GLENN: So let me go through this with you. This morning, two hours ago, we were talking about a hypothetical, something that the New York Times and CNN said that they had seen. And we added the caveat, if it says that, you know, they are -- they have information and he knows that it's from the Russian government, then there's a problem.
PAT: But we didn't trust the New York Times or CNN.
GLENN: We didn't trust them. This is, I believe, worse than what I thought.
Here is the first email from Rob Goldstone: Good morning, Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting. Now, so you know, Emin is a very good friend of Donald Trump Sr. and is, you know, very, very close with -- with Vladimir Putin.
STU: Worked with him on the Miss Universe thing.
PAT: In Russia.
GLENN: Yes. Yes. He's a Russian citizen. An oligarch. A bad one. Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting. The crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father, Aras, this morning.
And, actually, Aras is the oligarch. Emin is the son.
The crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father, Aras, this morning, and in their meeting, offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father. This is obviously very high level and sensitive information, but it is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump. I never thought -- no way -- you -- you couldn't have --
STU: Yeah.
GLENN: I think a lot of things about the Trumps. No way were they involved in collusion. This is obviously very high level and sensitive information. But this is part of Russia and its government support of Mr. Trump helped along by Aras and Emin. What do you think the best way to handle this information would be? Will you be able to speak to Emin about it directly? I also can send this information to your father via Rona. But it is ultra sensitive so I wanted to send it to you first.
Thanks, Rob. I appreciate it. I'm on the road for a moment. I could just speak to Emin first. Seems like we have some time. And if it's what you say, I love it, especially late in the summer.
Meaning, coordination.
Could we do a call first thing next week when I'm back?
Yes. Don, let me know when you're free to talk with Emin by phone about this Hillary information. You had mentioned earlier this week, so I tried to schedule time and best day to you and your family. Rob.
Holy cow. That is -- there's your smoking gun. It's not just -- isn't it?
STU: I mean, first of all, again, like the -- you have to say that the New York Times report was accurate. I mean, this is exactly what they said was in it.
GLENN: This was released by Donald Trump Jr.
STU: Yes. So we know 100 percent it comes from Trump. So we know that that's accurate. I mean, you know, look, I think you can still make the argument that, hey, he got the tip from some guy he knows. Didn't think about it from a foreign -- you know, it says right in there. Was excited to get information to beat up his opponent.
GLENN: No, no. But he was coordinating -- listen -- listen, there's no way -- I mean, Stu, help me. Please, convince me. Convince me.
STU: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
GLENN: Crown prosecutor of Russia. So that's not the girl he's going to meet with. He's saying the crown prosecutor of Russia.
STU: I thought that is the -- I thought that is who they're referring to when they say --
PAT: The female lawyer? I don't know. Because they refer to the lawyer as him in that email, right?
GLENN: Yes. Yeah. So I don't think it's the same.
PAT: So it can't be the same person. It's not the same person.
GLENN: What he's saying here is the crown prosecutor of Russia. So that's like the attorney general of Russia.
STU: Right, okay.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: The attorney general of Russia --
STU: Met with his father.
GLENN: Met with Emin's father, the good friend of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.
STU: Right.
GLENN: They met this morning about whatever we don't know. And in the meeting, he offered to provide the Trump campaign -- so now, here is the attorney general going to an oligarch, saying, "Hey, you're friends with Donald Trump, right?"
"I want you to pass on to them that we have information at a very high level that we want to pass to them." We have official documents and information that will incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia. It will be very useful for them.
So then the father asks Emin to call Goldstone, who knows Donald Trump Jr., and say, "Hey, can we get this? By the way, Aras is going to fax this through Rhonda, just to get it to your dad. But it's very high level, and I wanted to talk to somebody and let them know that it was coming."
He then says: It's very high level. Sensitive information. But it is part -- it is part of Russia and its government support for Mr. Trump, helped along by Aras and Emin.
So, in other words, somebody -- I don't even want to jump there.
We know that a good friend, an oligarch of Donald Trump has been helping the government along to support Donald Trump.
I'll send this information to your father. I will send this information to your father via Rona.
PAT: I mean --
GLENN: I mean, this is --
PAT: It's going to be a nightmare.
STU: Yeah.
PAT: The Democrats are going to --
GLENN: It's over.
PAT: They're going --
GLENN: How do you not go with this?
STU: Well, look, I think you can make an argument that it's not as bad as it feels. However, I would say -- well, because, I mean, like, look, Donald Trump Jr., he's not even --
GLENN: I will send information to your father via Rona.
STU: But he didn't, right? As far as we know at least this point. (chuckling) It went to him instead. But, of course, he's going to tell his dad about it. Right? Although he said he didn't --
GLENN: Yeah.
PAT: No, no. He already said he didn't tell his dad. His dad didn't know. So don't even worry about that.
STU: I guess my point would be you -- you can argue that it wasn't -- it wasn't -- I don't know. Like, to me, I would never take a meeting with a government official, even if it was trying to sink an opponent. I -- so I can't -- I don't understand why you would do that.
But, you know what, look, remember, this is not only people who have dealt in these circles for a while and do anything to win, as they say, as they pointed out a million times. They were also, at the time, pretty desperate, if you remember right. So maybe did they bend this line and take this meeting? I think the answer to that is yes.
GLENN: Wait. Wait. Yes, they did. Wait. Wait.
