End of Medical Dark Ages: Entrepreneur Predicts When We'll Have Cancer Under Control

Serial entrepreneur, historian and dreamer Jay Walker joined Glenn on radio Wednesday for an epic conversation about the future of America.

"If you are a dreamer and a doer, this is going to be a fantastic hour. I have wanted to sit down with this guy for quite some time," Glenn said Wednesday on radio.

Walker --- labeled the Edison of his age by Forbes in 1999 --- is a modern-day Renaissance man. While his day job involves creating cutting-edge companies like and that provide a patented, buyer-driven experience, his obsession is finding the connectedness . . . in everything. The breakthroughs he sees coming in the fields of health and medicine are of particular interest.

"For 3 billion years, life on the planet has followed a very simple system," Walker said. "We all share the same DNA --- a tree, a dog, a human. We have so much in common. For the first time in human history, in the history of the world, humans have control of the operating code. We are now manipulating the DNA, which means, for the first time, it's as if we had the software of life."

Walker explained how scientists are at the cusp of operating down to the instructional layer, which creates the proteins that create the tissues, systems and organs of the body.

"It's almost as if we're inventing printing, reading, writing and thinking all at the same time in forms of medicine," Walker said.

In effect, we're living in an extraordinary time in the history of the world.

"We're at the end of the medical Dark Ages," Glenn offered.

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So passionate is Walker about the field of medicine he helped launch TEDMED, an independent health and medicine edition of the world-famous TED conference.

"How far do you think we are away from curing the majority of cancer?" Glenn asked.

According to Walker, it's not so much curing cancer that's around the corner, but being able to manage it as a livable disease like AIDS.

"How far do you think we are away from that?" Glenn asked.

"If you're saying leukemias and blood cancers, we're probably five years, maybe 10," Walker said.

"Holy cow," Glenn responded.

Walker's belief in the systematic, connectedness of everything even applies to his remarkable library which holds 25,000 books.

"People come to my library and they say, 'How are the books organized, Jay? How do you organize the books? You have 25,000 books. Is there a card catalog?' I say, 'Absolutely not. They're organized randomly by height,'" Walker laughed.

The library, Walker says, is one of imagination.

"They were all written by humans. They're all connected. You figure out why this is connected to that. The act of imagining is the essential act of creation. Nothing happens if you don't imagine it, whether it's who you're going to marry, the children you want to have, the kind of country you want to live in, the kind of job you want to have. It's all about your imagination. Everything happens here first. It happens in your head."

Enjoy the complimentary clip or listen to this segment for details.

GLENN: I first talked to Jay Walker -- I've known about him for a long, long time. But I first met Jay Walker on the phone -- this is the first time we've actually sat in the same room together.

And immediately, I felt connected to him and the way he thinks. He's an optimist. He sees a massive change on the horizon. But he knows it doesn't have to be bad. It probably is going to be a little rough getting there. But it doesn't have to be bad. And he sees the future unlike most people do. And he sees it through the eyes of history, which is so wickedly important. Just full disclosure, he is the guy who started which is an advertiser on this program. But I do want to ask him one question on something he told me about Upside when we first spoke. But this is not an advertisement. We're not even going to talk about that. You need to meet this man.

He's just started something called Ted MD, which is TED talks -- no, I'm sorry. Med Ted. Sorry. Med Ted. Yeah, TEDMED.

Jeez, how many times am I going to get this wrong?

STU: You only asked him three times before you came on the air.

GLENN: I know. I know. What am I thinking?

So he started this, and I want to start here. I hate to bring it to a cheesy TV show, but I've been watching a show -- and now I can't even remember the name of it. It is --

JEFFY: Pure Genius, which was just cancelled.

GLENN: Pure Genius. Was it cancelled?


GLENN: Oh, crap. That was such an optimistic show.

JEFFY: I know. I know.

GLENN: Have you seen that?

JAY: I have not.

GLENN: Okay. So the premise is a guy who is a billionaire, you know, a guy like you . . . just a serial entrepreneur, tech guy. He's in Silicon Valley. He's like, I'm going to start a hospital. And it shows --

JAY: Oh, boy. You'd be better starting a government.

GLENN: But it shows all the -- it takes all the red tape out and shows all the tech that is coming and how optimistic life really looks when you look at what's on the horizon and the breakthroughs we're about to go through.

As you're doing this, what are you seeing for --

JAY: Well, Glenn, the way to think about it for health and medicine, is that for 3 billion years, life on the planet has followed a very simple system. It's very simple. There's one -- you know, there's DNA. We have a common ancestor. And it's been evolving for 3 billion years, give or take depending on your beliefs. And I'm not picking on anybody's beliefs.

