Glenn Encounters Religious Bigotry Firsthand, Teaches the Left a Lesson in Principles

Glenn and his wife have been on the daunting journey of finding a new school for their children. Two local Christian schools in particular denied admission based on the family's religion. While one did it on the basis of principles, the other appeared to have done it out of sheer bigotry. You might say, metaphorically, the latter school refused to bake them a wedding cake. Glenn described Monday on radio that while angry and disappointed, he'll respect the decision made by a private institution, even if he doesn't agree with it.

"If you can't handle meeting a bigot and you can't handle knowing how to deal with a bigot and just dismiss them for the small-minded, narrow people that they are, then you're not going to make it very far. But just to show the left there is bigotry beyond your scope. You may not consider religious bigotry a big deal unless you're an atheist, but there is still religious bigotry," Glenn said.

Enjoy the complimentary clip or read the transcript for details.

GLENN: Hello, America.

I want to show the left how principles work.

I've been trying to get my kids into religious schools. And, quite honestly, I am -- I'm going to look at a Jewish day school because I know -- I know the Jews will take my Christian children.

I've been trying to get my kids into Christian schools here. And I've been looking into some schools, and we went to an IB school, which I would never put my kids in. Never would I put my kids in an International Baccalaureate program.

I mean, you want to talk about global warming, borderless society, kids coming out very smart, but not with any of the principles I believe in -- I want my kids to have a rock solid principle and religious-based education.

In Texas, if you're Mormon, that's really hard to do because the Christian schools just don't want any of them Mormons around.

Now, I want to tell one story, but in a positive way. And this is why I will give the name of the school. One of the schools -- and it's a really great school, is Covenant Christian School.

And it's an amazing school. And we went on the tour, and everything was great. And, I mean, it was a dream school for me. I mean, I talked to the science teachers. And, "How do you teach evolution?"

"Well, we teach evolution as what it is: a theory. But side by side, we also teach the theory of intelligent design. And we teach them both with the same amount of rigor."

"Fantastic. I love that. Great."

I went into their history department. "Can you tell me" -- I said to the teachers -- and they didn't know who I was. "Can you tell me, who was the worst president of the 20th century, without going into the last, let's say, four or five presidents? And who was the worst president in the 18th century?" Immediately, "Woodrow Wilson, Andrew Jackson." I'm like, "I am home. This is my home."


GLENN: Loved it. I was called in, as we start to go through the paperwork -- I was called in by the headmaster, and he said, "We don't take Mormon kids because we are a covenant school." And I said, "Okay. Well, let's talk about that."

And after -- I mean, they went through our church's doctrine. They had board meetings. They really wrestled with it. And they explained -- they said, "Look, we make a covenant with the church that the kids go to. And so we have to have certain doctrinal things in line because it's not just bringing your kids in here. We covenant with the church because we believe the church is part of the community that the kids grow up in, and we all want to be hand in hand." I'm like, "I completely understand." I don't think they were bigoted at all. In fact, the opposite. They were well thought out. They were gracious. They were kind. It was -- and I couldn't recommend that school more highly. I wish my kids could go to that. But it's in their name.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: And they said, "We would break the very fundamental cornerstone of what we do, if we did that. So we wouldn't do that with any church -- it's not just yours. We wouldn't do that with any church that we didn't have all of the doctrine in place."

I walked away from there really disappointed because I wanted to my kids to go to school there and I wanted to be part of that community, but I completely understand. Then I went to another school, which is going to remain nameless, because there's no reason to run their name into the mud. But they know who they are.

I went and I met with their headmaster. And I met with the founder. And I said, "First off, do you take Mormon kids?"

"Yeah, of course, we take Mormon kids."

"Okay. You do? For sure? Because we just went through this."

"Yeah, no, no, no. We take them. Our philosophy is, they're going to be challenged. Are you asking for special exemptions? Because we do a religious class."

I said, "No, no, no. I want my kids to know everything there is to know about other religions. Their choice of a religion is their choice, not mine. It's theirs. And I do my best to teach theirs -- and I want them to come home and say, Dad, what about this? I want them exploring."

And I said, "So I'm not going to have a problem -- I'm not asking you to change anything." And they said, "Oh, great. No, we take Jewish kids. Because, you know, Judeo-Christian. Blah, blah, blah. They got the Old Testament. We would say to the family, you know, we are teaching about Jesus." They said, "You know, probably something from the, you know, Far East. You know, Buddhist I think is what they used or -- or, you know, Islam," they said. "That is not based on Judeo-Christian, so we think it would be too confusing for the kids. But if the parents wanted them to learn all about Christianity, okay."

We go through the whole thing. And Tania gets a call last week from somebody in the school, from the admissions. "I'm sorry. But we can't take your kids. There's no reason to go any further on this."

And she said, "Why?"

"Well, because, you know, you're Mormon. And we just can't take Mormons. And, you know, you'll be uncomfortable. Many of the parents will be uncomfortable. Your kids will be uncomfortable. They'll be confused."

"No, they won't. They won't be confused. We go to other churches. You know, dad has lots of preacher friends. We did an entire day one on one with our host, Billy Graham. My kids didn't leave confused from Billy Graham's dinner table."

