The Untold, Pivotal Role Faith Played in Jackie Robinson's Life

Ed Henry, chief national correspondent for Fox News Channel, joined Glenn on radio Tuesday to talk about his new book 42 Faith: The Rest of the Jackie Robinson Story. While the 2013 movie 42 was excellent, it barely covered a key component to the Jackie Robinson story: faith. Henry set out to correct the record.

"I found out new information, which is why I wrote this book," Henry relayed. "Branch Rickey, right before signing Jackie to the first contract in 1945, secretly had doubts --- he had second thoughts, he almost pulled out. But it was a secret meeting with the minister in Brooklyn at a wonderful church that still stands today, Plymouth Church, which was a stop on the Underground Railroad in the 1800s."

The iconic church was pivotal in ending slavery in the 1800s, as well as launching the career of Jackie Robinson, the first African-American player in Major League Baseball, in the 1940s. In 42 Faith: The Rest of the Jackie Robinson Story, Henry explained how Rickey, the general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, needed to be in the presence of God to know he was doing the right thing.

"After pacing and praying on all of this . . . Branch Rickey finally sits down, starts crying and says to the minister, I've decided to sign Jackie to the first contract," Henry said.

Throughout Jackie Robinson's life, faith played a major role --- saving him as a young man and changing the course of history as a baseball player.

It took Henry nearly 10 years to research and write the book in his downtime. 42 Faith: The Rest of the Jackie Robinson Story is available in bookstores everywhere.

Enjoy the complimentary clip or read the transcript for details.

GLENN: Welcome to the program, Ed Henry. How are you, sir?

ED: Good. Thanks for having me on, Glenn.

GLENN: You bet. I would love to talk to you about politics and what you see going on. But I really want to spend some time talking about Jackie Robinson. Because I think until we get the story of America right and the story of our heroes, we're never going to be able to -- we're playing games, and we're never going to be able to fix our country.

ED: Yeah.

GLENN: So I'm glad you're here. And your book is absolutely fantastic. I don't -- I don't follow -- you know, I don't follow sports. But even I know who Jackie Robinson is.

ED: Uh-huh.

GLENN: At least that's what I thought until I read your book.

ED: Well, I appreciate that because I think there's a whole lot more to the story.

And Hollywood doesn't want, as you know, better than anyone, to touch faith and God. They don't want to talk about that. And so there was a movie, 42, about Jackie Robinson and Branch Rickey, the general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, who signed him to the first contract to break the color barrier in major legal baseball, which obviously, as you suggest did not just change sports. It changed America for the better, forever.

GLENN: Yeah.

ED: But Hollywood, you know, the 42 movie was wonderful. But it did not -- it barely mentioned God. I found out new information, which is why I wrote this book, that Branch Rickey, right before signing Jackie to the first contract in 1945, secretly had doubts. He had second thoughts. He almost pulled out. But it was a secret meeting with the minister in Brooklyn at a wonderful church that still stands today, Plymouth Church, which was a stop on the Underground Railroad in the 1800s.

So when you talk about getting our history right, this was a pivotal church in helping end slavery in the 1800s. And then in 1945, Branch Rickey, I learned -- and it's in 42 Faith -- basically goes to this minister and says, "I don't know if I can go through with this," because this was such a controversial move in '45 to move to integrate Major League Baseball. And after pace and praying on all of this, a 45-minute meeting that I uncover the details of, which this minister in Brooklyn, Branch Rickey finally sits down, starts crying and says to the minister, I've decided to sign Jackie to the first contract. I needed to be in your presence, he says to the minister. I needed to be in God's presence to know it was the right thing to do. I thought --

GLENN: Okay. So if this were story were told today or happened today, here's how this story would be spun: That Branch Rickey wanted to do it because he was going to have all kinds of publicity and that would be good for the club. And he made this pilgrimage to a black church that was a perfect church because of the history so everybody would know. And he was only doing this for show.

ED: Yeah.

GLENN: Correct?

ED: Yeah, I think --

GLENN: Correct that.

ED: Correct, that that would be the way it might be played now. But the fact of the matter is what this led me to do was go on a journey and think and figure out and research. And I spent almost ten years doing this on the side, you know, on the back-burner, while covering politics, as you said at the top. It made me say, wait a second, how much did God and faith in God play in this monumental decision, that, again, wasn't just baseball? But maybe more importantly, how much did faith play in helping Jackie Robinson overcome people shouting the N-word at him, literally threatening his life because he wanted to play baseball.

And I found a lot of new information. I'll tell you one quick story about Branch Rickey. In the early 1900s, he grows up on a farm in Ohio, along the Kentucky border. And he goes to his mom, Branch Rickey does, and says, I want to become a Big League ballplayer. She says no. She was a Methodist and said, "All baseball players do is drink and swear and party, and you're not doing that."

Well, Branch Rickey goes back to her the next day. This is somebody who didn't take no for an answer obviously, or he might have backed down and not integrated the game of baseball, decades later. But in the early 1900s, he said, mom, if you let me chase my dream to play Big League Baseball, I will never play on Sunday.

And do you know that Rickey became a big league player before he was a famous executive? A lot of people don't know that. He never played on Sunday. It's one reason why he got cut because owners of various teams said, "Why am I paying you a full week's salary when you won't play on Sunday to honor God?"

And then fast-forward to after he signs Jackie Robinson, and he's this famous executive for the Brooklyn Dodgers. I interviewed Branch Rickey's grandson. Branch Rickey III, who is still alive, he said that in the '40s and '50s, Rickey would never go to Ebbets Field on Sunday, even though he was running the team. His parents had died. Glenn, he had already -- that commitment he made to his parents was basically null and void, but he felt like he needed to honor that. That shows commitment, character, we don't see today. It shows a commitment to God that people are frankly scared to talk about and say out loud today. But Branch Rickey and Jackie Robinson, they were one white, one black, different generations. Didn't have a lot in common, but they both had a deep faith in God. And that's why I think there's a lot more to this story that people didn't want to talk about.

GLENN: So let's talk about Jackie Robinson. I had absolutely no idea that, A, he was a Sunday teacher and that he gave a lot of sermons.

ED: Yes. And I want to tell you about some of them. First of all, in terms of Sunday school, this is a man, Jackie Robinson, who grow up -- you know, he's raised by a single mom in Pasadena, California. We hear about this a lot today, not just in the African-American community. Communities all around the country. And say, "Well, these kids end up joining gangs. And they've got no hope." Well, guess what, Jackie Robinson joined a gang. He's a teenager in Pasadena. He has a criminal record. He was arrested several times, Glenn. And people don't know that about the story. And you know how he got out of it? His mom Mali, Mali Robinson was a woman of faith. She happened also to be a Methodist, like Branch Rickey and his family. Interesting connection. Coincidental perhaps, but still interesting.

And a Christian minister named Reverend Carl Downs in Pasadena pulled Jackie aside as a teenager and said, "You're going the wrong way. Unless you get your life back on track, you're going to waste all this athletic talent."

