GLENN: The telephone rang. Hello.
Silence on the other end.
Hello. Who is this?
The silence on the other end suddenly turned into hysterical and maniacal laughter.
Burn! I got you.
The man who picked up the phone dropped it. He knew who the caller was. It was the man who had intentionally gave him HIV.
The man Darrell Row on trial in England right now for knowingly and maliciously infecting four men with the HIV virus without their knowledge.
This despicable human being had a terrifying system. He would lure men in for sex, and then he would sabotage any protection. And he would infect his victim, knowingly. Then, he would mercilessly mock them. He would send them abusive texts and phone calls, all while telling them, "Ha, ha, you're going to burn. I gave you HIV."
Who within the sound of my voice doesn't think this monster shouldn't be in jail?
If Darrell row moved to California, he would not be behind bars awaiting a court date like he is now. He would be a free man. And he would probably be swiping right to meet his next victim. But in California, starting January 1, it will no longer be a felony in California to knowingly expose a sexual partner to HIV with the intent of transmitting the virus.
Now, listen to that. You are knowingly infecting someone with HIV, to give them the virus. That has to be your intent.
Why -- why -- why has California decided to change the law? Because they say that HIV has a stigma to it.
Yes. The bill sponsor Senator Scott Wiener explained, we are going to end the new HIV infections, and we'll do so not by threatening people with prison people, but rather, giving people a test. And providing them access to care. So let me see if I have this straight, California, you're going to stop HIV infections by letting terrible human beings continue to spread HIV infections to unknowing victims.
That doesn't make any sense at all. And I'm also sorry to break it to you, California, but you cannot destigmatize HIV. I'd like to put a happy face on cancer. You can't. It's a potentially fatal disease. No one wants it.
It should have a stigma. What do you think all those little pictures are up on -- about cancer? What do you think it is that you post on all of the walls in California, whenever you walk into an establishment, if they sell alcohol, there at the front door, it says, "By the way, low fetal birth weight." I don't know why you care about the fetus in the first place. But low fetal birth weight, could cause damage to pregnant mothers. You're doing that to stigmatize something that is harmful.
HIV-positive people should not be judged by their disease or discriminated against in any way, shape, or form. But the disgusting people who intentionally infect others should be criminalized. California, you have officially gone insane.
Your state is burning down in more ways than one. And you're the ones with the matches. Your efforts to normalize and condone this terrorism -- because that's what it is -- is beyond revolting.
And unfortunately, will have the opposite effect on HIV infections.