But the fact is, we all share the same DNA --- a tree, a dog, a human. We have so much in common. For the first time in human history, in the history of the world, humans have control of the operating code. We are now manipulating the DNA. Which means, for the first time, it's as if we had the software of life. That's never happened in history before.

It means for the first time, we're going to be able to operate down at the instruction layer, which creates the proteins, which then creates the tissues and the systems and the organs of the body. So we're right at the cusp.

It's almost as if we're inventing printing, reading, writing, and thinking all at the same time in forms of medicine. And so we are living at the beginning of an extraordinary time in the history of the world.

GLENN: We're at the end of the medical Dark Ages.

JAY: Exactly. It's as if we had just gotten the microscope for the first time, and we saw there was a tiny world that nobody knew existed. In 1665, Hook looks through his microscope, and he sees that the fly is composed of thousands of little eyes. And he says, "What is this micro world? What are these little things swimming around?"

And he can't even see bacteria. He can't even see the smallest things. And yet, an entirely new world opens up. Galileo looks into the heavens and sees that there are planets, but also sees that there are moons around Saturn and Jupiter. And suddenly, the notion that the earth is in the center of the universe drops away. The telescope and the microscope were the great changes of the 17th century. And now we're in the 21st century, and we're now seeing for the first time the actual code that brings things to life.

GLENN: We're seeing things -- Ray Kurzweil, I've talked to several times. I am --

JAY: The singularity, right? Ray talks about, we're about to hit this point at which everything breaks free and goes on an extraordinary compounding effect, and whether or not you agree or disagree with Ray, there is no question if you back up and you look at where we are in history, in medicine and health, we are about to exit the Dark Ages.

GLENN: So he said it's as if -- he said, the human body should last a lot longer than it does. It shouldn't wear out. He said, it's as if there's a switch somewhere that's just been turned off. And he said, we just have to find that switch. Are you -- when you look at the DNA --

JAY: Yeah, I wouldn't agree with Ray on that, but I understand where he's coming from.

The human body isn't a thing. The human body is a system. Think of the Amazon rain forest. It's composed of enormous different things. It's got trees and insects. It's got birds. It's got animals. It's got leaves. It's got photosynthesis. It's got fungi.

It's got all these things, and we call it the Amazon. It's constantly changing. You are an Amazon rain forest. You have trillions of --

GLENN: I think that's a fat joke --

JEFFY: It certainly was a fat joke to me.

JAY: So we don't switch on or off the Amazon rain forest. No, the Amazon rain forest isn't going away, despite, you know, our efforts to cut it down for lumber or to grow grass. But that being said, it's about a system.

What we're learning is how all the different systems of the body, including many that are not even human, we're learning about the microbiome. These are bacteria that we need to survive in our guts and all throughout us, for which without them, we can't make it.

GLENN: How far do you think we are away from curing the majority of cancer?

JAY: I think we're far from curing the majority. But we're not far from turning a significant number of cancers into a manageable, livable disease, like we did with AIDS.

We figured out not how to cure AIDs, but how to slow it down so you could live with the rest of your life with it, much like all men have prostate cancer. We just don't die of it.

But literally, 100 percent of men, if you do an autopsy at age 75, are going to have prostate cancer. They simply are not going to die from it.

Cancer is essentially a natural byproduct of having multicellular organisms. Because in the process of duplicating at the cellular level, you're going to have some mistakes randomly, and some of those mistakes are going to be so damned good at not being killed, that they're going to reproduce in a way that's bad for the organism as a whole, but good for the cell. So we don't eliminate cancer. We eventually figure out how to manage with it.

GLENN: How far do you think we are away from that?

JAY: If you say 50 percent of -- if you're saying leukemias and blood cancers, we're probably five years, maybe ten.

GLENN: Holy cow.

JAY: If you're saying soft tissue cancers, more like ten to 20. But a lot of it depends on whether or not we get better at finding them sooner. Today, we cannot detect cancer until it's about seven years old. So when somebody comes from a doctor and they say, "I've been diagnosed with cancer," you've had it for seven years. We can't see less than 100 million cells, which is less than the tiny point of a pin, 100 million cancer cells.

So cancer is a system disease of which we have many in our bodies, most of which will never come to the point where they hurt us. Cancer isn't like an infection where it's binary, you have it or you don't. Cancer is a symptom of the system. And the system learns to cope with it for most of your life.

GLENN: What's the most amazing thing you seen on the horizon in medical tech?

JAY: The most amazing thing is probably the mapping of the human protyle. So we call all the -- the proteins are the workhouses of the body --

PAT: That's what I was going to say.