So the Sunday school you mentioned is, I find in my research that Jackie becomes this four-letter man at UCLA: Baseball, basketball, football, and track and field. He stars as a football player at UCLA on Saturdays. Gets up Sunday.

He's a running back. So he's beaten and bruised, like any other running back. And what does he do on Sunday morning? Gets out of bed. Gets off that UCLA campus and goes back to Pasadena in order to teach Sunday school with the Reverend Carl Downs. This minister had saved his life, and he felt like he had a commitment to him.

Again, to me, there was a wonderful parallel there with Branch Rickey about that commitment to his parents about faith and not playing. Not working on Sundays.

Jackie Robinson -- how many athletes today, either college or pro, get out of bed on Sunday morning and say, you know, I'm going to teach Sunday school before I go to the game or before I do this or that? This is somebody who gave back and understood it. We can get into the sermons as well that he did after his playing days. But I think faith in God is at the center of the story and that's why we call it 42 Faith.

GLENN: I will tell you that I teach Sunday school, and it is impossible -- almost every week, I think, I'm going to call in sick. I just -- I've got so many things going on. Blah, blah. I'm not Jackie Robinson.

ED: Right.

GLENN: Jackie Robinson is not only playing and doing all these things, but also, throughout his life, he is pushed up against the wall. When he first comes out and he's set to make his debut, there's a sniper that has threatened and said --

ED: Yep.

GLENN: -- I'm taking him out. If he steps up to bat, I'm taking him out.

ED: Yep.

And you know what happened? We see in the movie, 42, that there white players from the deep South who circulated a petition and said, "If Jackie gets promoted to the Big Leagues in 1947, we're going to walk." And so we can't sanitize that history. There were white players, teammates who didn't want to play with them.

But you know what I found in my research is there were white teammates like Ralph Branca, a very tall pitcher. And you're right. There were these reports that came into the Dodgers. April 15th, 1947. This is now the 17th anniversary that we're celebrating, of Jackie's first game. He said, there's a sniper. Going to be at Ebbets Field. They're going to kill Jackie when he goes on the field.

And Ralph Branca made a show on the field of standing next to Jackie and kind of throwing his arm around him. And Jackie, thankfully, is not shot. But after the game, one of Branca's brothers comes rushing up to him. He had a big family.

Said, Ralphie, what were you thinking? You were standing right next to this guy. This black player, who was going to get shot. There's a sniper out there, and you were standing next to him. What are you thinking?

And he said, there are worse ways to go than to stand up for a teammate. That was a white pitcher. He was like 6-3, 6-4. He was a big target for a sniper. That's why I mentioned his height.

And yet this white player said, I'm going to stand up for a black teammate. That to me is all about not just faith, but about America, number one. And, number two, you talk about commitment from Jackie. You talk about yourself teaching Sunday school. Jackie's wife Rachel is still alive, about 95 years old. And she remembers that first year when Jackie had snipers out there. He had people sending him letters, saying, we're going to kill you. People shouting the N-word from the stands.

She says that after playing at Ebbets Field every day -- afternoon, he would take the subway home to the small apartment they had in Manhattan. And before he went to bed, do you know what Jackie Robinson, this famous ballplayer did? She says he got down on his hands and knees and prayed to God.

And I think, again, that commitment -- I'm not saying that faith was the only thing that enabled him to play in the athletics field. He had courage. He had character. But faith in God was at the center of Jackie Robinson's life. And it was not something that a lot of people talked about before for various reasons. And I think that image of this famous ballplayer getting on his hands and knees, praying to God every night before bed, shows that he got that. He understood that despite his fame, despite him becoming a civil rights icon, he was imperfect and still wanted to bow down before God.

GLENN: I will tell you that I know -- Penn Jillette is a friend of mine, an atheist, and he has courage and principles. And I know a lot of religious people who don't have courage and principles. But somebody like Jackie Robinson, it's hard to believe that it didn't -- that wasn't what was really driving. We're talking to Ed Henry of the Fox News Channel. Written a new book called 42 Faith: The Rest of the Jackie Robinson Story.

As you were researching this, did anybody come to mind at all? Are you seeing these people, Ed, in your everyday life? Are you seeing them anywhere in positions of power?

ED: No. I think that's something that -- and I'm an optimistic story. But as someone -- as I research, as I thought about men of character like Branch Rickey, like Jackie Robinson, like Ralph Branca, who I mentioned, who stood up on faith -- and, you know, you mentioned the sermons that Jackie gave. I mean, I found in his personal papers at the Library of Congress, all of these sermons that Jackie gave at churches all across America in the 1960s. He had hung up his glove in the beginning at '57. The baseball glove. So in the '60s, he's retired. He's working for Chock Full O' Nuts. He makes the baseball Hall of Fame. But, again, he gives back. He goes to churches. Not just black churches, but churches all around America. And let me read one quick passage, where he talked about how he was skeptical about federal government assistance programs being what would help deal with the civil rights crisis, would deal with the long hot summer of 1967.

This was a sermon in '67. And he said, my dear friends in this congregation, I think the black man is just a little weary of this constant help of helping him. I think to a large degree, the poverty programs have fallen flat on their face, coming to resemble just some more handouts, a cut higher than welfare.

God helps mankind, Jackie Robinson said. But he helps those who helps himself. So here is this civil rights icon saying that in 1977. Not in a public square, but in a church, number one, Glenn. And number two, 1967, 50 years ago. Think about that statement today. We don't have a lot of people in public life saying that. And here's a black leader saying that. A black ball player who made the Hall of Fame and an icon.

GLENN: So, Ed, you and I both know what the last -- since 9/11 has been like. Especially at the Fox News Channel. You've been there for a long time, longer than I was.

ED: Yeah.

GLENN: And you know what it was like when I was there. And mainly because of me causing all the trouble. Sorry for that, by the way.


GLENN: Was this --

ED: I don't know where you're going with this.

GLENN: Is this -- was this your way of searching for some sort of bedrock that made life make sense, that gave you courage to stand? Was this just a -- was this just your stamp collecting thing just to take your mind -- what happened to you with this?

ED: It started in my stamp collecting, in that I have a passion for baseball. And a lot of people ask me, "Well, why in the world did you write a baseball book?" I mean, number one, I don't think the world is begging for a book about Obamacare from Ed Henry. I don't feel like -- you know, how many politicians are out there -- no offense to any of my colleagues or anyone. And number two is, you know, it's not really a baseball book.

GLENN: Yeah.

ED: It's a book about faith in God. And I'm a Catholic. I'm imperfect. But you always strive to be better. And Jackie Robinson said in these personal papers, I found, there are better Christians than me. I'm imperfect. And here's Jackie Robinson, who's pretty darn close to perfect.

But he said, I just did the best that I knew how. Paraphrasing. And I didn't want to let down my mother or Mr. Rickey. He always called him Mr. Rickey.

