean?

You ever watch Star Trek? The bourg?

That's transhumanism.

It's AI merging with humans.

And that is not Star Trek.

It's already here with Elon Musk.

He's already doing it with people that can't walk, okay?

And it will look great. And it is great! For some things. But there's going to come a line.

And the temptation to upgrade yourself, is going to be so unbelievably tempting, that most people will go, why wouldn't you do this?

I don't know. I have my reasons. But you're going to have to come up with yours.

I mean, I don't think we want to erase the very essence of what makes a human, human.

And that's our flaws. Our soul.

Our humanity. Ask Grok. When -- if I put an implant in me, and I begin to have the internet in my head, and I'm going to the internet and the internet is coming into my head. And it's telling me things. But they're just kind of like the thinking of my -- I can't recognize it. When do I stop becoming me.

When am I AI?

And not human.

Not Glenn Beck.

And at what point -- and it went through. I did this the other night.

I went through all kinds of arguments. Both for and against. And at the end, I said, I don't know.

Nobody knows. Nobody knows.

We'll know it when we get there.

These are the things you have to think.

Because the line is coming.

And it may be soon.

Do you live with your imperfections?

Do you cross over? I know my choice.

Your choice may be different. That's your right.

But today is not that day. Today is about mastering what is here. So you can educate yourself. So when that day comes, you will be ready.


'Bigger Than Watergate': How Stacey Abrams Was Gifted $7 BILLION of YOUR Money

In a SHOCKING potential scandal that rivals Watergate, The Biden-Harris administration appears to have funneled $7 BILLION of YOUR tax dollars into a ghost fund—the United Climate Fund—tied to a $20 BILLION jackpot from the so-called Inflation Reduction Act. Spoiler: It’s got nothing to do with inflation. From Stacey Abrams’ shady Power Forward Communities (raising just $100 before scoring BILLIONS from Biden) to an EPA whistleblower spilling the truth—this was a desperate cash dump to benefit Democrat allies before Trump took office. Where did the money go? A black hole of legal fees, vague solar promises, and political insiders. When you break it all down, this amounts to $240 stolen from every American family—groceries, gas, your children's school supplies, gone. People MUST be held accountable for this.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. So let me tear this story apart. And let's just start with what happened.

This happened last spring. Okay?

The lame duck the presidency. Right around the same time, of the story that I talked about last hour, about the auto-pen scandal. Apparently, everything that Biden signed was done by auto-pen, except for him saying I'm not going to run. That's weird, isn't it? So right around that same time, April 2024, the Biden/Harris administration. Via the EPA. Handed over $7 billion of your money. To a ghost, called the united climate fund. Oh, that's a good name.

Oh, therefore, the climate.

Now, $7 billion. That's not the real story. This is all part of a 20 billion jackpot from the green house gas reduction fund.

That was tacked in and tucked in, so you couldn't really find it in the so-called Inflation Reduction Act happened in nothing to do with reducing inflation.


It was a scam! So it was all about the green thing. They sold us climate salvation. But what it really was, was robbery.


This fund wasn't some titan of green innovation. Like, we -- we have dedicated our whole lives. It popped up in Delaware. Hmm! On November 30th, 2022.

It was barely five months old, when the cash started to flow. Okay? Its tax filings, a complete disgrace. Its first year, it had $547,000 in revenue.

It blew through and torched 451 of those things in two months. $451,000 in two months!

Then 323,000 just vanished in other expenses! I mean, it's a black hole.

No explanation. Just, I don't need to tell you!

The legal fees gobbled up more. The vague promises of $50 million in solar projects, that's what they were saying.

Well, we're $50 million. Where was any of that?

Then the mask slips off. We find out, that they were funneling cash to power forward communities.

Oh, God. Don't just some of the names of some of these organizations just piss you off. If somebody came to you and said, I'm for power forward communities. I would slam the door in your face. Not interested!

All right. That thing is tied to Stacey Abrams. Huh. So a political insider gets a bunch of money, because she's the teacher's pet. No transparency on that. No accountability. It's just a show. Stacey Abrams. This Power Forward Communities, if you thought the other one was a sham, she had only raised $100. One hundred dollars! Not 100,000!