JAY: They're the things that do all the work in your body. Your DNA codes for proteins. Proteins are the worker bees of the body at the simplest level. We really have never mapped them all. And it turns out most of the diseases, if not nearly all of them are dysfunctions of protein operations. Proteins are very complicated organisms. They're very, very small, but they're very complicated. We are now at the cusp of mapping them all.

And forget about mapping the human genome, which is great. It's the protium where all the action is at, and we're right about to map it.

GLENN: What will that change?

JAY: Well, it will allow us, for the first time, to understand what's really going on with disease. Up to now, we've actually not understood what's really going on.

GLENN: What does that mean?

JAY: Well, it means that the proteins are malfunctioning. When you have a disease --

GLENN: Hang on just a second. I just want to -- you know you're in the room with someone who is smart when you're -- I'm now in three levels deep of asking what the hell does that mean, and really --

JAY: I'm trying -- I'm trying to keep it broad for the audience. I'm not an MD or a PhD. I'm really not a doctor. I just talk to them all day.

GLENN: No, it's amazing. Right.

JAY: And, by the way, that's my spare time job because my main job is building a great company in Upside. So ironically, we're off on the side here.

But the -- basically, what it means is when we learn how proteins behave badly, we will recognize that your arthritis may be very similar to the fact that you have a sleep apnea, that they are the same proteins, just misbehaving.

There is a map of all the proteins.


JAY: And once we start to look at where the proteins are behaving badly, we now have the tools to finally figure out what the hell is going on with these diseases. We don't know anything about Alzheimer's. So much of that is a protein --

GLENN: So that's why sometimes you'll go in and things are absolutely not connected. Doctors will tell you, that's not connected. Well, but they're all happening at the same time.

JAY: Right.

GLENN: And, yeah, I know they're not connected. But I've never had these before, and now they're all happening.

JAY: Everything is connected. Okay? So anybody who tells you something isn't connected -- you don't go into the Amazon rain forest and say, well, the fact that the toads are dying is unconnected to the blight on the trees. No, everything is connected. The question is, at what level?

GLENN: Right.

JAY: Does it have a common cause? Or is it the result of common external factors? We're learning all that.

GLENN: You know what I'm amazed, talking to people like you, A, I feel really average. That's being very kind.

JAY: This isn't your area of expertise, in all fairness.

GLENN: I know. But, still, this is -- this is not your job.

JAY: It's not my day job.

GLENN: And the people I meet like you, have they always been around? Because I look through history -- and you'll see the people like Tesla and Edison. You'll see these people who are really quite bright in a million different things. We used to call them renaissance men.

JAY: Yeah.

GLENN: But there is something about this new group of entrepreneurs that they are -- Jon Huntsman Sr. is a friend of mine and started the Huntsman Cancer Center.

JAY: Yeah.

GLENN: And he said to me -- I asked him, teach me how to be charitable. I've been poor my whole life. I don't know how to be charitable.

JAY: It's an art. You have to learn how to do it.

GLENN: Yes. And he said, first lesson, you have to care about everything. Not just -- you have to care about everything.

And that kind of goes to --

JAY: It's very American. So this is a nation of insatiable curiosity. It's always been that way. It's because we've had the West. We were founded by a group of people who were fleeing somewhere else, with the handful of exceptions of the people who were here, right?

We've all come from somewhere else. We've all left a world behind, in order to come and build a new world in America. Nobody even knew it existed until 1500.

So the beauty of the American spirit is it's a spirit of insatiable curiosity. That's why we're a nation of tinkerers, a nation of inventors, a nation that's always trying to change. We don't look back as a nation. It's a weakness and a strength both at the same time.

But the fact is, this is -- the country -- America looks forward. People like that are insatiably curious about everything. And you find whether it's John Muir or Thomas Edison, these people recognized that at the deepest level, it's all connected.

So I have a great library in the history of human imagination. About 25,000 books.

GLENN: Love this.

JAY: Right? Now, it's a library about imagination. People come to my library. And they say, "How are the books organized, Jay? How do you organize the books? You have 25,000 books. Is there a card catalog?"

I say absolutely not. They're organized randomly by height. And he goes, "You have a library of 25,000 books organized randomly?" I said, "Yes. It's about imagination. You connect them. They were all written by humans. They're all connected. You figure out why this is connected to that."

The act of imagining is the essential act of creation. Nothing happens if you don't imagine it, whether it's who you're going to marry, the children you want to have, the kind of country you want to live in, the kind of job you want to have. It's all about your imagination -- everything happens here first. It happens in your head.

