GLENN: Okay. I want to show you some pictures. Stu, Pat, you can describe them. Before I get to the real culprit of the shooting yesterday.
And --
PAT: It's the Kathy Griffin holding the head of Donald Trump.
GLENN: It's that one.
STU: You've got -- oh, that the Shakespeare In the Park murder of the Trump-like character.
PAT: Assassination.
GLENN: What does it look like?
STU: What does it look like? It looks like they're killing Donald Trump in a park.
GLENN: Yeah. And got blood all over him. Right?
STU: Yeah.
GLENN: Yeah. Okay. Notice, does it look similar to the Kathy Griffin --
STU: Yes.
GLENN: All right. What's this one?
STU: From one of the riots in Berkeley, right? It says, "Kill Trump."
GLENN: Yes. Spring painted up on a pillar or a wall, right? What is this one?
STU: More riots.
GLENN: More riots.
Okay. And what were the riots doing? What were they doing?
PAT: Protesting Trump. Anti-Trump people.
GLENN: Who are those people? Yeah.
STU: Is that an effigy being hung there? I can't even tell what that is.
GLENN: No, that's a guy up on -- a turned over garbage can where they have lit the street on fire, and he's got a mask and he's preaching to the people there, more violence.
STU: Got it.
GLENN: Okay. So these things have happened on the left. All of them, except for the Antifa -- that has happened several times, but the others have happened this week or late last week. Okay?
Nobody is mentioning these in the media today. You're not seeing the pictures of Kathy on CNN. Oh, no, no, no. You're not -- you're not hearing anybody talk about Shakespeare In the Park today. Oh, no, no, no, no. No. No. You're not going to hear that.
So what am I going to say? Well, let me tell you what brought this all about. Let me tell you who is responsible for the shooting. When all is said and done, let me tell you exactly who is responsible for the shooting.
And I want to take this, and I want to put it in a lockbox, you know, where all the Al Gore Social Security money is. I'm going to put that in a lockbox, and we're going to lock it away. And forever -- those people responsible will be in that box because there's two things I want to tell you. So let's open up the lockbox. (sound effect)
Who do we put in there? The shooter, period. End of story. The shooter.
He was living in his van for the last couple of weeks. He is a violent guy who has a history of family violence. His stepdaughter wanted to get out of his -- out of his control so badly, she poured gasoline on herself and set herself on fire. He has a history of gunplay. He is a crazy, dangerous man. Am I going to put him in there, along with Kathy? No. Just him.
How about Shakespeare In the Park? No. Just him. Well, how about the Antifa movement? No, no, just him. He's the guy who got up in the morning and apparently got up several times over the last -- over the last few -- few days and weeks, while -- I mean, it was a big apartment in the back of his van -- loser. But he got up and he paced back and forth in the back of his van. What am I going to do? He went. He got the gun. He got the bullets. He went to the park. He asked, "Are these Republicans, or are these Democrats?" He went to the baseball diamond, and he's the one who pulled the trigger. Period. End of story. Close the lid. Put a lock on it. That is the truth.
Today I saw Michelle Malkin retweet a story -- I don't even remember, from MSNBC. I think. Look at my Twitter feed. See who is it from. Because I retweeted it. And she said -- it was a story -- somebody was blaming Donald Trump for -- for the shooting yesterday. That Donald Trump is responsible.
Now, remember, I have the lockbox over here. Who is responsible? Who is in the lockbox, Pat?
PAT: The shooter.
GLENN: The shooter.
PAT: The shooter.
GLENN: I know it was hard to follow because I had so many people in there.
PAT: It was.
GLENN: It was just the shooter.
PAT: The shooter.
GLENN: Now, I put that in a lockbox because we're going to open it and add some more people to it?
PAT: No. Because -- no, you already shoved it away. It's locked.
GLENN: Shoved it away. It's locked. There's no one else responsible for the shooting yesterday. Is that clear? Is that clear?
PAT: Yes. I think so.
GLENN: Is that clear? It's in a lockbox. It's away. It's in a safe. No one else is responsible.
What did Michelle Malkin tweet? The retweet story?
STU: I don't see a Michelle Malkin tweet, but there's a tweet from the Washington Times, about heated rhetoric that led to the Alexandria shooting.
GLENN: Okay. And the heated rhetoric, they're blaming Donald Trump.
STU: Yeah, Donald Trump partially to blame.
GLENN: Partially to blame.
STU: And that comes from Mark Sanford, by the way.
GLENN: Right. And Michelle Malkin said: Look at this discredited G.O.P. guy who is now blaming Donald Trump. Okay.
STU: The quote does not seem to be as clear as he was actually blaming Donald Trump, by the way. But still.
GLENN: All right. Okay. So what did I tweet? What did I say?
STU: You said Trump is responsible, as much as I am. Rachel Maddow, the New York Times, we all are. What choice will we make today? Deeds, not words.
GLENN: Okay. That's crazy. That's crazy.
STU: Well, especially since you have a lockbox.
GLENN: Right. I've got a lockbox. So how could I possibly --
STU: You made a clear point that the shooter is the only one responsible.