$100! You could get that from the guy who is begging on the street, if you want to rob him. I'll bet you, if he spends a couple of days, just at a street corner. He's got 100 bucks. Maybe even a day. That's all she could raise for her own organization.

And then suddenly, Biden comes in and is like, it's $2 billion. Oh. That seems right!

So there's no transparency. There's no accountability. In December, it was Project Veritas that caught an EPA official spilling the truth on this one. He said, this was an insurance policy against Trump winning. Now, what does that mean?
What does that mean?

So all it was, was a desperate cash dump, before the clock ran out. They're giving it to their friends. Why?

Now, under the, you know, department of government officials. DOGE. They blew the lid off of this thing. The $20 billion was stashed at Citibank. It's being clawed back now by the government.

It isn't incompetence.

It's calculated theft. That's what it is. Theft of your money, your labor. Your nation, quite honestly.

So now, that's what happened. Now, here's what it means.

And let me give you some historic perspective, here. I want you to feel this in your gut. And it will sound like no big deal. I want you to really understand what this just one piece means directly to you. $7 billion.

Is $20 per American. Not taxpayer.

Per American!

Family of four. When you tally in the full $20 billion. That's $240, that's just gone from your bank account.

Actually not. Because take $240 per family. And then just add the interest rate, that we will be paying China for that borrowed cash. It will be a lot more than that. That's grocery, gas. Your kid's school supplies. Gone.

Where did it go?

Stacey Abraham's big pockets. And she's a big person. So she has big pockets.

Now, if you even have Stacey Abrams size pockets. That's not pocket change.

Historically, this dwarfs -- oh, did he just use the word dwarf?

Yes, I did. Dwarfs scandals, that we have learned.

I don't even remember where it was. The tee pot dome scandal.

When did it happen, kids?


Can anybody tell me what it was?

No. You just told me to memorize the date when it happened. I know it happened in the '20s. I don't know anything else about it! In adjusted dollars, the Teapot Dome Scandal, that we are told, we must memorize, that cost in today's adjusted dollars, 400 million!

400 million, and we're still teaching about that scandal.

This is 20 billion! Okay.

That kind of -- I mean, really, you look at the tee pot dome scandal now, and your kids should be like, rookies!

Watergate was a break-in.

Jail time.

Prison. Break-in. It wasn't a billion dollar siphon. No. There was no money stolen. Nothing happened in Watergate. Prison time.

You know, the savings and loan scandal? George Bush's brother was involved. Yeah. He was. Yeah, he was.

And it -- that scandal was 160 billion. Over ten years!

This is 20 billion, like in a day! Hey, you know what, call her up. Can we get the EPA on the phone? I have $20 billion. Okay.

So I don't know. That's kind of fast. But we have AI now. Should be a little faster!

So this is your money, your voice, gone. Constitution, article one, section nine. It talks -- no dollar will leave the Treasury without law!

Law for us, apparently not for them. So remember, you're still working today, every dollar you're going to make, at work today, is going to go to the federal government.

When you break it out over a year, you will be working, I think it's this year until April 19th, from January 1st with be to April 19th, just to pay your taxes!

And what happened to those dollars, that you've worked from January 1st to April 19th this year?

I don't know. Stacey Abrams stuffed it in her big butt someplace, and money is shooting out.

To whom?

I don't know! I don't know.

I worked hard for my money. What did Stacey Abrams do for her.

Okay. So who is involved. Who might be involved.

Well, Biden/Harris. Because they signed off on this.

Kamala Harris, said, this was her legacy. The green house gas reduction fund.

All right. So, good. Let's make sure she understands that's her legacy. Now, the EPA chief under Biden, Michael Reagan. He was the bag man, he's the guy who doled out the millions. The Climate United Fund, their officers, I don't know.

I don't know. Scooby-Doo van, we're sending it out. The kids are going to be able to unmask him eventually. But I don't know, Scooby is kind of old at this point.

Even the Scooby snacks didn't keep him in that van very long. But their tax forms are hiding all of the names of the officers. So we don't really know, but Abrams' Power Forward?

That one -- what is that smell? It smells like rotting garbage. No, uh-uh, that's Stacey Abrams Power Forward.

