GLENN: Senator Coburn has written a book smashing the DC monopoly. The title tells you everything you need to know. Using Article V to stop freedom and to stop a run away government. Welcome to Dr. Tom coal better than, a former U.S. senator. Hi, Tom.
TOM: Hey, Glenn.
GLENN: I found your book fascinating, and let me take you to a couple of places. I'm going to start at the beginning of the book. I'm going to take you to William Barton. Tell the story of William Barton.
TOM: Actually, there were three people involved in this. One was colonel George Mason who actually raised the first issue associated with ever knowing was there ever a country that voluntarily gave power back to its citizens. And what do they did or did not. So that started the conversation with Barton and bringing forth Article V, the subsection that we talk about. There's a lot of stories about Barton in the history. But his leadership in terms of this issue and restoring our freedom.
GLENN: Well, he said, you wrote in the book, he said, "This clause ought to be written in letters of gold. We ought to observe the excellencies of the constitution. There's a fair opportunity for amendments provided by the states. But this clause should be written in letters of gold."
TOM: Well, that's right and the reason that clause is there is because right now where we found ourselves, that's the only solution that's big enough for the problem in front of us.
GLENN: So would you agree with me that the chaos that we are feeling right now -- because I think we're having a crisis of chaos. I think that the only time that people reach out for somebody who will make it stop, you know, more of an authoritarian progressive kind of player, is when they are afraid, and I don't think they're afraid of ISIS or war as much as they're afraid of the loss of the western way of life. And I think --
TOM: Glenn, I think our country's unsettled. And people know something's wrong.
GLENN: And would you agree that something's wrong, the problem comes from the fact that we haven't adhered to the constitution, so we're rutterless.
TOM: Not only have we not adhered to it, we've had Supreme Court to change its meaning to where we no longer have the structure that would allow us to maintain the freedom and the opportunity to fix ourselves, to set ourselves right. You know, what we're seeing today is people talking about the problems we have. A recent poll I think said 84 percent of Americans don't trust the Federal Government. Rightly so. Why would you? There's a million dollars of debt per family out there; right?
So how do they pay that off? For the millennials, there's 1.7 million unfunded liability, not counting the debt.
GLENN: I don't think that's a bad number that 84 percent of people distrust the government. I think you go back to George Washington's time, I'll bet you that number was in the 90s if they had taken polls. George Washington said you shouldn't trust government. Treat it as fire.
TOM: But they're also saying is we don't think it works anymore. As a matter of fact, the millennials don't know how it's supposed to work because the education has been so disruptive innocent teaching them, undermining the principles of our country that we're built upon.
So I don't worry that people don't trust the Federal Government. I worry the fact what that will lead to is no confidence in anything that comes out of there.
GLENN: Well, you have a problem now where 49 percent of conservative millennials, conservative millennials, 49 percent believe in freedom of speech but that the government should determine what that speech should be.
TOM: Yeah, and that's scary because we've had our hole in education establishment stolen in terms of freedom and the principles that built this country. And the Judeo principle Christians that allowed us to do that in the first place. So that's all been stolen. And so we've had mind-bending. Not that there are not a lot of young, great people out there. But they've been taught -- you know, it's not just for you to listen to a difference of opinion. Well, the only way you really grow intellectually is to listen to a difference of opinion and actually think about it. And now we have this whole generation that doesn't think you want to -- they want to go my hair's on fire, qua listen to you, even though you have sound reasoning and good logic in your discussions. That's a symptom, though, Glenn, of the problem. The problem is we've abandoned limited government. We've undermined personal responsibility, and we're suffering the consequences of it.
GLENN: You're writing the book about Samuel Jones, why Article V solution. Why it exists. Can you tell us a little bit about that story?
TOM: Well, Article V solution exists because it was forced to exist. As a matter of fact, it was the only thing in the constitutional convention that never had heavy faith. Now, most people don't realize if you look at Madison's notes, he did copious notes on the whole convention. And the only aspect of that convention that didn't have vigorous debate, vigorous hard, fighting debate before they came to agreement was Article V. And the very aspect that they would come around to allowing a restoration of principles. Actually, the history is that our founders knew that republics wouldn't live long. They knew.
So they came around to the idea that we have to put a way for us that at least put a salvage echo in there.
GLENN: Tom, I sure appreciate your taking on this topic and explaining it to the American people. "Smashing the DC Monopoly: Using Article V to Restore Freedom and Stop Runaway Government". It's available in bookstores everywhere. It has -- it has tremendous history, including a story about Jefferson Davis. After the war, Jefferson Davis said we should have just used Article V. It led to too much bloodshed. If we used Article V, we wouldn't have had the civil war.
TOM: They almost did, Glenn. They almost did.
GLENN: Yeah. Smashing the DC monopoly and if you can, get involved in the Article V movement in your state. It is -- it just passed in Texas, and it's starting to gain momentum, and it's critical. They'll never give themselves a limit on their power in congress. Never. You need to do it, and it needs to happen through convention of states to change the constitution and put a few things in there like -- I don't know you spend the money that you have. Not our children's money. Article V convention. And the name of the book, again, is smashing the DC monopoly by Tom coal better than. Tom, thank you very much. Appreciate it.
TOM: God bless.
GLENN: God bless.