Oh, it was just -- my wife was so upset, she was rude. She just said, "Thank you," and hung up. Now, when I found out, I was really angry, and I posted something on Facebook. I was really angry.

And I'm angry because that's just bigotry. What are you afraid of? I'm not afraid of exposing my kids to anybody's religion. I challenge them. I want them to know other religions. And I'm not putting my kids in school to preach to your kids.

I'm not the kind of person that's going to make everybody else conform to what I believe. What are you afraid of?

So I was really angry. And somebody wrote to me. And this has given me -- instead of going on a rant about this, this has given me the perfect opportunity to explain why bakers should be allowed to not make wedding cakes. There's a difference between -- there's a difference between bigotry and firm belief.

The first school I went to, they have a firm belief. They know what they believe. And it's -- it's different than what I believe. But who am I to force my view on them? Who am I to do anything, but sit down with them, get to know them, truly love them -- we prayed together. We talked for hours. We're friends. I'll help them in any way. They won't let my kids go to their school. That's okay. They don't hate me. They don't hate my church. They just have a standard in place that they can't violate.

I understand that. I appreciate that.

The other is, "Yeah, we'll take kids. We'll take any kid. Well, no. You're out in the open. You're out in the open. And we don't want to look like we're endorsing that." They have kids of other faiths. I wouldn't be surprised if they have Mormons in their school. Oh, my gosh. They should check them for horns today. Not that I have -- that night I know people who go to that school who are of different faiths. Oh, no.

It's just open bigotry. So now what do I do? Well, I remain consistent with my values, except I don't even want to tell you the name of the school because it's not worth it. What are you going to do about it? I want to organize boycotts of the school? I want to change that school? No. No, I don't. No, I don't.

I want them to know that I think what you're doing -- I mean, Jesus dined with whores. You can't have lunch with my kids? You're afraid of my children? I mean, honestly, how are Christians going to expand their lot? I'm giving you the opportunity to teach my kids about your brand of Christianity.

No, no, no. Because apparently people will be too afraid of my little children. What? Converting your children? Confusing your children? That's ridiculous.

And, again, I'd rather be with Jesus who was -- who was dining with whores.

I want them to know it. I want them to know how I feel. But I don't want to organize a protest. I don't want to sue them. I don't want to the make their life miserable. I think probably the vast majority of kids that go to that school, have kids in that school, run in that school, also don't feel -- don't feel like we should be afraid of somebody else's religion.

You can't couch it any way you want, but if you're taking other children, but not these children, that says something about you.

And the biggest thing that has happened around our dinner table, as we've talked about it, is -- because I've called them myself, because I want to talk to them myself. I haven't received a phone call back yet. But I'm sure I will.

I want to call them myself. And the conversation at the dinner table last night was, "Why, Dad?" And I said, "Because I want to say some things. And I'm not mad. I want to say some things. I want to ask them some questions." Well, you wouldn't put them in the school, would you?

I said, "I don't think so. I'm not sure, but I don't think so." And the reason I don't think so is because I don't want my kids to be surrounded by people who are bigots. But my feeling is, not everybody there is a bigot. Because I met a lot of great people who knew exactly who I was and knew exactly what church I belonged to. I'm not exactly quiet on that. And so I don't think they would be surrounded by bigots -- maybe just a few. But what's the difference between that and real life?

I mean, if you can't handle meeting a bigot and you can't handle knowing how to deal with a bigot and just dismiss them for the small-minded, narrow people that they are, then you're not going to make it very far.

But just to show the left that there is bigotry beyond your scope. You may not consider religious bigotry a big deal, unless you're an atheist.

But there is still religious bigotry. But you have to know the difference between having standards and being bigots.

STU: So do you want a new law then that would guarantee that your children be able to get into a religious school of their choice?

GLENN: No. No. I believe this is a private institution that can do whatever they want.

PAT: But you have asked a judge to award you $137,000.

GLENN: No, I have not. I have not.

PAT: Weird.

GLENN: I have not. Personally, I believe that's the way you deal with bigotry, when you find it.

And I will tell you, thousands of people have respond to my Facebook post. And most of them are from Christians who say, "I'm sorry. I'm not of your faith. I don't even agree with your faith, but that's just wrong." That's who people really are.

And I have faith that we are getting better and not worse. Some people are still stuck in the 1950s. Most aren't. Know the difference.

Inflation, fracking, & stolen valor: The BIGGEST Harris/Walz CNN interview LIES

Inflation, fracking, & stolen valor: The BIGGEST Harris/Walz CNN interview LIES

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz sat down with CNN’s Dana Bash for what was possibly the cringiest interview to ever air…at least for Americans who keep up with the news. But Glenn warns that for those who ONLY watched that interview, it may have been effective. So, Glenn and Stu do CNN’s job for them and debunk all the lies told during this interview: Did Harris really flip-flop on fracking? Did Walz really just mess up his “grammar” when made false claims about his military service? Did Kamala Harris just admit she lied to the American people about the Inflation Reduction Act? Plus, Glenn explains the industry secret behind why CNN’s interview seemed “hard-hitting” at first before it turned into a campaign ad.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Last night, Kamala Harris was on with Dana Bash. And it was interesting. Because I -- I watched it, trying to think of two things.