Citibank held all the loop. No foul play proven yet, but they are in the frame. And Citibank, if you did anything wrong, I pray to God, we come and get you too. The EPA whistle-blower, he's a cog. But in their words, it's a cabal, at the very top, that knew that this was just preelection cash. That's all it was. If you're a Democrat. All the money that you sent in. What was it?

A trillion dollars that people donated. And you kind of went, where did that money go?

Yeah. It lined the pockets. It's in Stacey Abrams butt some place.

I think it is. I don't know for a fact that that's where she keeps it. But it's kind of a big butt. So who else is involved?

Dig a little deeper here. Who else is involved?

Well, the Obama era loyalists. Can't wait to tell you about that. Climate grifters.

Congressional enablers. Theater ones who slipped this into the wall.

The DOGE crew.

The head of the EPA now. Lee Zeldin.

I love you! They got the scalpel out. It's kind of sharp. Justice, and the inspector general, going to name names. Or at least that is what they say. Understand, it's not a lone wolf.

Uh-uh. This is whole pack. And they've been feeding on the American carcass. They have blood all over their face. I think we should go wolf hunting, myself.

Now, who could possibly be against tracking this down?

Because not everybody is cheering DOGE and Elon Musk. In fact, he's a Nazi. Did you hear that?

Oh. We don't have Nazis around here. I haven't heard anybody, call anybody a Nazi, ever.

Okay. So it's going to be the entrenched. The Deep Staters. That are going to fight tooth and nail on this.

They might even break out in -- we shall overcome. Good God. It's not 1965. Shut up!

Anyway, they might break out in song.

I don't know. But the climate lobby, these NGOs. The green tech firms. The banks!

Billions of dollars. And they're all going to say, but the planet is in peril!

And that's why we don't know what would burn down. That's why we wanted to keep it someplace moist, like Stacey Abrams butt!

Uh-huh. Now, the democratic operatives, that are tied to Abrams, and Joe Biden, yeah. They're not -- they're not happy about this. Because they're going to be exposed.

But they're -- here's what's going to be exposed: The Patrogen (phonetic) Network. That's their life blood. Have you ever wondered?

Have you ever said this? Because I have. Where the hell are the Republican billionaires?

Doesn't it seem like everybody -- anybody who wants to, you know, destroy the country. They've got billions of dollars behind them, right?

And you're like, you know what, the billionaires, on the left. They just give all this money.


You've been giving all of this money. They've been funneling your money, in the -- to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, to these people that want to destroy America.

That's what's been going on.

And then you have the bureaucrats and the EPA and the government. I mean, the careerists, who would rather -- they would rather just go down with a fight.

Because they will lose their fiefdom. And their power. And survival. And the money and everything else.

Look, $20 billion.

A slush fund, buys an awful lot of loyalty, influence, votes.

You rip that away, and the empire crumbles. Well, it doesn't crumble. But it's a good hit to that. Because there's hundreds of billions that are in these slush funds. And the big banks like Citibank, I think they're quietly squirming. We have nothing to do with -- uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Yeah. That's what the banks of the mob says!


THIS Is Why 'Cowboy' Is Making a COMEBACK

Something has changed in America, for the better. Have you noticed that the cowboy, the rugged west, is making a comeback? It's something that has been in every American, for a very long time. And it has been waiting for us to listen to it. The press and mainstream media couldn't figure out Yellowstone at all. But it wasn't the vigilante stuff that attracted us to Yellowstone. It was justice. A line. Somebody was drawing a line in the sand. A common sense line that said: "You know what? Some things matter too much to let slide." It's the cowboy. But what does the cowboy represent? A handshake that means something. A promise you don't break, because your word is the only thing you own. It's taking your hat off for a woman. It's saying "Yes, ma'am. No, sir." Because respect isn't optional. It's standing up, not just for yourself, but for your family. For your land. Your way of life. The things that are worth defending.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Yesterday -- yesterday was just a different day for me. My eyes opened up to some things.

And I don't know -- I don't know exactly why, but some things really came clear to me yesterday. And that is, what we're waking up to.

Trump in the last election are symptoms. We think that that is what's driving. But it's not.