And what did Mr. Rickey, the general manager have in common with Jackie Robinson? Again, different generations. Different skin color. Came of age in different parts of the country. But they both -- you know, both the Robinson families and the Rickey families had deep faith in God. And when Jackie Robinson says, "Look, I'm not perfect, but I did the best I knew how." For me, this is a kind of project that finds some deeper meaning. And I think in Jackie Robinson, it's not just a baseball story. It's a story about life. And it's a story about how faith in God is at the center of our lives, whether people want to say it out loud or not.

GLENN: I will tell you, the book endorsed by Bill O'Reilly. Brad Thor. Juan Williams and Larry King. You couldn't get more eclectic than that. Oh, and Jim Brown. So no more eclectic than that.

ED: Jim Brown.

Well, I appreciate it.

GLENN: Ed, thank you so much. The name of the book is 41 Faith. A great read.

STU: 42 Faith.

ED: Forty-two.

GLENN: 42 Faith.

STU: That's the prequel. It's coming out next year --

GLENN: Do I understand 42 if I only read 41?

ED: 43 is going to be the best.


GLENN: All right.

Ed Henry, thank you very much. And much success.

ED: Thanks, buddy.

Alleged New York CHINESE SPY is just the tip of the iceberg

Alleged New York CHINESE SPY is just the tip of the iceberg

A former top aid for New York Governor Kathy Hochul and former Governor Andrew Cuomo has been indicted on suspicion of being a Chinese spy. Glenn speaks with independent reporter Peter Schweizer, whose book “Blood Money” exposes the shocking amount of shady connections to China that exist on both sides of the political aisle. Schweizer breaks down the story of Linda Sun, who is accused of acting as a foreign agent for the Chinese Communist Party in return for a luxurious lifestyle … and a surprising amount of salted ducks. He also explains whether he’s optimistic that the 2024 election can turn things around, or whether Chinese connections will thrive under a “Vice President Tim Walz.”


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: We are under attack in so many different ways. One of those ways is we have been infiltrated by China. And there are Chinese spies, everywhere, and they're at the highest level.

We now find out, we now find out, that we have Kathy Hochul's assistant, the governor of California, high-level adviser, has been being paid by the Chinese government to help them out. How much is your citizenship worth?

How much -- how much would you sell your country out for?

Peter Schweizer is here to tell us, any details, that he has. He has been following the Chinese infiltration for a very long.

Welcome, Peter. How are you?

PETER: Hi, I'm great, Glenn. Always good to be with you. Thanks for having me.

GLENN: Thank you.

So in your book, Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans. You talk about how many and both on the Republican and the Democratic side, how many people are selling their souls to China.

Tell me about this case. What do you know about it?

PETER: Yeah. So Linda's son was the deputy chief of staff for Kathy Hochul. Before that, she served for years in senior positions for Andrew Cuomo. She was his chief -- deputy chief diversity officer, for example.

And essentially, what she's being charged with in a 60-page indictment. Is getting millions of dollars, from the Chinese government and from the CCP.

And she took her position and used it, for the benefit of China.

So, for example, she blocked representatives from the Taiwanese government, from even having access to the governor's office. She altered state messages, that were important to Chinese officials. So she literally would change a message, to benefit them.

She also helped Chinese officials travel to the United States. She issued unauthorized invitations, that weren't approved by anyone else.

That allowed government officials to come into the United States. And she gave Chinese officials access to private New York government conversations, during the COVID-19 crisis.

Explaining how they were going to respond.

She would actually patch them in, on these high-level group telephone calls.

And in exchange for that, according to prosecutors, she received a lot of benefits from the Chinese government. She was able to buy a 4.1 million-dollar Long Island home, a 2.1 million-dollar condo in Hawaii.

She and her husband also bought a 2024 Ferrari Roma, and I guess maybe my personal favorite, Glenn, she also is accused of getting 16 meals that were prepared by a Chinese government chef. They were salted duck, which sounds good to me.

GLENN: Yeah. Well, it changes -- I mean, once you hear the salted duck thing, that she got 16 of them. You think, well, maybe. Maybe. It changes things dramatically.

Why did it take so long for this to become apparent? What does her husband do, by the way? Do you know?

PETER: Yeah. Her husband in New York, ran a sort of export/import business, a little bit, maybe.

GLENN: Really?

PETER: But the other thing, Glenn, is that she apparently, according to the indictments, think about this, she's a senior state official for Andrew Cuomo and the current governor of New York.

She apparently ran her own business in China, in mainland China, which is where she was born.

She's a naturalized US citizen. But she actually had a business in China, that nobody knew about it.

And the Chinese government also apparently the gave her cousin, a cushy job.

That is mentioned among the indictments as well.

GLENN: How -- how -- how many more are there?

How widespread is this, Peter?

PETER: Oh, it's a massive problem.

And look, this is something you and I have been talking about since 2018.

You've talked about it on Blaze TV.

And that is, that they have avoided, really enforcing the foreign agent's registration act.

Which requires, if you do anything to benefit a foreign government or a foreign government-linked business. You're required to file with the Department of Justice.

And they didn't really support this law, at all.

And then, of course, they used it against various Republicans.

Which, you know, look, if they're guilty of it, they're guilty of it, they should be charged.

But it's selective. This case was a long time coming.

Of course, there is back -- I think a strong case fort same violations, that took place by Hunter Biden.

Faced millions of dollars.

GLENN: Yep. From the Chinese.

PETER: Yep. Yep.

By the Chinese. By the Ukrainians.
By the Romanians. By the Russians.

I think you can make a fair case in every one of those instances, when it relates to Hunter Biden.

And the Department of Justice now in their tax case against Hunter Biden has even said that he ran a for-influence peddling scene, but he's yet to be charged under this foreign agent's registration act, which is what Melinda's son has now been charged with.

GLENN: And he got more than salted duck.

Well, maybe.

I mean, I saw some of the videos.

He might have. Anyway, let's move on.

You know, Peter, I can't thank you enough

For all the work you've done. My mood never improves after talking to you. But I'm appreciative of the not only.

Can I get a read from you, on -- how optimistic are you, that we can turn things around, with this election?

PETER: I'm cautiously optimistic. Look, the bottom line is we have to be realists. You know, the reminder here is we don't want to be optimistic, because you're naive. And you don't want to be pessimistic. Because you just give up all hope. But the bottom line, I do think there are people around Trump, that have Chinese connections. But there are also people around Trump that recognize this problem. I believe those are in the closer inner circle. When you look at Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

I mean, Tim Walz, does not get -- did not get money from the Chinese.

But he fits the definition of a fellow traveler. And my fear is, that with him as vice president, because he's at an exchange program, with China for 30 years.

They will make him the point person on China policy. And then God forbid, I think we will be in deep trouble.

GLENN: So -- going to be in deep trouble. Peter, when you look at everything that is going on, and what they are now admitting to, and saying, you know, we're going to do price controls. We're going to do unrealized gains tax. You know, the -- their stance on war. Their stance on everything.

I mean, there is no way, that if that's your plan, which is coming together, oh, so nicely, especially when it comes to controlling free speech, all around the world, and we're involved with it, in England and in Brazil, there's no way that Donald Trump, that they could allow him to win.