One, a family member of mine, who is -- doesn't agree with me on what's going on in the country at all. Doesn't see it. You, but doesn't really watch the news, read the news, listen to the news. You know, just is like in their happy little world.

And so I watched it as that family member. And then I watched it as somebody who is really up on things. Okay?

I think if you were really up on things, this -- this interview last night, was so agonizing.

STU: Hmm.

GLENN: Because it was -- it was -- I've never heard anything like it. I really haven't -- let me play a couple of cuts here. Here's -- here's Kamala. Cut three.

On why she hasn't fixed the economy while she's in office.

KAMALA: My proposal includes what would be a tax credit of $25,000, for first time home buyers. So they can just have enough to put a downtown on a home, which is part of the American dream and their aspiration.

But do it in a way that allows them to actually get on a path to achieving that goal and that dream.

VOICE: So you have been vice president for three and a half years. The steps that you are talking about now, why haven't you done them already?

STU: Yeah!

KAMALA: Well, first of all, we have to recover as an economy, and we have done that. I am very proud of the work that we have done, that has brought inflation down to less than 3 percent.

The work that we have done to cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for seniors. Donald Trump said he was going to do a number of things, including allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices, never happened. We did it.

So now, as I travel in the state of Georgia and around our country, the number of seniors that have benefited.

GLENN: Okay. Notice what she's done here. Notice what she's done. She has completely side-stepped. She's a good learner. She completely side-stepped. Why didn't you do anything?

Well, because Donald Trump. We had to fix everything. The economy was in shambles. And, you know, let me tell you about prescription drugs. He says, we negotiated. But we did it.

We didn't do anything.

And him, him, him. And now I can go out, and see people who have insulin. And we don't have any problems.

Wait. What does that have to do with the economy again?

Okay. So she was slippery on absolutely everything.

STU: Oh. I have one more thing on that before we go, Glenn. You took actions to get the nation rate down to 3 percent, from what?

From what? It wasn't -- it wasn't 3 percent, when Donald Trump was in office. It only is down to 3 percent from your terrible regime.

When you had it at 9 percent, sure. It's down from whatever it was. Seven or 9 percent then.

But three percent is almost double what it was when you took over. It's down to double!

That's your argument.

GLENN: And, by the way, the prices never came down. So you're just taking the high prices from the 9 percent, and you're adding three and a half percent, every year, on top of those high prices.

So that's why. That doesn't work with people. Well, inflation is down. No. It's not. No, it's not.

I still can't afford food. That's why. The next thing is, about fracking.

Listen to this one.

STU: Oh, God.

KAMALA: No. And I made that clear on the debate stage in 2020 that I would not ban fracking. As vice president, I did not ban Freddie Mac.

As president, I will not ban fracking.

In 2019, I believe, in a town hall, you said, you were asked. Would you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking for your first day in office. And there's no question, I'm in favor of banning fracking. So, yes. It changed in that campaign.

In 2020, I made very clear where I stand. We are in 2024, and I've not changed that position, nor will I going forward. I have kept my word, and I will keep my word.

VOICE: What made you change that position at the time?

STU: Yeah.

KAMALA: Well, let's be clear, my values have not. I believe it is very important that we take seriously, what we must do. To --

GLENN: Now, listen to this. Word salad.

KAMALA: In terms of the climate. And to do that, we can do what we have accomplished thus far.

STU: We can do. What?

KAMALA: What we've done to invest by my calculation, over -- probably a trillion dollars over the next ten years, investing in a clean energy economy.

What we've already done, creating over 300,000 new clean energy jobs. That tells me, from my experience, as vice president. We can do it without banning fracking. In fact, Dana. Dana. Excuse me. I cast the tie-breaking vote.

STU: Yeah, you did.

KAMALA: That actually increased leases for fracking.

STU: A lot of tie breaking votes that she didn't answer for.

GLENN: Yeah, a lot of them.

STU: That's an infuriating clip. Infuriating in 150 ways.

GLENN: Also, you cannot be part of the Green New Deal, and not ban fracking. What is she saying?

STU: I would love to know exactly. She did it on the debate stage in 2020. You might remember, of course, she didn't even make it to 2020, in her campaign. Failed before Iowa.

She is talking about the vice presidential -- where she's saying that.

But like, she says she will not change that going forward.

Well, could she have promised that in 2019, too? How the hell will we know, going forward?

She's changed almost everything going forward.

GLENN: So her answer to everything, last night, on the changes. Was very, very clear.

Yes. But my values haven't changed.

Okay. So what are her values? We know what her values are. The earth is number one priority.

Okay. Do whatever we have to do. She was for the green new deal. She even boasted about the green new deal, becoming the Inflation Reduction Act.

And all the things they got through, the Inflation Reduction Act. So they admitted to lying to you, about the Inflation Reduction Act.

It had nothing to do with inflation. It had everything to do with the green new deal.

So lying to you there, and -- and her values. Her values. My values haven't changed.

Well, I've seen your values. I don't like your values. You -- you cannot change -- you cannot remain with the same values, and change your positions 180 degrees.

Why? Unless one of your values is, winning an election. Doing whatever you have to do, to win an election.