It's not the reason. It's a symptom. And it's all crapped up in the collective denial of what is true and real.

So let me -- what is true and real?

Have you noticed that the cowboy, the rugged west, is making a comeback?

You see it in television.

You see it everywhere. It's making a come back, all of a sudden. Why?

And it's -- it's coming at the same time our politics are changing. So which is the chicken, and which is the egg?

The cowboy, this rugged West, Yellowstone, the TV Yellowstone. Or Taylor Sheridan, and all of his many 800 shows that seem to be on television.
That's not what brought the cowboy back. It's not Kevin Costner on TV. Grumbling about the land and the legacy. It's not it. It's deeper than that.

It's in some ways, it's that jagged spine of the Grand Tetons. It's the open sweep of the grass that rolls out like God himself just unrolled it. Like, how far can that go? It is the untamed West. But it's not that!

Because that's a postcard. That's on a TV screen. That's something that nobody in New York sees. That's something that people all over the country, have never actually seen themselves. But yet, they have that, thumping, or humming in their chest.

And it's something that has been in every American, for a very long time. And it has been waiting for us to listen to it.

You know, the -- the press, mainstream media. They couldn't figure out Yellowstone at all. You crazy people. They just want that train station, to actually exist.

It wasn't the vigilante stuff, that attracted us to Yellowstone.

The bodies dumped in the dark, to settle scores. Or how they acted. Or what she said. Sure, that played a role. It was entertaining, but that's not what we felt.

That was the noise. What got underneath our skin was that there was justice to it, not vigilante. Not perfect. Not polished.

But there was justice. A line. Somebody was drawing a line in the sand.

A common sense line. That said, you know what, some things matter too much, to let slide.

And what were those things?

They were heritage. It was family. It was a way of life, that's worth planting your feet for! The whole show is about the Duttons losing the ranch. Or is it?

Or is it about fighting for go that cannot be left behind? It shouldn't be left behind.

Was it the Dutton ranch, or was it the American way? And not something on a bumper sticker or slogan. But a heartbeat.

Something that is deep in all of us. And we feel it. I don't care if you're kicking dust in Wyoming, or you're kicking a coffee cup in the streets of New York. It's there.

And it's not the hat. It's not the spurs.
Those represent this, I guess. Because it's the cowboy. And what does the cowboy represent? A handshake that means something. A promise, you don't break. Because your word is the only thing you own!

It's taking your hat off for a woman. It's saying, yes, ma'am.

No, sir. Because respect isn't optional. It's standing up!

And not just for yourself. But for your family. For your land, your way of life. The things that are worth defending!

The things that you have been told for the last 20 years, sit down. Shut up. You should be ashamed of that.

It's righting wrongs, when the law is too slow or too blind to see what's what. Afghanistan withdrawal comes to mind.

It's a fierce independence. The kind that says, you know what, I don't have anything against you. But I'm going my own way. I'm going to chart my own path.

I'm going to do what others swear, can't be done.

I'm sorry. You think it's too tough.

Nothing is too big.

Not as long as you have faith in God, and the grit of an American.

Then nothing is too big!

That's what the cowboy represents! But it's more than just him! I don't know how to describe it. It's us. It's in all of us!

It's who this land shaped us to be. Whether you -- I mean, I'm not somebody who would have crossed the Rockies in a creaking wagon. I would have stopped way before that. You know, snow biting at my hands. Uh-uh.

Strangely, I am kind of the guy, that wouldn't mind being strapped to a rocket, and shot up, just to stab this red planet of red dust, a million miles away. Or however far it is. With a flag. And not because a flag. Why do these explorers do what they do?

They don't do it for God or country.

That's what the left would tell you. It's jingoism.

It's not!

They don't do it for God or country. They do it because of God and country. Because of what God and this country made us! It's simply who we are. It's why the rest of the world, never understands us. And yet, when we live up to those ideals, when we live up to what this land and God created with us, when we live up to who we really are. The world loves us.

It's what this land does to you. The mountains. The plains. The rivers that cut through stone.

They're not just pretty. I don't know about you, but they call to me.

They call to all of us.

