GLENN: So one of the guys -- one of the guys who is taking a really hard stand -- and it's not going to matter who is in office, is Lawrence Jones, who works for TheBlaze. And over the weekend, he went on to Fox to eviscerate Wanda Sykes for -- for labeling Obamacare repeal as racist. She said that on The View. And here is what Lawrence said over the weekend.
VOICE: Sizzle. That's it. They hate having a black -- they want to get rid of it. That's what it is.
LAWRENCE: Well, I just think it's quite comical that the liberals are so concerned about black America, when they have filled my community for years, especially when it comes to health care, especially when it comes to jobs.
I think it's important to note, Abi, that that 30-hour rule in Obamacare affected my community harshly. A lot of us weren't able to get jobs and couldn't get the necessary hours because of that 30-hour rule. So I think it's really comical that the liberals are all of a sudden concerned about black America.
GLENN: Now, what happened after that? Lawrence Jones is here to tell us.
LAWRENCE: Yes. I got a slew of death threats. And a lot of these were white progressives. This one guy said, "A white-loving black person that is a traitor to his people. He deserves to be strung up."
GLENN: So a very compassionate white progressive.
LAWRENCE: Right. Right.
JEFFY: No kidding.
GLENN: Was advocating for lynching.
LAWRENCE: Right. And I finally figured out why they're doing this now. Because it used to be some black folks saying, "You're Uncle Tom." And now those people are starting to die out. Because I've started to really connect with my community. They know I'm banging the left. I'm banging the right. I'm consistent on my belief system. I'm advocating for them.
GLENN: You used to be --
LAWRENCE: So now they're --
GLENN: You used to be a guy who -- you voted for -- you campaigned for Barack Obama.
LAWRENCE: Yeah, campaigned for him. Got trained by the left.
GLENN: When you were a teenager.
LAWRENCE: Went to DC. Hung around Nancy Pelosi. All of them. And I saw the light. And I didn't go to the Republican Party. I became a conservative Libertarian. And now I'm fighting for the issues. I'm not concerned about political parties. It's about the issues. And so it's kind of comical to me to watch the left try to attack me and say, "Hey, you're a shill for the right." When I supported the guy.
GLENN: So why do you think they're doing it?
LAWRENCE: Because they see me connecting with my community. And they have this hold on them right now, where they continue to make emotional arguments that the right is racist. How am I racist? I'm fighting for you. I'm connecting with you. And so they seek to discredit me, saying I'm a shill. I'm a sellout. How do you call me a sellout and you're white? So it's just comical right now.
GLENN: So what has changed in -- with your community? Are they starting to -- are people in the black community starting to say -- like you did under Obama. You know, I think both political parties are full of crap.
LAWRENCE: Yeah. I think people are starting to feel it, the paychecks that they're receiving, the loss of health care, jobs leaving America. I think when you have a party that makes everything about emotions and then you look at your bank statement -- when you're feeling being in poverty, I think it starts to wake you up real quick. And so for a while, they were able to survive on President Obama because he was the first black president and you loved the culture. You loved seeing somebody who looks like you. But now those days are over.
So what do you have now? Can you make things about women or race again, saying Donald Trump hates you, when Donald Trump is advocating for a lot of black folks with his new deal for black America. He's talking about immigration, which a lot of black folks are upset that they prioritize illegal immigrants and give them jobs and it's hurting the black community. You know.
GLENN: You know, it's really funny because you only hear on the immigration front, you only hear that this is about racism. That whites are racists taking the jobs. But they completely ignore the black community.
GLENN: Which is the first to get hit by this, for the lower paying jobs.
LAWRENCE: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
GLENN: And you don't hear -- you don't hear anything.
LAWRENCE: Well, this is what you hear. It's called the New Underground Railroad. That's what the left calls this. They call the border control the slave catchers. And so if there's anything that's -- I don't think there's anything more offensive to suggest that the experience of illegal immigrants that came here willingly is like slaves that were brought on the slave ship that couldn't go back to their country.
GLENN: Do you hear that though, from people that are not like you?
LAWRENCE: Oh, yes. And I think that's when the shift started to come. Because I put all the left on notice. Maxine Waters. I mean, how can you say the Congressional Black Caucus -- how can you say you advocate for the black community and use this type of language? It's contradicting.
GLENN: But I have found so much contradiction over the last 40 years. I mean, you look at -- you look at the black community, and they do not vote their values.
GLENN: In the 19, what, 50s.
LAWRENCE: Yeah, traditional.
GLENN: They were the strongest family unit in the country.
GLENN: Now we're told because, you know, slavery broke up families, everything else -- no, that's not what did it.
GLENN: They had -- you guys came together --
GLENN: -- and you made your family stronger. The strongest family unit in the country was the black family unit.
GLENN: And so, what's happened? The left has dismantled and destroyed the community. And I -- I mean, I've heard the stuff -- you know, your traditional values, but you voted against those values for 40 years.