Because he really is the only thing standing in the way, of all of these very nefarious plans.

PETER: Yeah. I mean, this is the weird place where we are in America, Glenn, where you have Donald Trump, who sort of breaks all molds.

And one of the people that's vigorously supporting him.

Is Robert Kennedy Jr. Who also breaks a lot of molds.

And they will disagree with a lot of policy positions. But the point is, they've recognized the essential problem.

And the essential problem is this desire for control, and dominance.

Where the left has essentially been fused with corporate America. Big government and big business are not enemies. They're actually allies.

And this is the place that we find ourselves.

And I think what the Harris campaign is really trying to do is bank, that a sizeable proportion of the American population, voting population, is going to be ignorant.

So they play this game, where they talk about these policy prescriptions, that really don't have widespread popularity. You know, this tax on unrealized gains is just ridiculous.

But they're -- they're obscuring it enough, to where they think, that a lot of people won't even be aware, that that is her position.

That's the game that they're playing.

And I still want to have enough faith that people will see to that, and understand what's going on.

GLENN: Yeah. I hope so. Peter, thank you so much.

God bless you. Keep on the trail. You bet.

Peter Schweizer. Investigative journalist, who used to be one of the most beloved investigative journalists, when it came to government corruption. Because he rats out both sides. That's not good enough anymore.

You can only rat out one side. And it has to be the conservatives. If you do it to the other side, you're over.

But luckily, his books are well-read by, you know, millions of Americans. So he continues to do his job.

Glenn DESTROYS The New York Times for calling The Constitution a THREAT

Glenn DESTROYS The New York Times for calling The Constitution a THREAT

A new New York Times op-ed titled “The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous?” may be the most delusional thing Glenn has read in a while. Glenn reviews the article, which suggests that the Constitution may be a threat to “America’s politics” (hint: IT IS, and it’s supposed to be), that the Constitution may be to blame for Trump, and that our founding document “could hasten the end of American democracy.” Glenn also spots an argument that’s right out of the far-left’s contingency plan for if Trump won in 2020: The Transition Integrity Project. In the end, Glenn points out that the Times isn't the first to suggest that the Constitution is dangerous ...


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: The New York Times just released an op-ed, the America's Constitution is sacred. But is it also the biggest threat to our politics?

Bum, bum, bum. Yes! It actually is a threat to our politics! Yes! As it should be a threat to our politics. The United States Constitution is in trouble. After Donald Trump lost the 2020 election. Really? Is that when it became in trouble, Stu? I mean, I'm just. I'm thinking back. I'm thinking back. You know, a little bit before Donald Trump. Like, I don't know.

Woodrow Wilson. And I've been thinking, the Constitution has been in trouble since about then. Maybe it's just me?

STU: Yeah. That doesn't seem like it was a little bit earlier, considering the words of Woodrow Wilson, who tried to basically do to the founding documents, what happened to that neighbor's mountain.

Like, it just -- light it on fire, and watch it burn.

GLENN: Yeah. That was it. By announcing his desire to throw a Donald Trump.

To throw off Constitutional constraints, in order to satisfy his personal ambitions, Trump was making his authoritarian inclinations abundantly clear. Now, let me ask you.

Who is the one that is currently talking about the redesign of the Supreme Court?

I mean, by the way, I just want you to know, that's what dictators always do.

That is the last step to a banana republic. That is the point of no return.

When you -- when you have the president, or the Prime Minister, or whoever.

Change the makeup of the Supreme Court.

That's the last straw. Now, which one of those is doing that?

STU: Glenn, we're just talking about a return to normalcy.

That's all that is.

That whole renovating the Supreme Court into something that has never existed is a return to normalcy.

GLENN: Yeah. May I ask you, Stu. Isn't this exactly the same thing they did with Joe Biden?

They ran him, and he didn't talk to the press. He never was in front of people.

He was in his basement.

When he was out. He was always on prompter.

And then they just made the case, that he was normal.

He was just like you. He was for all the things you are for. Just a return to normalcy.

That's exactly what they're doing. Again, America!

Come on.


STU: Yeah. And again, it's important to understand the return to normalcy. Just purveys this throughout the entire campaign.

For example, the return to enormous, of having debates that go through the presidential commission on -- on debates. Remember that whole thing?

That's now basically defunct, because the president of the United States, decided he was going to be cocky. And cancel one of the debates.

Leave the normal format, and then taunt his opponent about it, and lose so badly that he had to end his political career.

And then the person who took over for them, not only didn't go back to the commission and say, hey. Let's start this up again. Let's do three things.

No, no, no. She just had the one that was already there. And tried to change the rules of that.

Then also taunted the opponent in the debate. Let's see if she shows up. Because that would be I think the most normal thing possible.

GLENN: Well, you forgot the most normal part of that story. That is getting the nomination without a single vote cast for her.

STU: Yeah. Normal. Normal, guys.

GLENN: Totally normal. Constitutional.

And totally normal. And, really, what people are demanding.

Anyway, it's no surprise, then that liberals charged Trump with being a menace to the Constitution, but his presidency and the prospect of his re-election have also generated another very different argument. That Trump owes his political assent to the Constitution, making him a beneficiary of a document that is essentially anti-democratic. Wait. Wait. Wait.

You say we're a democracy, okay? You said, we've always been a democracy. What would make us a democracy, would be the Constitution.

But we're not a democracy. The Constitution says we have democratic attributes. But we are a republic. And now you're calling this an antidemocratic document?

I mean, after all, Trump became president in 2016, after losing the popular vote. But winning the electoral college.

Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. You're not going to believe. You're not going to believe this, Stu.

He appointed three justices to the Supreme Court for him article three. Two of whom were just confirmed by senators representing 44 percent of the population. Article one. Whose three justices helped overturn Roe vs. Wade. A reversal that most Americans disagreed with. Imminent legal scholar, Erwin Chemerinsky. Yes. I love Erwin Chemerinsky. They put him in place, long time ago.

He's great. He's an eminent scholar, and he's worried about opinion polls showing a dramatic loss of faith in democracy.

It's never been any faith in democracy!

He writes in his new book, no democracy lasts forever. No.

In fact, that's why we're not a democracy. And that's why our Constitution has lasted. When the average Constitution of the world lasts 17 years, ours has survived since 1781.

I don't know. A little longer than 17 years! Anyway, no democracy lasts from her. It's important for Americans to see that the failure stems from the Constitution itself.

Oh, really? Yes, Mr. Chemerinsky, dean of Berkeley Law School.

STU: Of course. That's Kamala Harris' hometown, by the way. I just wanted to point that out. It's not Oakland.

GLENN: No. It's Oakland.

STU: I know she's a daughter of Oakland. But actually, she grew up in Berkeley and Montreal, and then went to Howard University.

And then went to San Francisco.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: So you want to talk about a path to normal middle?

GLENN: She's red, white, and blue person.

She, like, screams Constitution and small-town America from Berkeley, California.

STU: Just a heavy emphasis on the red.

GLENN: So...


