GLENN: Which book are you talking about?
STU: Stop assigning people books.
GLENN: I have to.
STU: There's not a question that is normal. What book are you talking about? Well, you've assigned 65. No wonder you can't keep track of it.
JEFFY: Stu, 66.
GLENN: No. Come on, seriously. I have not assigned you guys 66 books. How many books, honestly?
PAT: Thirty-seven. It's only 37 in two weeks. In two weeks.
STU: You've added quite a bit lately.
GLENN: No, there were five.
STU: There's eight.
PAT: There were five initial. Initially, there were five. Now there's been two more, three more?
JEFFY: At least seven or eight. Yeah, we're at seven or --
PAT: I think we're on number eight.
STU: You gave us five, and then you assigned the rest of the company four, which we got screwed on that deal, totally. We had to read an extra book.
GLENN: That's right.
STU: But this is -- did you see --
GLENN: This is the only job that comes with a syllabus.
PAT: Yeah.
STU: Well, I will say this. You want to talk about extra books, the one -- I'm reading a story in the New York Post --
JEFFY: Oh, from this weekend.
STU: This evil right-wing publication, the New York Post, and the say what the brightest minds are reading this summer, which for some reason they included you.
PAT: What. Wait? When did this start? You're being called one of the brightest minds.
GLENN: Yeah. Did you see the picture? Who was it? It was me, the head of Citibank, and somebody else.
STU: Oh, yeah. JPMorgan chief, Jamie Dimon.
PAT: Jamie Dimon.
GLENN: Yeah, Jamie Dimon. And some other Wall Street guy. And the headline said, what the brightest -- some of the brightest minds are reading this summer. And my picture is between those two. And I'm like, wait a minute. I think those two should belong in jail maybe. I'm not sure this is --
STU: Helpful.
Glenn Beck, the conservative media host, who has some diverse selections this season, including The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion.
JEFFY: That was on the list.
GLENN: That was on the list. You guys loved, right?
JEFFY: That was on the list.
STU: Yeah, I liked that one.
PAT: Yeah, that was good.
STU: And we've had him on before. He's really smart.
STU: On the flip side, Beck is also reading Bob Dylan: A Spiritual Life by Scott Marshall.
JEFFY: Which wasn't on the list.
GLENN: This is really -- I have to be honest with you, it's on the stack of books. I'm trying to read a couple of other books. I'm trying to get through The Content Trap, and I just finished Authenticity, which is really good. Finished that this weekend.
JEFFY: Did you say eight or ten --
GLENN: I didn't assign that. I didn't assign that. That's on the list of you guys might want to read that.
STU: Uh-huh.
PAT: Which one?
GLENN: Authenticity.
STU: Authenticity and Content Trap.
PAT: Content Trap was part of the mandate.
GLENN: No, that's part of the new mandate. I gave that to you guys a couple days ago.
PAT: Uh-huh.
GLENN: Well, yeah. I know it's hard for you, Jeffy, that reads comic books. But everybody else --
PAT: Yeah, there's very few pictures in most of these books.
STU: It's really sad.
GLENN: Is Friction not one of the best written books ever?
JEFFY: I really loved it. I like Friction too.
PAT: It was fun to read. Reminded me of the way we formatted books before.
GLENN: Yeah. It's -- the whole thing is about how your life is full of friction and reduce the friction in your life, in your customer's life, and everything else. But you read it, and it's just brilliant. Especially -- you get to the end of the book, at least I did, and I finished it in two hours. How long did it take you guys to finish it? A couple hours?
JEFFY: A week and a half.
GLENN: Seriously, it's a really easy book. It's like -- it's 300 pages, but you can zip through that book.
PAT: Uh-huh.
GLENN: And when you get to the end of it, did you realize, "Oh, my gosh, they used that theory on writing this book."
STU: Right. They used it on me.
GLENN: Yeah. Because you read it, and you're like, "This is great. I love this. It's so easy to read."
STU: It's like the old Don Lapre philosophy: You can make $100 million with tiny classified ads in your apartment.
GLENN: Okay. But I think this one actually works.
STU: But the problem was he was just using that theory on you. He was placing an ad to get you to buy nonsensical information so that you would spend your money with him. He was using the thing he was teaching you to make his money.