STU: That's your only value. That's your only value, Glenn.


Oh, no. She has some values. Yeah. She has some values.

STU: By the way, Glenn, I will say, give a little credit to Dana Bash. Who actually did ask my question. That was right after -- did you laugh at that?

GLENN: I did.

STU: Because she said, was there some policy or scientific data that you saw, that said, oh, okay. I get it now. We shouldn't ban fracking.

And she basically just didn't answer it. You know, typical nonsense. But there's good -- it was good. I will say, Dana Bash, first third of that interview, not bad.

And then just a giant plane crash after that.

GLENN: All right. So I don't know if I've told this story before. Probably have.

But when I was at Fox, Bill O'Reilly called me into his office. And he said, what are you doing, man?

They are going to kill you. They are going to kill you. And he was talking about the press and the left.

And I said, I don't care. And he said, no. You need to care. You need to care.

He said, or it will be very short-lived. And I said, I'm only planning on being here for two years, Bill. And he said, what is wrong with you? I said, oh, I don't want to do this.

But I'll listen.

So he said, look, I have the audience and I have the corporations, kind of a little afraid of me. When I put their picture up on the no-spin zone. And he said, so here's what we're going to do.

When you say something controversial and everybody is at your throat, he said, you are going to come on to my show. And I will ask you a tough question. And I might even follow it up, with another tough question.

But you need to understand, this is a friendly room, and from here on out, you can say, asked and answered.

What this whole thing was yesterday, was Dana asking tough questions. But knowing, she's walking into a friendly room.

When you are a candidate, or somebody who is going to be in the hot seat, you know, this is why Kamala won't do anything on Fox.

You know if you're walking into a friendly room, they'll push you, but not continue to push you.


Dana would have never let that question go. With J.D. Vance or Donald Trump, that would have been the entire, what? Eighteen minutes. Would have been the whole thing.

But it wasn't. It was just two pushes. And then I'm off it. And then we're going to do a happy, you know, campaign commercial for you, in the last, you know, five minutes.

So what this was, because you'll notice that Kamala also said, that she doesn't want to deal in the past.

We're about turning the page.

And just -- and just looking towards the future.

We're not going to dwell on the past.

So when somebody asks her about her flip-flop.

I've already asked -- I've already answered that question.

My values have not changed. Let's move on. We have to focus on the future.

They only have to buy a few weeks.

That's it. Was it next week or the week after?

Pennsylvania starts to vote.

If -- if she isn't exposed soon, it will be too late for places like Pennsylvania.

But I'm just, again, not convinced that people believe her about fracking. And people believe her about the economy.

I mean, they might like her, but, again, if you are aware of politics and you know, these aren't good people. These aren't good people. And you can tell that about Donald Trump and J.D. Vance. Politicians aren't good people. We should never trust them.

And you know anything about her policies. You know how radical she really is. And even more so, you know, Tim, the greatest father in the world. Who just drags his kid on stage and says, knock it off.

That was beautiful. He's even more radical. And I don't even know if that's possible. But that's what it appears to be.

But if you don't know that, and you're a low-information voter, and you are not paying attention, but you want to just see who she is. Last night was a home run for you.

Last night was a home run.

And it gives her cover now, to not do another interview.

At least for a long while. Well, I did one.

I'll try to schedule one by the end of September, or sometime in October. When it's too late.

It's fascinating to watch politics. I mean, wish I was watching it in somebody else's country and not mine. Back in just a minute.

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All right. Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program.

I've got to hit Tim Walz on -- one of the worst answers.

I mean, they were bad answers all the way along, if you wanted actual facts.

But listen to this.

This is when he was asked about, you know, I carried a gun in war.

Listen to this.

VOICE: They're just starting to get to know you.

I want to ask you a question about how you've described your service in the national guard.

You said that you carried weapons in war, but you have never deployed actually in a war zone.

A campaign official said that you misspoke. Did you?

Well, first of all, I'm incredibly proud. I've done 24 years of wearing uniform in this country. Equally proud of my service in the public school classroom, whether it's Congress or the governor.

My record speaks for itself. But I think people are coming to get to know me.

I speak like they do. I speak candidly. I wear my emotions on my sleeve. I speak especially passionately about our children being shot at schools. And around guns. So I think people know me. They know where I am. They know where my heart is.

STU: They don't.

GLENN: Listen.

VOICE: My record for over 40 years, speaks for itself.

VOICE: The idea that you said you were in war. Did you misspeak as the campaign has said?

VOICE: Yeah, I said we were talking about a shooting. The ideas of carrying these weapons of war. And my wife, can tell you my grammar is not always correct. But, again, if it's not this, it's an attack on my children --

GLENN: Okay. Stop. Stop.

STU: Slimy.

GLENN: So his grammar isn't that good. I believe he taught English to the Chinese in China. So a grammar thing, probably shouldn't be that big of a problem for you, Tim.

I'm just -- I'm just points that out. I'm just pointing that out.

It was good enough to teach the Chinese in China. Probably good enough to say, I don't know how you make that grammatical re.

Just like the gun, I carried in war.

Hmm. That doesn't seem like a grammar problem.

That seems like a lying problem.

