GLENN: I know how the left -- I know what a move of the left is going to be, I think. I think they're starting to lay the groundwork for the 20 -- I want to say the 24th Amendment, but I know it's the 25th Amendment on how to -- how to get rid of Donald Trump. And it's not going to be -- I mean, they're going to try impeachment, but I think they're going to go for the 25th Amendment. They're going to start making the case that he's unfit to be president.
And I found an article deep in the left circle of influence yesterday, and I read it, and I thought, "Oh, my gosh, look at what they're setting up. Look at what they're doing." They're now -- they now have neurolinguists. They have neurologists. They have psychiatrists. Doctors, that, you know, study the brain and the deterioration of the brain and Alzheimer's and all this kind of stuff. Now analyzing all of his speeches that are off the cuff. They are analyzing everything that he's saying now off the cuff. Nothing can be read. It has to be off the cuff.
And they're comparing it to everything that he said prior to the year 2000. And I will tell you that the -- the video that they have clipped together is quite remarkable. And you're left with thinking -- and they bring this up. One guy brought up, "This could be an act this could be something that he's doing intentionally because he is trying to appeal who are just -- you know, the barstool Joe."
STU: Again, this is to try to prove that he is incapable of being president. The 25th Amendment would pull him out because he's incapacitated --
GLENN: Because what they're saying, what the doctors are saying is, look at his speech. Remember when he said, I have the best words. I use the best words. If you actually go back and look at what he's said in interviews off the cuff, with Charlie Rose and everything else, prior to 2000, he is very eloquent. Very eloquent. It's quite amazing.
And now, he can't build a sentence. You know, now he gets so distracted. And he'll start talking about something. And then he'll be on to something else.
And they're saying -- this is what they're saying, 25th Amendment. I mean, I think he's -- I think he's -- I think he's suffering from mental deterioration. And he's starting to fail.
STU: These are the same people who say, "You should never question science because it's not political." Oh, is it? It's not, huh?
GLENN: Oh, my gosh. That's exactly what I was shouting in the room by myself, the whole time. I thought we weren't supposed to analyze people.
STU: Uh-huh.
GLENN: But they got the best doctors to do this one.
You read it -- and I want to share it with you because you have to prepare mentally for what's coming. And -- and we better have a good argument and the right argument.
PAT: Can you imagine if we would have thrown this much stuff at the wall trying to get Obama out of office? Within three months of him being in office? We never -- we never said impeachment. We never said 25th Amendment. We didn't do any of that stuff.
GLENN: A lot of people did. And it's the birth certificate. I mean, that birth certificate was this.
PAT: This is insane though. I mean, it is insane. From day one, they've been doing this.
GLENN: Yeah. No, that's -- that's where -- they don't even understand. That's where they've gone wrong.
PAT: You tried to get them not to do this. But, boy, have they ignored all of that advice. Wow.
GLENN: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. But they've decided to do this because I think the press is unaware of their own actions. And they don't care. They just think they're right.
I think the Democrats have done this intentionally. I mean, why would you -- why would you hold a huge protest on the day after the inauguration? Wait a minute. Just wait. Let him do something. You know, don't even -- they didn't even give it a chance to say, "He's all of our presidents."
"Oh, look, he's failing."
And so the entire thing, I believe, is just built to bring their core closer to them. They're not reaching out to anybody. They just want their core closer to them. And angry. And it just doesn't -- it just doesn't lead to any place good. Wait until they start on the 25th Amendment.