GLENN: Is the only one responsible.
STU: How can you say that?
GLENN: Correct.
STU: It's almost as if you're about to make some nuanced point that actually involves some listening.
GLENN: Nuanced point. That kindergarteners will not understand.
STU: Oh, but our audience, are they filled with kindergarteners? I don't think so.
GLENN: No, they're not. No, they're not. They're intelligent people. And so that's why I'm going to make this point.
Now let's go to point number two. Is there -- have you ever heard of the broken windows theory?
What's the broken windows theory?
STU: Rudy Giuliani.
GLENN: Rudy Giuliani. Okay. Giuliani used it to clean up New York. What is that theory?
STU: The theory being that if people kind of see dumb things -- you know, graffiti, broken windows, stupid things like that, they're going to be more likely to commit crimes because they think no one cares. So fix those things, and you'll start cleaning up the streets.
GLENN: Right. If you are walking down the street and you see a neighborhood where all the windows are broken out and it's all in disrepair, the average person will pick up a rock or is likely to pick up a rock and throw and break another window in a house full of broken windows.
However, the average person will never pick up a rock and -- and throw it through a window in a neighborhood where there are no broken windows. It's the broken window theory. What does it mean, Stu?
STU: Well, as it was applied there, it meant, you know, you need to have these -- you need to clean these things up. And if you have a neighborhood without broken windows, people won't be tempted to --
GLENN: Why? They don't even think about it.
STU: Yeah.
GLENN: They don't even think about it. Because they're not bad people. Okay? However, we -- some of us have an instinct to do -- to do things -- and more importantly, criminals will prey on those areas because they think no one cares.
And so that opens up to the most nefarious among us, to take control and to do whatever they want because they think no one cares.
Okay. Broken windows theory: If I said to you I want a president who is walking around stage mocking Tea Partiers by calling them Teabaggers, do you want that?
STU: Uh-uh.
GLENN: Do you want a president who says, "Rough them up. You know, throw them outside in the cold and take his coat from him because he'll figure out what's right." That we want a president doing that?
STU: No.
GLENN: We don't want either of those presidents. We don't want either of those presidents. We'll accept those presidents because America has been walking down a street with more and more broken windows. And what are those broken windows? More and more politicians and more and more people, quite frankly, like me. Just leave everybody else out of it. Just make it me. Because Glenn Beck was on television at Fox saying crazy things. And he has -- he is opening up -- well, you know what, there's some truth to that. I'm not responsible for any of this. But yet, I am responsible in my own way for my own things, just like you are, when you get on and respond in kind. You're picking up a rock, and you're breaking a window.
What is Facebook? What is Twitter? That is the worst neighborhood in America. When you read that, people are vile. They are crude. They are mean.
They devalue other people. There's no kindness on Facebook. Or very little. There's no kindness on Twitter.
That is a neighborhood of nothing, but broken windows. And we are more inclined to pick up a rock and throw it at that other avatar that isn't really a person.
And what does that do? That makes somebody else want to pick up a rock and break another window.
Who is in the lockbox again? All the American people and all the people on the left or the right?
PAT: No, the shooter. Just the shooter.
GLENN: Oh, that's right. Just the shooter.
STU: He's also in there with Facebook and Twitter, right?
GLENN: No. No.
STU: Oh, it's just him by himself?
GLENN: It's just him by himself. In a lockbox. In a safe. Can't be changed.
PAT: Jeffy is not in there with him?
GLENN: Well, Jeffy is in there too, but nobody else is in that. He's the only one responsible.
The question is, will we take responsibility at all for throwing any stones that leads to a society that is not kind, is not gracious, that looks at the opposing point of view as the enemy?
There are bad people in America. I believe -- and I never believed this before, and I have nothing to back it up. And I'm hoping I'm wrong. I'm hoping these numbers are way too big. They may be too big, they may be too small. I don't know. But I hope it's no more than 10 percent of both sides that do want a revolution, that do want to duke it out, that do believe we're in a civil war. "Grab your guns. Let's just get this over."
But that leaves 80 percent of us who do not want anything to do with that. You get a hit of dopamine every time you pick up a rock and throw it. It feels good.
I've said to you before, it's going to be this audience that saves the republic. But only if you choose. I said there's going to come a time when you're going to want to go, and everybody is going one way, and you're going to have to stop and say, "Don't. Don't go that way." That time is right now.
And you may not get anyone else to go with you, but you go the other way. Do not pick up the rock. That doesn't mean surrender. That doesn't mean don't tell the truth.
Here's the truth: The shooter is responsible, by himself. Not the gun. Not the bullets. Not the gun industry. Not the NRA. Not the left. Not the right. Not the president. Not the former president. Not Hillary Clinton. Not Antifa. No one. The shooter is responsible, period.
But here's the truth, as well. We are all accountable for our own actions. And we are all creating an atmosphere where people just think, "You know what, there's no rules, and nobody cares." I care. I care. I care because I want a country left for my children and my grandchildren to grow up in. I want an end to chaos. And the best way to end the chaos is to end it in your own life first. And when you see rock throwing, do not pick up a rock. Help repair the neighborhood.