GLENN: Hello, America. Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. All right. Let me give you an update on what happened yesterday. Yesterday around this time, Donald Trump tweeted these tweets:
After consultation with my generals and military experts, please be advised the United States government will not accept nor allow transgendered individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with a tremendous medical cost and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you.
All right. At first blush, I want to say I agree with the president on this. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with tremendous medical cost and disruptions that -- and I just take out transgender and put that anyone in the military would entail.
So on the forefront, I want you to know. I am not for anything that disrupts the military. With that being said, let's start with this disruption. This tweets, this policy shocked the pentagon. The pentagon didn't know the president was going to say these things. The pentagon wasn't there. They were shocked. In fact, the secretary of defense was on vacation. Why did this happen? Why did he make this? Well, politico reported last night the house Republicans were planning on passing a spending bill stacked with his campaign promises, including money to build the border wall with Mexico. But an internal house Republican fight over transgendered troops was threatening to blow up the entire bill.
So what happened? The internal fighting between the freaking GOP. Let me just say this. Define GOP. The internal fighting is what made Donald Trump say "I'm just going to say this and tweet this out. And hope to get that bill passed."
Trump's sudden decision was in part a last ditch attempt to save the house proposal full of his campaign promises that was on the verge of defeat. Numerous congressional and White House sources said.
Okay. So to get something else done, he causes disruptions in the military. The military has been studying this, and they asked for more time. They asked for everything -- any decision to be delayed until I think it's January 1st, 2018. Now, I don't know about you, but I don't hate anybody. I don't -- what you do is your business. What surgeries you want to have, your business. How you identify. Your business. But the military is in a special class. It cannot be disrupted from excellence. It cannot be a place where anyone gets special favors.
If you saw the movie hacksaw ridge, they were brutal to this kid because he's going to get us all killed because he is somebody who won't pick up a gun.
Okay. Well, that didn't turn out to be the case, did it? But he wasn't given any special favors. What he was promised was what everyone is promised. If you're a conscious objector, we'll send you to the front lines. We don't recommend it. We think you should leave because there are people with guns, and we can't count on you. So everybody in the team, don't count on that guy to save your life because he ain't going to.
Okay. Promised in the Constitution. But you have to hit all of the standards. So let me go through this point by point.
First, yesterday it was announced that we have 4,000 transgender people in the military. I don't think that number is true. But let me play this both ways. Just think this through logically. That comes from the Rand corporation. And what the Rand corporation did was just take the general population and then say this is how many we have in the general population percentage-wise. Let's just put that against the military. So that would mean if it's exactly the same in the military as it is in the general population, there would be 4,000 people serving.
We do know that once this transgendered thing came out from President Obama, the military you were open to come out and say "I'm transgender."
Only ten people raised their hands in the entire U.S. military and said "I'm transgendered."
Now, I don't care if it's 4,000 or ten. What does that tell you? That tells you that transgendered people had been serving in our military, and they haven't caused a disruption. Because did you know we had any transgendered people in the military? I mean, it's not something I ever thought of. It's kind of like, you know, the way I was with gay people in the military. I don't know. Of course, there are gay people in the military. There are gay people have been, you know, presidents, kings, villains, great guys, you know, fighting in the opposition military and fighting in ours. Forever.
Of course, there are gay people in the military. And as long as they're not causing any disruption to the actual job of the military -- and I say that about anybody. As long as your faith -- if there were a group of Mormons that are, like, okay. I cannot fight on Sunday. You're out, dude. Because there's going to be fighting on Sundays.
So there are ten people that we know of, and they had to self-identify.
So as long as you can do the job, I'm good. And I think every fair-minded American is that way. As long as you can do the job, I'm okay. As long as you are not asking for any special exemptions or special favors, I am good.
Next point. Point number one. There are people already doing it. We only know of ten. Don't believe the numbers. It might be more than ten, but it's not more than 4,000.
Two. I looked up elected surgeries that are given to vets and soldiers. Elective surgeries are not covered by the VA. Lifesaving surgeries are. For instance, liposuction. Liposuction is not covered by the VA unless it will save your life. Then the VA covers it, and you'll get liposuction. But not for everybody who says "I'm a little fat."
So is this a life-saving elective surgery? No.
In fact, the research shows exactly split at best when it comes to the suicide rate. This is gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria means you feel and think one way or the other. Okay.
Where does that end, in the first place? In Canada, they are currently dealing with another dysphoria, and that is capable and handicapped dysphoria. People are going into hospitals now and while I can say with this, I'm going to. It's sick.
They're going in and saying I don't feel fully capable. I have always identified as a person who is handicapped who only has one leg. And they're asking doctors to take off a leg because they identify as a handicapped person.
Any doctor that would perform that is insane and needs to lose their license. When it comes to gender dysphoria, okay. Is it life-saving?
Meaning, if you want to do that, you can pay for it and on your own time, unless it's life-saving. I'm not giving people liposuction. I'm not giving them plastic surgery. But if it's lifesaving. Okay. Let's look at life-saving.
46 percent is the suicide rate for those with gender dysphoria. 46 percent. So anybody A, who doesn't have empathy and compassion for those people who are struggling with gender dysphoria, God help you.
46 percent.
Now, those who have the surgery, what is their suicide rate? The most positive suicide rate study that I can find shows that it is 46 percent of those who have gender dysphoria commit suicide. Those who then go on and have the surgery, 45 percent of those commit suicide. It's flat. It is not a life-saving treatment.
Okay. So elective surgery for life-saving treatment. When you look at the younger demographics, people who are 18 or below, people who are in their 20s and have this surgery, those numbers begin to shift, and the suicide rate for those who have had the surgery actually goes up. So you can make the case that this surgery is not lifesaving. In some groups, it actually kills you faster.
Three. Can you meet the standards? As long as you can meet the standards, I don't care. And I don't think any American cares. But you've got to climb that wall. You've got to carry that pack. You have to be able to protect your brothers in arms. It's not just your life. It is all of our lives. And the future of our country and our children. Anything that government does, it should be the -- the military should be the last place culture changes, unless it is a rape culture. Unless there is actual abuse going on and damage going on because of the culture.
When it comes to new ideas in the culture, new experiments in the culture, the military should be exempt from all of that.
The only question is can you perform the duty?
My dad wanted to be in the marines really, really bad. He wasn't welcome. My dad somehow slipped past the doctors with his flat feet. But my dad stood on a marble floor in our bakery that had these old, marble floors. Our bakery used to be in the lobby of an old hotel. And then they converted it into a bakery, and we bought it. My father walked on marble floors his whole life. That man stood all day long making cakes and pastries and everything else. And his feet hurt.
He got past the screening process to get into it military. Unfortunately, the standing he said that they had to do something -- and this is the way I remember the story as a kid. They had to do something where they had to stand on one foot for a while, and then another foot, and he could not do it. And he was ejected. Nowhere at no time have I ever heard that story on my family on that damn military. My dad said they had standards. I couldn't meet them. And it was one of the biggest disappointments of my life.
Hit the standard, and everyone is welcome. Miss the standard, and I don't care who you are. You're out.
Politically, knock it off. GOP, Donald Trump, DNC, knock it off. These people work their ass off and put their lives on the line more than me or anyone in the general population and certainly more than you politicians. They make much less money. We give them the absolute worst medical care after they have fought and died for us, they're dying in line at our stupid socialized medicine VA hospitals. Knock it off. Let the military make the military decisions. Period. You want a bill passed? Get off your fat ass and go to Capitol Hill and actually get them to pass the bill on its merits. Do not use our military as a pawn or a token. Period.