What are you saying? Red, red, blue. That's who she is? Red, blue. Yes. She's all American. Anyway, he says, he -- Americans have a problem with the Constitution.

And Chemerinsky deemed Berkeley political law school seems to place considerable faith in Constitution, pleading with federal progressives in the book, we, the people. Not to turn backs on Constitution or the courts, but by contrast, no democracy lasts forever.

Markedly pessimistic, asserting that the Constitution, which is famously difficult to amend. It's difficult to amend?

Those should be walk in park! We should be able to -- like mama makes apple pie, when she makes that apple pie, she puts it on shelf. And some neighbor can come and just get it.

I see it in American cartoons. And it should be that easy to amend Constitution.

But it's not. It's very difficult. And he says, what would need to happen is a new constitutional convention.

And in the books, more somber moments. Which I wrote, I entertain possibility of secession.

Vladimir Putin not for secession at all. No. He -- he loves the Constitution of the United States.

And west coast states might form nation called Pacifica.

Red states might form their own country.

But he -- he hopes that any divorce, if it comes, will be peaceful.

STU: Oh.

GLENN: Wait. So hang on just a second.

So this guy is from Berkeley.

And he's talking about Pacifica. Where did I hear this before?

I remember. Before the 2020 election, Stu. The Democrats had some group together, that was going to save America. Remember? In case Donald Trump won. And one of the things they said was, we will have California break up west coast into Pacifica.

California, parts of -- of Oregon. Maybe parts of Washington state. Would become Pacifica.

And that we would break away. And if they didn't want to us breakaway. Then we demand that Trump add two states.

One would be Washington, DC. And the other one would be make a state out of Puerto Rico.

Oh, I remember that now.


And what was their problem.

Oh, their problem was, the electoral college.

Which is weird. Because he just didn't mention the electoral college. The prospect of secession sounds extreme, he says. But in suggesting that the Constitution could hasten the end of American democracy.

Chemerinsky is far from alone. Lots of people have got Boris and Natasha, say same thing.

The argument, that what ails the country's politics isn't simply the president or Congress or the Supreme Court, but the founding document itself.


That's been our problem for the last 250 years?

Thing longest running Constitution, in the longest running republic, in human history.

And that's our problem. All along. That's our problem. Uh-huh.

STU: It's not like we haven't had a good run of success here.

It would be one thing, if we were -- there's an area of outer Mongolia that the United States looked like. And we were a little disappointed in the progress that we had made.

It's kind of the most advanced country ever -- you know, developed. It's -- it's -- it's overseen. This incredible -- you know. All these incredible innovations.

GLENN: Have you looked at it lately. Have you looked at Aurora, Colorado? That's the Constitution's fault.

STU: Oh, when the Venezuelans are taking over the apartment complexes?

GLENN: Yes. Yes. Constitution's fault. How is that Constitution?

Donald Trump.

STU: Yeah.

That's a good point. But you didn't quite -- maybe you need to go a little bit more into depth. Why the words Donald Trump --

GLENN: I won't listen to you, conspiracy theory, anymore. Really honestly.

I'm just looking at this. He says, that the Constitution has incentivized the tyranny of the minority.

It's the Constitution's fault!

You see?

You see? Now, if I remember right, one of the things they put in there, to make sure that there wasn't the tyranny of the minority, was the -- was the electoral college.

That way, California, New York, couldn't dominate everybody in the red states.

You know, kind of what they're doing. And when you talk about tyranny of the minority.

Stu, if it wasn't for -- I mean, it's still a minority. But it's a growing minority.

You know, if it wasn't for 30 percent of all future adults, in America, now claiming to be transgender and gay, and, you know, My Little Pony.

You would say, maybe this is all happening, you know, with the tyranny of the minority.

But no.


STU: Well, that is okay. And as we have talked about, many, many times.

You know, 40. Thirty to 40 percent of the population, being in the LGBTQ population. Is the return to normalcy. We were promised with Joe Biden.


STU: And Kamala Harris. This is -- everything about this is normal.


GLENN: Everything is normal. Now, they always say, that they love the Constitution.

But now they fear the Constitution. And they should.

You know, somebody else feared the Constitution.

It was -- I think it was -- oh. King George.

He thought it was a very dangerous document too.

In fact, every dictator, all around the world has thought for the last 250 years. Wow, that's a dangerous document.

But, hey. The New York Times and the left, they love it. That's it why they've just run, is the Constitution -- is the Constitution sacred?

But is it also dangerous? Or this story, the Constitution is broken, and should not be reclaimed. Or MAGA turns against the Constitution.

Or we had to force the Constitution, to accommodate democracy.

The Constitution won't save us from Trump.

Or the story in the New York Times, is the Constitution obstructing the American democracy?

Let's give up on the Constitution. Or the headline, the US lacks what every democracy needs. Or this is the story how Lincoln broke the US Constitution.

They love it!

Why RFK Jr.’s former running mate chose Trump over the Democratic Party

Why RFK Jr.’s former running mate chose Trump over the Democratic Party

RFK Jr.’s former running mate, Nicole Shanahan, has thrown her support behind Donald Trump in the 2024 election. She joins Glenn to explain why a liberal like her has endorsed Trump over Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party. Shanahan lists her biggest issues with the current Democratic Party, including why she no longer believes the Democrats are the party of true liberals. Plus, she reviews her viral “TDS” ad and explains how to cure people of Trump Derangement Syndrome.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Welcome to the program, Nicole Shanahan. We are thrilled to have you on, Nicole. How are you?

NICOLE: Hi, I'm very good, Glenn. How are you doing?

GLENN: I'm good.

You know, I'm excited on it talk to you for multiple reasons. But we're not going to really talk about policies.

Because I'm sure we disagree a lot on policies. But there is a -- there is a bigger umbrella, that we both really agree on.

And that is the Bill of Rights.

And what is happening to our country right now. Can you take us from where you were, when you first signed up with RFK? And what changed you to the point, to where -- you're now saying, yeah. I mean, Robert is right. He should be running with Trump.

NICOLE: Uh-huh. Yeah. You know, I have been, I'm a lifelong California Democrat, liberal.

And worked really hard, over the last 15 years of my life. To try to do the right thing.

Create, you know, a merit-based society.

I've -- I do it with a lot of love.

I do it with a lot of desire.

And I do it with a lot of science as well.

I'm an AI developer.

In Silicon Valley. Affiliated with Stanford now for over ten years, went to law school, in Silicon Valley. Was an IP lawyer. Entrepreneur.

So I -- you know, was very comfortable within the Democratic Party for many years.

But I have to say, something happened in 2016, that started a cascading series of events. That has led to amorphous, in the Democratic Party, that make it immoral, in my opinion.

Unprincipled. Lacking honesty, lacking transparency, lacking competence.

And they feel entitled, to throw away revery important principles. Principles like the Bill of Rights. Principles like the, you know, our First Amendment. Free speech.

Principles like not using sabotage in Democratic processes.

It's -- and they feel entitled, entirely.
And I've done this investigation.

