GLENN: Hello, America. It's now been about four days since the Trump administration fired 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at an air base in Syria. That base was believed to be the launching point for the Syrian gas attack that happened last Tuesday. They reduced it to a concrete junkyard last week.
But I want to talk about the aftermath. What is the fallout on this?
Well, a couple of things. First, we have Iran coming out and tells Syria to ensure Trump regrets his attack. Make -- quote, make America pay. And make sure that President Trump, quote, regrets his attack.
Normally I would say this is saber rattling. However, there are some really disturbing things that are going on.
First of all, if you listen to the language that is coming out of Russia, you're hearing language on both sides that I haven't heard since the Cold War. Tillerson made some amazing comments this weekend, kind of sounding like Doc Holliday at the OK Corral. He called the Russians, quote, complicit and incompetent in their support for the Assad regime in Syria.
But that's not all. He also, all of a sudden, speaking for the Trump administration, apparently now thinks the Russians did meddle in the US and European elections. This is what he said.
VOICE: We will continue to talk with them about how this undermines any hope of improving relations, not just with the United States, but it's -- it's pretty evident that they're taking similar tactics into electoral processes throughout Europe. And so they're really undermining any hope for improved relations with many European countries as well.
So this is something that Russia needs to confront themselves. And I think examine carefully as to how is this helping them achieve their longer term objectives?
GLENN: Hold on just a second. Is it just me -- I heard that this weekend, and I thought, this is new, isn't it? I mean --
PAT: Where they're admitting Russian meddling in the election?
GLENN: In the election, yeah.
PAT: I think it is new. I think that is.
GLENN: I mean, that's interesting to hear.
PAT: Yeah.
STU: I mean, I remember Trump saying he thought it was Russians. It just didn't have an effect on the outcome.
JEFFY: Right. A lot of them have said that.
STU: Yes.
JEFFY: Not necessarily Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State though.
STU: He hasn't said much since he's been in publicly.
GLENN: The other ones throwing haymakers at the Russians this weekend was General McMaster and also Nikki Haley at the UN.
Now, before we get into the consequences here of what's happening because of Syria, can I just a question?
Is there anybody talking about the collusion with Russia anymore? Have you noticed that that just kind of went back?
PAT: Yeah. That doesn't -- that doesn't seem to be an issue anymore.
GLENN: Yeah, just think back to, I don't know, Thursday, the headlines were about Sessions recusing himself from the Trump/Russia collusion investigation. Comey confirming Trump/Russia collusion investigation. Devin Nunes recuses himself from the Trump/Russia collusion case. And then the cruise missiles, and crickets. I haven't heard a word about this.
Now, it appears that the Trump administration has gone all hawkish on Russia. Which was not where we were just a few days ago. Remember, this is a guy whose supporters were just a few days ago saying Russia isn't that bad. Russia is a friend of ours. The '80s called, wants their -- their foreign policy back. All of that.
Something is going on. Over the weekend, both Russia and Iran threatened to retaliate if we launched another attack.
Beyond that, it's hard to gauge what Vladimir Putin is thinking. Vladimir Putin plays his cards closely to the chest. So you have to watch the people around him. This is why I had been watching Aleksandr Dugin for many, many years because he is the chief foreign policy adviser to Vladimir Putin. He's the guy who got him to go into the Crimea. He's the guy that also is outlining and the architect of all of the meddling and all the elections all around the world.
He's very open about it. And he posted on Facebook some things. And that got us curious to say, well, what is he saying back home?
Steve Bannon is an admirer of Dugin's. Marie Le Pen. Golden Dawn in Greece, he helped fund. The alternative for Germany. They're winning elections in Europe. And they all have ties to Dugin in Russia.
Putin listens to Dugin. When Dugin laid out the plans to invade Georgia and Ukraine, Russia acted. First in 2008, during the Russian invasion of Georgia, then 2014, when they annexed Crimea from Ukraine and launched a hybrid war in the eastern Ukraine. So what is Dugin saying now about Trump's actions?
These are direct quotes from Dugin on Saturday.
What happened on April 7th, 2017, could be the beginning of a third world war. One thing is clear, this is war against us. The neocons have now hijacked Donald Trump. This means that war is more than likely.
Now, I have been studying this guy for a long time. We've been reading his words and watching his words since almost around 2000. Before we even really knew who he was because he was saying crazy things back then. We have really watched him closely in the last two or three years. I want you to think carefully about this.
One of Putin's main foreign policy advisers sees the attack on Assad as a direct attack on Russia herself. To him, the attack in Syria was -- see if this sounds familiar to anybody who has ever been on the -- what's that crazy guy's name that always takes his shirt all the time. Alex Jones Show.
STU: This is his new title on his resume. Crazy guy who takes his shirt off all the time.
GLENN: Yeah. Right. He believes the attack -- this is Dugin -- he believes the attack on Syria was a false flag. And they believe that Donald Trump is being manipulated by the neocons. The Trump/Russia love affair is now dead, and a new era has begun. They believe that -- and you watch, this is going to be played out. If Bannon -- if Bannon leaves, that's the end of the love affair with Russia. They believe that the Reince Priebuses of the world have won.
Dugin's writing in the past two days is frantic, if you care to read it. Half the time, he's doubting the Russian military capability, compared to the United States. The other, he's game planning the next steps in World War III. He's outlined what he think will happen in the next few weeks. His blueprint is for the all-out coming of World War III.
First, what he said, he expects war to escalate in the Middle East. He even invokes prophecy, calling it, quote, the prophesies Armageddon coming soon to the Middle East.
From there, he says multiple fronts will open up. He expects an attack through the Ukraine, retaking the Eastern part of the country. At the same time, Crimea will be seized. Dugin reports that Victoria Nuland is currently in Ukraine setting that up.
He believes that a series of terrorist attacks will spring up in Moscow. Followed by protests from pro-democracy groups. He's blaming this on us. He says they're coming. But if you follow what's happening in Russia at all, you know that terror attacks and massive protests are already taking place in Russia.
Finally, he believes a coup is going to be attempted to dethrone Putin. If your chief adviser is telling you these things, what does a dictator do?
He also goes on frantically writing about NATO military exercises beginning in Lithuania. And he says John McCain is arriving in Serbia. Again, the United States is positioning itself, he says, for an attack on Russia.
In short, Putin's main adviser expects complete chaos and unavoidable Armageddon-style World War III.
Now, it's not surprising that he's predicting this. The symbol of his party is the -- what is it? The seven-pointed star, which is the ancient symbol for chaos. He believes that chaos is a must to be able to -- see if we've heard this before from Iran, to hasten the return of the promised one.
He says that chaos should not be avoided. It should actually be enabled. It sounds to me like the guy we've been warning America about and can't get anybody to listen is now predicting that World War III is around the corner. And he is laying the groundwork to set the Russian people up to believe that we are calling it on.