PAT: Yes.
STU: The book was -- it was just an attempt to utilize the philosophy he was teaching you. From his own one-bedroom apartment.
GLENN: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You guys should read The Overton Window. The Overton Window 2.
STU: Oh, really?
GLENN: Common Sense. Arguing With Idiots.
STU: It's funny you bring that up. Because I was on Amazon looking at -- it's Friction, I guess. And they have frequently bought together. So, again, telling you this audience -- because conservatives don't read. They just don't read.
GLENN: Yeah.
STU: Frequently bought together, Friction, Tribal Leadership.
GLENN: Which is the other book on the list.
STU: Another one on the list. And The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt.
PAT: Another one on the list.
STU: Then it goes down and says, customers who bought this item also bought Tribal Leadership. On the list. Mistakes Were Made, But Not By Me.
GLENN: On the list.
STU: The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt on the list.
GLENN: On the list.
STU: Another version of Tribal Leadership. Then Fed Up: An Insider's Take On Why the Federal Reserve is Bad For America by Danielle Dimartino Booth.
GLENN: A guest on our show.
STU: Tribes by Seth Godin, which is also on the list.
GLENN: Also on the list.
STU: Another version of The Righteous Mind. Then Rediscovering Americanism and The Tyranny of Progressivism by Mark Levin, on the list. Written Out of History by Senator Mike Lee. On the list. Another version of Mistakes Were Made, But Not By Me. Then Defying Hitler.
JEFFY: Oh, another one.
STU: Another book you've talked about. Then Brad Thor, Use of Force. Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow.
GLENN: Guest on the show.
STU: Pendulum, another one you've talked about. And actually we had a caller about earlier today. Ben Sasse, The Vanishing American Adult is on there.
GLENN: Unbelievable. This is our audience.
STU: The Little Things by Andy Andrews. Deep Undercover by Jack Barsky, another guy who has been on the program. It's like every -- David Limbaugh, The True Jesus.
GLENN: Oh, my gosh.
PAT: Wow. Yeah, we had David on.
STU: The Coming Insurrection.
GLENN: The Coming Insurrection. Only this audience knows about The Coming Insurrection.
STU: Michael Vey, by Richard Paul Evans is on there.
GLENN: Only this audience.
STU: And only until we get there do we get Glenn Beck Liars, which is actually your book.
You keep telling people to read so many books. No one reads your books.
GLENN: That's incredible.
STU: Yeah. It really is.
PAT: It is.
STU: Everybody -- Bruce Feiler is on here we've talked about before. The Tom Coburn book we've talked about before is on here. The Pope and the President, which is a great one, from Paul Kengor.
PAT: The Tom Coburn book -- we had him on for that, right? He didn't even know it was in his own book. That was a fun interview.
GLENN: That's right. That was a bizarre interview.
JEFFY: That was a little difficult.
GLENN: Hey, Tom, so tell me about -- uh, it's in the book.
PAT: Uh, did I write about that? I've never heard of that.
STU: And then about page ten of this is The Content Trap, the book you just mentioned ten seconds ago.
GLENN: Unbelievable.
PAT: That's great. It's already there.
STU: It really is ridiculous.
PAT: You know what should be there is the massive global warming warning from David Wallace Wells.
STU: Thank you.
GLENN: Hang on. May I just say. So go to Friction on Amazon. Buy that. And then just buy all the other books that say "customers also bought," and then you'll be set. Then you'll have the list.
STU: It shows how smart the algorithms are at Amazon too.
PAT: Yeah.
STU: They know what you want.
GLENN: But, you know what, it also shows how smart the audience is.
STU: It does.
PAT: Uh-huh.
GLENN: Go ahead.
PAT: Well, if you're going to buy these, you need to buy them quickly because we're about to burn up.
GLENN: Are we really?
PAT: Yes, we're going to burst into flame at any moment. There was this article written, and who was it that came out on the left and said -- this is so bad, that he's predicting an 11 or 12-degree temperature rise in a very short amount of time. And he's talking about things -- he's thrown in things like the ice shelf in Antarctica that just broke off. I think it finally happened today. Right?