I did this investigation. Prior to leaving for the party. Because I tried to reform the party.

I tried for years, to find someone at the DNC.

You know, they gutted, you know, any real leadership, at the DNC.

They put in, a guy who is just -- you know, they don't even bother to talk to the official leadership of the DNC. Because they think it's irrelevant.

It's just a carry along program now.

It's just a carry along group, that is just almost an administrative pocket, for the Pelosi contingent.

And so I -- saw it falling apart from the inside. With a great deal of concern.

And, you know, at some point, as a donor, they kind of just push you into a corner. And they say, well, if you don't want Donald Trump, you have to support us.

And that's their bottom line. That's all they have left, as a policy.

Is not Donald Trump.

And my last response, in the weeks before I left the party, was that is not a policy. That is not leadership.


NICOLE: You can't run on a platform of not Donald Trump.

GLENN: Nicole.

NICOLE: And, you know. Oh, go on.

GLENN: It amazes me, that so many people, are willing to say, to the person who was the lowest ranked vice president, really despised by the -- she couldn't hold anybody in her office.

Her policies were all upside down. For -- for America in 2020 when she was running for president.

And now, people are saying, oh, she's the greatest. Oh, she's great.

They don't care about the policies. They're voting for an oligarchy.

They're voting for a machine. They don't care!

NICOLE: Yeah. And, you know, I think that the thing that makes me really sad is that they're using, these wonderful American sensibilities.

And they're abusing them, to manipulate their voter base. And, you know, she's a woman of color. She -- you know, it's selling that. For everything it's worth right now. And that to me, is the kind of thing that goes against the very liberal principles, that I was raised with.

I was raised with, you know, yes. We should have a social net. We should not be racist.

We should fight for the underrepresented.

But that is not what this is. This has morphed into, something else, entirely.

That tells people, that it doesn't matter, how -- incompetent you are.

If you can check a box of a minority, on a sheet, that is enough.

And you should be celebrated for that fact.

And the -- and that to me, is really sad. And that's why when people say, oh, the Democratic Party is all of these liberal progressives. That's not what this is.

That's actually a form of racism, in my opinion. Because it creates a hierarchy based on race.

GLENN: Yes! It goes against everything Martin Luther King taught. Everything that Martin Luther King taught.

NICOLE: Everything.

And all of the things I was raised on in Oakland as a little girl coming up, and I'm a brownish woman.

Like, I -- like, I have -- I grew up in Oakland. And Oakland public school systems. And you was in a very multi-cultural place. And these are not the principles I was raised with.

So this is coming from someplace else.

And it -- it does ring more closely to what my mother grew up in. With -- in communist China. Which is this single narrative, totalitarianism.

Which uses phrases and slogans.

And really kind of a form of cultural brainwashing.

To really solidify power.

GLENN: So talk to me about -- look, I really don't mind, there's opposition in all things.

And we should be having debates. I don't want my way or the how.

And I'm perfectly willing to accept that America might disagree with me, and go another way. And vote for another candidate.

If we're actually talking about the issues.

You know, if we're actually talking about real policies.

We're not lying to each other, you know. We're not, you know, just operating with chaos. And confusion.

Or, you know, rigging the system.

But that's I think what's happening.

And I don't know how, Nicole, we can reach out to our -- you know, our neighbors. I believe Democrats are good people. I think some of them are bad. Just like some Republicans are bad.

But the average person that lives on my street. That votes differently.

I don't think they want totalitarianism. I don't think they want another war. How do we talk to them, to get them to wake up and go, wait a minute.

This is not what they say they are?

This is -- this is not the democratic party, anymore.

NICOLE: Yeah. I'll just be honest with you, Glenn. My lived experience now, running for office, with RFK Jr., as a third party, and seeing how low the Democrats went and how they qualified their behavior with these beliefs. That, you know, some of them know, are just not true.

Like, let's talk about what Rachel Maddow said about, if Trump wins, he will be a dictator, and he will send people like me to camp.

That is a big statement, for someone on the mainstream media to say.

This is not a joke. And so, people who respect the mainstream media, are watching this. And taking it as truth. And it really -- so, you know, I feel like my job has been trying to take statements like that. And unpackage them for the -- for the Democrats, who are listening to that.

And only receiving their news through those channels. And telling them. I'm really sorry you believe this. It's a scary thing to believe.

I know you believe it fully in your being right now.

But she's lying to you. And let me tell you why.

So I just --

GLENN: Okay. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Can you unpack that for us here? Let me take a break for one minute. Then we'll come back. Then you unpack it. Tell us -- do what you do.

And convince people, who are dead asleep, why that's a lie.

Back in just a second with Nicole Shanahan, in just a second. First, let me talk to you about Lear Capital. You know, everything that is happening right now with the global economy.

You know, we are lucky enough to be in the situation, where we are the world's reserve currency.
But that can destroyed.

And I think it's being destroyed by using Cloward and Piven's strategy of collapsing the system. Just -- just get everybody on to the dole, as much as you can. That's why, you know, we're I guess in California, now. They're just, if you're an illegal. Or you're -- you know, an undocumented, you can now get a loan, through the government.

That's insanity! Insanity!

So what is going to happen?

Well, eventually, we will lose our world reserve currency status.

And that will mean, we will be Venezuela, overnight.

Please, somebody has to have something, when -- when this happens.

And when it's really not a question of if, anymore. I don't believe.

That's why I would like to recommend that you consider putting maybe five or 10 percent of what you have, into gold or silver.

Gold or silver is where the world traditionally always has returned.

It's, you know, the gold standard.

Have some of your life put on a gold standard. $3 billion in trusted transactions at Lear Capital.

They have thousands of five-star reviews. A 24-hour risk-free purchase. They are the leader in precious metals. And please, do your homework.

It's not right for everybody.

But do your own homework. And don't listen to the people who tell you, oh, that will never happen in America. Yeah. It's going to. God forbid.

But it's going to. They'll also credit your account $250 towards your first purchase. Just call them today. 800-957-GOLD. 800-957-GOLD. It's Lear Capital. 800-957-GOLD.

Ten-second station ID.

And then....

GLENN: So how do you convince people, Nicole?

Go through that, and unpack that.

NICOLE: Yeah. So I've been toying with different ways of doing this with my team.

I don't know if you saw the ad we released last week.

GLENN: I love it. Love it.

NICOLE: You know, I had never even heard of that term, until I went on Tomi Lahren, and she used that phrase.


NICOLE: And after my interview with Tomi, I had to look it up.


NICOLE: And I thought it was really interesting. Because when I -- when I paired, this idea of like, you know, people are so afraid. Of Donald Trump. For these reasons.

For the reasons, that, you know, Rachel Maddow is propagating.

It really creates a -- an environment of psychosis.

So I try to approach it, in the same way, I approach somebody, who is having a really hard time.

And maybe it's because they don't have full information.

Or they've been shaken by something. Or someone.

Or there's peer pressure around them. And I -- you know, humor always breaks through, that first layer. If you can get people to laugh, they -- they loosen up.