STU: Yeah. Glenn, it's interesting.

Because both you and I. The people might point out the fact that we sort of speak English.

But who knows? It's not always all that close to correct.

But neither of us have ever had a moment, where we've said, we may have been at war, at some point, shooting at the enemy.

That's never slipped out of our mouth.

With all the grammatical mistakes we've made, with over 20 plus years doing the show together.

Neither of us have ever claimed to be Rambo, that just never occurred. I don't wonder why.

GLENN: Well, I mean, I don't know about you. But I'm the Jack the Ripper of the English language. I kill it in an alleyway, almost every hour.


But like Stu said, I've never said, you know, like when I was on the moon.

Or when I was in war. Now, I've talked about World War II a lot.

You know, but I've never said, you know, when I killed Hitler.

No. No. Never said that. Never said that.

STU: Not once. It's kind of hard to butcher the language, that much. To where that comes mangled out of your mouth.

Might be a mental problem.

Might be.

Glenn Beck Exposes TERRORIST SYMPATHIZERS Infiltrating the Democrat Party | Glenn TV | Ep 374

Glenn Beck Exposes TERRORIST SYMPATHIZERS Infiltrating the Democrat Party | Glenn TV | Ep 374

Thirteen years ago on Fox News, Glenn made a prediction: Radicals, Islamists, communists, and socialists will work together against Israel, against capitalism, and to overturn stability. He was ridiculed for it at the time. But now, every word of it has come true. Glenn heads to the chalkboard to expose the radical groups and the left-wing dark money network behind the anti-Israel protest movement that has been raging across the U.S. since October 7, 2023. These anti-Israel protests are NOT the spontaneous, grassroots reaction of a bunch of concerned citizens who just want to care for Palestinians. They are the coordinated effort of hundreds of groups who descended on the DNC in Chicago because they understand that Democrats are their ally. Democrats represent their best opportunity to implement their true agenda, which is anti-Israel, pro-Marxist, and, ultimately, anti-American. For months, the anti-Israel protesters have helped reveal the seedy, anti-Semitic underbelly of the Democratic Party coalition. The mainstream media doesn’t want Americans to know the truth about these protesters, their financial backers, and, in many cases, their ties to terrorist groups. And since they are the propaganda arm of the Harris-Walz campaign, they really don’t want you to know about their interactions with radicals associated with anti-Israel groups and how their campaign is already kowtowing to anti-Israel factions of the party. The Cloward-Piven strategy of overwhelming the system is in full swing, Glenn argues. This is how leftists collapse the West ... unless we vote them out in November.

The REAL PRICE of living in Kamala Harris’ America: Inflation, housing taxes, & crime

The REAL PRICE of living in Kamala Harris’ America: Inflation, housing taxes, & crime

What’s the real price of living in America right now? Glenn takes a look at how inflation has skyrocketed in Pennsylvania, where the economy is the #1 issue for the 2024 election. Then, he reviews how progressive policies have destroyed California and forced businesses to flee. These same policies will go nationwide under a “President Harris,” Glenn says. And she has some of her own, including for taxes on unrealized gains, AKA your house. A vote for Harris, Glenn argues, is a vote for MORE inflation, MORE taxes, and also MORE crime. Glenn reviews how the Biden/Harris immigration policies have allowed a terrifying Venezuelan gang to take over an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado, and they won’t stop there if Harris wins the White House …


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Okay. So if you're in Pennsylvania, voting begins in, what a week and a half?

I can't believe that. But let's -- let's look at what the prices have done in Pennsylvania.

According to the website. Bob inflation, which -- which targets Bob Casey and vice president Harris, for the prices that we're experiencing. And they are both responsible for those things.

According to the website, a one-day ticket at the famous Hersheypark, now costs $60 a day. That is a 50 percent increase. From the admission in 2019. 50 percent increase. A six-inch shorty hoagie from Wawa, was $4 in 2019. It's now almost $7. A gallon of gas in Pennsylvania, is averaging 3.62. Which is up from 2.29 when Trump was in office. Other favorite items have gone up in the Biden/Harris economy. Plain cheesesteak from John's Roast Pork is up 23 percent. A Pittsburgher, and -- and cheese from Primanti's is up 37 percent.

Let me just say the word again. Primanti's. Oh. It is a reason to go to Pittsburgh. It really is. There's not a lot of reasons to go to Pittsburgh right now, but Primanti's is at the top of the list.

Anyway, everyday items such as eggs, bread, and milk have also skyrocketed in the last 5 years, according to the website.

Now, the economy, according to another survey is in Pennsylvania, the number one issue for Pennsylvania voters.

Okay. So this should be easy, right.

Because all of the progressive madness, has come from Kamala Harris. Literally, she was the deciding vote on many of these massive projects, like the Inflation Reduction Act.

Which was not designed to decrease inflation. It was designed as the green new deal.

Even Joe Biden has come out and said, I didn't want to name it that. Because that's not what it did.

Even he wanted -- oh, my gosh.

So they lied to you. Kamala Harris lied to you, about the Inflation Reduction Act.

They named that because they knew you would go, oh, well, we have to have that because inflation is out of control.