GLENN: We're having a great debate now between the legal and business side and the creative side of this company, of what -- who is the creative? And I keep saying, everyone is.

JAY: We all work for the customer. We all work for the customer.

GLENN: It's not even that, I am, fill in the blank. I am happy or I am sad. What are you going to create at the basic level? And everyone has the same power in a different way. Just, what are you creating?

JAY: Yeah. And we've taught, unfortunately, in so many ways, we live in a society of specialists. We've taught, specialize. Focus on one field. Do the best. Your economic result will be highest if you specialize.

And that's true. But it's generalists who integrate completely, unexpectedly. When you look at Steve Jobs and his life, you see a generalist. Not a specialist. You see a guy who was happy to go to India, happy to learn about type fonts, happy to understand the aesthetics of design. And yet, he was a technologist. Why? Because, really, great leaps forward are made by people who integrate from multiple fields. And that's why we call them polymaths, when they happen to be geniuses. Leonardo was a polymath. He was a genius in five fields. That allowed him to be a bigger genius in any one of them. And we see this throughout history.

GLENN: We're going to run out of time so fast. Jay Walker, a serial entrepreneur. A founder -- cofounder of Priceline. And many other things -- 900 patents. We'll continue our conversation with him in just a second.


GLENN: Let's talk a little bit about the -- the future and what you're seeing in things like Priceline and Upside.

JAY: So one of the great futures is we're living in this digital world, right? And everybody is saying, look at all this data. Okay. What does that mean to me? What does that mean to a person sitting out in the audience, and just listening and saying, okay. That's nice. The world is filled with data.

Here's one of the things it means. It means your flexibility, which right now you don't get paid for, you're going to start getting paid for.

Look, when you're walking down the supermarket aisle and you see an item on sale, next to one that isn't on sale, you can be flexible and say, I'm going to buy the brand that's on sale today because I normally buy that brand.

But that's just a small case. What happens every time you're shopping online and somebody says, "Hey, are you willing to be a little flexible? I'll give you $50, if you do this instead of that." I'll give you $90 if you do this instead of that."

Imagine a smart piece of software that offers you options that gives you personally more money for being flexible. And, by the way, gives your boss something too.

So the key idea behind one of the things I'm working on is, how do you turn flexibility into an asset? How do you turn it into something where I have my phone -- hey, look, I want to go to New York on a trip. But if I leave 15 minutes earlier, you'll give me $50. If I leave -- if I go into a different airport, you'll give me $100. If I stay at a hotel across the street, that's worth $200 to me.

I can't find all those choices. There's too many choices. But software can.

The beauty of the world we're living in, with this new big data software, is it can evaluate tens of thousands of choices for you. Show you just a few that makes sense.

GLENN: So when we come back -- can you talk a little bit about that? Because you've demonstrated that in Upside. And that's -- I got to that with you because I said, okay. What's the catch? And you explained it to me. And I'm like, holy cow, that's brilliant.

And you said to me, now, imagine that with everything.

So let's talk about that. And also, I want to talk about the -- the world that is going out and examining all these things, but then putting us into little teeny boxes, where we don't see the big picture anymore.


“THIS IS TREASON.” Glenn Blasts Feds Who May be Involved in Epstein Coverup

Glenn has always been hesitant to use the word “treason” because he knows that the punishment is death. But when it comes to the evidence on Jeffrey Epstein and his clients, he has no choice but to say something he has never said before: If FBI, DOJ, or other government officials hid the truth to protect the powerful, they should be tried for treason. Glenn makes the case: “The Constitution itself requires it. And I think We the People deserve it.”


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I'm making a case on treason, that I've never made before. That I can remember.

STU: Yeah. Kind of a big deal. You usually very much stay away from this sort of thing. I'm interested to see where this goes.

GLENN: Yeah. So let me pick up on what we have seen. Because we have watched those in power, twist the rule of law, into a weapon against the innocent, while shield the guilty, over and over and over again.

The Biden laptop. Innocent whistle-blowers, who just told the truth, destroyed by our FBI and DOJ. Only to find out later, that those whistle-blowers were correct. That the FBI and the DOJ had known those things. Were true for years. But it didn't matter, to them.

It protected their power. We've seen medical professionals now, not just run what I believe is the largest medical experiment on -- at scale. And a scale that Mengele would have never imagined, and forced the twisted cures after creating the curse of COVID, all in the name of their God, money and power.

But those same trusted medical professionals, then committed treason, I believe against the most sacred and the precious among us, our children!

They began to butcher and mutilate children under the banner of progress. Prosecutors have targeted parents who dare protect their children.

