GLENN: December 7th, a day that will live in infamy. Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941. And today, December 7th, 2017, Al Franken will show the world what it looks like to be thrown under the bus.
Now, to be clear, Al Franken deserves every bit of what he's getting. Character matters. Franken clearly doesn't deserve the title of the United States senator. Call me old-fashioned, but I don't think groping and fondling women against their will is conduct befit a senator or even a man.
An immoral man won't suddenly become moral just because his secret has been outed. He can't just sit in front of a mirror and say, you know, look, I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And gosh darn it, people like me. And wait for the ethics committee to declare no harm, no foul.
However, Franken is clearly -- Franken is clearly the sacrificial lamb here. Do I doubt the suddenly newly found scruples of the Democrats? Yeah, I do. I do think there's a change going on. But when it comes to the people in Washington, yeah, I don't buy it at all.
Franken's announcement was conveniently chosen a full day after a whole slew of Democrats called for his retirement. The intent was clearly to allow a good portion of the party to be able to say, hey, this guy is really bad. We decided to do the right thing for women and America.
Uh-huh. I'm sorry. But if you're really sincere and cared about the safety of women, you would have done this after the first woman came forward. The second, the third, the fourth, the fifth. You would have done this with Bill Clinton.
We're now up to six women. I don't think this was for safety of women or for morality at all. What this made -- what this was made for is to drive a stake and say, "We're the party of," while the Republicans are driving a stake into their own hearts.
What made this even more convenient is, it all comes just a couple of days after Republicans en masse decided to start endorsing Roy Moore.
What are you doing?
The motive for this announcement today is clear. Franken is thrown under the bus as a sacrificial lamb to regain the moral high ground that they've been losing since September. Moral high ground that they haven't had since Bill Clinton was in office.
But the way the G.O.P. is handling things, the left will not only own the moral high ground. They'll be entrenched and fortified with concrete bunkers and we're going to be the bad guys.
Oh, my gosh. This is what happens when you abandon principles. It's absolutely justified to have Franken step down. But it's also justifiably to call the left out for their motivation here. Regardless, the Democrats' intention if the G.O.P. does not begin to focus on character. If they continue to handle things like Roy Moore the same, they can kiss the moral high ground goodbye. Character actually matters. And those in the G.O.P., you better start remembering that.
Otherwise, December 7th, 2017, will be known as your new day of infamy.