By the way, so you understand, this is happening all over the country, but where things are really, really bad, in a couple of categories, is California and Minnesota. In California, Shake Shack is closing six of its -- of its restaurants.

Why? Because progressivism made them increase the minimum wage, to $20.

They can't afford to stay open. Because nobody wants to pay $20, for a hamburger.

So where are they shutting them down?

Well, in the most progressive areas. In Oakland, and Los Angeles.

Another reason for shutting those down, I'm guessing, is because that's where most of the crime is.


Because that's where the homelessness is. Another affect of the progressive policies.

And that is also where the crime is!

Also, because of George Soros, and Kamala Harris.

And their crazy, reimagining of the police.

Footlocker is ditching New York City. For St. Petersburg, Florida. Why is that?

Well, it's too expensive in New York.

Why? Because of high taxes.

So what does Harris want to do?

Harris wants a tax on unrealized gains.

Now, this is -- this is just the beginning. She has a 5 trillion-dollar tax idea.

And part of that, a big part of that is unrealized gains. What is an unrealized gain?

Let's say, that your house goes up $100,000 in value, this a year.


You have to pay, 25 percent of that, in tax. So that will mean on April 15th, because your house went up in value, that means, you'll to have cough up 25 grand. On April 15th. In addition to what you really pay. Okay?

Well, wait. What if my house goes down?

Does the government pay me?

No. No.

So wait a minute. If I pay 25 grand, because it's gone up 100 grand, if I have to pay you 25 percent of that. Well, wait.

Hold it just a second.

But that could go down, before I sell it.

I mean, I get that, before I sell it.

Why are you taking this from me? I don't have 25,000. That is what is you're facing. That is what you're facing.

How do you make a population have nothing?
You tax them to death.

This will absolutely collapse the economy. She is the Hugo Chavez, or the Maduro of the United States of America. By the way, another way to collapse things is keep the borders open.

Kamala Harris has said over and over again. That the border wall is nothing, but a vanity project for Donald Trump.

That it is completely worthless.

It will not make any difference.

It is the largest boondoggle, for American taxpayers.

Well, now she suddenly is for it.

Well, how can -- how can that be?

Well, she's for it. If we pass the massive amnesty bill. So she'll give a few things. As long as we give amnesty, to everybody that's here.



Did you know that Massachusetts now is hiding a billion dollars?

They've spent a billion dollars, on illegal aliens.

And they haven't talked to the -- to the residents of Massachusetts, who pay for that.

They haven't given them any details. No details.

Wait. What?

You just spent a billion dollars, on illegals?

What is that billion dollars? Who is that billion dollars going to?

In New York, do you know how much they're paying for illegals to be put up in hotels?

Entire hotels!

These hotels are getting rich. Anybody who owns one of those hotels, rich!

I -- I mean, I just -- how is America buying into this?

How is America not seeing?

I mean, if you want a town, that has police, with no teeth.

If you want gang violence. If you want crime, like you haven't seen.

If you want enclaves of Muslims, that are Islamists, they want Sharia law. They don't want to integrate.

They don't want to be Americans. They want Sharia law, to be the rule of the land. If you want that, move to Tim Walz state.


You can get it. You can get it now, in new -- in new buildings. In some places in Minnesota.

These really nice bathrooms, where there's just a -- just a stainless steel hole in the floor.

Because Somalis, that's the way they usually do. They just -- they just squat, and take a dump. And leave it in a hole in the floor.
That's not our way of life.


That's not who we are.

If I want that, I'll move to Somalia. Or I'll move to Iraq.

I don't want that.

Learn to sit on a toilet.

It's the way we do things in America, and in the West?

I'm sorry. You're not used to it. I'm sorry, that you're getting all of this money, and a free pass, to live here, in America, and you don't like it. I'm sorry. You want this?

You'll get much more of this. You'll get an unleashed amount of this.

If you vote for Harris. Do you -- do you remember the gang that beat up the police officers in New York?

And, you know, went to -- were hauled in, eventually, but then just released.

Yeah. Well, that's a reimagining of the police. And no bail.

Or, I mean, yeah. No -- no bail. You don't have to make bail to get out. It's just a catch and release program, which is Kamala Harris' idea. She loves that.

So you remember that, gang?

That was a Venezuelan gang.

And Venezuela has sent up a gang, that is kind of a public/private partnership with Venezuela.

They use it to enforce things in Venezuela.

And cause disruption in communities, that won't play along.

Well, this gang, has been sent to America.

That gang was the one that beat up the people in New York. The cops in New York.

That gang, one of its members is responsible for the death of Lincoln rile peep

That organic now is in aurora, Colorado.

Where in Aurora, Colorado, there's this Venezuelan gang, that is just taking over the town.

They went into an apartment complex. Knocked on the doors.

And said, time to pay your rent. And now you're paying rent to this Venezuelan gang. Not to the landlord.

And they just have taken the town over.

Hmm. Now, this gang is engaged in human smuggling.

Violence. Money laundering. Elicit drug trafficking, all throughout the US. And they now have an apartment complex on Gnome Street in Aurora. Okay.

Is the city going to do anything about that? I'm not sure. I'm not sure.

So in 2022, there were 41 reported crimes in aurora. In 2023, there were 84 crimes.