And bureaucrats amass wealth and from you by selling you out!

Now, when it comes to the Epstein files, the tapes, the documents, the proof of evil, locked away, not to protect justice. But to protect the powerful. That's not incompetence. That's not negligence. This is a calculated assault on everything that we hold dear!

I have always said, when you negotiate, or when you are serious about something, never, ever threaten.

Make promises. So this is a promise, not a threat. This is a certainty. Those in the Deep State should understand, things have changed. The American people are waking up, and every day, more eyes are opened. More voices will rise and join the voices of those who are awake. More hearts burn with the realization that this cannot stand!

And this administration, this clear-eyed, resolute administration, is unlike anything I have, and I think most people have seen in their lifetime!

They will not and must not play the games of the past. They will not and cannot negotiate with those who barter our future for their own gain!

They will and must not look away from the crimes of people, the powerful people that are protected by a corrupt division or agents of the FBI.

They will and they must end the game that this country has been playing for the powerful and the elites, not on some levels. But on every single level, it must come to an end.

So I believe, based on -- well, if I were president, based on what we've seen, with the FBI, just on this. Let alone all the other things we've seen, just in the last week, that today, because there was an 8:00 a.m. deadline, or perhaps this weekend, you should see the first steps, the arrests at the highest echelons of the FBI and DOJ. Not out of spite, but out of duty.

These people should be perp walked, if this is true. Handcuffs, on those who think that they are untouchable, not as vengeance. But as justice.

The rule of law and the Constitution demands it! The Constitution itself requires it!

And I think we, the people, deserve it!

And if it doesn't happen, when our FBI is in open rebellion, then come next week, we need to demand why. Why isn't this happening?

If they're in open rebellion? Why haven't you shut that office down?

And listen, if you are one of those people who have chosen the path of defiance, hear my promise to you, clearly.

You continue down this road, at your own peril. Times have changed. You are not the rulers of this country! You are its servants. The country doesn't belong to you. It belongs to us.

All of us, both Republican, tell me, and, yes. Even those smart enough to lead the way, away from those two imposters. And become independent. Beholden to the truth and to the Constitution, and to her people.

This people, we, the people, the first in human history, created a Constitution, that you swore to uphold.

Not to subvert.

You have mistaken your positions for power. Your influence for -- for invincibility.

But the tide has turned. The American spirit, no matter what you did to it, battered.

Beaten up. It's not unbroken.

In fact, it is rising to meet you! And this time, because it knows exactly the evil it's dealing with, especially if you are covering the crimes of sex with minors. We understand that is evil.

This administration backed by the will of the majority of those who voted. Will not flinch!

You think Donald Trump will flinch!

You think Donald Trump is afraid of you?

Donald Trump will act legally, constitutionally, but decisively.

To restore what you seek to dismantle.

Imagine this. Evidence goes missing all of a sudden. Tapes vanish. Files are shredded.

What happens? What happens? You think this president does nothing?

If that happens, this president has every right and, in fact, the duty to demand accountability. And then put those people up for trial.

But I believe for the first time in my life, I believe that trial should be a trial of treason!

If it is proven that you aided and abetted the worst of humanity.

That you shielded those who prayed on the defenseless.

Betrayed your oath for either your personal gain, or for someone else's elite privileges.

Then treason isn't just a word. Treason is a charge.

And the courts, not the mobs. Not the machines. Will weigh the evidence.

Two witnesses, an overt act.

That's the bar. Cross it, and the consequences are yours!

And yours alone!

No one should interpret anything I've said as trying to create fear. Uh-uh.

I've been very careful on what I've said. Because this is about clarity. Evil must be stopped. And you don't stop it with chaos or mobs. You stop it with constitutional order.

You don't do it with vigilantes. You do it with the law. The Bill of Rights. The Constitutions. The principles of liberty.

They're not suggestions. They're the bedrock of our nation!

And for those people who wage private wars, split off from the chain of command. Think that your little office in New York, can get away with defying the president, the DOJ, and the head office of the FBI. You are mistaken.

You can't defy the president and attorney general.

And if you do, you have made yourself a domestic enemy of that constitutional order!

To those who understand their oaths, soldiers, lawmen, citizens, our duty is clear!

Act within the law, uphold the Constitution, and let justice flow like a river!

If it's an lawful, unconstitutional order in America, you are encouraged. In fact, you are charged with the duty to stand against it.

But hiding or God forbid, destroying evidence much crimes, this heinous, is not just unconstitutional.

It is a crime against nature and nature's God.

The safety of our children is not your bargaining chip. Where the rule of law isn't a privilege, for the connected. Where the government answers to the people!

