MIKE: So interesting thing about Pelosi. Listen to her speech patterns. I know I may be a little obsessed with Nancy Pelosi and the thing she says. But I'm a believer that Botox has crept into her brain and got into the part of the brain that controls speech and sometimes it makes her frump around. But when she's not ready to answer a question, she sometimes repeats the question back at the person, and she did that just now with Scarborough. But she feels comfortable in this environment. She feels comfortable at MSNBC. It's kind of like a home-court advantage. It's kind of like sitting around the house with friends. Because she's not going to get any tough questions. But Pelosi said some really weird stuff this morning. She talked about Comey. She went into what she believes is going to be enough of a push to get an independent investigation. And ultimately, although she didn't say it this morning, at least not when I was listening, ultimately, Pelosi and every Democrat is not going to rest until they get one of two things, maybe both things. They want Donald Trump's tax returns. They're still not giving up on that. They are not going to stop pushing Trump until we see his tax returns. We really don't know who he's in bed with. So they want those tax returns. They're not giving up. They'll get them, now that he's in office, but just for the time that he's here. So the past tax returns, still not happening. And the other thing they want is his impeachment. They want Trump out. And, again, I just think we need to remind these crazy progressive people. If you get rid of Trump, you don't get a do over. Not as Rosie O'Donnell wanted. Remember, rosy said can't we just put in John McCain as another president and have another election? No, Nancy -- no, rosy, that's not how it works. She actually wanted that. But if you impeach Trump, you get president Pence. Do you guys really want that? Do you Uber liberals really want that? I don't think so.
So be careful what you wish for, Nancy Pelosi. Maxine Waters. Chuck Schumer. And all the rest. But Pelosi was talking about the president this morning with MSNBC, and she got into a really strange area. Listen to this.
VOICE: Besides telling the president not to tweet, if he came to you and said I have this problem with Russia and all of these investigations, I really do want to get back to the people's business, what would you advise him to do?
PELOSI: What I have advised him to do. Go to sleep.
MIKE: Interesting. Nancy Pelosi said I have advised him to do this. Go to sleep. That was a question from Halperin. And he pressed on this and the question continued.
VOICE: Get some sleep.
PELOSI: Yes. Bring yourself to a place where there's --
VOICE: You said that to him directly? You said that to him?
PELOSI: Well, he called me the night of the Syria invasion --
MIKE: First of all, we didn't invade Syria. We sent 60 tomahawk cruise missiles, 59 of which hit the targets. We didn't invade Syria. Careful of the Botox. It's starting to freeze upstairs.
So, first of all, interesting to see that despite all the partisan politics, all the accusations that Donald Trump doesn't know what he's doing and doesn't know how politics works. Remember, Paul Ryan said that yesterday. He's still learning the job. He's still new here. Trump knew enough to call the minority leader in the House of Representatives as he was launching those missiles, so we know he made that personal call to her late at night. It continues.
PELOSI: The Syria invasion, I have to go into the conversation was late at night. It was like at midnight well after it was all finished. He was going on and on, and I was, like, why don't you go to sleep. I think that --
MIKE: I don't think she told the president to go to sleep. If you notice Nancy Pelosi speech patterns. When she's really confident, she speaks like this. She's very forceful, she's confident in her phrasing. And when she's stretching the truth, she's like this. I told the president it was late at night, and I asked him to get some sleep. So she throws it away. Listen to that piece again because she indicates -- I think she's trying to back up her story here, but I don't think that happened.
PELOSI: He was going on and on, and it was like midnight. And I was, like, why don't you go to sleep. I think that there's something not -- more sleep might be a solution for him.
VOICE: And just to expand on that --
MIKE: So Pelosi tried to get into something there, and she stopped herself. She said I think there's something -- and then she stops and says more sleep might be beneficial to multiple when we all more sleep might be beneficial to him. And Scarborough went or to talk about how the fact that the president bounces around the White House late at night. Yeah, well, his family's not there. Not yet, anyway. We'll get into that coming up. That topic of the president bouncing around the White House and Nancy Pelosi claiming she would tell him to get more sleep did not escape Mike Barnicle, aptly named guy.
Mike Barnicle who asked a question about Pelosi's assessment of the president's health. Last time I checked, was Nancy Pelosi a doctor? No. Did Nancy Pelosi hang out with the president all the time? Does she witness him? Is she out on the golf course with him? No. And yet, she gave me this really strange answer.
VOICE: Moments ago, are you concerned about the president's health?
PELOSI: I think his family should be concerned about his health.
MIKE: What is that? First of all, there's a pregnant pause there. Barnacle asks the question and listen to the pregnant pause, and then let's dive into this answer.
VOICE: Are you concerned about the president's health?
PELOSI: I think his family should be concerned about his health. But the fact is is that this is hopefully not reparable. He is the President of the United States.
MIKE: Wait a minute. Freudian slip, anybody? They're talking about the testimony of Jim Comey. They're talking about the things that Trump said and Pelosi said I hope this is not repairable.
We're talking about the President of the United States. She meant to say I'm hoping this is not irreparable. She actually -- they stopped her and they're, like, wait a minute, what did you just say? Even the morning Joe crew went hold on a second, Nancy.
VOICE: You mean you hope it is reparable.
PELOSI: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
VOICE: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
PELOSI: Irreparable.
VOICE: Yes. Exactly.
VOICE: Hoping perhaps there is an impeachment.
VOICE: No. No.
PELOSI: Look I was on ethics for seven years. You're only allowed to be six, but they put me on . . . it's about the facts and the law.
MIKE: Hold on a second. What did Nancy Pelosi just say. You want to talk about irony of ironies? She said, look, I was on ethics, meaning the ethics committee for seven years. You're only supposed to be on for six years, but I stayed another year.
So anybody notice the irony which the ethics committee that has a six-year limit to it that Nancy violated that limit and went to a seventh year? Juxtoprogressivism. Do as I say, not as I do. Thank you, Nancy Pelosi.