Screaming Helplessly at the Sky
You could hear the screams from a block away. The shrieks sounded desperate and filled with agony.
The screaming went on for what seemed like hours. But their cries for help would not be answered. Because there really was nothing to save them from.
These group of protesters were helplessly screaming at the sky.
Last night activists gathered together on street corners in New York City, Chicago, and DC, to attend a Facebook event called “Scream helplessly at the sky on the anniversary of the election.”
People actually RSVPed and showed up in major cities to shout into the night sky about how much they hate Trump.
Sure, it’s a better way to relieve their frustration than trolling people on social media and typing nasty messages to those with different political views, but come on.
Do these people have jobs or families or anything better to do with their lives?
Were there no reruns of Friends or Golden Girls to watch last night?
Was there no fresh paint to watch dry?
That would be a better use of their time. If you’re a leftist activist at least take some sort of peaceful action or come up with a witty limerick to chant. You’re better than this.
Screaming helplessly at the sky just makes you look ridiculous and won’t eject Trump from office. But it will add a ton of unnecessary CO2 to the atmosphere. And you don’t want that, do you?
Racial Graffiti Hoax
What defines who you are?
In late September, five black students woke up to find a message written on the marker boards outside their dorm rooms. The messages read, “Go home n*****.” The students attend the Air Force Academy’s Prep School, hoping to become cadets at the Air Force Academy.
In the aftermath of Charlottesville and the NFL national anthem protests, these hate messages just threw gasoline on the fire of racial debate in America. How could racism like this exist at one of our nation’s most prestigious military academies?
The messages prompted Lieutenant General Jay Silveria to gather the entire Air Force Academy student body and staff for a forceful rebuke. He said, “If you can’t treat someone with dignity and respect – then you need to get out.” Video of his rebuke was viewed over a million times on YouTube.
This week the Air Force Academy Prep School announced they have one less “cadet candidate” in their ranks. He has been expelled because he admitted to writing the racial slurs outside the dorm rooms of his black schoolmates.
It also turns out that this racist incident was a hoax because the perpetrator was actually one of the five black students.
Why did he do it? Apparently, it was a weird attempt to get out of trouble he was in for other misconduct at the academy. This sounds like an immature teen who made a terrible decision – one he’s already paying for now that he won’t have a chance to attend the Air Force Academy.
But this is not a time to gloat and say, “See? These alleged hate crimes are all hoaxes!” Some of them are hoaxes, but real hate crimes still happen in our country. Racism is still a cancer in our society.
This message obviously isn’t getting through to our youth, so I’ll repeat it – your skin color does not define you. Your background does not define you – it affects you, but it doesn’t define you. Unless you let it. What was it someone said?… something about being judged by the content of your character? Only you define you.
If we all spent a lot more time working on the content of our own character, we wouldn’t have time for racism, real or imagined.
Al Green's Deadline
Parlor tricks and sideshows. That’s what the Democrats are resorting to. Yesterday, Texas Democrat Al Green stood before the House and gave his colleagues a Christmas deadline to vote on impeaching President Trump.
This is hardly the first time he’s done this. Green actually unveiled formal articles of impeachment last month. Spoiler alert: it never made it to the floor for a vote. Now, I’m no law student or anything, but I’m just gonna go out on a limb here. Maybe you need evidence or a reason to impeach a sitting president? I know that sounds crazy… I mean, I’m just saying.
Even if Democrats DID have somewhat of a good reason to attempt an impeachment, it would never make it through the House. So what is Green doing?
Hardly anyone is talking about this, but the Democratic Party is in serious trouble. Eight years of Obama has left it bankrupt and even extorted by the Clinton campaign. Funding continues to be a disaster. The RNC raises over 3 times the amount of money as the DNC month after month. All the hoopla has been on the Virginia election, but Republicans still have governors in over 30 states. Over 20 states have GOP control in both the governorship AND the legislature.
It’s no surprise what we’re seeing now. Donna Brazile has declared open war on her party. Why? She’s clearly jumped on team Bernie, but - ultimately - she probably just wanted to sell books and make some money. Congressman Al Green knows there’s no shot his impeachment call goes forward. Why’s he doing it? For the same reason Brazille did what she did… to get some attention and raise some money.
Democrats are in serious trouble. They’re broke and they lack any cohesive unifying message. They’re not connecting with anyone. So what can we expect to see the next few months leading up to the midterms? Parlor tricks and sideshows.