I want to start by asking you, if you're somebody that needs blood, if you're somebody that needs to be angry, if you're somebody that needs to rub the nose of whomever in whatever, this is not the show for you.
If you're tired of all of this, if you think we're better than this, if you think we have to solve this problem, then this is the show for you.
But the way we're going, the world has gone before. The way we're going will end with either the communists rounding up and slaughtering those who disagree with them or the Nazis, rounding people up that disagree with them and slaughtering them.
I'm sorry. But I don't have a thing in common with these Nazis and the white supremacists. None of it. None of them.
My gosh, I've gotten in trouble on both the right and the left for talking about the evils of Nazis for the last 15 or 20 years.
I want nothing to do with them. And I also want nothing to do with the radical anarchist communists who show up in black masks with baseball bats and burn our cities down. I want nothing to do with people who are saying, "Our heritage is our white heritage." And I want nothing to do with people who are saying, "Our heritage is our black heritage." It's not!
We are humans. All of us. Each of us.
I can't take the left, and I can't take the right. I can't watch either side of the media anymore. Does anybody really care about our country anymore?
Please don't give me lip service. I about caused a panic in my own church, when I started teaching the 15-year-olds and I started asking them about, you know, "tell me what you know about the Bible and tell me that you know that Jesus is, you know, the savior. And how many people here, you know, firmly believe in the Bible?" And they all dutifully raised their hand. And I said, "Shut up. Put your hands down. No, you don't. How do you know that? How do you know that?"
If you can tell me a story about how you searched and searched and searched and how you prayed -- right now, you know it because somebody else has told you it's true. So how many people care about our country? Everybody is going to raise their hand. Really? So what is the tough thing that you have done? What's the thing that you have stood up against that made you a pariah in your own circle? Because I got news for you, it's not the left's fault and it's not the right's fault. It's all of our faults. All of us. We're all playing the same game. And if you're not man enough or brave enough to admit that, then I invite to you stay with us. But as you say in AA meetings, when somebody comes and they have fallen off the wagon and they're still drinking, "You know what, this is probably a good meeting for you to just listen."
Americans --- and hear me --- Americans, and I believe it's 90 percent, but let's be totally crazy. I'll say it's only 70 percent --- 60 percent. Only 60 percent of Americans. And I think that number is wildly wrong.
Most Americans don't want anything to do with the Nazis or the anarchists and the communists. Nothing. They have nothing in common. They despise them both.
Most Americans --- and, yes, that includes the left. And, left, if you happen to be listening, that includes the right. We want nothing to do with it. They're both crazy, dangerous, and racist, period.
And here's what's happening: The media, because they hate Donald Trump so much, and the right media, because they hate the media so much, are giving America a false choice.
You don't condemn Donald Trump, really. Not even the Nazis. You don't condemn Donald Trump. You are choosing the side of the Nazis. And if you don't defend -- on the right, if you don't defend Donald Trump, then you're a communist anarchist that might as well be burning down Berkeley.
Neither of those are true. That's not our choice. You with the black nationalists or the white nationalists? I'm not with either of them.
The Democrats co-opted a very small sliver of radicals that despise capitalism, that despise America, that despise white people, that despise the cops. They co-opted them, thinking they could control them. They'll bring them in because it will add fuel.
Now, right, if you're shaking your head right now and going, "Yep, that's exactly what they did," you'll shake your head even more when I say, "And they lost that battle. They have lost their soul. Those guys are the heart of the party, not the average Democrat, but the party."
Now, let me speak to the left: And you're going to shake your head. And the Republicans are all going to be pissed. But the Republicans did the same damn thing. First of all, it was the Republicans that started the progressive movement. So they've had progressives in their ranks from the very beginning. But what have they done in the last three years? They've co-opted the alt-right. Because why? Because they're racists? No.
Because every vote counts. And so we'll use them. And what's happening? The same thing that happened to the Democrats.
And why did each side do it? Because it drives money and it drives votes. Hate drives money and drives votes.
And so where does that leave the average person? Well, 80 percent of Americans haven't seen a wage increase. Most Americans have their kids in a school that they know is not preparing their children for anything, other than politically correct living, other than living in a Marxist state. It's not preparing them for anything.
There's no actual education happening. There's a re-education happening in our failing schools. And, you know what, don't tell me that that's a thing on the right because the left knows it. Watch the lefties talk about education at TED talks, where they condemn the failing American education system.
The left knows it too. We both do. None of us can afford college anymore for our kids. Barely any of us can afford health care anymore. That's what's happening with 80 percent of the nation. Maybe more.
Are you seeing those people reflected at all? No.
Instead, both parties are doing their best, just trying to get reelected. This is all about 2018 and 2020. This isn't about anything else. This isn't about you. This isn't about real problems. This is about 2018 or 2020. Period. That's all this is about.
Dividing and spreading lies about 50 percent of the population -- well, I want to make sure you understand: If you're watching the left media, they're lying about 50 percent of the population. And if you're watching the right media, they're lying about the other 50 percent of the population. The truth is, there's probably 10 percent of those freaks on the right and 10 percent of those freaks on the left. And the rest of us want nothing to do with them.
It's why I reject both parties, and I reject the media. Both right and left. I want nothing to do with you.
I will remove myself from the game happily before I lose my soul. Can I just ask -- I don't need to ask you because I know the average American gets this. Can I ask those who are engaged in this insane death game, how does this end? Play it out, how does it end? Does it end in race riots, civil war, global war? Your side winning in 2020, whichever side that is? And then -- and then we really get them? What do you do with the remainder of the people, the 40 percent that just will not go along?
Well, first you have to demonize them. Oh, we've already done that. Then what do we do? You shove and then you shoot.
Now, maybe 20 percent of the United States is effing out of their mind. Maybe the country has gone out of its mind crazy. But I am sorry. I do not believe, because I have too many friends on both sides of the aisle and the issues, that disagree, who are afraid of their own side. They are seeing where this is leading, and they want nothing to do with it. So maybe it's 20 percent that's crazy. But that leaves 80 percent of us who want nothing to do with it.
We all want our children to have health care, food. We all want our children to have a good education. I believe we all want our troops to come home. We want an end to the endless wars.
I want justice for the wronged. I want an end to racism. It's never going to leave us. Because that's a human trait. But we can do better than we are.
I want an end to poverty. It's never going to leave us. But we're the most charitable people that have ever lived. I want freedom for people who are enslaved today. There are more people enslaved today than in the entire history of western slavery, combined.
I want an end of oppression. I want an end to government and banking and corporate corruption.
I want the truth of American history to be known. I don't think there's been anybody on the right, perhaps in the history of the right, that has tried to do more to expose the bad parts of our history. To expose how racist, how dangling, how ugly we have been.
But you can't just tell that part of the story. That makes the glorious parts of our history better. We reached beyond the slime. We reached above ourselves. We saw something better.
I want history taught. I want the bitter. I want the sweet. I want the bad cops to go to jail. I want them to go to jail. But I want the good cops to know, "I can't begin to understand your job. But as long as you're on the right side of the law, as long as you're on the right side of human decency, I got your back." I want compassion on the border. But I also want justice and law and order. I want you to live as who you want to live as, love who you want to love, worship God, don't worship God, and we can live side by side.
How do we not agree on some of these big things? I want you to know, I'm going to say some things today that are going to make both sides uncomfortable. Good. Good.
Then I've done my job. And no more.