There were 66 crimes, the first half of this year. If you want crime on the streets, you know who to vote for.

If you like all of this craziness on, I can't tell what a woman is.

We're going to have non-gendered bathrooms. So anybody can go into anybody's bathroom.

Yeah. Of course, that boy who says he's a girl can shower with your daughter in school. If you like all of that, keep voting for progressive people.

Vermont Health Department has just come out and has discouraged now, anyone who to say, son or daughter. Now, that's just in the classrooms.

You can't sues use the word son or daughter. Now, why would that be? Why would that be?

Because they're grooming your children, to believe that parents are not in charge of their children.

Every -- but children belong to everyone. Really? Even the pedophile teachers? Well, of course. But those don't exist.

Hmm. Okay. All right.

After all, they care much more than you do.


So now, in Vermont, home of socialism and communism and Bernie Sanders.

The health department is now telling the teachers unions, that you really shouldn't say son or daughter in school anymore.

Use child or kid, instead.


Okay. All right.

If this is what you want, you're going to get plenty more of it.

In fact, you will snuff out capitalism, and the Western way of life.

And you will do it with this one vote.

Or we can turn the corner and turn around, and stop going down this dangerous road. We'll be the only ones doing it, in all of the western world, and we will once again lead the world to freedom!

Are we going to be those people, like our grandparents.

Or are we going to be so fat, lazy, and stupid, that we will let the first time man ever tasted freedom, was through this system of government.

Are we going to be so stupid, to let it slip through our fingers? And lose freedom, the world over?

That's what this election is all about?

They're trying to make it about Trump. They're trying to -- because they can't have Trump in office.

Trump really is the only one standing in their way.

They cannot have him in office. They'll put him in jail.

I believe they tried to kill him already. They'll kill him!

They will cause riots on the street. Which one is worse?

The devil that you know, Donald Trump. Which, by the way, gave us peace. And gave us a roaring economy.

It was the left and the Faucis of the world, that gave us COVID. It's the Democrats and the pharmaceutical companies, that gave us the Draconian lockdowns. It was the teacher's unions that destroyed your kid's education. You want that, you can get it.

I think the devil that gave us the good economy. And freedom.

And no wars. I think -- I'm going to go that way, myself.

89-year-old pro-lifer ARRESTED by Biden's DoJ Ready to Die in Prison

89-year-old pro-lifer ARRESTED by Biden's DoJ Ready to Die in Prison

89-year-old Eva Edl — a survivor of Nazi invasion and a communist concentration camp — was recently arrested by Biden’s Department of Justice for praying and peacefully protesting outside an abortion clinic. She now faces 10 years in prison for violating the FACE Act. But before her sentencing, she spoke with Glenn about how we got here in the first place. How did people become so accepting of abortion? How did America’s courts, which she thought were beacons of freedom when she immigrated here, become tools of political movements? And why is the same government that let Biden off the hook because of his age arresting 89-year-olds for THIS? “I’m prepared to die in there,” Eva says about prison. “And I’m not afraid.”


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program.

As you know, we are big pro-life advocates.

And right now, pro-life is scratching their head. Wondering what they will do. Because Donald Trump, I don't know where he stands on abortion. I don't know if this is a -- something he's saying to get elected, which politicians sometimes do.

I don't know. I know what he was last time, he was president. But a lot of people are saying, I can't vote for the Republicans now, because they're not standing up for life. Well, neither side is standing up for life.

And I'm sorry, sitting this election out, is not an option. If you care about life, I know what Kamala Harris will do. I know what that means. She seems to celebrate death. And look what they've done with the Face Act and everything else. I think all pro-life organizations could be outlawed by Harris because they're trying to do it now. You have no choice on this one, if -- because the -- this is about changing hearts and minds. You won't be allowed to, under Harris!

And that's not hyperbole.

I want to tell you a story of a woman, she was born in 1935. She was born in Yugoslavia, which is now Serbia.

When she was young, she experienced the invasion and occupation of her country by Nazi Germany, in league with Hungary. Then the war ended.

World War II. And a new Communist government came in. And Tito, who was the leader, legalized the extermination of all citizens of ethnic German ancestry. So she's nine years old.

And they come for her family. And they separate her from her family. And ship them all from a communist concentration camp to be starved to death. Yeah. We don't really talk about Communism enough, do we?

After a miraculous reunion with her mom and siblings, Eva was able to escape to Austria.

She spent eight years in a refugee camp. Before immigrating to the United States. When biographers legalized in 1973, she saw the similarities between the legalization of abortion, and the legalization of extermination of her ethnic group.

Since then, she has been tirelessly trying to save Preborn babies from being aborted. She is now 89 years old.

She was arrested by this DOJ, and charged with crimes against the Face Act. She was found guilty for peacefully standing and asking women to not do it.

She has been sentenced -- or she's going to be sentenced September 26th.

She is facing ten years, in a prison.

She is a little nervous about coming on. She shouldn't be. She's in a very friendly place. Eva Edl, welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. How are you?

EVA: I'm fine, thank you.

GLENN: I've been looking forward to talking to you, since I first read this story. What -- what are your thoughts about what has happened to you in the past, and what is happening now?