LAWRENCE: Uh-huh. I think the right does a terrible job in connecting with the community. I think we have to take some ownership as well, going to the communities, showing up. I think because the black community has voted 90 percent of the time for the left --
GLENN: Just given up.
LAWRENCE: -- we don't show up. And it's like, okay. It's just not worth it. It's just not worth it. I refuse to give up. I feel like it's my mission. I feel like it's my calling. And if you win two or three, four people a day, I consider that a win. There was a time where I would go on social media, and I felt like my community hated me because they didn't feel like I was fighting for them. That's starting to change.
GLENN: You were an investigator for Dallas Police?
LAWRENCE: Uh-huh. Yes. Yeah. For private investigations, yeah.
GLENN: You've started to do these investigative pieces now on TheBlaze. You did one that's caused a lot of controversy recently on medical marijuana.
LAWRENCE: Yeah, yeah.
GLENN: And it is the smartest I think piece I've ever seen on medical marijuana. It's not about -- everybody else takes the pot smokers and the and they take the angle of, you know, those people who want to get high.
GLENN: You actually made it about medicine.
GLENN: And you have -- I mean, I will tell you, I might even talk to the governor about it today.
GLENN: My daughter has seizures. And they can't make them stop.
GLENN: And the head of one of the big -- I don't want to stick him out, but head of one of the big hospitals in Texas, one of the biggest -- and he is the head guy said -- I mean, the first thing, if you can get your hands on it, that I would try would be marijuana oil.
LAWRENCE: Yeah. Yeah.
GLENN: Which doesn't make you high. You can't buy it here in Texas.
LAWRENCE: I think a lot of people are dealing with the law system. And I was a private investigator and worked a lot with Dallas Police. I went to the reserve academy. And I respect the law. But this is medicine for some. And when you get to see my video, you see a guy with cerebral palsy do kick boxing with --
GLENN: But what's the difference between that and a sanctuary city? Obey a law, enforce the law.
GLENN: Well, this is medicine. Well, this is these poor people who are escaping oppression.
LAWRENCE: That's why I'm advocating for the state to change the law.
GLENN: Right.
LAWRENCE: And you're seeing a lot of states do. You're seeing some cities -- Dallas just passed an ordinance where if you have below 5 ounces, they'll just give you a ticket.
GLENN: Yeah, but it's not even that. It's not change the law for pot. It's for medical use.
GLENN: Is the real difference.
LAWRENCE: Right. But my argument is, where is the line?
GLENN: I know. I know.
LAWRENCE: You have a lot of veterans with depression.
GLENN: I know.
LAWRENCE: And we're seeing veteran suicide rate drop when they use it.
STU: It's interesting. Because, I mean, medical marijuana is not a controversial topic.
GLENN: It's not.
STU: The most recent poll, should you be able to use marijuana for medical purposes? 94 to five.
JEFFY: Of course.
STU: I mean, it's not -- it's not -- I think the issue here is -- and you saw this certainly in California, which is the slippery slope argument has never been more accurate. They tried to pitch -- you need medical marijuana. We're going to have these dispensaries, where they -- and now, it's just blatantly obviously legal. You walk in there. You get your card, and you get your pot for recreational purposes.
Now, I don't personally care honestly about recreational use.
LAWRENCE: Right. Right. Right.
GLENN: I don't either.
STU: But, still, I can understand the argument. Because -- you know, people say, "Well, you can have it for medical purposes," well, it never stays that way.
LAWRENCE: Right. Right.
GLENN: Right.
STU: They just -- it's just a first step. So it's an interesting debate from that perspective. But I don't see how -- I don't see how you don't have it legal from that --
LAWRENCE: It's going to happen.
STU: It's going to happen. It's going to be legal for recreational purposes. It already is in how many states?
GLENN: It has to. It has to.
I was talking to a guy who was dying of cancer yesterday. And he said, have you heard about the mother's breast milk thing, going on -- I think it's in Sweden or Denmark. And I said no. And he said, a woman has had this theory for a long time that breast milk could cure cancer.
GLENN: And tried to go in and get people to do research. But because it didn't involve Big Pharma or big money anywhere, nobody was interested. And finally, she got enough people to back a study. And it's -- it's not conclusive, but it shows at least real strong leading indications that breast milk actually goes right to cancer and destroys a lot of the cancer.
GLENN: And, you know, there's a few of these things --
JEFFY: The studies are still in progress on that.
GLENN: They're still in progress, yeah, yeah.
JEFFY: They don't know how much.
GLENN: But we are close to things like this. And we've got to get the business side out of the way. And we have to get the FDA side out of the way and start -- especially when it comes to death. Start moving these things along a little faster perhaps. Lawrence, thank you so much. Lawrence Jones from the Blaze. You can read all about it at