Final round.
Glenn has been rolling out his predictions for 2018 all week. From politics to foreign affairs, from tech to the economy — some have been optimistic while others are downright nerve-wracking.
Check out Glenn's latest roundup of predictions and let him know which ones you agree with by casting your votes in the list below.
$1,000 invested in each of the top 10 cryptocurrencies on January 1, 2018 will be worth $200,000 on January 1, 2019.
The crypto boom will continue... for now.
Market cap of cryptocurrencies will surpass $1.2 trillion.
The more I learn about the things you can do with crypto the more I realize the US dollar was never made to be used on the Internet, and the Internet is the world economy at this point. There are only drawbacks by using USD online and many benefits to using crypto, unless you're a government or financial institution that wants power and control.
Companies will embrace blockchain technology.
Blockchain tech will be applied to hundreds of utilities, from currency movement across borders to machine-to-machine micro-payments.
Institutional investors will begin to invest in cryptocurrencies, but...
Financial spokespeople, banks, regulators, local government and every big-government swamp monster who has ever had a speck of "power" over money and markets is going to come down on blockchain (and the Tangle) with everything they have left: Laws, taxes (that started January 1st), calls for bans and government regulation.
And they are going to lose.
There will be a clear and desperate attempt to keep control over the economy.
A large corporation, probably Facebook, Apple or Tencent in China, will release a cryptocurrency that becomes mainstream and used through common applications like Facebook and SMS to send currency to others securely and often privately.
Meanwhile, normies will wonder, "Why shouldn't I be allowed to buy trustworthy Ronald McDonald Buckz or CostcoCoin if I want to? It's helping keep the bills down as it grows."
The NSA will lose their freaking mind.
A cryptocurrency will take off like Bitcoin and it will collapse.
It may be Bitcoin that collapses due to a large government regulation of cryptocurrency, or it could be a large but smaller simple crypto scam.
This will give politicians a cause to block, regulate and "protect investors," and they will inject their opinions as if they even have a clue how to buy Zcoin.
A brazen young reporter will ask Maxine Waters if she knows how to get Ripple and she'll answer, "I have some in my desk."
The Dow will hit 30,000 on its way to 40-50k+ in last real buildup before its collapse.
The stock market will go through a "melt up" in the next 18-36 months that will feel very much like the Bitcoin craze of fall of 2017. Everyone will want to be in the market. People will mortgage homes and borrow money to invest in stocks just as they did in 1928-29.
This will trigger global collapse and wipe entire countries out. Every country will be effected. The United States, global capitalism and the greed of bankers, Wall Street and Western financial institutions will be blamed. Much of it will be justified.
Economic collapse will sweep in a powerfully dangerous nationalist and socialist movement larger than what was seen in 1930s Europe.
It will infect much of the US population both right and left.
If you missed the predictions Glenn announced earlier this week, you can view them here: