I am told that there is a coup underway by the GOP coupled with the Bannon/Brietbart alliance to take control of the Heritage Foundation.
Is it the Mercer family that is behind this?
The GOP didn't like the conservative principles that Jim DeMint stood for. They claim that Jim focused on the action side and the white paper side suffered.
We don't need any more "think tanks." The constitutional advocates need more DO Tanks!!!!!
The word is that Bannon will replace DeMint at Heritage.
All of that money and power in the hands of Steve Bannon is enough to make our founders weep.
Every tea party member who can actually remember a time when our only constitutional support in D.C. came from Senator Jim DeMint should be tweeting, Facebook-posting and calling the Heritage Foundation to demand they leave Jim DeMint in place.
MONEY DOESN'T TALK, IT SCREAMS. But perhaps with enough exposure and heat, the people will win.
Please make a note that the conservative movement is being destroyed from the inside as well as by the left.
DeMint helped Trump get elected. But it isn't enough. He and Heritage stood against TrumpCare. When we rallied around the Freedom Caucus, the other hand was busy taking care of DeMint.
We are just beginning to pay for the fact that we refused to recognize the Trojan horse of the alt right. Just as the DNC thought they would use the Marxist left and lost control, the GOP is using the alt right, thinking that they will hold onto control.
...And the band played on...
Couple that with the fact that so many voters think the right and Trump are winning the war against the media and we will simply fade away and slip into darkness.
Has anyone noticed Fox has been cleaned out? With news that Bill Shine has become the latest head to roll --- he was the only one left with any institutional knowledge of what Fox really is and who and what it was supposed to serve.
Who will be next at Fox? When they are finished with Fox, what other voices will be silenced?
Then what? What organization will be lost or coopted?
With a loss of Fox News AND the Heritage Foundation becoming a front for a progressive, populist and nationalist movement, the constitution may never stand a chance.
Pray for peace, pray for protection and pray that the American Covenant continues to stand.