It sends these either happy chemicals through the body.

And it actually opens up the brain for receptivity.

So we -- I was just -- like, we produced that video, for I think under $10,000.

And it's gotten 65 million views.

We didn't have to buy influence or anything.

GLENN: It's fantastic.

NICOLE: We just had to be good. We had to be funny. And we also had to kind of show truth in it. If you go through that TDS commercial, there's a lot of truth in it. We don't mince words.

GLENN: Right.

NICOLE: We're really gentle. We don't even endorse Trump at the end of it. We're just calling for people's independence, to return to them.

Their critical thinking.

And they laugh. Even the Dems, truly showed it to -- laugh. You know, some people were resentful.

There was a -- my father-in-law is actually a never Trumper. And he was a little resentful. But he still chuckled.

So that opened up a conversation. That then allows us to dig a little deeper.

And that next layer is really going, point by point through.

All of the top ten things that Never Trumpers believe. They believe that January 6 was an insurrection, and innocent service members on Capitol Hill died, as a result.

And so you have to unpack that. Megyn Kelly did a really, really good job with that one.

But there are certain facts that are just being kept from Democrats, about January 6th, and the insurrection.

You know, for one, that Trump called for peace.

He said, go forward peacefully.

GLENN: Right.

NICOLE: And then issues around the National Guard not being deployed.

There were so many inconsistencies. And unpacked there at that. You have to do it patiently. There are really smart Democrats. They take time to get through.

But once you get through that first layer of TDS, you can start to be -- the second one is that -- go on.

GLENN: No. Go ahead. No, no, go.

NICOLE: I'll just go through the top three.

GLENN: Okay. All right.

NICOLE: The second one, I keep hearing, about Donald Trump.

Is he's bad for women.

And gays.

And I've had many of my gay community, come to me, and say, how can you be supporting someone who could hurt me.

And I -- my response is, you know, he was actually one of the first presidents on day one, to -- to say gay marriage was okay.

He never attacks gay marriage. And they don't know that. People don't know that. And then reproductive freedoms I hear a lot as well. And this is one in which I think that the Democrats really screwed themselves. Because it -- it was the Supreme Court. The highest court in our nation, handed down effectively constitutional reframing of reproductive freedoms, from being a federal issue, to a state issue.

That's all that happened.

GLENN: Thank you.

NICOLE: That's all that happened.

So when people say, he took away my reproductive freedoms.

And I'm like, what state are you in?

New York. Well, my sister works at Planned Parenthood. I'm like, how many -- how many abortions did she do last year? And they're like, oh, she's done a lot actually.

GLENN: Right.

NICOLE: So I'm kind of just, you know, trying to level it in the most compassionate way I can. Any time you're dealing with somebody, out of fear, the best thing to do is to have compassion.

GLENN: Nicole, I would love to have you for a podcast. I find you fascinating.

And I hope, that more ask more people catch on to what you're doing.

And wake up. Our republic depends on it.

Nicole Shanahan. Thank you. God bless.

Is THIS LOOPHOLE allowing illegal immigrants to vote?

Is THIS LOOPHOLE allowing illegal immigrants to vote?

Are illegal immigrants registering to vote in the 2024 election? Glenn speaks with Election Integrity Network founder Cleta Mitchell, who believes “YES, illegals are voting.” Mitchell lays out how it’s happening: “The 2 ways states have historically confirmed identity and residency were driver’s license and social security number. You don’t have to be a citizen to get either of those.” Plus, she explains a massive win for election integrity in Georgia.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Welcome back to the program, Cleta Mitchell. How are you, Cleta?

CLETA: I'm good. How are you this morning?

GLENN: I'm good. I'm very good. Thank you for all of your hard work, and for all the people that are working with you to ensure the election has some integrity. But I want to talk to you first about the Georgia battle against the Democrats.

What is happening in Georgia right now?

CLETA: Well, what we have going on, Georgia seems to always be -- Georgia is always on my mind, I guess. But the -- what has happened is that the state-owned election board is a five-member board that has one member appointed by the Republicans, one member appointed by the state democratic party. Up member appointed by the Speaker of the House.

One member appointed by the lieutenant governor, who is president of the Senate and the chairman is appointed by the governor.

That should be a four to one Republican to Democrat ratio. However, historically, there have always been these Republicans, who vote with the Democrats.

And so the idea is -- how many places do we see this, Glenn?


GLENN: Oh, my gosh. It is just so exhausting. The Republicans are such -- they're just limp noodles. God, they're bad.

CLETA: Exhausting is the best word.

But as of June of this year, we finally have a rule of law, majority. Three, that the Republican appointee, from the state party. The lieutenant governor's appointee. And then in June, the Speaker of the House, replaced his pro-Democrat Republican appointee. With a firebrand, smart, capable, conservative woman.

And so for the first time, we have a rule of law, majority.

Election board members. Who are determined, to -- that the law be implemented. That the Georgia law be implemented.

GLENN: Which is?

CLETA: So they have issues -- which is that -- let's just start with one of the things that the Democrats are going for. A rule that will take effect next week. That requires reconciliation of the ballots, before and the votes, prior to the time when they're certified.

And what that means, is that at every voting location, before those results are set to the county, that voting location, the workers must make -- they must look at the number of voters. Who are shown as having been issued ballots.

And that number must match the number of ballots issued, and that number must match the number of votes, cast in that precinct.

GLENN: That's arise. That's -- I mean, you want to make sure that the numbers match. Wow. Wow.

CLETA: As we say, it's kindergarten arithmetic. But the left is going berserk. Absolutely berserk.

And they are saying, well, it will delay certification. Well, no. It doesn't delay anything.

They just to have make sure those numbers match.

And that the results are accurate.

The Democrats are literally saying, they want speed over accuracy. Now, why would they do that?

GLENN: Okay. Yeah. Especially from the people who say, it may be days before we know.

You know, we have to get used to this new system.

So they want speed.

CLETA: We want to -- we want to receive ballots for two weeks, right?

GLENN: But how hard is it to have a tally sheet of everybody who signed in, and got a ballot, and start numbering them as they come in, one, two, three, four, five.

And look at the counter on the machine and see if they match. I don't think a problem.

CLETA: That's right. But it was a problem. And county after county after county in 2020.

And so they also are taking the position. This is another rule that they -- a new rule. Now, mind you, this is already the state law. Let's not forget that. The statute requires it.

It's just that there's been no procedure in the state board's rule that says, here's how you do this, step by step by step. So this just --

GLENN: You wouldn't think you would need to.

CLETA: You wouldn't think you would need to.

But another rule says, that the members of the board, at every county, you have either a three- or five-member board. It's up to the county.

And it's -- it's a bipartisan board. It's either -- it's either -- it's either three to two, from whatever party controls the county. Because it's appointed by the county party and the county commissioners.

So if you have a democrat county commission as in Fulton County, the Democrats will control. If you have a Republican county commission, as in some of the red counties, the Republicans will control.