Not the other way around. That was an idea, that was an experiment. That was a dream.

It's not a dream. It's a reality. And we're never there perfectly. But the Mora wake we become, the better we get!

To the statist, to the revolutionaries. To the criminals, who have forgotten their place!

You will feel the full weight of your actions because this administration is not about social justice. This administration is about equal justice.

And it's not because we seek your -- your destruction or because we disagree with you politically. It's because we demand our country's survival.

You had your turn. You had your time to run the country. As if it were yours. But it never was yours.

It is ours to protect and ours to reclaim!

So here's the promise that I think the president has already made. But I'm hoping that we're going to see it in action, in very bold ways here in the next few days.

This ends now!

The game is over.

The American people guided by a resolute administration will constitutionally see justice done.

Not with malice. With resolve. Not with excess.

But with precision.

If arrests believe, if charges follow, if treason is named. It's not going to be a spectacle. It is going to be a reckoning.

A reminder that liberty isn't free, oaths are not optional. That betrayal has a price!

For those of you who are thinking about, I'm going to stand -- just know this. You should turn back now, or face what's coming!

The choice is yours. The outcome is inevitable.

This ship will right itself.

We will protect our children. We will restore the republic.

And we're going to do it together, both Republicans, independents, and Democrats. We will do it constitutionally. We will do it legally.

We will do it unflinchingly. The dawn has come. It is a new day for America. Those who oppose the Constitution, or -- or violate their oath. Your day is coming soon.


Why Trump Must Audit Fort Knox’s Gold Reserves Now! | Glenn TV | Ep 417

Elon Musk, through the DOGE, is shaking up the swamp and freaking out the Left. While his team is working toward government transparency, one of its next moves needs to be digging into perhaps the biggest financial secret in U.S. history: the real status of the American people’s gold. For almost 90 years, America’s gold reserve at Fort Knox has been locked away, unseen and mostly unverified. The last official audit was over 70 years ago, and as Glenn explains, that audit was hardly comprehensive. So what’s really inside Fort Knox? With global markets shifting and questions mounting, Glenn says NOW is the time for real transparency. He traces the murky history of America’s gold — from FDR’s confiscation to Nixon’s break from the gold standard — and warns of the financial reckoning on the horizon. And he heads to the chalkboard for a simple explanation of rehypothecation and why it matters. Is all of our gold accounted for? And if not, what happens next? As Glenn, Elon, and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) push President Trump to open the vault and restore public trust, Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent assures Americans on Bloomberg that the gold is accounted for and promised: “Any U.S. senator who wants to come and visit it can arrange a visit through our office.” Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), who was previously denied access to Fort Knox after multiple requests, tells Glenn he’s ready to take Sec. Bessent up on his offer.

Davidoff Studios Photography / Contributor | Getty Images

Glenn reacts to the Epstein Files: 'This CANNOT stand!'

Glenn hopped on X to express his frustration and disappointment in today's so-called "release" of the Epstein Files, which seems to have yielded little-to-no new information. Though one thing has been made clear: the swamp is far from drained.

Watch Glenn's reaction below:


Who Hid the Epstein List for YEARS? We Need FULL Transparency!

"Phase 1" of the Epstein Files have been released...or have they? As reporters dig through the files, Glenn asks an equally important question: why has it taken so long? Who in the government and FBI decided to seal the list away for YEARS? Also, will the rich and powerful people connected to Jeffrey Epstein, like Bill Gates, face any pressure, or will they continue to influence how the world runs? Glenn also argues that we need even MORE answers: Why was Benghazi covered up? Who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines? We can't stop here ...


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. So here's what Pam Bondi said last night.

VOICE: You said last week, that you had the Epstein files on your desk. When can we see them? And what's taking them so long to release them?

VOICE: I do. Jesse, there are well over, this will make you sick. 200 victims. 200. So we have -- well over -- 250 actually. So we have to make sure that their identity is protected. And their personal information. But other than that, I think tomorrow, you know, the personal information of victims -- other than that, I think tomorrow, Jesse, breaking news right now, you will see some Epstein information being released by my office.

VOICE: What kind? Are we going to see who was on the flights? Are we going to see any evidence from what he recorded? Because he had all of his homes wired with recorded devices.

VOICE: Yeah. What you will see hopefully tomorrow, is a lot of flight logs. A lot of names. A lot of information.

But it's -- it's pretty sick what that man did.

GLENN: What that man did. Hmm. Pragmatism.

I think we're going to find out today, hopefully, that it wasn't just that man. What that man did was make services available for people of very high places, stature, and power to do the things that only in the darkest corners of depraved minds, actually want to do.

