American's Don't Know the Constitution
America has a serious problem --- it doesn’t know who it is. Even worse, it may not even care that it doesn’t know.
Only 26 percent of Americans can name all three branches of our government. This depressing news brought to you by the annual Constitution Day Civics Survey.
According to the survey, more than one-third of Americans cannot name any of our First Amendment rights. Not a single one. How is that even possible in a nation where you have to attend school by law?
We have less excuse than any previous generation of Americans for not knowing the basic mechanics of our government. We have more tools and resources at the touch of a button than our ancestors could ever dream of. Yet, they would be sad to know how little we know. It’s pathetic that the generation with the most information would be the least informed.
A populace that doesn’t know the basic function of its government, and doesn’t know its fundamental rights, is just asking to be taken advantage of.
Our Constitution has a pretty great track record at 229 years and counting, but that doesn’t make it invincible. It’s still an experiment that requires participation and care from Americans --- a whole lot more than we’re apparently giving it.
This isn’t a scolding --- it’s a plea for action. Let’s help each other learn the basics. Let’s fix this before it’s too late.
The story goes that when Benjamin Franklin exited the Constitutional Convention, some citizens asked him what sort of government the delegates created. He replied, “A republic if you can keep it.”
A New Feeling for Liberals
Our friends on the left have discovered a new feeling: skepticism of government.
Since Trump announced he might rescind DACA (the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program), there has been growing fear on the left that the information collected under this program might be used to find DACA recipients and deport them.
The 800,000 illegal immigrants who applied for temporary protection under the DACA program gave the government a lot of personal information: where they lived, worked, went to school.
They gave them their photographs and fingerprints.
This is the problem with trusting government when your guy is in.
Power changes between the major parties and on a regular basis.
For those who have preached that the government should not be entrusted with or given access to your personal information --- it’s easy to say we told you so.
But my better angels tell me this is an opportunity for all of us to learn.
There’s a reason for separate but equal branches of government.
There’s a reason for checks and balances.
Power should not be concentrated.
And there’s a reason for healthy skepticism of government. Just ask yourself, “what will the next guy do?”
Apple's Latest Abomination
Facial recognition? Spooky, sure. Better camera? Great.
But 1,000 bucks?
How many people who cry poverty and oppression will have one?
Apple is a domestic phone because people in most countries cannot afford $500 and yet, here, go to some of the poorest sections of town and you will see flat screens and Apple iPhones.
$1,000 for a phone that will be upgraded to an Apple 11 within 18 months says something about how oppressed we really are.
This "best of humanity" company called Apple pits rich against poor, and yet sells the $1,000 phone.
Apple, which is so good and ethical, has suicidal slaves making those $1,000 phones in China paying the workers less than $4,000 per year. 12 months of work has less value than four iPhones.
The great socialist-loving, share-the-wealth company Apple, who tells us how to live, had to admit last year they paid men more than women. They also own $52.6 billion in T-bills, which is more than most countries. They keep billions of dollars offshore to avoid taxes.
But the biggest thing that pisses me off about Apple is their obsession with the clown cars of power cords. Why? Really, I want to know why they insist on making a product that can make Tom Cruise look huge. They make them all freakishly short and unusable while making sure anyone who makes a real power cord can't make one that will work with their Apple made-in-China-by-slaves products.
To me, this screams: don't trust these people --- they may be the spawn of the devil. And yet, in the end, I too will buy one of their stupid phones and love it. Unless I have to use it while it is charging.