What Really Happened With Rand Paul and His Neighbor?
What really happened between Rand Paul and his neighbor? It’s now been exactly one week since Paul was attacked in his front yard, but the story remains a mystery.
The inconsistencies are what’s so strange. It was initially reported that Paul’s injuries were minor. Just a few nicks and scratches on his face and a sore side. We now know that those injuries were severely under reported. Paul suffered SIX broken ribs and bruises on his lungs. Three of his broken ribs were displaced fractures which could have led to internal bleeding and even death. These are not quote “minor injuries” as was reported. There’s only one way to describe this: VICIOUS.
The next inconsistency was the motive. Initially it was said that the attack was the result of a long-running feud the two men had over leaves and lawn clippings. Paul’s neighbors are saying this is ridiculous. One neighbor said that two men hadn’t even spoken to each other in several years. This seems to back up the statement made by Senator Paul’s advisor, Doug Stafford, who said, “The first ‘conversation’ with the attacker happened when Sen. Paul’s ribs were broken. This was not a ‘fight,’ it was a blindside, violent attack by a disturbed person.”
Another neighbor told reporters yesterday that the motive couldn’t have been about leaves or stray grass, saying the Paul’s had one of the most trim and tidy landscaped yards on the street.
An FBI investigation has begun to determine if the attack was motivated by politics. We know that the attacker hates Donald Trump, the GOP, follows Occupy Democrats social media, and makes anti-Republican posts on Facebook. The left is increasingly becoming more violent, and not only is it getting worse but it’s becoming more accepted. An unnamed person in Congress told a CNN reporter this about Paul:
“Can you imagine living next door to that guy? I’m pulling for the neighbor.”
Is this Congressman actually glorifying a possible politically motivated attack on a sitting Senator that resulted in 6 broken ribs and a bruised lung? Welcome to the new norm in violent US politics.
Pedohpile or Political Target?
Is Roy Moore a pedophile or a political target?
Yesterday, The Washington Post alleged that in 1979, when Moore was a single, 32-year-old prosecutor in Alabama, he invited a 14-year-old girl to his house where they had sexual contact, though not intercourse, according to the woman.
Moore is currently running against Democrat Doug Jones in a December 12 special election for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The Washington Post interviewed four women who say they dated Moore in the late 1970s when they were teenagers and he was in his early thirties.
One of the women, Leigh Corfman, says Moore drove her to his house on two different occasions. Under Alabama law, the contact she says happened on the second visit would be considered a felony with a sentence of up to 10 years in prison. The age of consent at the time, and today is 16. Corfman never filed a police report or a civil suit, so the statute of limitations has long since expired.
The other three women were between the ages of 16-18 when they say Moore took them out on dates. All three say nothing more than occasional kissing ever occurred with Moore.
In 1985, Moore married Kayla Kisor. He was 38, she was 24. They are still married.
Moore has won elections in Alabama before and none of this ever came out. So why now? The special election is just one month away and the stakes are high – Democrats badly need this Senate seat. But, on the other hand, the culture has changed and perhaps these women are motivated by the idea that they are more likely to be believed.
Some are arguing this is a classic last-minute smear campaign. However, The Washington Post story is convincing. The reporters say they interviewed “more than 30 people” for the story, and there are a lot of details.
If Corfman’s allegation is true, it’s way beyond just creepy, its against the law, and Moore should drop out of the race. Donald Trump said the same on his trip to Asia.
One thing is clear – some of Moore’s supporters aren’t really helping his situation. Alabama State Auditor Jim Ziegler said, “…take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus.”
Uh… that case was just slightly different. He didn’t mention the virgin birth part.
Ziegler continued, “There’s just nothing immoral or illegal here. Maybe just a little bit unusual.”
If true, "unusual" is the least of his worries.
The Joke's On Him
Some people accomplish big things in life.
Comedian Louie CK is one of those people.
He has written jokes for the David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, Dana Carvey, and Chris Rock.
He has won six Emmy awards.
He has sold out Madison Square Garden...eight times.
And this week, his first film in sixteen years, was set to premiere.
But it was abruptly canceled due to “unexpected circumstances.”
That “unexpected circumstance” was an article published in the New York Times describing five women and their accusations against Louie CK’s sexual misconduct.
The accusations all detail similar behavior- basically he asked women if he could do things to himself in front of them.
But it really shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has ever listened to Louie CK’s standup.
Jokes about that sort of thing are a regular part of his stage show. In one bit, he even admits that he is a prisoner to his perverse thoughts and that it makes him into a moron.
He has been using the stage as a confessional for years—as most comedians do.
What Louis CK is accused of is gross and perplexing for a myriad of reasons.
Did he do these things? Louie CK hasn't commented yet, but these incidents have been rumored for a long time.
There are more questions than answers at this point.
Here's what we know:
We need to empower women to say no. We need to empower them to tell their stories at the time they happen, and know they will be taken seriously.
And we need to teach men to be men. To live up to a moral standard. To not give in to their animal instincts.
Oh. And also-- don't ask women if they want to see you do stuff to yourself. THEY DONT.