GLENN: Have you heard the latest on just the golf thing with President Trump?
STU: Well, PolitiFact has launched a golf tracker. A Trump golf tracker to see how many times he's gone golfing.
GLENN: Uh-huh.
STU: Now, remember --
PAT: How is the Obama golf tracker on Politico. How long did that one last? A total of zero days.
GLENN: Yeah.
STU: This is the thing. Because, remember, the Obama situation, when we were criticizing the golf of Obama was largely because the media was so against the golf of Bush.
PAT: Yes.
STU: Remember the media was all over Bush for how much he golfed.
GLENN: Yes. Yes. Yeah.
STU: And then Obama started golfing.
PAT: He only golfed during the first like nine months and then stopped after 9/11.
GLENN: Stopped. Because of the war.
STU: Stopped after Iraq. I could be wrong.
GLENN: Yeah, because of the war.
PAT: Okay. Maybe it was Iraq.
STU: But it was -- I remember it was because of the war. And he didn't want --
GLENN: Somebody said -- one of the people said, don't you think it's a little inappropriate that you're out here golfing when people are dying?
GLENN: And he said, yeah, I guess it is. And he stopped.
PAT: Yeah, and he believed that.
JEFFY: He stopped.
GLENN: I mean, as you see by his book, his painting now of the soldiers, that guy took sending boys to war seriously. It bothered him.
STU: Uh-huh.
GLENN: And so when somebody said, don't you think it -- he was like, yeah, you're right. It is. And he stopped.
STU: And he stopped golfing. So it was kind of a big day in media circles, the day Obama passed Bush in the amount of golf he had played. Because it was such a big deal. If you remember the trailer to Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11, it was Bush golfing.
STU: It was like their central argument about him not caring.
GLENN: Yep. Yep.
PAT: And then they ignored it for eight years.
STU: For eight years, they ignored it. Now PolitiFact has launched a Trump golf tracker to see how many times.
GLENN: Unbelievable.
PAT: Jeez.
STU: And, of course, so far, the Trump golf tracker -- because Barack Obama did not play his first round of golf until April 26, 2009.
So he went on to play 333 times in eight years. So far --
GLENN: 333 times. How long does it take the average person to play 333 rounds of golf?
STU: What is it? It's four to six hours. I mean, what's your total --
GLENN: Six hours maybe. I don't know. I don't play golf. Anybody?
STU: Four hours. Four hours is about --
PAT: Well, they got 333 rounds at 1665 hours. So whatever that is.
STU: Okay. 1665 hours of golf. Glenn is playing with his iPad. Well, he actually bought an R2 unit.
GLENN: My sister is -- my sister is --
STU: Blame your sister, right? Because your sister controls the volume of your iPad.
GLENN: No, no. Most people know not to text me while I'm on the show. I'm just saying. Anyway...
STU: Maybe. Well, the point is, right now, Donald Trump on the golf tracker, Trump 14 times, Barack Obama zero. And, of course, I -- if it was zero to zero, there would not be a golf tracker.
GLENN: Right.
STU: This is up here now.
GLENN: Oh, my God. Now it's my wife --
STU: Why can't you -- throw the thing across the room?
PAT: You don't have the volume?
GLENN: I got --
PAT: Okay.
STU: Power off is another option.
GLENN: I have to have it because I use it to check the news when we go into the breaks.
STU: In the breaks, you can turn the power on.
GLENN: That takes too long to boot the damn thing up.
STU: Anyway, 14-nothing. And they will keep this up -- they will keep updating this thing until Donald Trump decides to stop playing golf, and then Barack Obama passes him. And they will be like, there's no point for this golf tracker anymore. Trump is not playing golf. It's not relevant to the American people. And they'll delete that it was ever on the site. It's just so frustrating.
GLENN: I just can't take the hypocrisy. And the absolute blindness. The blindness.
You know, we would -- we would come so far as a nation if they would say -- if somebody at PolitiFact would say, you know what, we realized that we mocked George Bush and made it into a big deal. And then we didn't do anything about Barack Obama. And that was wrong.
You know, when the country is in trouble, should the president be playing golf? I don't know. Blah, blah. But here are the facts on all of the presidents playing golf. You decide.
I wouldn't have a problem with that.
But any time that they say anything about golf, all I think of is, where were you last time? Oh, yeah, that's right. Where were you on the body count last time of all the people who died during missions? Oh, that's right. You didn't care. Now suddenly you do again. Where were you -- you notice this Russian spy thing has completely quieted down. I am telling you, with each passing day, the reason why that's quieting down is because the Obama administration clearly was involved.
You have, what's her name from the National Security Council
STU: Susan Rice.
GLENN: Susan Rice. The minute she was involved, all of a sudden the media stopped talking about it.
JEFFY: Oh. Oh.
GLENN: Uh-oh.