But it says, the law -- the state law says that they must -- they take an oath to certify the elections, which -- that it's a true and accurate -- that each of them have to sign.

GLENN: A big deal. Yeah. Kind of like part of the job.

CLETA: Well, yes, except, that Mark Alias, the Democrat's election cheating lawyer, has come up with a theory that he is advancing, and now the left wing, the ABA, their Bar Association -- all these left-wing advocacy groups are advancing this all over the country. Just to say, that these bipartisan boards are just ceremonial. That they have no authority --

GLENN: Oh, my gosh.

CLETA: I'm not making this up. They have no authority.

The Democrat legislature in Michigan, about a month ago, passed a bill to strip the bipartisan canvassing boards, that has historically performed this role, of looking at the data, and looking at the results. And certifying, agreeing, certifying, that what the administrators, election workers had done, that this is a true and accurate result.

And I -- I call it -- you know I call it. I decide. This is like Fauci-izing the election process. Don't ask any questions. Trust the experts.

Do what we say. And don't look behind the curtain. And that's --

GLENN: So we're talking --

CLETA: That's what they're doing in Georgia.

GLENN: We're talking to Cleta Mitchell. Her website is

But what is happening in Georgia -- and I want to expand this a bit. Are illegals being registered to vote?

CLETA: Yes, they are.

And here's how it's happening. You have -- you have them going into the Department of Motor Vehicles, or whatever it's called in your state.

Department of transportation. Department of driver services.

And you know, 31 years ago, Congress passed a law saying that states must -- at the -- when issued a driver's license, that people must be given the voter registration forms. They must be given those forms at the DMV, or if you go to sign up for food stamps, or welfare benefits. That they -- that wherever people interact with these two types of government agencies, they must be registered to vote.

And so they're -- the end of that law, also requires, that states must accept and use the federal voter registration form.

Well, that form, just has a box, to check.

Are you a citizen?

And we have ample evidence, over a number of years, where people will check the box, no.

I'm not a citizen.

And they get sent over as registered to vote anyway.

Well, now what you have. And I have had reports. People have seen this all over the country.

That they have been going in. These normal people. Going in to get their driver's license renewed.

Or a tag for their new car. And they see these clusters. Of people who clearly don't speak English.

In Michigan, a fellow sent me something that a woman had a big sign around her neck that said, interpreter. And she was taking them in to get their driver's licenses. Or their ID card.

And I have absolutely no reason to think, that they're not automatically being added to the voter rolls, because Michigan has a new law, that if you -- that you have to opt out. You have to opt out, in Georgia.

And these people don't even speak English. How are they even going to know, that they will be added to the voter rolls? Because they're automatically added. And once they get on those voter rolls. It's very difficult to get them off.

And the two ways that states have historically confirmed identity and residency, were with the driver's licenses. And with the Social Security number.

Well, you don't have to be a citizen, to get either of those.

And in 19 states, illegals are issued driver's licenses.

It's been a big push by the ACLU. It's a very big problem.

It's a very big problem. And what we've finally figured out. Go ahead.

GLENN: No, no, no.

CLETA: What we've finally figured out is the only way that -- that the states could, if they wanted to, right now, they could run their voter rolls against the database, that the DMVs have of citizenship, because -- because of the real ID. That the DMVs are required to only issue a driver's license. You know, one of the real ID licenses, to someone who is a US citizen. Or permanent resident. You don't to have be a citizen to get a real ID.

But in Wisconsin, last week, a suit was filed to force the voter rolls to be run against in Wisconsin, by the Department of Transportation database.

They have said, they have acknowledged publicly, that they have citizenship data.

But so far, the Democrat regime in Wisconsin has refused to run those -- to run the databases to see who on the voter rolls is a non-citizen, and then require them to come in and provide proof of citizenship to be able to stay on the rolls and vote.

It's a very big problem.

GLENN: All right. So Cleta, in listening to this. I can imagine the average person says, it's already taken.

It's done. They've already won. Because they're going to cheat. And it doesn't matter anymore.

And if they're not saying it now, they will say it by the episode of this election season, if things look shady. Which I can't imagine that they won't. Just because of the number of illegals.

So what do we do, to help shore this up?

Every American, Republican, Democrat, independent, should all be on board. With making sure there is no funny business, in a blue state or a blue district, or a red district.

It doesn't matter. Nobody should be voting that shouldn't be voting.

And every vote should be counted, that should be -- should be counted. That is an actual voter. All of this fraud.

So when we come back, will you just tell us, how we can help. It's Cleta Mitchell. She's with Election Integrity Network. She's the founder of that.

So Cleta Mitchell is with us. She is the election integrity network founder. And we've been talking about Georgia, and some of the other places. All of these -- all of these swing states are so important right now. She's with

So what do we do, Cleta?

CLETA: Well, there are a couple of things. Specifically talking about a noncitizen voting. We have formed a national coalition, and people can sign up at -- it's called.

It's, and you'll get the weekly newsletter. And we have a national working group, that meets virtually, every Thursday at 11:00 a.m. Eastern time. And we are having a -- we are going to sponsor a national Only Citizens Vote Week.

And that will be September the 15th through the 20th. We have resources. People can download. We'll have full kits by next week, where people can download, take them to your local printer. Print signs. Go -- go to your local DMVs, and find out. Talk to the manager. Say, what are you doing?

Making sure that you're not inadvertently or deliberately registering non-citizens. Going to election boards. We will have step-by-step instructions about what people can do, talking to their county commissioners, going to their state legislators, calling on their governors, and their secretaries of state. We have specific action plans to create visibility, and, you know, the reason we pick that week, is because September 17th Tuesday of that week.

Is the take we -- it's national Constitution day. It's the day we commemorate the ratification of the Constitution.

And it is to say, if you are a citizen, voting -- the duty and the privilege of voting, belongs to you. From our Constitution.

From our beloved US Constitution.

You must register. You must vote if you're a citizen. But if you're not a citizen, it is illegal for you to vote in a US election.

And we want to -- we basically, Glenn, have to build a national neighborhood watch. I'm calling it like the national DMV watch, to try to make sure -- if we put enough eyes and enough noise and enough people saying things, talking on local radio, talking to their -- writing letters to the editor.

It will deter some bad actors. It will. That's why they -- that's why neighborhood watch is important. Is that it changes the law. It's just people watching in their neighborhoods. And saying, we better be watching in our neighborhoods.

About these left-wing NGOs. Nongovernmental organizations. That are bringing illegals all over our country.

Into the communities. We need to be watching, how is that translating into registrations of new voters, illegally in my county?

GLENN: All right. It's Only Citizens Vote --

CLETA: Coalition.

GLENN: What's the word?

CLETA: .com.

GLENN: .com. Okay. Only Citizens. --

CLETA: OnlyCitizens --

GLENN: Go there now. Please get this packet. Please stand up. This is -- you know, I can't do thinking.

You can do this. You can do this. Go to, and get that packet now.

Cleta, thank you so much. I appreciate all of your hard work on this.

CLETA: Thank you, Glenn.

GLENN: You bet.