STU: However --
GLENN: Let's look at this. This is still three weeks before WikiLeaks breaks.
STU: Uh-huh.
GLENN: And Donald Trump acts surprised. We all knew at the time WikiLeaks got their information from the Kremlin.
STU: Uh-huh.
GLENN: This is Russia feeding this and leaking this. So we know now that Russia was hacking in to the DNC servers. Was gathering sensitive information. And then -- this is treason. We've got a guy on the other side, in Russia, that released information, and we say it's treason. If he comes back, he'll be tried for treason. What's-his-face?
PAT: Yeah, Snowden.
GLENN: Snowden. That's treason when he's done that to us.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: So here's Russia doing to it (sic). Now, they can't be treasonous because they're not Americans. That -- they released -- they hacked, they got in, they stole the information, and then released it to the world. And Donald Trump was acting like it was a surprise and like, oh, please, Russia. Go ahead. Release the rest.
PAT: Glenn, when you put it like that, sure it sounds bad.
GLENN: Oh, my gosh.
PAT: I mean, do you have to put it like that? No, you don't. You could put it some other way.
STU: You could put it another way.
GLENN: I can guarantee you -- I can guarantee you everyone else will be -- no.
PAT: All the Democrats are going to put it a lot worse than that. A lot worse than that.
GLENN: Oh, yeah, no. But the Republicans are also going to -- we are witnessing, Pat, what you and I remember in the 1970s with our dads.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: I remember my dad defending Nixon --
PAT: Turning into a crook and how --
GLENN: Yeah. And it was only at the very end --
PAT: Yeah. Supported him nonstop until all the evidence came out.
GLENN: Supported him -- right. Until -- right.
PAT: And then they hated him.
GLENN: Tell me how you get -- tell me how you have a family that doesn't tell the president that, "Yes, Dad, the Russians were colluding with us."
PAT: There's almost no way he doesn't know. There's almost no way.
GLENN: Right.
STU: And I think you could still make an argument, look, you're trying to find information against your -- you know, to help your dad. And you take a meeting that maybe you shouldn't have taken. And -- but, you know, nothing really came of it. So you kind of blew it off in your head. You can make that argument. It's a stretch at some level, I grant you. And I don't necessarily believe it. But I think you can make that case.
It's very difficult to understand how after you've won the presidency and you're in the middle of an investigation on this topic, how this could not have been disclosed until last week.
GLENN: Right. And beyond that, how this could be disclosed last -- in the last couple of weeks, that this even happened. And before that -- and even after that, your father, the president of the United States is saying, there was no collusion.
I mean, you know, honestly, let's say that Hillary Clinton really didn't know that her husband was fooling around. We all think that she did.
But once she found out, don't you say, you son of a bitch, you did this to me?
Let's just put yourself in this situation. You're the president of the United States. Your son is exchanging emails like this. And then he leaves with your son-in-law and your campaign manager, and they start to write speeches about this kind of information.
You start tweeting stuff. And you really don't know. And then you win. Okay.
Then it starts to be investigated and you have me go out in front of everybody going, there is no collusion. I'm telling you, there's no collusion. We never did that. We didn't talk to anybody from Russia. There was never any coordination of anything.
In fact, I believe them so much, I'm telling you, our CIA and our NSA is wrong. And they'll never find anything because there wasn't anything there. And they didn't not only collude with us, they're not even trying to hack into our systems and try to affect our elections. And that's why I'm suggesting we partner up with Russia and we share cyber security together.
Then you read today and you really are innocent, you had nothing to do with it -- you're president of the United States. Do you not go in and say, "Son, excuse me, but you son of a bitch. What the hell were you thinking? You let me spend the last nine months, eight months telling the American people -- I just met with Putin, and you knew that he was colluding with you. And I suggested cyber security partnership, when they were the ones that hacked into the DNC. And you knew it."
Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.
STU: Yeah.
GLENN: This -- this is very, very close to treason.
PAT: Well...
STU: You could look at it from the Trump perspective -- from the Donald Trump Sr. perspective, if you want to look at this as we know it right now, we don't have evidence that Donald even knew about this meeting, right? We know that Kushner -- but Kushner left two minutes into it, reportedly. And Manafort didn't say anything in the meeting.
GLENN: We do know -- we do know -- Rob Goldstone said, I can send this information to your father via Rona.
STU: We don't know that that happened. He just suggested it as a possibility.
GLENN: We don't know if that happened, but...
STU: But, again, like, for example, Kellyanne Conway was out on the air a few weeks ago or maybe a few months ago saying no meetings happened from anyone in the campaign with anyone from Russia. That is absolutely false. It never happened. You guys just keep saying fake news and saying it happened.
GLENN: When did she say this?
STU: It was on --
GLENN: Was this the weekend?
STU: So, no, they brought her back on this weekend and said, "Hey, wait a minute. Actually, there were meetings, weren't there?" And she said, "Well, it looks like those disclosure forms have been updated." So, yes --
GLENN: Oh, my gosh.
STU: But imagine taking -- sending your own people out, knowing that information.
GLENN: Yeah, no. Very bad.
STU: And telling them to deny it.
PAT: It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable.
GLENN: Donald Trump Jr., by himself -- let's not implicate anybody else. All we know is that Donald Trump Jr. knew that there was collusion. He was part of the collusion. Very bad. Very bad. And should go to jail.