Now, the reason why we haven't seen this yet, is because the truth it holds. It threatens to expose the rot, that is eating away at the heart of our system!

The -- the rot that has been nurtured by those in power, on both sides of the political aisle!

I am guessing both sides are involved in this. And this is not about picking teams. Red or blue. Left or right.

This is before right or wrong, good or evil. This is about justice!

True, equal justice! I don't care who you voted for. I don't care how much money you have. I don't care if you were the president of the United States, or you were a ditch digger.

If you were involved in this, the hammer of justice needs to come to your life! Transparency. This is about the survival of a nation that was built on the promise, that the people, not the elites, held the reins.

The Epstein client list must come out. Every name. Every detail, unredacted, except to shield the victims!

So why? Why does this matter? This is not -- this is going to be feasted on by some as salacious, or, yeah. We can finally get them!

It should not be looked at that way. This is not about one man's crimes. Or really, several people, who committed horrific crimes.

This is about a system that has let the powerful skate free, while the rest of us drown in consequences of their doings!

Names like Bill Gates. If Bill Gates was doing things on those planes and on that island, that are illegal, why is Bill Gates, as powerful as he is?

Why is he designing our food system?

Why is he, a man that is possibly this morally horrific. Why is he anywhere near the powers and the tools, that guide our society?

Bill Clinton? Same thing.

And who knows how many others.

They have been protected. They have been insulated by a machine, that thrives on secrecy!

This is not a partisan issue. Both sides have their hands dirty. And both sides have failed us. Even if they weren't on there, both sides should have been demanding that the names come out!

The Clinton servers, why were they wiped clean?

Why did they use acid to burn all the information off of those servers? What was on those servers? Why the cover-up?

How about Benghazi? Our diplomats were there for some unknown reason. No logical reason for them to be there. Then they were abandoned by our military, when we could have -- when the military was begging, let us go in and save these people. They were left to die. And the full story is still buried, and nobody wants to see.

Why? Were we running guns to what became ISIS. My guess is, and it's a very well-educated guess. Yes!

While that was unfolding. Hillary Clinton and USAID, they were the ones that were pulling the strings in Libya. Remember? They were cackling as the Gadhafi's body was dragged into through the street.

I think he was actually alive for a while. They cackled, we came. We saw. He died.

Grotesque doesn't even begin to cover that attitude. Meanwhile, the Nord Stream pipeline exploded. Now we're told that this is just a couple on a yacht, you know, that took it out for a weekend and blew it. Everyone knows -- everyone knows, it would take someone that has the skill of the United States and possibly the United States alone, to pull this off!

This wasn't a couple of -- you know, a couple of honeymooners that were just out there like, you know what, let's blow up the pipeline. It didn't happen that way. It was the largest environmental disaster in our history.

And not our history. The history of all mankind. And yet, who is talking about that?

Compare the reaction to the Exxon Valdez. Do you remember that?

The headlines. The demand for accountability. We almost had Exxon shut down because people said, it's too dangerous to have oil!

The Exxon Valdez. Remember the lawsuits, the cleanup?

Nord Stream? Nah. Nothing! It's almost as if people in power want us all to forget.

Meanwhile, what are we doing as a society?

I don't think we ever went to the moon! Oh, shut up! Shut up about that!

We're -- that's a distraction! I am convinced that the whole thing about, we are on our way to the moon. Is nothing, but noise to keep us from asking the real, true questions, from demanding the truth on what actually matters!

Who blew up Nord Stream?

Who is on video? Molesting children? In both Hollywood and with Epstein. And who has stopped this from coming out? Who is in bed with our enemies? With China! You know, look at the -- at the anti-Elon Musk rallies.

We now thanks to AI can follow the money. It doesn't -- you know, I used to have a huge staff. It used to cost me a million dollars a year, personally, just to be able to track down things like the Tides Foundation. I'm the only person that ever worked at Fox that lost money by working there. Because I wanted to find the truth. And 20 years ago, it was really hard. You had to do it, almost all by hand!

Now, we can follow the money. The anti-Elon Musk rallies, I told you from the beginning. Those were most likely paid for by you. And they're not real. And I can say that because I know the history of the left.

I know the history of our own government. You can tell because, who are the people protesting? And they're saying that this is grassroots? Nobody cared about USAID. Nobody, on either side. There isn't one -- there isn't one single mom that's taken her kids to school and to the soccer field. That is like, you know what I'm really upset about is USAID?

Yeah. I'm going to go protest the closing of USAID. No. Well, now because of AI, we can just track the money. Hmm. What a shock!

