GLENN: From yesterday's Rush Limbaugh Show.
RUSH: If this happens, if Trump does -- and I use the word "cave" gardingly -- or, guardedly. Trump, I'm sure, does not ever think he caves on anything. But outward -- outward appearances are what they are. And the bottom line is, is then at that if he's willing to withdraw a demand of his for a measly billion dollars.
STU: Billion.
RUSH: For the wall because the Democrats are threatening a shutdown, then the Democrats will just have learned that this threat works on Trump too, not just all the other Republicans. We know that the threat of a government shutdown -- once it's even whispered in the drive-by media, paralyzes the Republican Party. And then they spring into action, trying to assure everybody that we're not going to shut down the government. And whatever the Democrats need -- the Democrats, the losers in the last election, whatever they need is what we do if we have to avoid a government shutdown. Because the Republicans think the media is going to blame us, even though we're not responsible for it. And the country is going to hate us. And we can't afford this. So we can't afford a government shutdown. And not having a shutdown has been the single focus of Republican policy for I don't know how many years now.
GLENN: Uh-huh.
RUSH: And it has translated into the Democrats being able to deny Republicans most of what they want, and the Democrats to get what they want.
GLENN: Okay. So now here's why -- here's why this is true, because the Democrats -- I'm sorry. The Republicans piled on their own during the last shutdown. You could have won. When you were dragging old World War II veterans from the World War II memorial, when busloads of 90-year-old men in wheelchairs were being pushed away from the Obama administration -- by the Obama administration, what did the Republicans do? Blame it on Ted Cruz, who had nothing to do with the shutdown.
STU: Well, but he's a congressman. He's in the House --
GLENN: No, he's not. He's a senator and in the Senate and only Congress --
STU: But the Senate is the one that actually controls --
GLENN: No, that would be Congress. He had nothing to do with it.
PAT: Yeah, the House --
GLENN: And all they wanted to do was make a political point and show that only extremists ever want to shut down the government. That was the G.O.P.'s point. Only an extremist would want to shut down the government over principle. So, what do you have now? You have a lesson taught by two extremists, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. And if you think that this is hyperbole, to say that the Democrats and the Republicans are extremists, what do you call running a country without a budget for nine years? You call that logical? You call that reasonable?
You're running a country without a budget, and at the same time you're doing that, you've piled on $11 trillion of debt? I don't know. That sounds like an extremist party to me. Sounds to me like that makes absolutely zero sense.
They're extremists. But anybody who says, "No, wait. We -- we can't do these things. We can fund only this much. Make a choice."
PAT: And that's --
GLENN: That's an extremist.
PAT: Really, Donald Trump was elected for this. Wasn't he? I mean, this was his --
GLENN: No, this was it. This is his signature. This is it.
PAT: His signature issue, was to build this freaking wall and make Mexico pay for it. It's all we heard for a year and a half.
GLENN: And he folds. He folds --
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: In three days, he folds?
STU: Well, Sean Spicer did not say they folded. They're just moving this process to the 2018 fiscal year.
JEFFY: Thank you.
PAT: 2018. Yeah.
GLENN: No. No. No.
STU: What do you mean no? Sean Spicer said it.
GLENN: Anybody who believes that, you are going to be used again in 2018 because the fight will happen in 2018 and 2019, surprise, surprise, leading us to the 2020, where he'll say, "This time, it's all on the line." And if you think that the Republicans are going to hold the House or the Senate -- they're going to -- the Republicans are going to have all three branches of government in 28, without fulfilling their promises? You're mistaken.