March for Life
For most of my life, abortion had been a no-go zone topic.
I always shied away from discussing it on radio. I thought it was a discussion that couldn’t do anything positive for my career and there was the fact that at one point, I was very confused about my own position on abortion.
I can proudly say that I am no longer confused.
Abortion is evil and it is wrong.
On the 45th anniversary of the March for Life on Washington, D.C., I want to take a moment to thank and applaud all the men, women, and children who brave the bitter cold every January to stand up for the lives of the unborn.
YOU are modern day abolitionists. YOU are true heroes.
Thank you for consistently reminding the American people that abortion is a practice that is wildly out of character for our country. We are a people who helped convict the Nazis of crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg trials. We passed Civil Rights. We have a deeply religious and moral foundation. How have we allowed the murder of over 60 million babies since 1974?
Hopefully one day, we will look back at our own barbarism and shudder with shame and disbelief. Let’s pray that we are one march closer to that realization.
The end for government is nigh!
We’re now just a few short hours away from... THE END OF THE GOVERNMENT. It’s an Armageddon too terrible to even think about. Like Voldemort, this is an incident that TRULY should not be named.
I apologize to do this to you, especially if you have small children in the car, but here are the gory details. If Republicans and Democrats can’t come to an agreement on a budget by later today - and this is the part where you may have to cover the ears of your kids - nonessential services AND PERSONNEL may be told to go home!
My God man! This could last days! Will the entire country come to a stop? Oh wait, actually it looks like all essential jobs are exempt and will continue to be manned and running. So really, most of the country probably won't even notice anything happened.
BUT, what about all those “non-essential” workers and even the military? They won’t get paid! Well, actually they will. As soon as the budget is passed, they’ll be retroactively paid if they miss a check. Most federal employees and the military are paid bi-weekly, and it looks like they were just paid 4 days ago. That gives Congress two weeks to get a deal done before people start missing paychecks.
So that’s interesting. It almost looks like a government shutdown is really just a PAID vacation for “non-essential” employees. Why do I get the feeling they’re all sitting in front of the TV right now, praying for an impasse in the same way kids pray for a school snow day?
The truth is, the threat of a government shutdown is the most overhyped and overblown political tool on Capitol Hill. In reality, if a private company like Apple was managed as poorly as the US government, it would be shutting down ALL THE TIME. And they wouldn’t just be sending their “non-essentials” home for a paid vacation, they’d be firing them for good.
In fact, if they could find a way to keep the Department of Defense separate, a government shutdown now and then might actually be a good thing. ANYTHING that forces Washington DC to stare their incompetence in the face is OK in my book.
N.H.S. Crisis
Great Britain’s government health care system is falling apart.
That is not a conservative talking point. The New York Times reported on it this week, with the headline “Britain’s National Health Service in Crisis.”
The head of Britain’s N.H.S. warned that the system is overwhelmed. Last year he requested four billion pounds in additional funding. He only got 1.6 billion. Also last year, 10,000 nurses quit.
The crazy thing about this New York Times report is that all the things conservatives criticize about socialized medicine, all the reasons we say it’s a bad idea and unsustainable, are actually happening. And the New York Times actually wrote about it!
It’s the kind of worst-case scenario stuff that the Left makes fun of the Right for talking about. For example:
Hospital hallways jammed with beds of frail and elderly patients waiting to be admitted.
Outpatient appointments canceled because there aren’t enough doctors to meet demand.
Patients waiting over 12 hours in emergency rooms before receiving care.
Undergraduate medical students being asked to volunteer to help ease the crush of patients.
Two weeks ago, hospitals were ordered to postpone all nonurgent surgeries until the end of the month. Many British hospitals also declared “black alerts,” meaning they cannot meet patient demand. On Twitter, British doctors described their overcrowded hospitals as “third world conditions” forcing them to practice “battlefield medicine.”
The N.H.S. director warned that the patient waiting list will grow to five million people by 2021, the highest number ever.
If this stuff wasn’t in the New York Times, no one on the Left would believe it coming from me.
A British construction worker learned from the news about the latest round of thousands of postponed surgeries. He said, “If I receive a notification, it will be the third time my operation is postponed. This is a disgrace. We injure ourselves while working to pay our taxes, and the government just leaves us to suffer.”
Are you listening, America? Still interested in that Bernie Sanders government healthcare plan?