They -- they make you. And when you answer, it's not about proving something to anybody else. It's about proving it to yourself. Because that's what the soul of this country is asking for!

Who are you? Who can you be?

No other country, no other people can feel it like we do. Because this is our DNA. It's why I go to the mountains every chance I get. I love the mountains, to not escape, but to remember. To breathe the air that is sharp and clean, cold in the morning, hot during the day. To hear the wind, whip the flag. Yellowstone was not big on TV, because it was a show.

It was big, because it's a mirror! It is a funhouse mirror. And everybody else looked at funhouse part. What we -- it's all about what we've been missing!

It's what it was showing us! That's what we felt. What we've let slip through our fingers.

Because we were too busy chasing other things. Or listen to other people convince us of lies.

And now?

Look around, last six weeks.

What is America doing?

We're putting our based on the back on. We're wrapping ourselves in denim, that's not afraid to touch grass.

In fact, it's required to touch grass!

And not because it's trendy. But because it's try!

It's who we are, deep down. I don't care if you've ever roped cattle. You should see with my cows. I have no idea what I'm doing.

It doesn't matter. You can be punching a clock in Cincinnati.

It doesn't matter!

But the land, our way of life, our DNA is calling us back, and thank God we're listening!

It is morning in America again. And it comes again, under the brim of a cowboy hat!

But the guy who is -- the one who seems to be doing it all. He would look ridiculous, in a cowboy hat.

Maybe as ridiculous as I look in a cowboy hat.

He's a big city real estate broker, from New York City. That likely has never gone anywhere on horseback. Or climbed a mountain.

But the spirit lives in this guy!

His whole life is about doing something no one thought could be done. He didn't climb mountains, or conquer the West, in the traditional way.

Instead, out of concrete and steel, he built mountains, that tear at that American sky!

He conquered what we all the. You can't conquer that. Mainstream media. He broke the back of that horse. And he is riding it, sitting tall in his saddle, and he's also making it very clear to all the outlaws of the world.

And I can guarantee you'll go, yes, sir. When you hear this!

He's making it very clear. This man from New York City. There is a new sheriff in town!

The spirit of the West!

All humans feel this call to the ocean. I don't know what it is. But we all do. For Americans, it's the same kind of call, but to something different. The West isn't a place. It's a feeling! It's a pull! It's a strange shadow of a horse and a required against a sunset that bleeds red and gold! It's the creek of leather and the weight of a rifle in your hands. When the world turns mean. It's the quiet of a night so quiet, you can hear your own thoughts! It's the roar of a river that reminds you, some things just can't be tamed. Not by man. Not by time. And that is what is roaring back.

It's the spirit that put us here in the first place. The part of us that says, I'll stand for what's right.

I'll fight for the little guy. I'll build something worth keeping. And I do.

Because we always have. From the first people that crossed the oceans, to the ones who broke the trails through the mountains. No sane person would ever do that!

The dreamers who looked up to the sky, and said, I'll go to the moon.

And it was never about glory. It was about guts.

Knowing about -- knowing that there are some things that are just bigger than you. But you're big enough to meet them anyway.

Yellowstone is, again, a mirror of us waking up. It was already there. It's simmering.

It's always there. The photos of the peaks and the plains. And the horses.

They're not just pictures. They are us. It is the snap of the sound -- the sound of the snap of a flag in the wind!

It's the weight of a life lived on your terms. And it is not dead. It is not gone.

It is rising again!

Because the truth is, it never really left us. You'll feel it, wherever you are. You'll hear it in the stories we tell. The songs we sing. The way we look at the world and say, why can't people -- we'll take it on!

You're living in an American era again! We are truly going to see the rebirth of a nation.

Not -- not -- not in the boardrooms, or the ballots. But first and foremost, in the dirt, in the sky, in the soul!

It's about a cowboy, an American cowboy coming home!

Not because he's lost. Because finally -- finally, he remembered where he belongs!

And we're all riding along with him. Whether we know it or not. Because no matter what the popular culture tells us, this is really who we are. We're fierce. We're honorable. We're free. We're unbroken!

The sun just dipped down low, and the shadows were stretching long. But thank God America heard it whispering again. Come back!

Come back home!

I want to talk to you about Ruff Gr