Those were all funded and fake -- fake movements bankrolled by the same crowd that are tied to all of the corruption in our government. And perhaps those on the Epstein and Diddy list. Because I have a feeling, we are going to find the same people, over and over.

Does any of this sound familiar? Like, like we've been here before. Because we have.

Remember Jay Edgar Hoover? Yeah. He wielded tremendous -- he, by the way, was a cross-dresser. Which, who are you to judge?

He wielded tremendous power? How did he do it? He had pictures. He had recordings. He had films.

And he had the shadows. Well, now, we -- we all said, we can't let that happen again. Nobody said anything while he was alive. Because he had secrets on everyone. But the minute he died, they were like, we have to stop that from happening again. Well, now it's not just one man. Now it's an entire elite class. Proving time and time again, they only care about themselves. They don't care about you. They don't care about justice.

They care about them.

The disease that we are suffering under right now, is not just about Epstein or Diddy, or taped up perversions.

Although, those videos do exist, and we know it!

We should ask the question, why hasn't -- why haven't the names been released? Why are we all still in the dark?

The system is built now, to protect, enrich, and cover the crimes of the powerful.

Robert friend, who was an FBI whistle-blower.

He and another friend confirmed before Kash Patel stepped into the offices. They were shredding documents like they were preparing for Charles Lindbergh's ticker parade in the 20s!

Evidence has been destroyed!

Tracks have been covered.

This is what we're up against.

That's why Trump is moving at the speed of light.

He has to.

Because this is a machine, that shields the guilty and mocks the rest of us.

We're a nation right now, gang. We have stage four cancer.

Is that the worst cancer you can have? Or is it stage five? Because we might have stage eight cancer right now. It's all throughout our body of republic!

It's government, banks, media, all of it. The patient, our republic is on its deathbed.

And we have two kinds of family members that are surrounding the patient on the bed.

And they're all saying the same thing. Oh, this is horrible!

Oh, my gosh. Oh. Oh, Uncle Sam, can't die on us now. But in that group of people around the deathbed, we have those who actually love the patient.

Not necessarily what they've turned into. But love the patient. And don't want the patient to die. And then those who have been slowly poisoning his food. And now in the room, slipping a little mix into his IV when nobody was looking. We don't even know yet who to suspect!

So let me show you the path to rediscovery. For our dear Uncle Sam!

Who is not our uncle! And also, wears striped pants. The only people I know that wears striped pants like that, are people in prison!

So let's not get all choked up about how great Uncle Sam is! He belongs in jail himself.

But what he is supposed to represent, is what's really at stake. Really on the deathbed. So let me show us -- show I how we need to cure this, in just a second.

GLENN: Okay. So if you have a loved one in the hospital, and they have stage 18 cancer!

What does the doctor come in and say?

The doctor says, okay. For any chance for this patient to survive. Radical surgery. Chemotherapy.

Radiation. And perhaps even experimental drugs.

Well, that might kill them!

Yeah. The patient is dead anyway!

Any chance of survival? Radical, radical steps need to be taken!

We all know this. Because that's why we hired Donald Trump.

Because we knew it would take radical steps to be able to save this patient. We have to cut the disease out. And we've got to do it now.

You know, the hard reality is truth is our unum. Out of many, one. Not unity. Not our diversity. But truth.

Verifiable, unvarnished truth. That's the only thing that will set us free. But we've been too comfortable, too trusting. Too willing to let the powerful one the show. While we just sit back.

If we want a government that answers to us, we have to continue to step up.

Our rights come with duties. And we've honestly, I have.

Shirked mine for far too long. But did Epstein kill himself?

I don't know! It's really odd with a paper sheet!

And it's more plausible than faking the moon landing, that somebody came in from the Clinton camp and killed him.

Did we blow up Nord Stream? I don't know.

Run guns to ISIS? I don't know.

Spark the Arab spring. Yeah. Topple governments and Colour Revolutions in the past 20 years, all without you knowing it, but you paying for it? Yeah. Even revolutions like in Ukraine? Yeah, about to happen times.

We need answers, and we need them laid all bare on the table. No more secrets. No more shadows. If this was a computer, and it was overrun to this extent, with hacks and malware, you would shut it down!

Wipe it clean, and restore it to factory settings.

That's what we need. A total reboot of the system. Back to its you constitutional roots, where the people call the shots.

So what do you do today?

You wait for that Epstein list to come out. And if it doesn't come out, you politely say, hey, how come. How come it doesn't come out?

You politely ask, every name, no excuses. The Diddy list, the facts on Nord Stream, Benghazi, and everything else. All of it. It's your role as the boss of this government. They work for you!