EVA: Well, there is really no difference. You know, I've heard it said, our natural mind can justify anything our evil hearts want to do.

During World War II, as we all know, the Nazis justified the extermination of Jews and gypsies and other people. Simply by using the phrases that they're not quite human yet.

According to their evolutionary theory.

GLENN: Correct.

EVA: Well, then, at the end of the war, when the communists came in, they decided, to just say, because you -- you are of an ethnic background of a certain group.

Your blood is already evil.

So even as your newborn baby. You are evil in of yourself. And have to be exterminated. And that was their excuse. But I think the main reason for all of it was greed.

Because now everybody has our -- our fields and our factories, given to them, because they were communists.

That was promised to them. And Nazi Germany, they had other reasons, I suppose.

But right now, why are we exterminating babies?

Because we're selfish. Nothing has changed. Well, I have to say this to my colleagues or anything else.

But if we don't watch it, the next group of people, will be exterminated. You know who that is going to be. The elderly.

The sick. The handicapped. Because it will cost us too much.

Nothing has changed. Evil minds just find different excuses.

GLENN: So the thought of you being in prison and receiving a sentence up to ten years, how are you dealing with that?

EVA: Well, I'm prepared to die in there. And I'm not afraid. Really. And I believe in the Lord Jesus. I have eternal life now, in him. And so why would I be afraid?

The main reason I'm doing what I'm doing is simply in obedience to him. He said in John 14, he said, he who has my commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves me.

And I love him, and therefore I keep his chapter.

And the same one in Matthew 7 -- 7:12. We call it the Golden Rule. Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them. For this is the law and the prophets. Well, when I look back at my life, as a child, when I was pushed in that cattle car, and nearly choked to death because we were so tightly put together, well, I wish that somebody in my country would have loved Jesus enough to risk their own freedom or even their lives and the berried in front of that train and stood on those railroad tracks to keep us from being shipped in there. Well, this is basically what I'm doing.

Because if somebody had stopped the train, when the guards would have been busy, trying to arrest those people. Another group could have come in. Pried open our cattle car, and perhaps saved our lives.

And when I stand in front of those clinic doors, I'm just buying time, for our sidewalk counselors to reach women, in a calm and quiet way, and the touch their hearts.

I stood on the sidewalk for many years. I was a sidewalk counselor for many years. And a rescuer. But when you're so far away from the women as they jump out of the car. You have only a few seconds, but you have to shout, in order to be heard.

Which sounds like you're screaming at them. But by standing in front of the door and buying time for our sidewalk counselors to -- to approach women, it's much more effective, I believe. And women get help. And there are many that are just grateful afterwards, that we were there. And kept them from murdering their own babies.

GLENN: Did you ever think you would be facing prison in America?

EVA: Oh, no. No.

When I came here, I was so idealistic. This was the land of the free and the brave. And I thought, if I ever ended up in court, all I would have to do is explain my situation. If I were innocent. And, of course, I would be set free.

I found out very differently, nowadays.

GLENN: How do you -- I mean, I have been saying for a long time, now, Eva. That we are repeating the same story that man has repeated over and over again.

And the last time, in the 1930s and '40s.

You see that same seed, here in America now?

EVA: Yes. We're far. Far gone already. Honestly.

Because when good men do nothing, evil will prosper.

In the '70s, or '69, when I first heard the word abortion, I knew instinctively, that it was the killing of a human being inside the womb.

And most people in those days, unless you were one that wanted to have an abortion, would -- would know, that it's a human life growing inside the mother.

But we have now several generations brainwashed by believing that, well, it's not quite human yet.

Well, at -- is it a tumor at first? When does a tumor turn into a human life? At what time in development?

No, human beings are human beings from the moment of conception. And we all knew that in the '50s in the '40s.

And abortions were still performed. However, the people who did it, knew it was wrong.

Now they feel totally justified. Because they have been brainwashed.

GLENN: Eva, I -- I don't know if this is me, or coming from outside of me.

But I am compelled to ask you, before you leave.

If you would just say a prayer for us. And lead us in a short prayer.

Would you be willing to do that?

EVA: Right now?


EVA: I would be glad to. Father God, Lord, we humbly come in the name of Jesus, Lord our nation is in dire trouble, Lord God. We are ripe for judgment, Lord. And if we don't change, you have to judge us. Because the blood of these innocents that they have been murdered throughout the year, not just 60 million, many more, Lord.

Innocent blood cries out for justice. And, Lord, there is still no repentance in our nation, that is evident. Only in some pockets.

Father, I just pray, in your mercy, give us a spirit of humility and repentance before you.

Let your church arise and love you, Jesus by obeying you, Lord. Lord, we ask you, in Jesus' name, father. That you will shake our consciences and bring us into -- into obedience before you.

Lord, and have mercy on this nation. Lord, have mercy on this nation.

Because you will not have to judge us, in Jesus' name.

GLENN: Eva, thank you very much. It is an honor to speak to you.

God bless you.

EVA: You too.

GLENN: That is Eva Edl. She is a survivor of a concentration camp in Communist Yugoslavia. And has been arrested and convicted by the Harris/Biden regime, of violating the Face Act. They're going to sentence her next month. And she is facing ten years in prison.